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Jisoo's POV

"I am sorry sir but Mr. Kim cancel all his meeting for today we will just move it to the another day", i said on the phone.

"Yes sir thank you for understanding", i said and end the call.

After that I contact another phone number.

"Uhm Mr. Vice President Mr. Seokjin doesn't want to have an appointment to you he said he has a load of works to do",

"Uh yes sir thank you", i said then end the call too.

"Mr. Vice President said that it's okay that you don't want to talk to him".

"Okay that's good", jin said.

After we eat what i cook Mr. Jin said that i need to cancel all the work he have to today and same to me it's my day off today.

"Do you have something to do or are you going somewhere sir jin?", i ask

"Quit that sir when we are not in office okay?just call me sir when we are at the office, just call me jin okay?", he said while staring at me i just nodded in response.

"Get change let's go we are going somewhere", jin said

"What where are we going??", i ask

"Secret just go change your clothes no more questions just go or hmmm do you want me to change your clothes?", he ask while grinning.

"Yah!! no way wait for me okay!", i shouted when i close the door of my room.

After several minutes i am done and we leave.

We go to the parking lot i guess we are gonna ride in his car.

And yep i am right.

As we get inside he buckle his seatbelt i do the same too but I struggle in pulling the seatbelt.

So he leaned and pull the seatbelt on my seat and buckle it but before he go back to his seat he stole a kiss on my lips.

"Yah!! What was that for!", i complain.

"Nothing just energy kiss", he said then smile mischievous so.


But i blush for what he did.

I look at the window so that he cannot see me blushing then not long i fell asleep.

2hours later...

"Yah jisoo wake up we are already here", jin said while gently shaking me.

I open my eyes and my eyes widen when i saw the beach.

Oh my god how i miss going to beach.

"Oh my god!!!", I squeal.

I immediately go out of the car and start running to the sand forgetting about jin that was still on the car.

Oppss my bad hehe.

Wow i miss the beach the sand the fresh air i miss everything.

I was jumping and running all around.

"Yah jisoo be careful you might be tripped", jin shouted.

"No i'm okay here", i shout back.

"Jisoo come here look at this", jin called.

So i came near him.

"Look what i've got", he said while showing me his close hand.

"What is that?", i ask and when he open his hands it was a small crab.

I am scared of small crabs so I scream.

"Yahhh get that away from me!!!", I scream and run away.

"Jisoo i though you want this", he said while laughing very hard.

I am pissed off he saw that so he put down the small crab and run away so i immediately run to get him and want to strike him many times.

But then he catch me and lift me up to the air.

Then we both fall on the sand.

We are both laughing and enjoying what we are doing.

5 pm.

"Jisoo before we go home let's take a picture okay?", jin said and i nodded.

"Jisoo before we go home let's take a picture okay?", jin said and i nodded

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