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Jisoo's POV

I can't sleep my god!

My eyes are closed but i am awake.

I guess that's why I can't sleep because jin is with me.

Later on I feel someone move maybe it's jin. Until i feel someone plays with my hair.

My back is facing jin.

"I know you are now asleep jisoo but here i am crazy, talking to you while you are sleeping", he chuckles.

"Jisoo you misunderstand me and irene you didn't let me explain it to you. You run away and leave me without telling me nor your sister. Irene is my half sister on my mother's side she kiss me that time because her boyfriend suho of exo break up with her she wants to make suho jealous so he will comeback to her. it was nothing for both of us no malice we are both close since young i treat her as my real sister, we always hug and kiss each other when we are young so it's nothing to us and as the matter  fact it was just smack okay? But still you leave me alone. Did you know how much i suffer when you leave. Everyone say i get thin because I don't want to eat food if it isn't your cook. I can't properly sleep cause i miss sleeping beside you and hugging you. I miss cuddling with you i miss kissing you. I miss everything about you jisoo you know that. You made me crazy jisoo you are the only girl who made me like this",

"I only love you believe it or not i love you so much ever since the first time i saw you i fell inlove with you that's why I believe on what they say 'love at first sight' and it happen on me. Come back to me jisoo. Be my secretary again and this time be my girlfriend be my girl. But i guess you don't love me back it's okay I'm still fine being friend of yours. Always Take care of yourself huh. I love you so much jisoo", after he said all of that he kiss me on my forehead.

Then he stand up and leave the tent.

When he leave i burst into my tears. I can't believe it. He loves me too.

Why am i so dumb not to listen on his explanation that time. I am hating him for nothing. He have his reasons and yet I didn't listen to him. I am so guilty for leaving him. Why did i waste my time. It was now or never. I won't leave him and I won't let go of him forever. I dry my tears out and immediately go out the tent. I look for him and saw him standing on the shore.

I walk slowly on him. As i am getting near at him i can hear him sobbing. Oh no no no. My poor jin. I go on front of him and i cupped his cheeks.

He was shock but i smile on him, i dry his tears out and smack on his lips.

"Shh don't cry, i was too dumb for not letting you explain. Don't worry i will coming back to you this time your jagi", i said then hug him.

I know he was shock. But later on he hold me on my both shoulders.

"Jisoo this isn't time for joke okay?", jin said.

"Do i look like am joking? Fine I'm gonna take back what i said hmp", i said and turn my back on him.

He hugged me from my back.

"Aww jisoo i just can't believe what you said okay? It's still not sinking on my mind", jin said that made me chuckle.

"That means you're awake the whole time hmmm i was putting too much drama that time I can't believe this hahaha", jin said then laugh.

"Thank you for coming back to me jisoo and this time you are coming back not as my personal secretary and not my fangirl too but coming back as my jagiyaaaa~", jin said singing the last word.

I laugh at his action he was cute.

"Let's go my girlfriend let's now sleep it's already late", jin said and pull me.

"Yah who said i'm your girlfriend huh?", i ask and made him stop.

"You, the word 'jagi' come from your own mouth that means you said yes to be my girl i love you jisoo", jin said and smile.

I smile back. "I love you too kim seokjin", i said and cupped his cheeks. And slowly pulling his face onto mine until our lips met.

God how i miss his soft lips.


Happy birthday to our Mr. Worldwide Handsome to Jisoo's Man and Husband Kim Seokjin hehehe❤️

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