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Jisoo's POV

I was awaken by the beeping sound of my phone.

I get my phone and saw jin message.

"Goodmorning my beautiful secretary"

"Time to work Ms. Kim Jisoo",

"I am here at the cafe go here let's eat breakfast together"

I smile at his message why does he have to do this!

He always do that sending sweet message to me every morning and evening.

I sigh i guess i already lose.

"Goodmorningggg jin"

"Yes sir i'll just prepare myself",

"Ah ne sir coming"

After texting him I immediately go take a bath.

I wear my office outfit then put a light make up.

I was so happy entering the office.

Smiling wide was plastered on my face i was so energetic today.

I greet the other workers here.

"Goodmorning Ms. Jisoo",

"Goodmorningggg", i said smiling wide to her.

"Looking good Ms. jisoo",

"Thank you same as you", i said as i wink on him.

And many more greetings i made.

My walk becomes faster because of excite seeing jin.

But then as i enter the cafe.

My feet stop. I am froze.

I saw jin hugging by someone.

It was...

Wait I can't see the girls face because it was facing her back at me.

Later on i saw her face.

No way.

Yes way jisoo

Is that Irene???

Irene of red velvet??

Oh my god.

She really is a gorgeous lady, i said in my mind while smiling bitterly.

Then i saw irene kiss jin on lips i feel like something hit my heart that make it very hurt.

Very very hurt.

I was hurt by what i am seeing right now.

I am hurt to what i am seeing right now.

Am I jealous?

No jisoo you can't be jealous.

You don't have the right to be jealous you and jin are just workmates.

He is just using you to be his kissmate too.

He doesn't even have a feelings for you.

And with that though of mine.

Tears start to fall on my cheeks.

Hahahaha this is what i hate.

Really jisoo??crying already??

I cannot bare seeing jin with other girl so I immediately leave the cafe.

And run away.

I go out the office and go to the garden area.

Why am I crying?!

I don't have the right to cry because we are nothing.

No label.

No relationship.

Just friends with benefits.

Why does it affect me.

Why does it hurts me.

I am just a fangirl of him and a secretary of him.

Then tears stream more on my cheeks.

I hate you jisoo for being this weak!

It's just a small thing yet you already crying!!

I am just going to sleep this out, i said to myself then dry my tears.

I go home and plump my body to bed.

Can i just sleep and wake up when everything is now okay.

Before i go to sleep.

I open my phone

A sarcasm laugh came out of my mouth.


"Dating issue"

*breaking news*

Some fans saw Kim Seokjin of BTS and Irene of red velvet saw hugging wach other outside the of Jin's office.

The others said they even kiss.

The shippers of baejin is getting wild after so many years of shipping them they finally interact.

And some fans says they saw jin with other girl flirting on the cafe.

My eyes widen as i saw my picture and jin hugging each other at the cafe.

Like what the fuck i know that time we are the only two there. But how..???

A lot of hates that girl receives.


: oh shut the fuck up slut girl go away you are not good for our oppa.

:bitch fuck off our oppa is only for irene unnie.

:ew what a bitch and slut can you stay away from our oppa you ugly.

:omg oppa don't go near her you may get affected of her slutty virus hahaha.

: you are no compare to our lovely irene unnie you trash look like monster ew.

While reading the article the tears automatically stream down to my cheeks again.

Haha i guess they are now happy, a lot of people support them.

Then here i am received a lot of hates great.

I can't take this anymore i off my phone and start crying more.

I'll just cry it out all.

Then many thoughts came inside my mind.

There so many what if's coming through.

What if jin really loves irene?

What if they will be together soon?

What if it's just planned?

What if there is a past between them?

What if jin hate me and he just using me for irene?

What if the fans will go find me and beat me hard?

What if the fans dump me.

What if the world would hate me?

After that i cry more.

The feelings inside me is mixing. broken hearted, sad, angry and hate.

I cannot even breath properly because of too much crying.

I open my phone again and look at Jin's and irene picture kissing each other.

With that makes me more cry i am having a mental breakdown right now everyone.

My sight is getting blurred.

I sat up on my bed and try to stand up.

So that i can drink water.

As i stand up....

darkness filled my sight.

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