Welcome to Beijing !

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The Thea Sisters discovered on arrival that Violet's parents had sent someone to the airport to pick them up . But what they would never have imagined is that it would be ....

PauliNickColette : Huh ???

Pamela : What...is...that ...?

A limo, worthy of the heads of state!

??? : Welcome to Beijing , ladies !

??? : Nihao * , Violet !

Violet, who was very tired , woke up abruptly . She stared at the boy without recognizing him , then .

Violet : Xiao ?! Is that you ?!

Xiao : Hey !

Violet : No ! That's not true ! It's really you !

Xiao : How are you ?

Violet : Fine , thanks you !

Nicky : You know him , Violet ?

Violet : Of course ! Xiao , here are my friends !

Xiao : Hello !

Colette : Hi , my name is Colette .

Paulina : I'm Paulina .

Pamela : Pamela

Nicky : And me it's Nicky .

While the young man put their suitcases in the trunk while the others boarded , Colette whispered in Violet's ear with a big smile on her lips .

Colette : Hey , Vi ?

Violet : What Colette ?

Colette : Are you in couple with him ?

Violet : What ?! What do you talking about ?! No ! I'm not in couple with him !

Colette : Come on .

Violet : Stop it .

Colete : Say it .

Violet : Enough .

Colette : He he he ! Ok , i stop now . Did you know you just funny when you are tired ?

Xiao took the wheel of the limousine , which he drove with confidence in the middle of a chaotic traffic . Beside the cars and the trucks there was a cyclists , as fast as silent . Behind the windows of the car , on both sides of the road , huge ultramodern skyscrapers were lined up . Pamela who had been expecting a city made of wooden pagodas and gardens .

Pamela : Are you sure it's not New-York ? I feel like we are in New-York .

Nicky : Look up there! Skyscrapers, yes, but with pagoda roofs!

Colette : Hey , look ! What is that ?

A huge glass dome , which seemed to emerge from the water of a small lake , sparkled in the sun . Colette , Nicky , Pamela and Paulina could not take their eyes off this architecture being built .

Nicky : This is amazing ! It look like a giant bubble !

Pamela : Bubble ? Or a Ufo !

Paulina : This is very big !

To see her friends all excited with joy and to see them smile is a happiness for Violet . She is glad to have brought them with her and she hopes that this trip will be wonderful .

Violet : It's the National Theater ! That is what i talking you before .

PauliNickPamColette : Oooohh !

Paulina : So , it's that what you talking before .

Xiao had slowed down to allow the girls to admire the building .

Xiao : The Great National Theater is one of the wonders of world architecture!

Violet laugh .

Violet : Come on, Xiao! Don't tell me that you say that out of pride, as if you want China to go beyond all other nations.

* Hello in Chinese .

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