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Paulina : What a beautiful story .

Colette : Wow ! I am more and more convinced that this box is perfect for putting our five stones in it !

Pamela : You're right , Coco ! The Thea Sisters don't let anyone scare you ! Not even this bitch of Luna and the mysterious lady !

(Luna : Come tell me in front !)

Pamela took the box and opened it .

Pamela : But there is another box in it ! And another ! Another ! And yet another !? I guess there is another smaller and smaller box ... or not ...

Violet : Five boxes one inside the other like a Russian doll ... five ... just like the tears of the Jade Princess !

Paulina : Five...like our stones !

Pamela : Five...like the five continents !

Nicky : Five...Like us !

Colette : Five...like those five goddesses we had met ! Do you remember them ?

Violet : That's right !

There is silence . What a coincidence ! Since the beginning of their friendship , the number 5 had always appeared in their lives . But what does 5 mean for Thea Sisters ? Is it their lucky number ? Numerology ? The Thea Sisters didn't really think about it . Violet gets up and breaks the silence .

Violet : Okay, let's go eat ! What do you think ?

Pamela : Let me guess , you will choose the menus yourself as you did yesterday . Not true ?

Violet : Of course not ! Choose any meal you want !

Pamela : Yay !

The girls realized that they were very tired . The day had been hectic . So they decided to eat together and go to bed very early . Back from Apotre Luna's side , in the temple on the moon , Luna had captured a young boy from Hong Kong . She was going to begin the ritual to offer the energy of the young boy in sacrifice to the evil goddess whom she venerate . A light of blue-violet color traces the ground , the light is drawn in a circle with a triangle in the center and the lunar symbol of Apotre Luna in the center of the triangle . She brought out the Sacred Stone from the victim who is a Tiger's Eye .

Luna : O my Great Goddess ! My Great Goddess , Hera ! I offer you this young boy in sacrifice to give you his vital energy as well as the energy of his Sacred Stone ! O my Great Goddess ! My Great Goddess , Hera ! I offer you this young boy in sacrifice to give you his vital energy as well as the energy of his Sacred Stone ! To regain consciousness ! SACER FACERE !

Luna broke her victim's Tiger Eye . The poor boy's body lit up and turned into a dust which is actually his energy . Her energy and that of her Sacred Stone with several others from all over the Earth are thus sent to the Goddess Hera so that she can nourish those energies . After this dose of energy , Hera regained her strength .

Hera : Perfect ... I'm overflowing with energy . I thank you all for the offering ! Ha ha ha ha !

In the temple of Luna , her faithful servant returned . Her mistress stared at her unhappily .

Luna : Hu ! You're supposed to find a new victim I asked for instead of dragging you around the markets !

Hu : My apologies , mistress . But , I was looking for a map that leads me to the treasure of the Jade Princess .

Luna : Phew ! Another story of treasure ...! I would ask one of my comrades to guide you where the treasure of the jade princess is without the map . But on condition that you bring me a victim !

Hu : Yes mistress . But I already have my little idea .

Luna : What now ?!

Hu : At the market , I saw these five girls you mentioned about them ...

Luna continues to stare at Hu , but this time she has a look of fury .

Hu : The Thea Sisters . They are currently in Beijing , they were also with a brown haired boy .

Luna : Yes , I know who this boy is . The friendship of these five is unbearable to me ... I have an idea! Follow me .

Hu followed her . They came down to Earth . Alone at home , Xiao was going to bed too . When suddenly , the window opened suddenly letting in a strong wind and Madame Hu appeared by teleportation near there . Xiao gets up immediately with distrustful look when he sees her .

Xiao : You?! I know you ! What are you doing at my home alone and how do you know where I live ?!

Hu : Ha ha ha ha ha ! Who tells you that I'm alone ?

By the ray of the moon , Apotre Luna appear .

Xiao : What the..

Luna : Hello , Xiao Fang !

Luna projected a lunar ray on him with her power .

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