Chapitre sans titre 10

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A ringed hand , with long nails like claws , grabs Colette's shoulder .

??? : What a pretty box you just bought , kid ! However , I regret to tell you that I saw it first !

Colette turned , amazed . A very beautiful lady stared at her with icy eyes . She wore a black silk dress as shiny as her hair , held in place by a gold pin in the shape of a dragon . Colette felt a shiver run down her back . This woman did not please her .

Colette : You may have seen it first , but I bought it first !

??? : I will pay you dearly !

Colette : Sorry , it is not for sale !

Colette had not seen that two shady guys were about to put their hands on her , but Xiao , fortunately , noticed it in time and , grabbing Colette by the wrist , he dragged her at full speed in the middle of the crowd .

??? : Stop them !

Xiao : RUN !!

They dodged by a narrow passage between two stalls selling fruit and vegetables and between these two stalls , Pamela and Nicky knocked over crates of fruit and vegetables to block the passage . This had made the two men slow down . Xiao and the Thea Sisters thus managed to escape , reach the car and return to the hotel . The mysterious woman was staring at the car leaving .

??? : I know who is these fives girls...! It's them !

The Thea Sisters entered their suite breathless and even worried .

Colette : Who is this women...?

Xiao : She calls herself Madame Hu . No one knows who she works for ... but it is said that it is very dangerous to step on her , rumors say that she is involved in several abductions . Several people in this city and even in Shanghai and Hong Kong have mysteriously disappeared in recent days .

The Thea Sisters looked at him immediately . Mysterious kidnapping stories again ? So there was not only Mouseford ! But also worldwide ?

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