Violet's past

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Then Xiao turned to Violet and spoke to her in Mandarin . Violet lowered her head with a sad and disappointed look .

Violet : I knew it...

Violet then plunged into her memories of the past . By the way , this was not the first time her parents had done this to her , it had happened to her thousands of times since he was a child . Since her childhood , she was raised by her grandfather while her parents were never present , no matter what important events in Violet's life . Whatever her birthday , family day her school organizes , her high school diploma and other important moments . She was an unhappy and depressed girl . Violet who was then 7 years old .

Kid Violet : *crying* I hate mom and dad ! They are never present every day , the same for my birthday ! They had not come last year and again and again ! And you , grandfather ? Will you still be there for me ?

The only person she trusted was her grandfather .

Her grandfather : Of course, my granddaughter . I will always be there for you , even if I live to at least 200 years .

Kid Violet : You promise me..?

Her grandfather : I promise .

But one day , it's spring , everyone lives a very peaceful life . But not for Violet Yang ... her grandfather was very sick and he will die soon . At Hangzhou Hospital , he had very little time left to live . Violet now 12 years old , was with him .

Her grandfather : Violet , my granddaughter...

Violet : Yes , grandfather ?

Her grandfather : I have not 200 years old...You must remember what i was say that...

Violet : Yes...i remember...

Her grandfather : I still have a little life ... and I have one last thing to tell you ... I love you , my granddaughter ...

Violet : Me too , grandfather...I love you so much...*want cry* and me , I have something to tell you before you go forever ... thank you ... thank you for being present for me ... thank you for raising me ... thank you for feeding me ... thank you for showing me how to play the instruments that has become a passion for me ... thank you ... for everything ...

He smiled one last time , before his last breath .

Violet : Grandfather...?

His heart rhythm stopped . Violet realized he died .

Violet : *crying* Grandfather !

Since the death of her grandfather , Violet felt really lonely and very sad . She lived alone in her home in Hangzhou , she did not have real friends , she felt rejected by her parents and by everyone , and unloved . Instead of having suicidal thoughts like most young people of her age , Violet plays the violin like her grandfather who advised her when she feels sad or lonely in the world , and forgets the sorrow she has lived all her life .

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