A strange dream

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That night , Violet had a strange dream .

Violet : Huh ?...Where i am...?....What ?

She dreamed that she was very small , the boxes had grown huge . Placed one on top of the other , they formed a staircase as big as a mountain . Then...

Colette : Violet ! Help !

Paulina : Help us !

Pamela : Violet !

Nicky : Help !

At the top , Paulina , Colette , Nicky and Pamela were trapped in a huge golden dragon , the dragon of Madame Hu's hairpin .

Violet : Girls ! I coming !

Violet , in her dream , was trying to climb this mountain , because her friends needed her . As she tried , Violet heard a very soft voice from a woman .

??? : My child , the time Transformation is coming soon for you and for your friends . The Destiny very important called you .

Violet immediately recognizes this voice , it is that of one of the five goddesses , the one who wore an Asian dress that she had met in the past .

Violet : What do you talking about ? What do you mean the Destiny ?

??? : You will know soon . My child , be patient .


Hu : Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

Madame Hu appears behind the five boxes , she was huge . Apostle Luna's voice heard from the sky .

Luna : Kill her .

The golden dragon's eyes lit up . In the sky covered with black clouds , lightning tore the sky and shoot Violet by electrocuting .

Violet : Aaaaaaahhh !!

Violet woke up with a start , all sweaty . She ran into the living room . The five lacquer boxes were still on the small table . She looked at them for a long time , then began to install them one on top of the other , as in her dream . It was like child's play , but it was not . The designs , which at first seemed like simple decorations , perfectly matched each other . And when the five boxes had been put together and turned around as needed , Violet saw clearly what was represented : the Great Wall !

But there was more ! Next to the design of the high crenellated walls , Violet noticed three ideograms :

Violet : The Geat Wall...Simatai...What that mean ?

But Violet decides not to say anything to her friends . Nicky arrived , just back from her morning run . Violet immediately put the boxes away when she saw her friend come in .

Nicky : Oh , hi ! You make a good dream ?

Violet : Oh , Yeah ! I make a good dream !

Nicky : Good ! I gonna drink some tea , you want some tea too ?

Violet : Yes , please .

Paulina left her room .

Paulina : Good morning , girls...

VioNick : Good morning , Paulina .

Then it's Pamela .

Pamela : Good morning...

And Colette .

Colette : Bonjour...*

* For morning , it's mean "Good morning" in french .

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