The legend of the Jade Princess

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When Xiao was gone to let the girls rest . Violet prepared jasmine tea for everyone , the Thea Sisters sit in the living room .

Violet : Do you think girls ? Do you think it's still Apotre Luna who is behind all this ?

Nicky : If that is the case , Luna had not only targeted the residents of Whale Island and the students of Mouseford Academy , but she has also attacked people around the world . She may even have other servants in every country in the world ... she is very dangerous .

Colette always remembers the words of Apotre Luna when they first met . "Luna- I am one of the members of the apostles of the solar systems , and I am the representative of the moon . My comrades and I practice a ritual rodent sacrifice to provide energy to our goddess whom we venerate . " .

Colette : I don't think that Apotre Luna was acting alone . Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong are big cities , she cannot kidnap people in different streets at the same time . It is possible that other people were with her .

Pamela : Do you seriously think , Colette ?

Colette : Yes ! Do you remember what Luna said ? She said "My comrades", so that means that she was not the only one to kidnap innocent people .

Paulina : Right .

Violet : Better to be very careful first , girls ... we never know that there are other servants of Luna in Beijing , we don't know how many there are .

Nicky : You must be right , Violet .

Paulina : But I wonder why Madame Hu keeps this box there so much . What is so precious ?

Colette : Do you think it would be better if I gave her our box ?

Violet : Maybe not! Colette , show it to me .

Colette gave it to her . Violet took it delicately and looked carefully at the design on the cover .

Violet : I already saw this drawing somewhere ... formerly , at home when I was little , we had a somewhat similar print ... but yes ! I remember ! It's the Princess of Jade !

Colette : The princess of Jade ?

Nicky : Who ?

Violet smiles .

Violet : It is a legendary princess that my grandfather often told me this story . This princess is called Yu , which means "jade" in Chinese . It's a name that I like very much ...

Violet told this legend to her friends .

Violet : « Once upon a time there was a very beautiful and capricious princess. Her name was Yu from the Qing Dynasty. In homage to her name, she wanted to have the most precious jade necklace that we had ever seen. From all over the dynasty came merchants with the most beautiful stones. But the princess was never satisfied. None was ever beautiful enough for her. And she had all the stones she had disdained thrown into the river. One day, in her palace, a little girl dressed in rags arrived who brought her a stone of perfection that had never been seen before. The girl tells her that it was the Jade of Truth. The shine of this stone was such that one could see it. But the reflected image was special: it showed the true face of the person who looked at it. The princess took the jade and looked at it ... but she saw a lonely and selfish girl there. From her eyes flowed five tears. As they fell, they turned into five precious stones which she decided to give to the little girl who had allowed her to know the truth about herself. From that day on, Princess Yu was no longer the same. She became kind and generous as she had never been. She no longer thought of the necklace. And it is said that the magnificent jades she had disdained still lie at the bottom of the river ...»

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