Chapitre sans titre 7

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The restaurant was not too far away. And the good smells that greeted the Thea Sisters at the entrance brought good mood back into the group. Even Violet realized she was hungry. But not enough to leave her friends free. In the menu, she chooses a list of dishes with incomprehensible names. The waitresses brought bowls of rice, tiny bowls, with trays of steamed ravioli that smoked.

Violet : Chinese cuisine and some East Asian countries can only be appreciated by eating it with chopsticks!

Paulina, Pamela, Nicky and Colette took their chopsticks and tried to imitate Violet. But the grains of rice absolutely refused to balance on the chopsticks and jumped on all sides. Paulina only managed to eat one grain each. Colette found herself even with a wand caught in her hair! Pamela tried to catch a ravioli by holding the chopsticks like a mechanic's pincer and squeezing it tightly. Encouraged by the result, she steeped the small package of dough in the red sauce. She was going to carry it to her mouth, but the chopsticks crossed and the big ravioli went like a projectile, to crash on Colette's shirt.

Colette : Eeeeeeeek ! my silk blouse! I have to wash it right away, otherwise the stain will never go away!

Pamela followed Colette to be forgiven.

Pamela : I come with you !

Violet continued to eat, looking serious and upset. Paulina and Nicky had an uncomfortable feeling because they felt that for the first time their friendship was in danger. Suddenly, Violet squeezed her chest, as if she was going to have a heart attack.

Nicky : Are you okay , Violet ?

Violet is recovering herself.

Violet : I'm fine...

Finally, everyone can organize his afternoon as she wanted.

Colette : Bye , girls .

Violet : See you later, have a good afternoon.

Paulina : We'll meet again soon.

Nicky : Yes, see you later.

Pamela : See you later.

Colette passed it to the hotel's beauty parlor, Pamela enters the sauna and pool, Nicky to the gym. Paulina accompanied Violet to the theater, where her friend's parents were still in full rehearsal for Turandot. Meanwhile, at the hotel, Nicky evacuated his bad mood by pedaling non-stop on a spining bike. And she was trying to convince herself that even the best friends in the world sometimes need a break. Then she went to the pool to see what Pamela was doing. Clenched in her bathrobe, her friend was sitting on the edge of the pool biting her nails, pensive. Nicky then went to the beauty salon: despite the manicure and the setting in folds, Colette sulked on her armchair. Nicky realized that if she did not act right away, their wonderful journey would turn into disaster! And that their friendship itself might be compromised! Of course, the best would have been to speak with Violet with open heart but, Nicky felt it, the Thea Sisters had first of all to find the harmony between them, to then be able to face together any problem. There was necessarily a place that would allow them to regain their carelessness! But who to go to, in this foreign city, to have a good advice?

Nicky : 《Xiao !》

Violet's friend was friendly and he inspired confidence. In any case, she only knew him! Nicky ran towards them to look for her cell phone. When she came in, Nicky suddenly felt like an explosion of chest pain, it's the same pain that Violet had felt yesterday. She squeezed her chest and she could barely breathe. Is it a heart attack? She does not know what was happening to her. The pain overed a few seconds later and Nicky regains his breath. In the locker room of the hotel, Pamela was changing. When suddenly she felt the same pain in her chest as Nicky and Violet's. The pain went away.

Pamela : God damned , what is just happening to me...?

Then after leaving the beauty salon , it was Colette who was suffering suddenly . In the theater building , Paulina washing her paws , is in the women's bathroom . Then , like the other Thea Sisters, she had a chest pain . Like her friends , the pain gone a few seconds later . They could not understand why they were suffering this pain permanently . Do they have to talk about that ? Should they worry ? Is that bad ?

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