Panjianyuan market

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On the side of Apotre Luna , on the moon, she called one of her faithful servants . Her faithful appears behind her and kneels .

??? : Yes mistress ?

Luna : Go to Earth find a new victim for the next sacrifice , our Great Goddess needs more energy and be discreet ! I go hunting in the overnight areas .

??? : Yes .

Her faithful immediately left the moon and went to Earth . Back on Earth , this morning , Xiao arrived at the hotel with a sensational idea .

Xiao : Today , i go to Panjianyuan market ! You wanna come ?

Before Violet had time to open her mouth , the others had already answered .

ColPauliNickPam : Yaaay !!

Colette : I love shopping !

Xiao : alright , let's go !

As they got into the car , Xiao gestured to Nicky with a sign of collusion . At Panjiayuan market , Nicky , Pamela , Colette and Paulina did not have enough eyes to see everything because it is a big and chaotic market . Xiao and Violet amused themselves as interpreters .

Violet : Paulina , this way !

Paulina : Oh , right !

Ceramics , furniture , carpets , clothes , paintings on silk and on rice paper, with all the brushes , inks , colors . And almond cakes , fried fish cones and boiling potatoes . Statues of jade , wood , bronze , iron , terracotta . In this market , we find everything , and even .... Paulina found a book whose title she doesn't know.

Pamela : What is that ?

Paulina : I don't know .

But when she opened the book , it was an erotic book , the pages contained drawings of sex in the ancient Chinese style . Paulina immediately closes the book and put that back where it had been picked up .

Pamela : I did not see anything .

Paulina : Me too...

They then join the others in fast motion . Colette fluttered like a butterfly from the stalls of precious fabrics to the stalls of cashmere sweaters and jewelry . Nicky rummaged through those who sold martial art supplies . Pamela advances towards her her friend who is holding a nunchaku .

Pamela : Oh cool ! A nunchaku !

Pamela took a nunchaku .

Nicky : Do you know how use ?

Pamela : of course ! I saw it in one of Bruce Lee's movies , check it !

Nicky : Wait ! Don't do-

                                                     Blam! Pof! Kapow! Pow! Blam! Paf!

Pamela , who had no experience , just knocks all over herself trying to do like Bruce Lee .

Pamela : *trembling voice of pain* See ? It's easy...

Nicky : Wow...

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