A luxurious hotel

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Back in the present , Xiao notices the gloomy disappointment of Violet's gaze and he wants to dispel it .

Xiao : Violet's parents are sorry they did not come to greet you at the airport , but the first is in a few days . The show is highly anticipated , and there is still so much work to do ! But to be forgiven , they have prepared a special stay in the best hotel in the city !

PauliNick : Huh ?

Pamela : Oh , for me , they are all forgiven ! And if , in addition , there was a little something to eat .

Colette : You already ate earlier , Pam !

Pamela : A snack , it's not a lunch !

Violet tried to smile . But the other Thea Sisters knew she was sad , they would have to go out of their way to ward off this melancholy . Later , when the Thea Sisters entered the suite of their hotel , they all thought the same thing : it was not like a hotel room .

Pamela : Oh , wow !

Colette : Wow ! Merveilleux* ! Magnifique** !

She dropped on the red silk sofa .

Colette : Cool ! It looks straight out of a Hollywood movie !

Nicky entered one of the bedrooms .

Nicky : There is even a waterbed ! For the back , it's something exceptional !

Paulina , who is too accustomed to simple hotels or poor places like at home , felt uncomfortable in a luxurious place . She turned to Violet .

Paulina : An entire apartment just for us ? But , Violet ... it's too much .

Colette : Speak for yourself , Polly ! I think it's great .

Violet was reading a card that accompanied a huge basket of roses sat on a small table in the center of the apartment .

Violet : It is from my parents , who welcome us .

Xiao entered the suite with the grooms carrying the suitcases .

Xiao : Tomorrow night , you will finally meet Violet's parents ! How about going out to a disco tonight ?

Violet : Impossible ! We go to bed early . Tomorrow we have a very busy excursion program !

Colette : Sorry , what program ?!

Violet : This one ! Only with the visit of the Forbidden City , we have for the morning .

Pamela : And who wrote it , this program ?

Violet : Me , on the plane ! Beijing is a huge city and we only have a few days .

Pamela : Oh , that's why you were tired .

Nicky : Violet is right , girls ! The travel was long ! You , I do not know , but me , I have only a hurry , it is to go to sleep on this waterbed !

* Wonderful in french .

** Beautiful in french .

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