A very special presents

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Paulina was looking for something really very important and special , but she didn't want to tell anyone what it was . But she did not know herself . The hours passed quickly . It was not easy for Violet and Xiao to keep an eye on everyone without losing them in the crowd. Suddenly .

Violet : Paulina ? Where she go ?

Violet noticed that Paulina was no longer there .

Violet : Xiao ! Mouselings ! Paulina is missing !

Xiao : What ? How ?!

Violet : I do not know ! She was there before and suddenly , she is no longer there !

Pamela : We have to find her !

The groups looked for their friend everywhere , she was nowhere . They were about to ask the police for help when Paulina reappeared .

Violet : Paulina !

Paulina : Hey !

Nicky : Thank God ! We found you !

Pamela : Where were you ? We had you looking everywhere ! We were about to ask the police for help !

Paulina looked very happy , she had finally found something she was looking for and her eyes were bright with joy . She was holding a silk sachet in her paw .

Colette : What do you have in there ?

Paulina : Something that will forever remind us of this trip ... but above all our friendship !

She slipped her paw into the bag . When she pulled it out , five small stones glittered in her palm .

Paulina : One for each ... each is splendid , but together , they are even more beautiful ! Just like us girls !

Paulina then distributed her gifts to her friends .

Paulina : Rose quartz is for Colette . Amber for Nicky . Amethyst , for Violet . Turquoise for Pamela . And the moonstone for me !

Nicky took her in her arms .

Nicky : Oh , thank Paulina ! I'm soo happy to be your friend !

Pamela : Thank , Paulina ! Your awesome !

Colette : Merci beaucoup , Polly ! These stones fit us so well !

Violet could barely speak because she was so moved .

Violet : It's a thought ... a very touching thought, Paulina ! ... Oh , girls ... forgive me if I was unbearable these last days ... I knew I was obnoxious , but I didn't couldn't do otherwise . The truth is that I am disappointed with the behavior of my parents : they are so busy with the opera that they did not never find a minute to spend with me ... You see , it has always been so , since I was a little girl ... They love their job , and I always feel like I don't exist for them . I hope that this time , since we were all together and they had not seen me for a long time , they would have been more available ... so I passed my disappointment on you ! Can you ever forgive me ?

Colette , Pamela , Nicky and Paulina crowded around her and hugged her affectionately .

ColPauliNickPam : We have already forgiven you all ! Reminds you ! Sisters for one ... sisters for all !

The enveloping heat finally got the better of the tensions accumulated by Violet over the past few days . Colette had an idea .

Colette : Oh , i know ! Follow me !

She led them to an antique stall she had spotted not far from there. Among all the objects on display , Colette had chosen the one that was the most beautiful among the lacquer boxes .

Colette : I know what we are going to do with these five stones ! We will keep the stones in this pretty box ! All together. Forever ! Like our wonderful friendship !

Nicky : Oe , yes ! That's very a god idea , Colette !

Colette bought the box . But immediately someone tried to take it from under her nose .

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