Help !

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In an isolated corner of the city , Apotre Luna is with Madame Hu and a young man .

Luna : Is that clear ? I want you to capture the Thea Sisters and make them disappear once and for all ! They will be offered as a sacrifice .

Hu : Yes , mistress .

Madame Hu stared at the young man who is with them .

Hu : And you ! Guide me to them! You know where they are !

And this young man ... is the friend of the Thea Sisters , Xiao !

Xiao : Yes .

In a hotel restaurant , the Thea Sisters had lunch with good humor . Violet's cellphone vibrates . She just received a message from Xiao : Your parents want to see you and meet your friends . I'm coming soon with them . -Xiao . ''

Still , Violet continues to have doubts about her parents .

Colette : Vi ? You okay ?

Violet : My parents will come and meet you .

Nicky : Really ?

Paulina : That's amazing , Vi !

Pamela : Can you talk about our lives in Mouseford Avademy ?

Violet : Yes ! It will them pleasure .

Finally , it is because they believe naively . At the hotel's main entrance door was Xiao and Madame Hu .

Hu : So this is there ? Xiao , go ahead .

In their respective rooms , Colette , Pamela , Paulina and Nicky changed . Violet is in the living room looking at the lacquer boxes . In Colette's bedroom , in front of a long rectangular mirror , Colette was looking at herself , hoping to find a perfect style for meeting Violet's parents . When suddenly , the mirror brightens like a light projector . Colette immediately moved away from the mirror .

Colette : What ?!

A large hand arises from the mirror . The big hand grabbed Colette and dragged her into the mirror .

Colette : Aaaaaahhh !

At the same time , in the bathroom of her room , Nicky was brushing her teeth . When the mirror also clears up .

Nicky : What is going on ?

A large hand then came out of the mirror . He grabbed Nicky and dragged her into the mirror too .

Nicky : No ! Help !!

In Pamela's room , Pamela was also brushing her teeth . Paulina enters the bathroom .

Paulina : Pamela ? Can you lend me your toothpaste ?

Pamela : Sure !

Barely spit water . The mirror shines .

Pamela : What the ?!

Paulina : Huh ?

Two hands come up and grab the two girls .

Paulina : Help ! Aaaaaahh !

Pamela : Aaaaahhh !

From the living room , Violet heard them cry out for help .

Violet : Pam ?! Paulina ?! Nicky ?! Colette ?!

But when she rushed into Pamela's room , she saw her two friends pulling straight into the mirror with two large hands . She immediately tries to come to their rescue .

Violet : No ! NOO !! PAMELA !! PAULINA !!

But it was too late , Pamela and Paulina are already missing and the mirror is back to normal . Violet rushed into Nicky's room , who was no longer there . Then Colette , who is no longer there either . Violet cry .


Thea Sisters Fanserie episode 2 - The transformationWhere stories live. Discover now