In the nothingness of the darkness

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At this very moment . Someone was standing at the entrance to the room .

Xiao : How are you , Violet ?

Violet turned . It's Xiao. She ran to him but stopped immediately . She notices something different from him . His look were cold , serious and his eyes were dark . He had a malicious feeling .

Violet : Xiao...? Where my parents ? You say on text you come with them...?

Xiao : Ha ha ha ha ha ! You girls ! You are really naive ! Do you really think your parents will come to see you ?! Your parents never loved you , Violet ! They treat you like a Thing that should never have existed rather than their daughter ! Ha ha ha ha ! You must have known this for a long time , right , Violet ?!

At these words , Violet got hurt . The lyrics really didn't sound like Xiao .

Violet : But , Xiao...What do you talking about...?

The bedroom mirror shone again . Violet turned again . Madame Hu appears in the mirror .

Hu : Violet Yang ! If you want see again your friends alives , give me the boxs ! If you refuse , you gonna never see them again !

Madame Hu shows her her captive friends .

Colette : Violet !

Pamela : Help us !

Violet : Girls !

She tried to come towards them but she collapsed , she felt the pain in the chest . And she has trouble breathing .

Hu : Come join me in the nothingness of the darkness , if you want save your friends .

The mirror has become a portal . Violet had no choice but to accept if she really wanted to save her friends . She first looked for the lacquer boxes and returned to the bedroom . She walked slowly towards the portal , with great hesitation. Xiao pushed Violet into the portal .

Violet : Aaaahh !

Violet is carried away by the portal . The gate closed and Xiao leaves . Meanwhile , in nothingness , Violet fell to the ground as she came out through the gate .

Violet : Ow !

The gate closes . A little far away , she sees a strange structure , it was the same as the one she had seen in her dream . And asleep , she saw her friends trapped .

Violet : Girls !

Nicky : Violet !

Violet : Hold on !

But when she came running , she was electrocuted and pushed back . A black barrier prevents her from coming towards them .

Hu : Violet Yang ! Give me the boxs !

Violet : But first , release my friends !

Pamela : Yeah , Hu ! Release us !

Hu : *to Pam* Shut up ! *to Violet* And you , Yang ! Give me first the boxs ! Or i'm going kill your friends ! If you give me that , i promised to let you go with yours friends !

Violet put the boxes on the floor and slid it up near the barrier . Madame Hu retrieved the boxes . Her paw crosses the barrier and picked up the boxes . She smiles satisfied .

Violet : And now , my friends !

Hu : By the way , kid , in truth , I would not let you go away unscathed! I received an order from my mistress Apotre Luna to kill all five of you !

Violet : No !!

Nicky : We suspected that you work for Luna !

Paulina : So the rumor was true ! Have you been involved in several kidnappings all this time ?!

Hu : Exactly ! I work for her !

Enraged , Violet rushes towards the barrier to smash it , but she receives an electric shock and be repelled .

Hu : It's useless , Yang ! You will never destroy this barrier ! To bad for you !

But Violet refuses to listen to her . She gets up and continues to break down the barrier .

Violet : I should do it...I must save my friends...

Again , she was electrocuted and repelled . She still does . Again . And even . Her condition worsens and Violet continues to try to break the barrier with force . For the others , seeing her best friend suffer in an attempt to save them is a horrible sight . Paulina forces herself to close her eyes so as not to see this awful scene , she always hears Violet screaming in pain .

Colette : *crying* Violet ! Please , stop ! This is useless ! Go away !

Hu : Poor little idiot , this is a suicide . Let's just finished her .

The evil dragon's eyes lit up and sent a flash to the girl , and finished her off . This blow was fatal to her , Violet dies under the eyes of her friends .

Colette : *crying* VIOOLEEET !!

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