Awkward silence

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She swallowed , seemingly with difficulty , and peered out across the river at the ferry that had first caught the Fates' attention 

" I think that is Hades coming across the river to us . Ares as  soon as Charon gets here , we will go . We have to get back to Olympus as quickly as possible ."- Athena

" Wait what ..."- Ares 

"  WILL YOU PLEASE JUST DO WHAT I SAY , ARES ."- Athena exploded , rounding on him with her eyes blazing lightning and white hot fire 

She stopped , squeezedher eyes shut and tried , with  semmingly monumental effor to calm herself down . 

" Ares . Please , for this once , just listen to me , and do as I say . And then... maybe ... Zeus won't kill us both ."- She hissed at the lasy few words out of the teeth 

Ares was left standing in shock , as Athena bowed tersenly to the tree Fates , who had been watching on silently , with unreadable , expression and swept down the river bank . She stood there with her arms folded , stiller and stiffer than Charon now visible in the approaching ferry that carried Hades . And yet Ares thought he could see a tremble in her shoulders .

" What the hell was that all about ?"- Ares turned to the Moirae beside him 

Atropos shrugged and turned away uncomfortably . Lachesis avoided his stare , looking guilty and troubled . It was Clothos sho spoke up , at last something between a wry grin and a grimace upon her withered features . 

" Congratularions , Ares ."- Clothos

" In what ?"- Ares 

" You've just been married to Athena ."- Clothos

" Oh ,dear ."- Hades said  with his voice  was thinner than usual

Hades looked from one whey-faced war deity to the other . 

" Ohhhhh , fuck !!!!"- Ares repeated showing his nervousness now 

" I think we get the point ."- Athena muttered tersely through her teeth 

Ares was still shell- shocked , stanring down at the ring that was as impossible to remove as if it had been branded on. He alternated between throwing his choice of swear words viciously at the Fates , and attempting to tear the offending band off of his finger .

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING IN ?! Can they just reverse it ?! Where  did those Tartarus - damned old hags get too , anyway !?! "- He exploded with frustration 

"Old hags ?!"- Somewhere in the distance there was a faint screech 

Ares whipped around in an instant ans sprinted off in that direction, roaring and brandishing his sword . Hades stared after him for a momet , before turning back to his niece . Athena was sighing . 

Her face was very pale , and she stood with her arms folded across her chest gripping her spear so tightly Hades was suprised she hadn't snapped it in half already . Or driven ir into Ares' scull . 

" I'm sorry Athena . The Styx may be in my domain , but  I have no power to nullify the oaths or vows sworn and sealed upon it ."- Hades spread his palms out helplessly 

" I know that ."- The godess drew in a deep breath 

There was an awkward silence 

" I... er , well .Truth be told ... I don't know what to say . I mean , this sort of thing ... accidents like these ... You do know that Zeus is going to tear the skies down when he hears ? You know how he dotes on you ..."- Hades glanced at her sideways 

" Yes uncle I know . "- Athena presse her palm painfully to her forehead 

She really didn't want to think about Zeus and the Tartarus - raising wrath that would soon fall upon them when he foun out . 

" We have to go back to Olympus , though , and ask him to dissolve the bond ."- Athena 

Hades , said nothing but he knew of Athenas knoledge that could do nothing if the rings were sealed in the Styx . Those were the rules , wich were almost impossible to bend or bypass . But as a godess who had took the vow of maidenhood she already knew that . 

And what of Ares ? It was well known that there was nothing the two war gods despised more in the world than each other . Throw those two together for too extended a period of time and Hades didn't doubt that they might blow Olympus into pieces if they didn't kill each other first . 

Despite her syony deminor  Athena's eyes , troubled and darkened to nearly black , with what could only be descrived as deep despair . She would try to desolve there bound . At least she would be able to she she tried . 

" Get back here you curse hags ."- He bellowed 

" I would be much oblidged if you didn't use these turmes ."- Hades said midly 

Ares stopped on his tracks , turning upon the king of the Underworld with a living and enraged expression .

" Tell them to get rid of these ."- Ares waved his hand in front of Hades

" We've told you before ... we can't ."- Clothos said 

" Though it's not like we want to ."- Atropolos muttered 

" Really dear you two make such a great couple . You should be happy you got yourself such a beautiful , brave and kind wife ... And you won't find a more capable lover in bed than Ares , or so Aphrodite tells me . "- Lachesis attempted a smile at the two 

" Excuse me , what part of Maiden Goddess , do you not understand ."- Athena rapidly turned 

" Kind , beautiful . She's a sexually frustated harpy woman who ..."- Ares 

Athena punched him in the face , wich was very unlike her . Usually , she didn't resort into violence unless Ares was the one who struck first . 

" What did you just call me !?!"- Athena 




" I'M NOT !"- Athena 

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