He is not dead

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" He's dead !"- Demeter was shrieking her voice seemed to come from very far away , to Zeus 

" Gods cannot die , Demeter . He's just passed out ."- Hades' voice drifted towards him 

" I tell you the shock ... must have stopped his heart . "- Demeter 

" Nonsense ."- Hades 

" Athena ... How could you do this to your own father ?"- Demeter 

" Oh for goodness sake , Demeter calm down ."- Hades said still calm 

" I mean I expected something so irresponsible like this from Ares ... but ... you Athena ?!"- Demeter 

" Shut up Demeter  ! Didn't they already say it was an accident !?"- Artemis spoke up 

" Thank you Artemis ."-Athena

" Accident my foot . I always knew there was something , fishy going on with those two !"- Demeter 

" WHAT !?!"- Both Athena and Ares asked at the same time 

" Mother ."- Persephone 

" Don't you take that tone with me , Persephone ! This is just perfect isn't it ... the heavens are about to wreak doom upon the mortal realm , the gates of Tartarus are gong to open , the Titans will return and pound us all to dust ..."- Demeter 

" Demeter , I assure you, the gates of Tartarus are well sealed ..."- Hades 

" What we will do know without our King ?"- Demeter

" Hey , I'm the second oldest , so technically ...."- Posidon 

" Don't you dare Posidon ."- Hades 

" Well , if Zeus is dead ..."- Posidon 


Zeus moaned , trying to open his eyes . There was silence before everyone started to clamour again . 

" Give him some space ...Step back , give the man room to breath , for Tartarus sake , see what I told you Demeter ."- Hades 

Zeus' eyes  fluttered open . The  exquisite ceilling fresco greeted his blurred vision. He fet cold marble pressing agains his back . Apollo's face appeared over him . The Hera's , furrowed with concern . He felt a hand on his forehead . 

" His awake ... Hestia the ambrosia , if you please ? I don't know how long it will take him to regain his senses, since it's his first time ."- Announced the healing god 

" Athena ... Athena ... where is she ? I want to see her ... Where is my little owl darling ?"- Zeus mumbled , attempting to sit up , only for Hera to push him gently back down 

" He still calls you that ... ow! You didn't have to punch me Athena ."- Dionysus whispered 

Athena's face came into view above him , cheeks flushed bright red . He reached for her , feeling her strong , warm hand close around his own . 

" Ah , my beloved child ... I had a strange dream ... a terrible dream in fact ."- Zeus 

" Is it so , Lord Zeus  ."- Athena's eyes were looking everywhere but him 

" Yes. I dreamed that you and that scumbag Ares had taken a Styxian vow and gotten married . Isn't it horrifying ?"- As he spoke , Zeus felt his strengh slowly returning and his mind wasn't so fuzzy now 

" I fear that it was not a dream ."- Athe muttered , barely audible 

That was a pause before Zeus spoke up 

" Is that so ?"- Zeus 

" Yes ."- Athena 

Another pause . The other had fallen silent , as well . A near- tangible tension had settled in the room , a all of them waited warily for Zeus to explode into a frothing fit and rain havoc upon Earth . 

Hermes , Dionysus, Aphrodite and Demeter were already sheltering behind a pillar , should Zeus start lauching projectiles . The last time he'd flown into rage in teh Council Hall , he had picked up all the throne in his wrath and hurled them one by one at them . 

Dionysus still had the scar on his temple where the edge of Posidon's throne had clipped him during that incident . 

"Hera ?"- He said his tone oddly businesslike . Somehow his calmness was infinitely more terrifying than if he had burstinto a rampage 

" Yes ?"- Hera seemed suprised to be addressed 

" Where is Ares ? And the Moirae ? "- Zeus 

" All still here ."- Hera cautiously 

" Good . Restrain them and bring them froward . Athena ?"- Zeus pulled himself into his feet 

" Yes , my lord ?"- His daughte regarded him cautiously, keeping her distance as if expecting Zeus to strike her at any moment 

" Fetch my thunderbolts ."- Zeus 

The goddess froze . 

"Might ... might I be sol bold as to ask why , my lord ?"- Athena

There was a terrifying pause  , in which everyone seemed to be holding their breath , before Zeus replied unblinkingly .

" Because my dearest child ...I AM GOIING TO KILL THEM !!!"- Zeus

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