Take the risk

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Zeus broke off abruptly mid- argument with Hera , having just realised that Ares , with his precious Athena hauled over his back and the Moirae close behind , had made it out the door and were hurtling down the steps of olypus at brealneck speed . 

" FOOLLLSSSSS! HE HAS KIDNAPPED MY DAUGHTER ! AFTER THEM !"- Zeus roared at Poseidon , Hephaestus and Hemres who had given up and were wearily nursing ther injuries 

" You can't blame Ares , Zeus . You were about to destroy them ."- Fumed Hera 

They wacthed as the samll figures of Ares , Athena and the Moirae rached the chariots at the base of he stains . Zeus glared at his wife .

" I was only going to kill that bastard Ares and the damned Moirae ! So why in  Tartarus did he take Athena ?"- Zeus 

" Well , it certainly didn't look like that , idiot husband  of mine . You looked like you were about to breal the girl's neck ! "- Hera snapped 

" Nonsense ! I would not touch a hair on Athena's head , and all of you know that . I was simply going to pull her to her fett and talk some sense into her !"- Zeus barked 

" Then why Ares would snatch her off like that , if he hadn't thought you were about to reduce her to ashes and dust ?"- Growled Hera , folding her arms

" Why , indeed ?"- Sitting beneath them , Hestia raised an eyebrow , muttering to herself witha smile  

Ares grunted as he dumped Athenas rather unceremoniously on the chariot . The goddess of wisdom sprang up almost immediately and tried to slap him in the face . He caught her wrist , her palm inches from his cheek . 

" What the hell was that for ?! "- Ares 

" How dare you sling me over your shoulder like that !"- Athena 

" You ... I saved you ."- Ares spluttered indignantly jabbing a finger in her face 

" From what ?!"- Athena retorted 

" Zeus was about to blow you to smithereens ."- Ares couldn't belie his ears 

" He was not ! "- Athena

" How the hell do you know that ?!"- Ares 

" Well , how did you know he was , Ares ? Didn't you say it yourself ... he would galdly kill you , but he wouldn't hurt me ! "- Athena snapped 

" Then  maybe I wans't prepared to take the risk of losing you  ! "- Ares yelled , slamming his sword into the ground 

Athena stared at him 

There was a silnce . The blood rushed to his face  as Ares realised the implications of what he'd blurted out a moment ago . THE HELL DID I JUST SAY ?!

" Uh ... that is ... don't take that the wrong way ... I didn't mean it like that ... I mean , we're ..."- Ares

" Enemies ?"- Athena finished for him 

Her blue eyes boring into his . She wa still staring at him steadily , her expression carefully , cautiously neutral . 

" Uhm , yeah ."- Ares 

To his surprise she brome into the faintest , shy smile . She let out a small chucke , though it sounded more like a noise of despair that amusement . 

" Enemies huh ... yet married ."- Athena 

" Oh , yeah . That's kind of a problem still , isn't it ?"- Ares 

" That was very touching , dear . But you know what else is still kind of a problem ?"- Lachesis' voice suddenly piped up from behind , Ares jumped swering loudly 

" Gods  are you hags are still here ?!"- Ares 

" We won't be getting anywhere without you . None of us can drive ."- Atropos muttered 

" Are you serious ?! This is a damned two-person chariot !"- Ares glanred at them 

" You forget Ares , that these tree hardly ever leave the Underworld ."- Said Athena , sighing

" You may also be forgetting that we are still on Olympus ... and therefore in danger of being blown into god-mince by the Lord of Psychopaths up there ."- Clothos grinned , poiting up

The sky had grown dark at an alarming rate slate- grey thunderclounds gathering ominously above . There was no douby that Zeus would be afyer them . 

Regardless of the imminent peril , Ares found hinself in danger of another meltdown as the three a ncient ladies scarmbled into the chariot , beaming at him . 

"Don't worry , we'll squish up so there's plenty of room ! "- Lachesis

" Are you just trying to get on my good side because this was all your damned fault in the first place ?"- Ares growled , picking up his sword and sheathing it 

He really did have an overpowering urge to kick all tree of their wrinkly backsides to the deepesy pits of Tartarus . Damn Fates . No wonder only Hades liked them . He reached for the reins , but Athena was faster . 

" I will be driving , this time ."- She said

Eyes narrowing. Ares found his spine tingling uncomfortably . She was squashed of dealing with . This five of them . Athena flicked the reins , waking the dozing horses . 

" Where are we going ?"- Ares 

" A place I know we can lay low ."- Athena 

" Take us to Nyx , grey eyed one ."- Atropos 

" Not now , we have to wait somewhere safe before doing any move , I'm not going to do anything without planing it ."- Athena 

Clothos chorused , kicking Ares in the shin :


" Oh don't worry dear ... Clothos only does that to people she likes !"- Lachesis chirped , patting Ares in the arm 

" Then make her hate me !"- Ares 

"You two are idiots."- Atropolos rolled her eyes 

" Troppie ! How mean ! "- Clothos said 


" Nothing . I just  enjoy the look of pain on your face ."- Atropolos


" I highly suggest you put the sword away ..."- Athena 

" It's like Troppie said , Ares . I'm sure people have told you this before , but violence is not the awser ."- Lachesis

" I don't want to hear that from you damn hag !"- Ares

" My name is not Damn Hag , dear . It's Lachesis ."- Lachesis

" Hyah!"- Atropolos

" WILL. YOU. STOP . KICKING . ME ! "- Ares 

" Kekeke . Lies . This chariot  is overcrowded . You shin simply fell into the top of my foot."- Atropolos

" Don't mess around with me , Atropolos ... you even went 'Hyah !' as you did it !"- Ares 

" So what ? I like making meaningless noise , foooollll ! "- Atropolos


" Oh , running off to the competent one , now are we ?"- Athena 

" Olivehead , are you sure we can't throw these stinking hads overboard ?"- Ares 

Athena sighed . She could already feel the headache gathering , like the storm that brewed on the horizon before them . 

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