Man's code

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As the sun rose and the rain grew fainter until it stopped completely, Athena wondered if this was a sign that her father's fury was appeased or if he was just trying to get them to return to complete what he had started in the previous day. 

She was the first to wake up, sitting on a rock that was near where they had set up camp, she looked up at the blue sky, wondering how they could settle in a discreet but more comfortable way than just a cape on a few branches.

Then without waking the others she started walking in the direction of where the sun had risen, she was walking, and didn't know how long she had walked when she heard the bark of wheels hitting the ground, and a neigh, she hid behind a tree, and then realized they were travelers passing through that area.

" Are you sure , this is the way ?"- One of the travelers asked the other 

" Yes Tespis I'm sure . "- The man with a rusky voice said 

" Alexios I'm not that sure , let's get out of here . I have a bad feeling about this place  ."- The younger man told the other traveler 

Athena looked into the travelers' wagon and  saw that they had two tends and a few furs, the idea soon popped into her mind, and a stone was thrown into a bush across the road, which alarmed both men. They unraveled their swords  and headed for the bush shaking with fear.

She neve thought she was going to do something of that sort , but it was nessessary , she didn't want to kill any of those two , but she wasn't about to let the opportunity pass. She got the furs and one of the tends , but also got a bow , a quive with some  arrows and two knifes . 

She ran away from the road as fast as she could without making a sound, and soon she saw the two travelers leaving, not even missing the things she had stolen, she wrapped them all in one bundle and walked toward the clearing, where she had come from in the first place. Ares was still sleeping, but the Moiraes were trying to wake him up by feathering his nose.

" Your back . Were have you been ?"- Clothos asked 

" SHHHH ."- Atropolos whispered

" Ohh sorry ."- Clothos

" I think you shouldn't do that . He's going to be crazy mad , if he wakes up . Let him sleep ."- Athena whispered

" Now we are going to have a proper tend ."- Lachesis said looking 

" Well yes , as soon as I get this going ."- Athena 

" Do you need help ?"- Clotho asked 

" Clothie , I think you will do more damage than help her. "- Atropolos said 

" I'm fine ."- Athena said 

She soon set up the tend, and put the furs inside it so they could lie down. I wasn't  much, but much more than they had last night. Then it was time to wake up, the sleeping individual lying on the floor, as if doped to do so, Athena untied Ares's cape and let the small pool of water that formed above it  fall into his face.

" What the ..."- Ares sat up quickly trying to regain the consciousness that had escaped him in his sleep 

" Good morning sunshine, don't you think sleeping all day is too sloppy ."- Athena said sarcastically

" YOU KNOW WHAT ... Wait , where did this came from ?"- Ares pointed to the tent behind Athena 

" Insted of sleeping I did something of myself today . And now we got to sleep and a warmer bed . You're welcome . "- Athena 

" But where did you get it ? There is no camping shop nearby I suppose ."- Ares got up 

" You don't have to worry your head with these taughts,  you can overwhelm your brain with so much thinking. "- Athena 

" You stole this ."- Ares pointed at the tent 

" No , I just borrowed permanently ."- Athena

" You stole this ! I guess you're not that pure and right after all ."- Ares 

" Said whom ?"- Athena

" I mean , I wouldn't do it ."- Ares 

" So , killing a bunch of people in a worthless war , just to try and beat me it's perfectly normal , but thieffing is beneath you ?"- Athena asked teasing her brother 

" Man's gotta have a code ."- Ares said 

Athena offered her hand to him , he grabbed her hand with his hand who was much cruder than hers but equally calloused.But as soon as she pulled him grunted in pain, then placing his hand on his arm, Athena already knew what he had.

" Posidon's trident ."- Athena 

" Shit ."- Ares 

" Come in , I'll take a look at that wound ."- Athena 

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