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" I'm merely appreciating as a fellow weaver the fine craftsmanship that has gone into creating these . The  rings aren't ordinary , as I'm sure you will know . "- Athena 

Indeed , the rings made by the Fates were no ordinary marrige tokens . Woven from divine thread and layer Sealed by dipping them in the waters of the River Styx , upon wich all ultimate unbreakable oaths were made , the Moirae's weddings bands were powerfully binding . 

Athena tugged the ring off her finger , marvelling at the delicate markings that Clothos had woven into the band . Once they were finished entirely , they would feel no different to the more ordinary gold and silver rings forged by Hephaestus as jewellery , though they were not made of any metal . 

" Is it ,lord Hades I see approaching ? Why , I do belive it is . And with Lady Persephone , too . "- Lachesis was looking out across the slow -moving waters of the Styx 

" That 's not Lord Hades , you blind old girls , I'm sure that's Thanatos and Nyx ."- Troppie 

" No , it isn't right, Troppie ?" - Lachesis

" Lady Persephone is not nearly so tall . Nor so curvaceous ."- Atropos frowned 

" Did you just accuesed Lady Persephone of having a flat chest  ?!"- Clothos shrieked with laughter 

" Ladies , could we please get back to the business at hand ?"- Athena was interruped by Atropos' vehement denial of any sort of blasphemus against the Queen of the Underworld 

" It is Lord Hades , I tell you and I don't care you Clothie , or Troppie for that matter say . Look , I will call him , and he will respond in kind ."- Lachesis flung her arms out in a flamboyant wave , two glints of gols flew out through the air 

There was a single dreadful moment before Athena , Ares and the other two Moirae heard muffled splash somewhere in the dark waters of the river . 

" Lachie , you idiot ! " - Clotho screamed 

Lachieses head snapped around as the sound of splashing reached her ears . Ares was wading out into the water to retrieve the rings . 

" HOLD IT ..."- Clotho screamed 

" ARES , DON'T TOUCH THE ..."- Athena 

Athena and the Fates cried out at the same time , but it was too late . The war god straightened , the confused expression on his face transformings rapidly to one of alarm as the rings suddenly blazed , hot and bright in his palm . 

" What the ..."- Ares spluttered , swuintings down at his hand , wich had disappeared in the blinding light that enveloped it 

Athena made a small noise of alarm as the same light inexplicably appered on her own hand as well .

" Oh , Tartarus ."- Said Atropolos very slowly 

" Hey , what's going ..."- He caught sight of Athena's expression and broke off 

 He had never before in his thousands of years of life , ever seen a look of such utter and total horror, as Athena was wearing in that very moment. He felt his skin crawl , suddenly feeling very cold . 

" What is this ? "- He asked as steadily as his voice could allow 

The goddess opened and closed her mouth several times but , for the first time ever , failed to reply . Sunddenly , Ares felt the warmth beginning to darin away . The last of the blinding light died away . 

" Athena ... would you care to tell me what , happened ?"- Ares 

 Athena wordlessly held her hand up . And that was when he saw it , that he was no longer holding te wedding bands , but that one of them had somehow latched onto the fourth finger of Athena's left hand. 

His eyes dropped . And saw the other ring in his own , matching finger . No one spoke . Ares stared appealingly at Athena .

" Please say something , princes , anything ."- Ares 

The situation must have been as dire as it was possible , for Athena didn't respond to his usual jibe . Instead she watched , a strange hollow expression on her face , as he tugged at the ring on his finger . It wouldn't budge, as if held in place by some unmovable force . 

" It's no use , Ares ."- She said and the brittle emotioneless tone of her voice made him look up 

She seemed to have become completely devoid of any emotion . Ares knew best that whenever that happened , things must be worse than Tartarus .

" What ... do you mean ?"- Ares 

" We won't be able to take these rings off , for a while ."- He voice caught at the end of the sentece 

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