interview #13 @DCWade

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1 What is a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

I think the best advice I could give a newcomer is that you don't know everything yet, so try to learn something from each person you come across.

2 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

I  am always pleasantly surprised. I love votes, of course, but comments are the best. Comments let you know that people are engaging with the book, and that's exactly the reason I posted my book on the site in the first place.

 3 What's the best way to handle a bully? 

Oh gosh, I'm terrible at dealing with bullies, so I might not be the best at this answer. Maybe I'd try to figure out where they're coming from first. Sometimes people have good intentions but they just don't know how to say it tactfully (like a chapter critique, for instance). If that's the case, you can work with them and make something productive out of the situation. But if they do have bad intentions, just ignore them or block them or whatever it is you do to trolls.

4 How would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

With beer! LOL.

5 What's your favorite snack?

I like crackers and chips. But the chips have to be really, really good.

 6 What is your dream vacation? 

I  am always dreaming of new places to go, but lately, I've been hearing about these luxury Oriental Express trains, and I'd love to go either on the original one or the Southeast Asia one. But first, I'd have to get stupid amounts of money.

7 What's one Wattpad goal? 

I reached one of my goals already, which was to get 10,000 reads. I guess the next step for me would be to become a featured author.

8 What's the best way to spend a rainy day? 

OMG. Writing, of course. Something about a rainy day really kicks my creativity into high gear. Probably because I'm from one of the cloudiest parts of the United States.

9 What is your favorite holiday and why?

I love the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year season. The smells are better, the food is better, people are (usually) nicer, and there are good memories.

 10 What's your favorite thing about wattpad?

I've met some really good people on this site. It has also encouraged me to keep going as a writer, because people have been so positive about my book.

 11 If you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

I would probably ask Lee Child if I could spend the day with him just so I could soak in his work ethic.

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Blood Tide. A fun, thought-provoking action/mystery.

 A fun, thought-provoking action/mystery

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