interview #17 @lesserknown1

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1 what is your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

Wattpad feels like home to me. Being able to talk directly to my readers is one of my favorite things in the world.

2 are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

I'm humbled by it all. I'm motivated to deliver more content, and it makes me want to remain accessible. I always tell my readers they're the best part of this writer's life.

3 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

I'm not big on holidays. Too much fuss and running around for me. I love No-Reason family dinners and Just Because dates.

4 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

Newcomers to Wattpad, leave your expectations at the door. I came here thinking I'd find nothing but fanfics and teenage hormones, but I was in for a pleasant surprise when I discovered the phenomenal writers here. If you're a reader looking for great books, try the official Wattpad accounts. They all keep great reading lists, and you can find each one in the Wattpad Directory. If you're a writer looking to gain reads, check out, where you can mix and mingle with other writers and get helpful tips on how to gain exposure.

5 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Right now, "Unraveling" by Aron Wright is a whole mood.

 6 what is one Wattpad goal? 

My goal on Wattpad is to have fun, write great books, and meet amazing people. So far, so good!

7 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

My schedule is a circus act. An average day in my life starts at 6 A.M. I run a very intense social media strategy, write updates for INTO THE WILD DARK and STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR, run workshops with my private club on Discord, and reach out to podcasters, book bloggers, and YouTubers. If you're a content creator and you'd like to work with me, just send a private message. I'm happy to connect.

8 what's the best way to handle a bully? 

I know lots of people feel confrontation is the best answer, but I have to go with my own experiences in life. When I was younger, people tried to bully me because I was the nerd who skipped a grade. I dressed funny and talked weird and listened to odd music. Once people realized I genuinely did not give a flying flip about their negative opinions, the chatter went away. You just have to remember: What someone else thinks of you is none of your business.  That's their problem; not yours.

9 how would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

Wow. If I scored a great publishing deal, I would celebrate by going out to dinner with my partner. Something nice and intimate would be lovely.

10 what is the best way to enjoy a rainy day?

On a rainy day, I like to open the door of my home office and listen to the storm. My office has lots of windows, too. Great for watching the weather.

 11 what's your favorite book?

My current favorite is Wergild by @Mhunyadi

I truly recommend it. It's a fantastic tale of revenge, and I couldn't put it down once I started it.

 Request time

The Wattpad book that I am most proud of is LEAD ME ASTRAY: A SUPERNATURAL PASSION COMPELS THEM | Watty's 2019 Horror & Paranormal Winner | Reviewers have called it, "One of the smartest, sexiest, and most unique paranormal romances that Wattpad could possibly boast." | Aurie Edison, the victim of a hit-and-run, has the hots for the non-binary Empath who sees her ghost and the rogue werewolf investigating her case, but before falling in bed together, these supernaturals must catch the vampire who may have killed her.

Ready to get away with something different? Solve Aurie's murder with Detective Zyr Ravani and the genderqueer Mx

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Ready to get away with something different? Solve Aurie's murder with Detective Zyr Ravani and the genderqueer Mx. Mys as you fall head over heels for this threesome along the way. Go ahead. #GetAwayWithIt

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