interview #20 @Kat_Rook

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1 what's one Wattpad goal? 

Reach 1k followers. Knowing that a thousand people are interested in what I write is something I'd truly appreciate.

2 are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Do I giggle like Homer Simpson when I see a new vote, comment or follow? Maybe.

 3 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I'd like to do Carpool Karaoke with James Corden. I love to sing (I don't sing well but I'll still do it). We'd sing Paparazzi by Lady Gaga, For the First Time in Forever from Frozen, a random Taylor Swift song, a Michael Jackson song, we'd go to Starbucks and I'd get a grande Shaken Passion Iced Tea with Lemonade and sweetener, then we'd sing and dance to a Ariana Grande song to finish up.

 4 what's your favorite holiday and why?

I really do love the weeks before Christmas. I work in child care and seeing the wonder and excitement that Santa is coming, is the best feeling any person can ask for. I love seeing what the Elf on the Shelf does when the kids aren't there, and I absolutely adore the cards I get from the kids.

 5 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

You can add media to your stories. Unlike other platforms I write on ( you can't add songs to the top. It's a perfect cherry on the top of my chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

6 what's your favorite snack? 

Fruits. Which is weird I know. I love smoothies, I remember a summer day where I ordered a blueberry pomegranate smoothie from McDonalds and spent the afternoon drinking that, writing and enjoying the beautiful 22C day.

7 how would you spend a rainy day? 

I do not handle rainy days well. I either spend hours laying in bed listening to the rain, watch the storm come in and hope for a lightning show, or I pass out because the sound of rain puts me to sleep.

8 what's the best way to handle a bully?

Bullies don't handle weirdness well. So be as weird as you possibly can. You don't like my art/story, well watch me keep writing and be as weird as possible. Eat a handful of the spiciest chips and stare them dead in the eyes while you do it. Granted, I'm also 28 years old and I've had enough of the teenage bullshit. Don't like my story? Then don't read.

 9 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Everything you write is crap. When you edit, polish and really work at your craft is when you get better. Not no one comes out of the womb writing like Stephen King. Network, go to the forums page and announce yourself. Also have a thick skin, it's a struggle but you will gain one.

 10 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

I love the artist LIGHTS, I've seen her about 3 times and just adore everything she does. She recently wrote a comic called Skin & Earth, I just sing -I use that word loosely because I sound like an elephant mating with a walrus- at the top of my lungs. Recently, I've been singing her acoustic version of 'Cactus in the Valley' and my cat, Beanz, will come running and just sit there, listening to me.

11 what's your favorite movie?

uhh.... don't ask me that or we'll be here for a long time. I guess my favourite Disney movie is Tangled. I really do love Star Wars, when I was 9 I saw 'Phantom Menace' when it premiered at midnight, seeing that cemented my love for Star Wars -and yes I've seen all of the new ones in theatres and I have... mixed feelings.

request time

 Since it's my only book available right now, I can only promote that one

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Since it's my only book available right now, I can only promote that one. You should read because it's about a woman, Noelle Lake, who has become an author but is facing one of the worst things a writer can face: writer's block.

Oh, there's also a clandestine group after her because she took a pill that promised to make her a better writer but turned her into a superhero, so she joins arms with the other scammed writers to bring down the group and try to live semi-normal lives. It fixes her writer's block but at what cost?

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