Chapter 15

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Flashing warning and Seizure warning in this video! And this isn't my video it belongs to 'leo !!!'

Luka's P.O.V.

I never really like being attached to people since they might leave me one day or vice versa. Blue is someone i don't wanna talk to since he is hopeless and i'm saddened when i see him. He knows i do since he finds it a waste to feel bad for him but it seems he has a friend. His friend doesn't believe me when i say that he will be forgotten for a while sooner or later. I've seen that Blue cares not for consequences but only for the results he gets from the experiment, the experiment isn't spared from having him near.

People believe he's an angel and someone who needs desperate help. I can't help but think of both since he could be as sweet as they say but he holds no empathy for those around him or for himself. We aren't friends with the other side of the town since they think were to hard on him these days and they believe were demonstrating abuse towards him. I asked him if he cares for his wounds in battle but he never answered my question but his eyes said it all. He cares not for the wounds he gets but continues fighting none the less which intrigues and scares me.

He has 'interesting' traits that can be a bit of a handful when you aren't clear enough with him on things he can do to pass the time. I sometimes can't help but feel it's my fault he's like this now and i could have stopped it or been there when it happened. I still remember when i told him to go away but ever since years after that he hasn't had smiled or anything and i won't forget this. I can't even when I want to but something about him sends chills down my spine. Hope thinks he's the 'best' since he is older than her and the other 3 so she respects him or it.

And he doesn't even seem to care what she is saying and only stops her from doing childish things. And he just goes with anything she does most of them anyway, which scares me. I got lucky because as i was walking home i bumped into him, he didn't seem eager to see me but helped me up. He stares at me for quite a while and then just as quick as a flash of light he smiles but only for a moment though. I feel stares everywhere and as i turn my head to look everyone seemed to be in shock of what happened just now.

I was surprised to since i didn't expect him to be shot in the shoulder but he didn't fall or move. I watch in shock and i'm to afraid to move to see if he is fine, but as time itself seems to slow down along with the droplets of fresh blood something occurs. He slowly raises his hand and what seems to be in his hand is none other than a bullet and a gun that would have hit him in the back. He was so calm about this all as if this is the normal for him, but everyone slowly start to panic. He raises the gun in a random direction and shoots two times someone fails from a tree and he simply walks over and starts dragging the body somewhere while i stand there watching.

Whoever that was didn't make it from what it seems but everyone just stares to into the distance until Blue disappears into the dark forest near our village. I feel worried that if his behavior is left unchecked he might do things that scare us all to death. I wish Yellow was here sometimes since Blue would listen to whatever Yellow told him to do for him nicely. If he was here right now then maybe Blue would have handled this better and maybe he would be a little more normal. But Yellow hung himself recently and we all know Blue was the first to see it and yet he stayed still and didn't react to anything we said.

Third person P.O.V.

As Blue took the body to the shack in the middle of that death trap that was called a forest his wound was now fully healed. As he put the new body on the table he thought of what he could get from this fresh body that was and is inaminate for the time being. Until it hit him to create a momster that will terrorize people who stept to out of line near him. Blue went to work on adding chemicals that are yet to be known and things that are to enhanced for the human society. He even went as far as to remove take parts of skin away and later took all organs there were and keep it together no matter what.

It's ironic how one does not wish to be tested on but yet people do this to others everyday. It's really not weird to others but it should be and when suffering happens no one cares but they always talk about change. It really makes everyone worse than the Blue who isn't worth anything to anyone and they always say 'He's mentally not there' and 'He's mentally ill'. When will they understand that the things they do to him will forever replay in his mind for his slow painful demise that is his life. He will only ever like his family but never say he loves them for that is such a strong word is it not?

And who are they to deserve that satisfaction for they don't help him when other abuse him mentally and physically. They all fucking left him to die and rot in the hands of others who have no rights to even touch him let alone torment him. His rights come from his date of living and he and others should never be pushed this hard to the cliff of insanity. He never asked to even be 'alive' but yet what the people want is all that matters and his opinion is soemthing they care not for and never will they. They sure do deserve to rot along with him so he's been devising a plan for them to rot in hell.

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