Chapter 17 Where is he?

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Days later

Teddy's P.O.V.

Where is he???!!! I can't find him anywhere, not even underwater!! I swear if he gets even more hurt because i wasn't there so help me. I can't find him in Thailand either which is unusual for him since he goes there quite a lot, i looked for him in his room but no one was there. No one in the village seems worried that he's gone which worries me even more but so help me i will crawl if i have to. I asked the heirs if they were worried but they stated "The weapon knows their ways around the planet and doesn't need our help but thank you for informing us, Teddy". That wasn't what i needed to hear from them but there's only one other person who can tell me where he is...

He could have gone anywhere, i know that he can take care of himself and all but i'm worried he's being reckless. I'm sure that the wounds he has have yet to heal anytime soon after what he did to receive them. I get bad feelings from the old heirs since they never worry about him at all and even seem a little entertained when i tell them about it yet they seem to enjoy it when i tell them about him. It scares me a little so i don't ask for their help anymore since they never seem worried or anything but they only express enjoyment when i tell them of his wounds and how he's in critical condition. They even stated once "He can't die even if he wanted to since there's no salvation anywhere for him" which makes me worry that he's not telling me something.

He seems to wear foundation but once i splashed him with water and for a split second i thought i saw a dark purple bruise but he told me that i was seeing things. I believe he's still being abused but the heirs never do anything when it's reported so i believe their apart of this thing. Which doesn't help in this at all since he's done this before but he's always gone for a a few days and I really care for him since he's like the only one who makes sure to help me when I'm stuck. And he always makes himself the target to anyone who bullies me and now I don't deal with bullies anymore but I know for sure he has to deal with them. I have physical proof of it cause every time the bullies come for him he comes back with more bruises but says he did it to himself which I'm more sure is a mix of both.

I can't help but feel like I'm failing as a friend since friends help their friends and yet there's nothing I can do to stop any of those things. He tells me that as long as I'm fine he's fine and that all his hard work to make them stop bugging me will be for nothing. There's times where the bullies themselves take it to far when they mention the people who were close to him die because of him then beat him with him not trying to defend himself. To make things worse which seems impossible he tells me he's sorry for any pain he causes me anytime and even gives me tranquilizer for if he was to out of control. When that occurs he never harms me and doesn't put a fight which makes the kingdom count on me to do that when it occurs to him.

Anger and frustration and i said something i would regret saying "I wish he was just normal for once!!!" i covered my mouth and look around to see if anyone saw or heard what i had said. I see the whole town looking at me knowingly and soon to my horror and dismay i see Blue land next to me. He writes on a piece of paper 'Did you say something funny?' i could tell he didn't know what i said which was both bad and good, yet the wicked laughter came to the end and everyone was now staring at us waiting for drama to enroll. I look at him and merely gives a small smile and writes me something that makes me feel more guilt 'What would i do without you?' causing me to tear up. I don't know what to say after that but i have to make up for it even if i still am guilty of saying that about him in front of everyone.

I can't if their laughing because 'I finally get it' or i myself am disabled and not like anyone else here. Blue says to me "I'm going to get the gift that i got for you a while back, please do wait for me" after saying that he turns around and uses teleportation to get to his house. Some of the villagers stop laughing and smile at me telling me things with happiness laced in their voices "We knew you would give up one him!!" "It doesn't take long to hate him" "We knew you would come around". I don't know what to say to them so i stay still hoping they stop soon but as soon as i think it's dying down it starts again with hollers of cheer and their all acting so proud of me for that saying that. I try to push my wheelchair forward but i swear as quick as the laughter started it died down instantly, something or someone grabs my shoulder and to my surprise Heir one stands there before me.

He greets me with a smile and lets go of my shoulder and told me why he could sense worry and regret from me. He's known to not speak much and stay quiet but if you catch his attention and get him to talk to you, you're considered special and blessed to get someone like him to talk to you. "Young man, i hope this doesn't disturb you but are you friends with Blueblood?" he says in a curious tone a child would have. I nod not wanting to waste his time even more, he stays still and looks nervous but seems to be trying to hid it he then tells me to come with him the castle for 'reasons'.

Timeskip to when they are now seated in the castle

I stand nervously wondering if i did something wrong but Heir one takes out a thick book with Blue's name as the title. He looks at me with worry and says something i wish i knew sooner "Do you know what Blue is supposed to be, right?" i respond with "He like anyone here but more powerful?" i ask nervously. He shakes his head and says "Did you know when making a another one of our kind if you give to much magic, you go insane and are corrupted to the point your no longer one of us and you are quarantined?" i get what he said but why was he saying this to me now? I slowly nod and he sighs and says "You're probably wondering why i'm saying this to you, right?" i nod again. He looks away from me and says what made my blood run cold "He's one of them, a little but that worries me and should worry you as well" i look at him and say "What do you mean? How is that possible?". I don't know how to feel after hearing this from the very one how made all of this possible.

"I can't tell you much information but lets just say he would have been fine if not for the other people in this kingdom who don't like him" He says with a face full of disappointment. I'm a little confidence I know that everyone messes with him but it's not possible this could have damaged him, right? I don't know what to say but Heir One continues "Blue has been planning something that is not clear to me her but I know it might not be good" I nod my head. Heir One stares at me for a while before speaking once again towards me "All the info I got on the plan was who was going to spared and yet only a few including you would be spared" i feel a chill go down my spine as he says that. I honestly could have prevented all this, I look down and say "Was that all you had to say Sire? Since I honestly need to find my friend Blue before something we don't want occurs" i look at him and he says something that I regret hearing.

"What makes you think he'll listen to you when he heard you say something had about him behind his back? I'm sure you damaged the friendship you had with the only person who truly makes time for you everyday?" I stay still.

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