Before the beginning

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In a place unknown to time itself, two being's are engrossed in an argument of dire threats. One stands walking into the misty area, part of the environment they exist in.
"Zardov, what have you done?" began the first being.
The other spun around looked at him, and replied "what I have done, is nothing yet, to what I am about to do." From a hidden place he pulled a third into view. "Your sweet precious Sanella, is now the next to go Sardov."
"How dare you after all I have done for you," Sardov shouted back in anger. "Leave her be."
"She is just the second last to go, brother," said Zardov wielding a device at her.
"You can't do that," Sardov shouted, lunging at him.
In an instant Zardov fired the device at Sanella. Her entire being turned into a radiant vapor cloud. To his side, Sardov activated a device which drew in her vapor.
"My precious Sanella, I will bring you back whole some day when I discover how, but till then you will be safe in the matrix," mourned Sardov, turning his attention to Zardov. "You have no idea what I am capable of brother. But my question to you, is why? Why have you done all this? What possible reasons could have to do all the carnage you have done?"
Zardov looked at him and said, "because I could and did brother. The enjoyment in doing so was very gratifying."
"But you even killed our parents, who nurtured you well all your life."
"And I saved you for last, my brother. Without you, none of this would be possible. Your devices, Sardov, are most useful and powerful indeed," Zardov spoke, as he pointed it at Sardov.
"No you won't," said Sardov as he reached behind himself, picking up another unseen device. As he brought it in front of himself he activated it, cancelling out the one Zardov held.
Zardov attempted to fire the device at Sardov, but to his surprise, it no longer functioned. "What is this, it doesn't work anymore?"
"For you, never again. I have crippled it," said Sardov, with a pleasing look at stopping his evil brother. "You cannot defeat me against all my own devices."
"If I cannot use your devices, then my own might will be your end," said Zardov charging, striking him with a heavy blow.
A mighty fight ensued and soon most of the devices were broken and damaged. Bumping into the matrix, a fairly large and indestructible device, it began to pull on the two of them, attempting to suck them both within, with all the entity vapors it had already absorbed. They pulled free of its grip, continuing their hand to hand fighting.
After what seemed a long time the 2 crashed into the matrix, causing a massive surge to erupt. Sardov, who had struck it directly was caught in its grip, being pulled into it. Sardov attempted to hold onto Zardov, but Zardov pulled free escaping his brothers grasp and fate.
Alone, Zardov looked at the matrix as it returned to normal. He approached looking into it, seeing his brother floating, towards a very large sphere within. He did not know what was happening to him, but watched for a very long time, as things within the matrix seemed to be very accelerated.
Mumbling to himself, he said, " he still lives, but I will destroy him, within his own creation."
Zardov looked around at all the devices, trying to recall what his brother once said about the matrix. "If you enter the matrix unprepared, you will be without memory for a very long time till it adapts and returns."
Searching among all the devices, he finally came upon one, slightly damaged. He picked it up, looked at it a moment, then proceeded to make the simple repair. The device, was the one he required. He prepped himself, then entered into the matrix following the trail of his brother without memory.
Having entered himself, Zardov, attempted to find his brother. But the vastness of space within was overwhelming. Descending on the sphere where he saw his brother go, he could no longer find him. He also found that the existence within was quite different, requiring him to leave, so that he could observe then plot his next moves..

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now