Chapter 3 Rise of a Corporate Empire

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A year passed since the electric company came to the farm attempting to cut the power off. Much had changed in the county from the results of the fight with the electric company. Their attempt to force the city to remove the charges by putting a strangle hold on power failed resulting on more charges and more fines. In the end, all assets they currently had within the county were seized, transferred over to Orion, who had provided the power at no charge, for many month's, also citing that the electric company owed many for the prepaid failed delivery of power.
With their gratitude in the fight, Orion was also granted exclusive rights to provide the county with all the required power needs at a much cheaper price than before. Numerous open building permits were also granted to him as well, so that when he would be ready, he could begin erecting any building he could ever need in the future.
The fight with the county against the electric company also reached national news. Word of the county being powered by fusion generators reached many, who came looking to find out how they could acquire their own fusion generators. The town of Olemonte, saw a heavy increase in visitors, as they came looking to find the manufacturer, to make deals.
Having had money flowing into his hands for almost four month's, Orion, requested the aid of captain Shiftland, to select a proper place where he could have a manufacturing plant built. Shiftland, knowing the layout, suggested a piece of property on the edge of the town, where a central and much larger fusion generator could be built as well, to provide the full county needs, removing the need to have so many smaller ones spread around.
Orion had also attended college as well for a few month's to properly learn all he needed, for running a large corporation. His tuition, paid for with a fusion generator, to provide the full power needs of the campus. This also prompted the college to give him honorary degrees related to the building of the fusion generator.
As the next summer began Orion was still building the generators by himself in the hidden underground workshop on the farm. Daily, however, Jakob drove him out to the site where construction was already underway on the manufacturing plant which would also house the headquarters of the business.
The building, funded by the town bank, for the extra needed money, would be the largest ever building in the town. It was designed not only for building and assembling every component for the generators, but also for doing research.
"Well what do you think so far?" asked Jakob as they pulled up once again.
"It's looking bigger and bigger everyday," said Orion.
"This is all yours, you know. You're going to be in charge of a lot of people soon, when they start working for you," said Jakob.
"It's scary when I think of it," said Orion, getting out of the truck, his hard hat on, going into the site for his daily inspection. "This is also going to be the parent company."
"Have you come up with a name yet?" asked Jakob.
"I did. I'm going to call it ZEE CORP. The slogan will be, "where everything is better and more affordable."
"That's pretty good son," said Jakob, following behind.
As they proceeded into the lower, nearly finished portion of the building, a well dressed man came up to them saying, "whoa whoa whoa, sir, you can't be bringing your son in here."
Orion looked at him then said, "that's my dad, not my son."
"What?"said the man suddenly confused.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my building?" asked Orion.
"What? Your building?" said the man.
Turning Orion saw the site foreman and shouted, "Paul, a moment please."
As Paul arrived , he said, "yes sir, what can I do for you?"
"Sir?" repeated the unknown man.
"Paul, who is this guy?" asked Orion.
"Interior designer," replied Paul.
"I don't like him. Please have him removed," said Orion.
"But sir, he came highly recommended," said Paul.
Turning to Paul the unknown man asked, "who is this kid?"
"He would be the boss. The owner of this whole building," replied Paul.
"The owner? But he's just a kid," said the man.
"Paul, I want him out now," said Orion sternly.
"As you wish sir," replied Paul, turning to the man. "Reginald you heard him, you need to get out now."
"Wait what? You're firing me?" said Reginald to Paul.
"No, I'm firing you," stated Orion, interrupting.
"What? Are you seriously taking orders from him?" asked Reginald.
"It's his money. I do what he says," said Paul.
"You're just firing me cause you don't like me," said Reginald to Orion.
"That's only part of it. The fact you don't know who I am, really annoys me. You also keep calling me kid, instead of sir or boss," said Orion.
"What is it that I am missing? Why am I supposed to know you?" said Reginald.
"Creator, inventor of the fusion generator? Have you not paid attention to that?" said Orion.
"Fusion generator? I'm not sure what that is?" said Reginald.
"Paul, where did you find this imbecile?" asked Orion.
"Umm, well, a friend of my wife recommended him as a good interior designer," replied Paul, scratching his head.
"Why do we need him? This is a manufacturing and research facility, along with being the headquarters of my expanding business," said Orion.
"Well," began Paul scratching his head more. "We do need a certain comfort appeal when people enter into the building."
"Fine," said Orion motioning for Reginald to come a lot closer. "You want to keep you job?"
"I do," said Reginald.
Slapping him across the face Orion said, "every time you call me a kid, you're going to get one of those. Is that understood?"
"Oww, that hurt," replied Reginald.
"Is it understood?" asked Orion once more.
"Fine, yes," replied Reginald.
"Good. Now let me see what you've drawn up," said Orion.
"Drawn up?" questioned Reginald.
"Have you not been drawing ideas?" asked Orion.
"I don't draw. I just look and say what needs to go where," replied Reginald.
"Nothing goes anywhere unless I say it does. Capishe?" said Orion.
"But...." began Reginald.
"There is no but. If you think something should be, I want to know and I will approve it or not. If you can't do that, the door is right there," said Orion pointing.
"Alright, alright, I'll do it," said Reginald.
"One more thing I want to ask you," said Orion.
"Oh? What's that?" asked Reginald.
"Are you gay? You really sound gay, but I've never met one before," said Orion.
"What? You think I'm gay?" said Reginald all offended.
"He's gay, sir," confirmed Paul.
"I thought so from what I have heard," said Orion.
"What you heard? What do you mean by that?" asked Reginald.
"Wow, it is true what they say," said Orion.
"What?" said Reginald once more.
"Wow it's too funny," said Orion watching his reactions. "But enough of that. Reginald, I want your interior design plans ready for me to see tomorrow," said Orion.
"Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?" asked Reginald.
"Will you have them ready today?" asked Orion.
"Impossible for today," replied Reginald.
"Then tomorrow it is," said Orion.
"But I can't get anything done that quickly," said Reginald.
"Why not?" asked Orion.
"I can't draw, as I said before," said Reginald.
"You had better scribble something, or find someone who can draw your ideas," said Orion.
"But...." began Reginald.
"You have three days to find someone then have some sort of drawing ready for me. If not, I'll find someone else who can," said Orion.
"But that's not enough time," said Reginald.
"Have you got somewhere to go or something?" asked Orion.
"No," replied Reginald.
"Great, then you have the rest of the afternoon and evening to to look for someone," said Orion.
"Oh, I actually have a diner date this evening and can't," said Reginald.
"Well I guess you don't really need this job," said Orion turning back to Paul. "Find someone more capable of doing the job."
"Wait!" shouted Reginald.
"Something you wish to say?" asked Orion turning back to him.
"I'll do it. I'll cancel my plans," said Reginald.
"Then you have three days. If you can't deliver by then, I we will find someone new who can fulfill the job,"said Orion.
"Yes sir, I'll get it done somehow," said Reginald leaving.
Watching him quickly go, getting on his mobile, Paul said, "sir, you literally put the fear into him about losing this job."
"If he can't do it, we need to replace him. It's as simple as that. I want the lower levels of this building operational by month's end. I have a huge demand as it is. We need to get production going as quickly as we can," said Orion.
"Understood sir. I'll see about getting more men on the job to complete the lower levels as soon as possible," said Paul.
"That's good to hear Paul. If you see that everything operates quickly, you can manage all the future buildings we build or renovate, depending on what there is. I plan to keep anyone around that is worthy. The next building may not be built for another year from now, but I'm sure I can find something for you to do in between," said Orion.
"Sir, you would keep me on, just to keep me employed?" asked Paul.
"Do well for me and you will always have a job," replied Orion.
"Oh yes sir," said Paul going on about his work.
"Son, aren't you being a little tough on people?" asked Jakob.
"I don't think so. I wouldn't ask any less of myself," replied Orion.
"I can see that, but people do need their time off," said Jakob.
"Father, have you seen me take any time off?" asked Orion.
"Uh no I haven't," replied Jakob.
"Then why should I allow those who work for me do it, when we have deadlines to complete. A good company is one that can meet it's deadlines. Someone who can't keep up is just an obstruction that needs to be removed," said Orion.
"You have a point. But making Reginald cancel his date was a bit much don't you think?" asked Jakob.
"I don't think so. After all, it was his decision to want to keep his job," said Orion.
"That's being tough on the employees," said Jakob.
"When he has what we need, he can relax afterwards. He did seem like he really needed the job," said Orion.
"You're right, he was more worried about keeping it," said Jakob.
"Now lets go see how the machining shop is coming along. Maybe we can get it running in another week's time," said Orion.
"You're really wanting to get things moving fast, aren't you?" asked Jakob.
"I think if we can begin making the parts very soon, it will help a great deal," said Orion.
"Who are you going to get to run the machinery?" asked Jakob.
"Miss Enright said she knew of some people that could likely operate it. We will have to train them first, but after they can start full production of the parts. Once we have the parts then we can begin the automation assembly to begin assembling the generators," said Orion.
"How many do you think could be assembled in a day?" asked Jakob.
"Many if we get the automation process fully done. I still have to modify the design to allow for machines to do the full assembly. The way I currently make them is impossible for the machines to do it the same way," said Orion.
"Well maybe you need to think of having the machines do what they can, with people doing what they can't," suggested Jakob.
"I thought of that, but it would slow things too much. I can redesign, so it is much more efficient, but it will take some doing," said Orion.
Three days passed. On that day, with high expectancy Orion entered into the building, looking for Reginald. He was no where to be seen. He went around the building doing his usual afternoon tour, finally coming upon Paul.
"Sir good to see you yet again. Is all going to your satisfaction?" said Paul.
"No it isn't. Where is Reginald?" asked Orion.
"Reginald? I couldn't say. I haven't seen him, since the other day," said Paul.
"Great," began Orion. "We should have replaced him the other day, it seems."
"So sorry about that, sir. I'll see about finding someone new soon," said Paul.
"You give a person a chance and they blow it on you," commented Orion, shaking his head. "Now how is progress coming along?"
"Well sir, we just got some of the new equipment in for the machining shop. I expect they will have them ready to operate by days end," said Paul.
"That's some good news. I didn't expect them to have the machinery here, for a few more days," said Orion.
"It was a surprise for me as well," said Paul.
"We had best go down to learn how they work," said Orion.
Arriving in the next level below ground, the only portion of the building actually complete, other than the two even lower levels meant for interior parking, Orion witnessed a lot of new equipment. Some fully installed, being tested for operation, while others were still being set up.
"Ah, Paul was it? Glad you came when you did. We seem to have a bit of a problem with this machine. For some reason there is no power getting to it. We checked the breaker which seems to have power but there is nothing getting in here," said the installation technician.
Pulling out his scanner from his side pouch, Orion began looking over the equipment with it. It read the lines as active. "There's plenty of power coming into the machine. Is there something you missed?"
Turning around, looking at Orion, the technician began to say, "why is there a...."
Interrupting him quickly, Paul said, "seems the boss is quicker on things than you are."
Confused, the technician said, "boss?"
"Yes, I work for him, this is his building," replied Paul.
"Him? You can't be serious. I was told it was a Mr Orion Zeenner that owned this place, the inventor of the fusion generator," said the technician.
"That would be him," began Paul, continuing with a whisper. "Whatever you do, don't call him a kid. He takes great offense to that."
"But...." began the technician looking at him again.
At that moment, Orion located a power switch underneath, switched it on, the machinery coming alive. Coming back he said, "Next time, turn the main power on."
"There's a main power switch?" asked the technician going over to look at it. "I didn't even know that was there. How did you manage to find it?"
"My field scanner could see where the power stopped. Upon looking there it was," replied Orion, putting it back in it's pouch.
"Field scanner? What on earth is that?" asked the technician.
"Just another little invention I have," replied Orion.
"Another little invention? I would say that it's more than little, if it can track power readings like that," said the technician, eying his pouch.
"You seem to have an affinity for it," said Orion, seeing where his eyes were looking.
"I just didn't know something like that really existed," said the technician.
"Technically it doesn't. This is the only one," said Orion.
"Do you plan on producing more, making them commercially available?" asked the technician.
"Perhaps in years to come. For now, however, it will just be my little piece of tech, that no one else has," said Orion.
Turning to look at Paul, the technician said, "is he serious? That could be a valuable piece of technology that many could use."
"Yes, many could use it, but in the wrong hands, it could become or considered a weapon of sorts," said Orion.
"A weapon?"questioned the technician.
"It could be used for many criminal activities. Before any of these can be out in public, security systems would have to be placed to counter it, other wise criminals, could easy break into banks and such, using it," said Orion.
Thinking about it for a moment, the technician then said, "you make a good point."
"I always do," said Orion turning his attention to all the machinery. "Now could you give us a run through on how all these here machines work?"
"You want to know how they work?" asked the technician.
"That's what all three of us came down here for. We need to know so that we can show those who will be working them, how to use them," replied Orion.
"Oh, of course, that does make some sense," said the technician.
Over the rest of the afternoon, the three of them were given rudimentary instructions and briefly shown how they each operate. Once done, they left, returning to the main level, a surprise awaiting Orion.
"Ah, sir, I was wondering where you were. The men said you were still here when they saw the old style truck out there," said Reginald.
"This is a surprise to see you," said Orion, looking at the many drawing stands with fresh drawings on them.
"What do you think of the many ideas, we put together?" asked Reginald.
Walking by each and looking , Orion said, "I sort of like, sort of like, don't like, sort of like, really don't like, has potential, not going to happen."
"I thought the last was the best," said Reginald.
"Were going to work with the second last one, with maybe a bit of something from the others I sort of like," said Orion.
"But those are just ones I threw together, just for variety," said Reginald.
"And they appeal to me," said Orion.
"But... It was meant to show contrast to make the other look good,"said Reginald.
"What do you think father?" asked Orion.
"I'm with you on this, son," replied Jakob.
"Paul, your opinion?" asked Orion.
"I'm with you as well sir," replied Paul.
"Good, a unanimous vote," said Orion.
"What? You both are taking his side?" complained Reginald.
"Face it, the ones you expected to use, just aren't suited for here," said Jakob.
Looking at it together all three took the next twenty minutes to go over them, with Reginald, taking bits of the others, adding it to the main. When all was done, Reginald left to have new drawings made up, for the next day.
By month's end, with the building still unfinished, production of the fusion generators were well under way, the ground floor being where all the assembly took place. The next floor up, a portion of it kept for supplies, janitorial equipment, a lunch room and bathrooms, was also complete. The next floor above, designated research and development, had still a ways to go, along with the next three levels, which were also deemed for research and development. The seventh floor, would become the office levels for the whole complex. The final floor, would remain empty, for now, having no use at the moment, but would later house two large fusion generators in time, to power the complex as well as the town.
Since manufacturing began at his new building, Orion began working there with his new employees. By the time fall time arrived, the building was finally complete. The office levels, were set up, with a secretary hired to take all calls.
Ads were also placed online, stating they were looking for laborers, technicians, researchers and high tech personnel. Orion spent many days with applicants from other cities far away, talking via video chat, getting to know them, finding out if they were what he wanted. By the new year, he filled all the currently available positions, working closely with them all.
Working every weekend Daniella helped Orion calibrate each new generator built, then placing supports inside to maintain the calibrations during transport. The new generators were also equipped with sensing equipment, along with remote access systems, so that they could be monitored at all times. A special computer system was set up just for monitoring them at all times. Should anything begin to go wrong, the person monitoring would receive the alert and shut down if required to.
By summer time, Daniella gave her farewell to the school, taking on the more important job at Zee Corp, to monitor and train all new technicians, who would also be in charge of calibrating the generators on site. She would also oversee operations while Orion was gone, opening up new factories elsewhere, to produce more generators, in other countries.
By the second year of full scale production at Zee Corps headquarters, six more plants were in operation, Daniella having traveled with Orion to each location, for set up and training of the new employees.
The growing amount of funds generated selling generators world wide, as well as taking over many of the power grids of the cities in his own country, began to generate enormous amounts of funds. The demand for cheaper electricity, bankrupted the electric company in his own province, also making the need for power lines bringing power from vast distances obsolete.
With growing amount of funds, investments were made into a few key tech companies, but the majority was put into research and development companies for arms and weapons, taking over certain companies, unnoticed by creating investment companies to buy them out.
By the time he reached twenty, a large tenth anniversary celebration, marking the year the lightning stuck him, was put on. At Zee Corp headquarters, the town was invited, along with many others.
Things were going smoothly for the party until Orion got an alert on his newly developed wrist com, patched directly into Zee Corps main computer, which monitored all generators, as well as scanned the perimeter of the town for any high explosive materials at all times.
"Warning, approaching gunpowder composition. Warning, approaching gunpowder composition,...." it kept saying.
Pressing one of the buttons Orion spoke into it and asked, "state locating of gunpowder."
"Distance, two miles from Zee Corp," came the reply.
"Deploy frontal perimeter magnetics, first and second line and roof top guns. Stand by to power up magnets. Lock guns on approaching targets," said Orion.
Moments after, on the property edge near the road, large metal objects protruded out of the ground. Everyone saw them, but none knew what they were for.
Another minute passed and a large vehicle began to pass by. Suddenly without notice, a cover dropped off of it revealing a large sub-machine gun.
"Engage perimeter magnets, full power," said Orion, just moments before the machine guns began to fire towards the crowd.
As the gun could be heard firing, everyone began to panic, looking over towards Orion, talking to his wrist. Every round fired, was caught by the magnets, keeping everyone safe.
"Fire guns," said Orion finally, before the truck could get away.
In moments, the crowd heard more gun fire, this time coming from the roof top. As they looked they could see the guns firing at the truck, taking it out.
"Orion, what's going on?" asked Daniella, running over to him.
"Terrorists I would assume," replied Orion.
"But where did the bullets go they fired?" asked Daniella.
"Perimeter defense magnets. They put out a large field of energy that pretty much slows any object passing close to them," replied Orion.
"But how did you know to activate it?" asked Daniella, watching the truck get pummeled.
"Early warning devices. I have sensors set up all around the town. They detected gunpowder and alerted me, to which I prepared for it," replied Orion, now walking out to the road. "Deactivate all magnets. Return to normal mode."
As the magnet barrier dropped back into the ground, Orion went out to the truck. Many followed him wondering what he was going to do. In the truck, three men lay there wounded, but well alive.
"They're still alive," said Daniella, surprised.
"Oh yes, very much. The system is programed to make sure to never hit, but the arms or legs, which you can see is where they bleed from," said Orion, reaching in, pulling one of the men out onto the ground. "Who are you, and what is the meaning of this attack?"
"Go to hell," said the man, suffering in pain.
Just then Shiftland arrived through the crowd and saying, "he's still alive?" Then he looked at Orion and asked, "where did the guns come from that are on the roof?"
"Automated defenses, installed almost four years ago, for this exact reason,"replied Orion.
"Have you got a permit for them?" asked Shiftland.
"Zee Corp is licensed to manufacture and sell them, which we do. Those are operated by a computer system, with voice recognition," replied Orion.
"That doesn't answer the question," said Shiftland.
"Zee Corp technology is licensed to bare arms," said Orion.
Shiftland looked at him funny, then back at the man lying there. "I guess I need to book him."
"If you don't mind, captain, I'd like to take them into the facility to extract information out of them," said Orion.
"This is a crime scene, I have to cordon it off, and place them in jail," said Shiftland.
"What will that serve?" asked Orion, looking at Shiftland intently.
"It's what I have to do as an officer of the law," said Shiftland.
"And if someone comes to claim them out of the jail, justice won't get served," said Orion.
"That's the law I have to take them," said Shiftland.
"Then I have to engage article eight zero seven dash three of the DRD," said Orion.
"The what?" asked Shiftland.
"One of the civil codes for the department of research and development. States that if a research personnel's life is threatened, he has the right to take and interrogate any suspect or terrorist that threatens his life," replied Orion.
"Ive never heard of that," said Shiftland.
"Look it up," said Orion.
Getting on his radio, Shiftland spoke to his dispatcher, who looked it up. After a few minutes, she relayed to him exactly what Orion had said,
"Well it seems that you are correct," said Shiftland, looking at the three men now pulled out of the vehicle.
Turning to his technicians that were present Orion said, "check the vehicle for any transmitters of any sorts. If there are any, neutralize them, then bring the truck into lab one for analysis and strip it down," said Orion.
"Yes sir," came the reply as twenty of them got to work.
"Now captain, would you and some others lend a hand so that we can get them into lab twelve. I have some very unique research going on there that will help," said Orion.
"Well I guess," replied Shiftland.
Turning to the rest of his guests, Orion said, "You have all seen what's happened here. Now it would be best that none of you ever speak of this again. If you do, chances are, that friends of these three could take you prisoner and torture you for information. Forgetting this altogether will keep you all safe."
In a short while the men were all taken back into the building. The party resumed as if nothing ever happened, the truck also removed off the road, made to disappear.
In the lab, after making a determination there were no microphones or any other kinds of bugs on them, one by one the men were hooked up to some machines, electrodes stuck on his heads. It took many hours to prep him, but finally Orion had his mind altered so that he thought he was back where they came from.
"How did it go?" asked Orion.
"How did I get here?" he asked.
"With a lot of trouble. Are you sure you're ok?" asked Orion.
"I feel fine. I'm just a little out of it," he said.
"Are you sure? What's my name then?" asked Orion.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.
"I don't think you recall my name, now do you," said Orion.
"Of course I do, it's Copeland, Gerald Copeland," he said.
"Well you recall mine, what's yours, or have you forgotten it, soldier," said Orion.
"Dawson. Hank Dawson," he replied.
"Now that that's over, what happened to the three of you? Why did we end up having to get you out of that jail?" asked Orion.
"I don't know. Zee Corp seems to have some sort of defenses on their property. We shot at the crowd, trying to get as many as we could, but the bullets stopped at the perimeter fence. Then we were shot at," replied Hank.
"Shot at? With what?" asked Orion.
"I don't know. I didn't see what it was. But it countered really fast," said Hank.
"Where's your other two team mates?" asked Orion.
"What? Bernie and Clarence aren't here?" said Hank.
"They weren't with you at the police station," said Orion.
"We were all injured," said Hank
"You don't look injured now," said Orion.
"Well maybe they were taken to the hospital," said Hank.
"I'll get men out there right away to check. But I need to know, about our subject? I assume he is still alive?"
"Ya, that Zeenner guy still lives," said Hank.
"Recommendations on how we can get him?" asked Orion.
"It won't be at his headquarters, that's for sure," said Hank.
"Then how do we get him?" asked Orion.
"I don't know. I'm not even sure how he knew to have those defenses up that he did. Taking him on could be risky business," said Hank.
"Our client is paying good money to have him taken out," said Orion.
"Maybe you should tell George we need more money for this job. This Zeenner guy has the top technology with him," said Hank.
"We made a deal with him. We can't change it now. It would be bad for business," said Orion.
"Well the price has to go up. This character is well protected. George, never told us he was. With all his money and contacts he should have known," said Hank.
"Perhaps. But we honor our deals," said Orion.
"Maybe George should cut his losses and forget about it,"said Hank.
"You think he's going to let this go?" said Orion.
"Even if we do manage to off Zeenner somehow, George still won't get back what he lost," said Hank.
"It's the satisfaction he wants." said Orion.
"So you're saying he don't care about losing his electric company empire he had," said Hank.
"He can get it back slowly, but only if Zeenner is out of the picture," said Orion.
"That's a bit impossible isn't it, when Zee Corp is not a company that has shares on the market. He built it from scratch and maintains full control of it," said Hank.
"If he dies, who do you presume will inherit it?" asked Orion.
"I couldn't say. He's not even married that I know of. He could leave it to family," said Hank.
"What place is this anyway?" asked Hank.
"Why don't you take a guess where we are," said Orion.
"Hampton base?" asked Hank.
"No," replied Orion.
"Helsfer?" asked Hank.
"Not there either," said Orion.
"We still at Pintland?" asked Hank.
"Yes we are," said Orion.
"Made a few changes then," said Hank.
"We did in the few days you were missing," said Orion.
"I thought we were only going to keep this place temporarily," said Hank.
"We are, but we needed to make these changes in the meantime. Now why don't you get some rest. I need to send some men on surveillance," said Orion, flicking a switch, forcing him to sleep.
Having been watching and listening, Shiftland said, "this was quite impressive. How did you manage to make him believe you were someone else and elsewhere?"
"Certain suggested drugs working with a small field that this device puts out. It distorts the normal senses, immersing you into a waking dream state," said Orion.
"That's some serious tech," said Shiftland looking at it more. "How did you come by it?"
"All the upper floors of this building are dedicated research labs. To fill them, I sent out a general inquiry for researchers wishing to develop their ideas, that had no place to do so. I filtered through many, taking the most important ones, but this one seemed more of an interesting project which is turning out well for us at this time," said Orion.
"Yes, beneficial and lucky," said Shiftland.
"Now, Pintland, I think I know where that is. I was hearing rumors of this place in the last two years. I think it's time I sent a team out to investigate and storm the place. Would you be interested in being a part of the team, as a law man?" asked Orion.
"What you are thinking of doing, is against the law," said Shiftland.
"Article Eight One Two allows me to. But it also highly recommends a representative of the law be present as well," said Orion
"Eight One Two? There's such a clause?" said Shiftland thinking. "It would be interesting to be there. I'll have to make preparations with my station."
"Non sense. You have the day off today. We are leaving in an hour and should be back long before morning," said Orion.
"Back by morning? Are you serious?" asked Shiftland.
"Absolutely. Are you in or not?" replied Orion.
"Aren't you going to need any equipment?" asked Shiftland.
"We have everything we need within all the research labs," replied Orion.
"What? Everything?" said Shiftland surprised.
"You forget, the upper levels of this building are all research and development. We have a lot of tech here to help us, including experimental anti terrorist weapons. I already have teams of people gathering what we need. Just a lawman with arms experience is what we need to complete the team," said Orion.
"Very well, so long as I get to have one of your experimental guns," said Shiftland.
"Great," said Orion, thinking of another surprise he had for him. "On the roof is our transportation. A transport drone, powered by a fusion generator."
"A transport drone? No one has been able to build a successful one," said Shiftland.
"That's because they lacked having a fusion generator to power it. A standard petrochemical motor is far too heavy with all the gearing required. Full electric propellers, is far lighter, along with the fusion generator," said Orion.
"Huh, I guess I didn't think of that," said Shiftland.
"We have plans to build a law enforcement version, to facilitate your movements. The prototype, I plan to loan you for experimentation purpose,"said Orion.
"You're going to loan me the prototype?" said Shiftland.
"As a prototype, it will still have a lot of bugs in it. Once you discover them all, we will build an assembly line version, of which I will give you the first one made," said Orion.
"You're far too kind," said Shiftland.
"Not at all. You helped me get this corporation off the ground," said Orion.
"But I only used you to get revenge on the electric company," said Shiftland.
"Either way, I consider you a good friend and want to help out our police department. Plus, I'll be using you to get advertisement as well, so again, we help each other out," said Orion.
"Good point. I look forward to making use of the prototype," said Shiftland.
An hour later, everyone met on the rooftop that was going. Experimental equipment of all kinds were already loaded into the newly built drone. The researchers also joined to operate their equipment as well.
"Well what do you think, officer Shiftland?" asked Orion unveiling the transport drone.
"It's really big," replied Shiftland looking it over. "Much bigger than I expected it to be."
"It was built to help transport the generators to further distances, eliminating ground travel time. Our early tests have shown that it can travel at nearly four hundred knots. It makes big jet planes seem obsolete for travel, from one city to the next, also eliminating the jet fuel they consume," said Orion.
"I would say it should, when it's fusion powered. But how do you keep the fusion generator calibrated with all the roughness?" asked Shiftland.
"Oh, we hadn't told you, did we?" began Orion, stepping into the drone. "About six years ago we perfected a way to make the calibrations more permanent."
"So the calibration can't get knocked out then?" said Shiftland, following behind.
"The new system makes it far more difficult, but it can still get knocked out. We also still have to shut the unit down before opening it as well, as the paneling still helps stabilize the fields that allow it to function properly," said Orion.
"So if I tried opening it while it's running..." said Shiftland.
"Boom," said Orion. "It can still explode easily if mishandled. I have a number of people working on different designs, for operational maintenance, but that could be a while. I've given them numerous things to try, so hopefully it will be done some day."
"How many people does Zee Corp employ now?" asked Shiftland curiously.
"Well, above a million worldwide," replied Orion, thinking. "Then there is the subsidiaries, which also employ far more people."
"You employ that many?" said Shiftland shocked.
"In a lot of the major cities, we installed huge Fusion generators, to power them completely. That alone would have cost them a fortune to buy. Instead, I collect around fifty dollars a household. In all cases, the city handles the billing and distribution of the power. They  just transfer to me the amount owed. I think they charge each household about hundred dollars," said Orion.
"That's a lot of money to be collecting," said Shiftland.
"It would have been better for them to buy it outright. But the bigger fusion generators that we build to power the cities, have a million dollar price tag on them," said Orion.
"A Million? That's an awful lot," said Shiftland.
"It is, but it takes a lot to get them there. We literally have special trailers built that roughly keeps them about half a foot off the road surface, so that we have plenty of space to go under most bridges crossing highways. We have a specially built truck that tows the trailer which also takes two lanes of traffic, thus requiring escorts," said Orion.
"Where are these bigger generators built?" asked Shiftland.
"In Torinno, which is where our heavy scale plant is located, that we opened five years ago. It only does the assembly there. We have different parts manufacturing plants all around that takes care of making all of the parts for them," said Orion.
Just then one of the researchers said, "sir, we're all aboard now."
"Great," replied Orion, heading up to the fligthdeck. He sat down in the one chair next to another. "Are all systems ready to go Fred?" asked Orion
"Yes sir. She's ready to take off," replied Fred.
"Great," said Orion taking the left side controls.
"Are you planning to fly this yourself?" asked Shiftland standing behind him.
"I am," replied Orion, engaging power to all rotors. "You may want to sit down and buckle up before we take off."
Going back into the hold with the rest, Shiftland got into one of the seats with all the others, that was installed around the perimeter of the cargo hold. Orion, in moments lifted them off the roof and moments later were up in the air speeding off at high acceleration.
It was a short while later when they arrived at their destination, high above the ground. Orion handed the controls to Fred, who kept the transport drone steady and unseen in the night sky as he went back to the others in the cargo hold.
"Alright, time to get to work everyone. I want full details of the location, with all our mini drones out patrolling around. I want our targets found quickly," said Orion.
The entire cargo hold was suddenly transformed into an operations center in a few minutes, everyone setting up their equipment fast. Drone operators sent out their tactical drones, to investigate the location and in no time at all, found what they were looking for.
"I think I got what you're looking for sir," said one of the drone pilots.
"Do we have audio, Marc?" asked Orion.
"We do, sir. The special parabolic mic is picking up conversation in the building, filtering out the drone sound," said Marc.
"Lets hear what they are saying,"Said Orion.
From the audio a voice could be heard saying,"I don't like this Gerald, they should have reported in long before now."
"We lost all contact with their vehicle as it reached the site," said another.
"Anything in the news about any kind of explosions at Zee Corp yet, Todd?"asked Gerald.
"Nothing so far," replied Todd.
"If they had hit the main generator it would have either sent out a massive E M pulse, or exploded. That's the only thing I can thing about why their transponders went suddenly dead. Their last communique stated they were about to open the cover and lay down fire,"said Gerald pacing around.
"You would think the news would have covered something by now," said Todd, turning. "Frank, have you been able to tap into the towns security cameras?"
"Either they don't exist, or they're fire-walled and can't be accessed," replied Frank.
"We're the best special ops team there is, that I know of. We should be able to get something. I don't want to disappoint our client," said Gerald.
"Why we doing this anyway? Zee Corp has brought a lot of good to the world," said Todd.
"Because of the money we are being paid. Our client is also one of the richest men on the planet, and wants his competitor out of the picture," replied Gerald.
"To be truthful, Gerald, had I known before today who we were going after, I would have stepped this one out," said Frank.
"We're being paid fifty million for this job. We're mercenaries. We go where the money is. And this is great money," said Gerald.
"All the same, if I still had a choice, I would walk away from this one," said Frank.
"Same with me," said Todd. "I don't like taking down the corporate head of a company that has brought out so much good."
"Well, lets first find out what is going on. Turner just left, so by morning we should know something," said Gerald.
"I've heard enough. Did you record it all?" said Orion.
"Yes sir," replied Marc.
"Greg, what do the scans show?" asked Orion.
"Four people present, as you can see here. One guarding the main entrance, the other three up here," replied Greg.
"The layout is simple according to the scan," said Orion turning to Shiftland. "What do you think? You ready. We can easily neutralize them all."
"You planning to kill them?" asked Shiftland.
"No, incapacitate them," said Orion.
"How do you plan to do that?" asked Shiftland.
"Reggie, you're up," said Orion.
Pulling out a two foot, two inch barrelled rifle, Reggie said, "this is the TX stunner riffle. It fires an electropulse energy blast, literally incapacitating any biological being for a short time. It takes three seconds to recharge before you can fire it again. Comes with a trilithium battery pack, only good for about twenty rounds, before you need to swap in a fresh battery."
Looking at Orion, Shiftland said, "you're really bringing space trek to reality, aren't you?"
"This is only the beginning. I hope you're still alive to see the first ships being built,"said Orion.
"The first ships?"questioned Shiftland, as everyone turned to look at Orion at the same time, wondering the same.
"I guess none of you knew this, from the expressions on your faces. But yes, in about twenty years, we will have spaceships. This is Zee Corps future endeavor," said Orion.
"So the TX stunner riffle is basic tech for this ship?" asked Reggie.
"All the tech is for it. That's why I fund you all as well as the rest at headquarters," said Orion.
"So the rumor is true then," said Shiftland.
"Well I guess. But that's a matter for later. Reggie, hand out the riffles to Shiftland and the security team. Howard, hand out the com devices to them as well. Denis, hand out the display glasses," said Orion, going back to the cockpit. "Fred, take her down into the clearing nearby."
Once the drone transport was on the ground, Orion, Shiftland and the security men all proceeded to the building. They got very close, each with their riffles ready to fire. In the stealth of darkness, Shiftland fired on the guard. He was quickly tied up and left behind. Proceeding into the building, they crept in quietly, one by one moving along. watching their own progress, being transmitted to their visual display glasses they wore.
Pointing to different group teams Orion said, "you take the one on the left, you take the one in the middle, and Shiftland and I will go for the one on the right."
As they entered quietly unseen into the large mostly abandoned warehouse, they all took their positions. When Orion gave the signal, each group fired on their target, taking them all out.
"Well this was kinda fun," said Shiftland hovering over one of them. "Knocked them out, but didn't really harm or kill them."
"Space tech, as you might want to call it. It's the best you can have," said Orion, looking around. Then into his com, "Fred, bring her in as close as you can. Everyone else, pack your gear up, then come in here. I want all this equipment in here packed and brought back with us."
Two hours later, everyone was back at Zee Corp, with their prisoners. The equipment was set up in a lab, with many technicians going over it all. In one of the empty rooms, all four  men were left in it, tied up. When one finally woke up, he didn't know where they were.
"Frank, Frank," shouted Todd trying to wake him up.
"Uh, what hit me," said Frank stirring, then realizing he was tied up. "What the hell? Where are we? How did we get here?"
"I don't know. I think that's Gerald over there with Herbert," said Todd.
"What's the last thing you remember?" asked Frank.
"We were at Pintland warehouse, talking," replied Todd.
Just then the door opened and three more men were wheeled in, a strange figure behind them that they could not yet see.
"Isn't that Hank?" asked Frank.
"I think so," replied Todd.
"Well at least we know where they are now?" said Frank.
"But the question remains, where are we?" asked Todd.
"Why you are all at Zee Corp headquarters," replied Orion, making himself seen now.
"What the hell," said Todd.
"You fellas are in a heap of trouble you know," said Orion.
Recognizing Orion now, Frank said, "I really didn't want any part of this."
"Nor did I," said Todd.
"But you still plotted against me," said Orion.
"If we both had of known it was going to be you, we would not have. We didn't know till last minute," said Frank.
"Yes I know that," said Orion.
"What? What do you mean you know that?" asked Todd.
"We were monitoring you all before we stormed the warehouse. I heard what you both said. Which is why the two of you are over here and not over there with the rest," said Orion.
Just then on Orion's wrist came a voice saying, "warning, gunpowder detected on perimeter."
Pressing a button, Orion said, "detection location?"
"North east two miles," came the reply.
Switching his com set on, Orion said into it, "the target is in sight. Proceed with the operation."
"What's going on?" asked Todd.
"That would be your friend Turner arriving. He'll be here shortly with the rest of you, after my people pick him up," replied Orion.
"Turner? How do you know he's here?" asked Frank.
"No kind of weapon can get within two miles of this facility without me knowing. That's how I knew Hank, Bernie and Clarence were coming. Their vehicle is a mess tho, after my automated defense systems took it out," said Orion.
"Automated defense system? You have that here?" asked Frank.
"I have more than you can realize, Frank," replied Orion looking at the two of them. "Do either of you know how many people I currently employ?"
"Fifty to a hundred thousand?" answered Todd.
"The numbers are in the millions," replied Orion.
"Millions? But how is that possible?" asked Frank.
"Very easy, when you have a lot of wealth," said Orion. "Now the question I have for you both, is, who is this George character? Is it Saltosse you refer to?"
Frank and Todd looked at each for a moment then said nothing.
"He is one of the richest men, after myself now," added Orion, starring them both in the eyes, one after the other. "Now are you going to cooperate and make things easier for yourselves?"
"If we do, what's in it for us?" asked Todd.
"Well what would you like?"asked Orion.
"What about total exoneration from this?" asked Frank.
"Is that all?" asked Orion.
"Do you need any mercenaries?" asked Todd, trying to smile.
"Mercenaries you say. I don't hire mercenaries. But I do hire legit security people, on payroll. Is that what you are asking?" said Orion.
"If you expunge this from the record, we would both gladly work for you," said Frank.
"Why do you suddenly want to work for me?" asked Orion.
"Well you seem to have the upper hand on everything, especially tech. You took us out somehow that we ourselves don't know how. Being legit would be far better than any other shady mercenary deal. We're mostly tech people you know," said Frank.
"Tech people that were unable to hack into the towns security cameras," said Orion.
"How come we couldn't?" asked Frank.
"All the cameras in this county are setup in very secure system, that you don't even have the technology to access,"said Orion.
"You have newer kind of tech?" asked Frank.
"Unlike anything you could even think of," said Orion picking up a tool. "Now, you both really want to work for me?"
"We do," said Todd.
Pressing the tool into Todd's neck he squeezed the trigger, injecting something. Then he done the same to Frank.
"What was that for?" asked Frank.
"Insurance policy. I injected you both with a small nanite. It will work it's way to your brain stem. Should I die for any reason, a signal with be beamed out through all communication networks, only to be received by these two nanites, which will in turn react and cause you both a fatal death within days," said Orion.
"What?"said Todd. "You can't do this to us."
"It's already done. Therefore if you want to remain alive, you need to ensure I stay alive. To do that, is by whatever means you see fit now," said Orion.
"You would have us die if you get killed?" said Frank.
"How else can I ensure your loyalty?" asked Orion.
They both looked at each other then said, "you have damned us both."
"I have. But the first thing in keeping me alive is to confirm who this George is," said Orion.
"You were correct in your thinking. It was Saltosse," blurted out Todd.
"Excellent. Now do you know where your meeting place is supposed to be with him?" asked Orion.
"Gerald is the contact. We technically work for him," said Frank.
"Well now you work for me. If I die you both die," said Orion.
"What do we get paid?" asked Todd.
"Same as everyone else here, plus you get to have the best equipment that we make, which is a far leap from what you currently have or had," said Orion, proceeding to remove all their bindings.
"You're just letting us go now?" said Frank.
"Well there is no reason to keep you tied up any further. If you attempt to kill me, you are giving yourself your own death sentence." said Orion turning to one of his other men. "Monitor the others, but keep them asleep."
"What are you going to do with them?" asked Todd.
"We will keep them here for now, asleep till I need them. But for now, both of you are going to do what you do best," said Orion.
"What do you mean by that?" asked Frank.
"Follow me," said Orion, leading them out of the room, bringing them into another, full of higher advanced computer systems than they had ever seen before.
"OMG was is all this?" asked Todd.
"The best tech you have ever seen in your life. All of it has been Zee Corp modified. What I want you to do, is use it and find George Saltosse.
"You're kidding us, right?" asked Frank.
"Do I look like a man who likes to kid around?" asked Orion.
They both looked at him then said, "no."
"Good. Now Terry over here, will be watching you both. He knows how to get in touch with me. So when you find George, tell him to let me know," said Orion.
It was a few hours later when Orion was called back in.
"Mr Zeenner sir, we think we have him located," said Todd.
"Great, now where is he?" asked Orion.
"New Yurty city, five eighty seven Polter street, unit two zero two three," said Frank.
"Great work," said Orion pressing his com switch. "Load our subject and prepare for departure."
"What's going on?" asked Todd.
"We are going to go see Mr Saltosse," replied Orion.
"You can't be serious. are you?" asked Todd.
"We should be able to arrive long before dawn," said Orion.
"Before dawn? I thought you said we were at Zee Corp headquarters? How do you expect to be there before dawn?" asked Frank.
"Very easily, if you guys hurry up," said Orion, leaving the room.
Following, they went up to the roof, where the two witnessed the large drone for the first time, not knowing exactly what it was. Moments afters Gerald was loaded in, as they watched.
"That thing looks like a huge drone," said Frank.
"It is. It will also take us to Yurty very fast," said Orion.
Piloting the transport drone once more, Orion took them to New Yurty city at a record speed. Once there, GPS coordinates guided them to the building they need to go to. Unable to actually land on the roof, the drone hovered slightly above, allowing everyone to disembark, then rose up, hovering a fair distance away.
The group, carrying Gerald, went into the building, then into George's penthouse unit. Entering his technicians, set up sound nullifying emitters. Once set up, they moved to the bedroom quietly, surrounding George and his wife who slept.
Finally the light was turned on, Orion giving a poke to George saying, "wake up."
As he stirred and open his eyes, he looked up at Orion, instantly recognizing him, saying, "how did you get in here? Why are you here?"
"Why is the question indeed," said Orion, motioning him to get up. "You and I need to talk."
Getting out of bed George said, "Talk? About what?"
"You know very well what, old man," said Orion, leading them both out to another room, that had many men in it, one slumped over asleep.
"What's this one doing asleep?" asked George.
"Was easier to bring him in that way," replied Orion, lifting him up so George could see him better.
Surprised to see Gerald, George said, "why is he here sleeping?"
"I wanted to make sure you knew I had your hit-man," said Orion, looking at George carefully. "I don't take kindly to my life being threatened. I also like to do my own dirty work personally, unlike the coward you are, who hides behind his money, hiring people."
"I don't know what you mean?" said George.
"Don't play dumb with me. I have significantly advanced methods of extracting information. He and his men told me what I needed to know, even tho they didn't know they were doing it. I know all about how you hired them to eliminate me," said Orion.
"Then what do you plan to do?" asked George.
Taking a syringe tool, Orion placed it against George's neck pulling the trigger. "You just got injected with a nanite. It's untraceable. It's also programmed to seek and find your brain stem. Should I die for any reason, you will die within four hours. A signal will be transmitted out, upon my death, activating the nanite to begin the procedure, to kill you in a rather painful way."
"You're just trying to scare me. There is no such thing," said George.
"I'll tell you what. I'll give you a slight demonstration," said Orion pressing a button on his wrist com.
In moments George began to feel immense pain crying out, "ahhhh!"
Letting go of the button, stopping the pain, Orion said, "Are you convinced now?"
George looked at Orion, with severe dislike saying, "I'll have my people remove it."
"They won't even know what to look for, nor can they ever detect it. I'm afraid you will have it the rest of your life, however short that is," said Orion.
"Anything can be removed," George.
"Oh I agree with that, but to do so would turn you into a vegetable," said Orion.
"What do you mean by that?" asked George.
"Meaning it will attach itself to the base of your brain. To remove it will cause you to lose a lot of your mobility, as well as your speech. You won't ever be the same," said Orion.
Just then, Gerald came to  finding himself all tied up. He looked over at Orion and George surprised to see them both talking.
"Sir, the prisoner is awake now," said one of Orion's men.
Turning to look at Gerald, Orion asked, "Did you sleep well, Gerald."
"What? How did I get here? George? What's going on?" said Gerald.
"Shut up you damn fool," said George.
"George, I can't connect you directly to him, but I know you are. I would suggest you keep a low profile from now on and think twice about sending another team against me. I will never be an easy target for anyone," stated Orion.
Picking up all their equipment they set up all around the penthouse apartment, the men also grabbed Gerald again,  dragging him off. George unsure of how they found or got in his condo or the hit men, sat down in his kitchen for along time contemplating. He had never had the cards turned on him so quickly and badly including the the fact he was injected with a death sentence should anything happen to Orion. Zee Corp's power had turned out to be far greater than he ever imagined it could be.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now