Chapter 17 Rescue

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Nearly a week passed since Orion returned from his rest Earth side. During that time, he continued to exercise daily, bringing his strength back up. When he was done exercising for a while, he spent a lot of time in his prototype transport ship, doing modifications, along with tinkering.
As per of her daily routine, Zoi checked in Orion. "Sir, how are you doing today?" she asked.
"As per the usual, better every day," replied Orion.
"Another new power cell installation?" asked Zoi watching him.
"No, not this time," Orion began while continuing with his adjustments. "Tinkering with a new prototype device. Not sure if it will even function, but I plan on testing it next time we are out."
"What is is it?" she asked.
"That shall remain a mystery until we have a chance to test it," replied Orion.
"Has anyone ever told you, that you are too mysterious of a person?" queried Zoi.
"You wouldn't be the first to say it, but many others do think it," replied Orion.
"I'm sure that's true sir," agreed Zoi looking at the device with more curiously. "So when do you plan on testing this new device?"
"Not sure. Depends on the circumstances. But for now, it's home will be here," said Orion.
"Well I can't wait to see what it does," said Zoi.
"Many have already said the same thing," said Orion, closing up the panel.
"Well you do come up with a lot of odd devices, that you won't share their function," stated Zoi.
"To tell you the truth, this one came out of a dream I had. I have no idea what it can do, if it does anything," replied Orion.
"You built it from a dream you had?" Zoi said puzzled.
"Yes. It seemed the logical thing to do. I had the dream several times over. Each time I could see myself assembling it and then activating it one day when we were close to being destroyed during battle with the mother ship," said Orion.
"Sounds interesting, but you do realize it may never function at all," stated Zoi.
"It's a chance I'll take," said Orion, moving away to another section of the ship.
"So what is next on your agenda?" asked Zoi.
"Too much. But for now, I am going to go over all systems to ensure they are fully operational. I sense we will be in combat again very soon," said Orion.
No sooner than he said that, than Moy was paging him on his wrist com.
"General, this Moy, come in please."
"Zeenner here, go ahead Moy."
"Sir, I have Francis trying to get a hold of you," said Moy.
"Relay the transmission to my ships com system," ordered Orion.
"Yes sir, stand by," replied Moy.
On his screen Francis appeared and said, "well old friend, I see you are looking even better today."
"Better yes, but still a long way from perfect," added Orion. "And what do I owe the pleasure of this communication today?"
"Hubble has just confirmed to us that the alien ship is on the move again," said Francis.
"I had a feeling they might be," said Orion, looking at Zoi. "I was just telling Zoi here, something about that just minutes ago."
"You never cease to amaze me, Orion. So I take it you will be going out to intercept them?" asked Francis.
"Soon," replied Orion. "First I need to run a full system's check on my ship."
"Yes, I would hope you would be. How long till you think you will be ready?" asked Francis.
"A few hours should be long enough with some help," replied Orion.
"Then I wish you luck, Francis out."
Turning the monitor off, Orion looked at Zoi and said, "ready to help?"
"Aye sir. I wouldn't miss it," replied Zoi.
For the next three and a half hours, all system checks were completed with preparations to launch nearing. In the hanger bay the HAAT and all assault crafts were also being readied for launch at a later time, but only Orion's ship would be the first to depart and engage if required.
Entering into the flight deck, Zoi called over to Orion, "Sir, last of the supplies are on board."
"Has everyone disembarked yet?" asked Orion.
"I believe so," Zoi replied.
"Then stand by to launch," said Orion, closing the main entry into the ship, from his console. "Notify control we are taking off."
"But sir, Cliff isn't here," said Zoi.
"We won't require him right away," Orion began to explain. "This is more a purely stealth mission to determine the ship's status. As well, I want to see if we can board them and determine what we could do."
"How do you intend to get that close without detection?" asked Zoi.
"That would be by making a calculated light speed jump, bringing us close enough to avoid any kind of detection," explained Orion.
"Is that really possible to do?" asked Zoi wondering.
"We'll find out soon enough," replied Orion, powering up all ships systems.
In a short time, they arrived close enough to the mother ship. Then with scanner readings, calculations were made followed by an FTL jump up close to the ship, without being detected.
"So far no detection," said Zoi after a few minutes.
"With the main reactor offline and running on reserve power, we shouldn't be detected," said Orion, firing maneuvering thrusters, in an attempt to attach to the mother ship.
"How do you plan on entering the ship?" asked Zoi.
"By taking a space walk," replied Orion. "I am assuming we could enter using an access hatch close to their launch bays, or elsewhere if we find any."
Within a half hour, both donned spacesuits equipped with pack thrusters then began their space walk. After almost three hours later, they finally came upon an entry, forcing it open.
Once inside, they removed their space suits, hiding them out of sight. Both then crept through the ship remaining hidden. It was almost seven hours, before they made an unthinkable discovery.
"OMG, they have one of our people on that examination table," whispered Zoi in shock.
"I never though we would ever discover this," said Orion looking on from their hidden location.
"Isn't that......" began Zoi.
"Henry Bulmer," finished Orion. "He was one of our second class pilots."
"He was one of the missing from the first attack," said Zoi. "Everyone was out looking for him, but we assumed he floated off never to be seen again."
"If he is here, there might also be others," said Orion, peering around the room to the adjacent doors. "We'll wait here and watch the activity for the next while."
Over an hour passed before a sudden cry of pain could be heard from the distance. They looked around, listening carefully for the direction it came from. Motioning to follow, Orion lead them both towards the sound, where they saw two aliens dragging another of the pilots.
"Can you recognize who it is?" whispered Zoi.
"Not yet, but by the looks of it, I think whoever it is, is out cold from whatever torture they just put him through," Orion whispered back.
"Are you planning on rescuing him?" whispered Zoi.
"I'm not about to leave any of our people in their hands," whispered Orion, readying his energy weapon. "Keep your weapon handy."
Zoi pulled out her weapon as requested. Both crept up behind the two aliens, then fired at them, killing both as they turned around, after dropping the person into the room. Inside, 2 other onlookers turned their heads towards their direction, as the two aliens fell to the ground. In moments, Orion and Zoi grabbed the two captors and as they entered the room dragging their lifeless bodies, were caught by surprise by their onlookers.
"Sir, three others," Zoi pointed out, still dragging the body.
Orion looked at all three recognizing them and said, "Tom, William, David, are the 3 of you alright?"
Looking at Orion and Zoi, Tom replied, "general Zeenner? Is that really you?"
"General Zeenner?" also said David.
"Yes it is. Now, can all three of you walk?" asked Orion.
"Yes sir," said all three, with tears of joy running down their faces.
"Then come on," said Zoi, keeping watch out the door.
"We really thought we were goners," said William walking up slowly.
"I didn't expect any kind of rescue," said David, as they exited the door.
"This wasn't a rescue," began Orion looking down at the fourth man. "We assumed you were dead and floating off some place in the solar system"
"Then why are you here?" asked Tom.
Picking up the fourth, Orion looked at him more and recognized him as Chuck Dolmer. Replying back to Tom, he said, "This is a stealth recon mission. The enemy is on the move and we snuck aboard."
David, helping Orion with Chuck, said, "Well we are happy to see you in any event sir."
"Is there anyone else they captured, other than Henry Bulmer?" asked Orion.
"No sir," replied David. "There was just the five of us."
"Then you are all accounted for," said Orion.
"Then you have seen Henry?" asked David.
"Yes, but he is dead, laying on a dissection table," replied Orion.
With sadness in his voice, David said, "I thought something happened to him. We haven't seen him in over a day."
"His suffering is over, but if we get caught, we may not all make it out," said Orion, making sure all could hear him.
"Sir, we need to get out of here quickly," said Zoi, worried they may be discovered.
"Well we still need to collect Henry's body," stated Orion motioning Zoi to lead the way. "I won't leave him in their hands."
"Won't that slow us down more, sir?" asked Tom.
"Yes, but, we aren't leaving anyone behind, even if they are dead," replied Orion. "Do you know where they are keeping your space suits?"
"I recall having seen them in one of the rooms nearby," replied William.
"Then lets find them. Any aliens we find on the way, do not hesitate to end them," ordered Orion, handing out his two weapons to Tom and William.
Shortly after they found all the suits, then proceeded to the lab where Henry was located earlier. They burst in all together, immediately incapacitating the 2 aliens, before they knew what happened to them. They put both on the tables, gagged them, then tied them down.
"Tom, William, take Henry," said Orion as they left, while he and David carried Chuck.
Zoi lead them all the way back to the hatch they entered in, waving both her weapons in front of her. They averted being detected several times, but after almost 2 hours arrived. Orion and Zoi collected their suits from their hiding spot, then donned them. Just then, sirens were activated, the lighting changing all over the ship.
"I think our escape has been detected, sir," said Tom.
"I think so as well," acknowledged Orion hurrying. "Lets just get out of here fast."
Scrambling, they went out the hatch, hurrying off to the ship, Zoi leading, watching the way all around them, everyone holding on to each other. It took them almost twenty minutes to reach it. As soon as they were all in, Orion closed the ramp door.
Taking off his helmet, Orion said," Zoi, show them to the main sleeping quarters and get them all some food. Also, see if you can do something for Chuck."
"Very well sir, but what do you plan on doing?" asked Zoi.
"I'm going to monitor the situation, see if they have detected us. If they do, you will know when I bring the main reactor online," said Orion.
Twenty minutes passed, before Zoi joined Orion. She had done what she could for Chuck. The others took over, while getting their fill of some real food for the first time since their capture.
"Sir, what's our status?" asked Zoi.
"So far so good," replied Orion.
The two watched the scanners for a short time until an enemy craft flew past discovering them. Scrambling, Orion powered up the main reactor. As the ship came back around to fire on them, Orion powered up the shield generator to the exposed side, using the auxiliary shield generator power cells recently installed.
"Sir, he's about to fire on us," exclaimed Zoi, watching the scanner.
"I've activated that shield grid, on our exposed side. The main reactor is still cycling up to power," said Orion.
"How can we have shields without the core reactor being online?" asked Zoi.
"You recall all the extra power cells I installed?" stated Orion, as the first blasts hit the ship. "They are meant as emergency shield power around the ship. All interconnected, but in different area's in case any sections are crippled or damaged."
"Sir detecting more crafts approaching us," said Zoi.
"Reactor is almost fully powered up," said Orion, prepping all other systems on reserve power.
Just then numerous hits struck the shields, rocking the ship a little. Moments after the ship separated from the alien mother ship with full shields activated. Another few moments after, the reactor fully powered the entire ship, Zoi manning the weapons console, while Orion piloted and attempted to avoid any enemy fire, especially from the mother ship.
"Five crafts down sir, more on the way," noted Zoi.
Just then, heavy blasts from the mother ship, grazed the shields.
"Hang on I am engaging light speed," said Orion, but was seconds late.
The ship had begun to travel faster than light, but the incoming blast neutralized their attempt. Having moved almost two light seconds away they were now out of range, but the FTL drives were dampened out and non functional for a while.
"Sir, what happened," asked Zoi.
"The FTL drive system has shut down. It will be a few minutes before we can reactivate it again," replied Orion.
"We don't have a few minutes," stated Zoi, looking at the scanners.
Orion jumped up onto his feet, running out the flight deck down to his special device he recently built and opened the panel box. He activated his mystery device, hoping for some kind of help from it. After a few moments he shut it off, not knowing if anything happened.
"Sir, what did you do?" Zoi asked, perplexed by her sudden scan readings when he returned.
"What have you got on scan?" asked Orion.
"I have no idea. Take a look for yourself," replied Zoi.
Looking at the scanner screen, all he could see is dots all over it. Both looked puzzled, and unable to understand it. There was also no sign of anything else.
"What just happened," Orion pondered.
"I have no idea, but the main reactor is no longer online," said Zoi.
"Not online? How is that possible? It was at full power before," said Orion, checking the ship's power levels. "All energy cells at 98% and dropping at normal rate. Just no main power production."
"Do you think that device neutralized the reactor?" mused Zoi.
"I have no clue," said Orion, switching on the main viewer looking around. "Looks like balls out there. Perhaps we need to go outside and take a look."
Putting back on their space suits, they proceeded to the cargo hold, sealing off all the compartments, then opening the ramp door. Outside they watched all the glowing balls floating all around them. Orion reached for one of them and as he touched it, it dissolved into his palm. Zoi reached out as well, touched one briefly and watched it shrink.
"What are they?" she wondered looking at Orion.
"I have no clue, but, wherever we are, we need to leave this place," said Orion.
They re-entered closing the ramp and re-pressurized the hold. Then they returned to the flight deck, Orion stopping at the device and looking at. Zoi turned back, joining him looking at the device as well. In a final decision, Orion reversed power to the device and activated it for the same amount of time.
"What are you picking up now on the scanner?" asked Orion, returning to the his chair.
"All seems to be back to normal," replied Zoi. "Picking up enemy forces in the distance, but well out of range. But uncertain if they have noticed us."
"Keep monitoring them. I am going to attempt a restart of the main core," said Orion, switching off power to all systems.
In moments the ship went all dark, except for Orion's instrumentation panel. After a few moments, the very faint, almost undetectable vibration from the main core could be felt once again. Moments after, power was restored all over the ship, instrumentation panels previously inactive coming alive once again.
Moments later after the scanner came back on, Zoi said, "the enemy is still on their previous course."
"Which means they aren't interested in pursuing us, or haven't noticed us," said Orion, performing an FTL drive system check.
"How long till we get moving?" asked Zoi.
"Shortly," replied Orion. "I'm performing some system checks to ensure the drives will operate properly. It is now fifty seven percent done."
Zoi nodded indicating she understood, then went on to say, "I think the enemy is heading directly for Earth, by the looks of their current course."
"They have likely finally figured out that the base is now a secured fortress, while we have all our fighters operational," replied Orion.
"But if they head straight for Earth, how are we going to defend the planet?" asked Zoi, worried about the possible onslaught."
"I have numerous cannons being installed around the globe, at our manufacturing facilities. If they get into range, they will be able to fire at them," stated Orion.
"You seem to be prepared for every movement that the enemy is liable to take," said Zoi, with a bit of amazement on her face.
"I have thought most through, for what we require against this unknown enemy. But there is still some that hasn't been thought of I am sure," replied Orion.
"Well sir, I think you should be given an award or honor of some sorts for envisioning all that has been done, sparing us from our attackers," stated Zoi.
"I do not need any such thing. What I do like is just to be able to lead our forces and protect us all," stated Orion.
"But sir, are you not interested in the glory?" asked Zoi.
"Glory means nothing if the people perish at a later date, due to a fool being put in command," replied Orion. "If you look at the history of our race. there have been many glorious soldiers who won many battles, but the leaders, eventually made many mistakes and lead that country into a downfall, which made those victories pointless."
Zoi looked at him for a moment thinking of it, then said, "I see your point sir." Thinking more about it she added, "so what you are saying, is, you wish to remain in command here until you eventually pass on, or find a suitable replacement?"
"That is all I would want," answered Orion.
"Do you think they will allow you to do that?" asked Zoi.
"I would hope that they will, but I know that some time in the future there will be a power struggle for command," stated Orion.
"How can you know that?" asked Zoi watching the scanner. "You seem to know a lot of what is going to happen before it does."
"Ever since I was hit by lightning when I was really young, I began to see future events and knowledge I have been able to assimilate very fast. I've done everything I could to prepare myself to be here today," explained Orion.
"If you have all this knowledge, how do you manage to keep it all together? I mean, it's got to be a lot to remember all the time," said Zoi.
"Indeed it is, but for some reason the information and knowledge never seems to manifest itself until I need it. Kinda like if my brain was a computer and an intense software program was written giving me what I need at proper times," explained Orion.
"So you're saying that the universe seems to be in control of what you get and when," Zoi mused, while absorbing all the information.
"Indeed it does kind of seem that way," agreed Orion, turning back to his panel. "FTL drive system check analysis confirms fully operational."
Within moments he powered up the FTL drives and they sped across the solar system back to the the moon, overtaking the enemy ship, passing it without being seen. They soon arrived in the moons orbit Orion beginning their decent to the lunar base.
Having transmitted their situation, Tammy and her team stood by waiting till atmospheric pressure was returned to the hanger bay, then proceeded in ready to inspect the living and taking care of Henry's body.
Meeting them in the cargo bay, Orion said, "I want a full autopsy of his body. I want to know what they did to him."
"They, sir?" asked Tammy.
"The aliens. We found our missing pilots on the alien ship," replied Orion.
"You were aboard their ship?" questioned Tammy.
"Yes. Zoi and I did a little infiltration in order to try and figure out what they were up to. The ship is enormous though. We just happen to come across our people by pure luck," he said.
"But how did you get on their ship?" asked Tammy.
"A calculated light speed jump got us next to their ship without detection. Then a space walk into one of their outer hatches got us in," replied Orion.
"Light speed, sir?" questioned Tammy.
"Are you not aware my ship has an FTL drive?" asked Orion.
"I wasn't aware of that. When did we develop that technology?" said Tammy.
"I built it myself," replied Orion.
"How did you come up with that?" asked Tammy.
"Same as everything else I developed," replied Orion.
"Those visions I keep hearing about?" questioned Tammy.
"You are correct," said Orion.
"Well that's one questioned answered," said Tammy.
"Have you had that on your mind for a while?" asked Orion.
"It has been. I kept meaning to ask, but always forgot to," replied Tammy.
"Well have you got anything else you wish to ask?" asked Orion.
"Not at this time," replied Tammy.
"Then proceed with your examination of the body, then prep it for returning it to the family for funeral arrangements," said Orion.
"Sir, I'm not a mortician," said Tammy.
"You can still do the job, can't you?" asked Orion.
"I could but it's not something I like to do," said Tammy.
"Well I don't want the family to know what actually happened to him. It would cause a lot of trouble if they found out what aliens did to him," said Orion.
"Understood sir. We will take care of it and you will have your report by morning," said Tammy.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now