Chapter 13 Preparations

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On the 18th day after the original attack on the base, repairs had finally come to an end. Research and special projects resumed by all. The new shield technology had finally been refined with one generator being installed, more to come for all around the base. In his personal lab, Orion was still in mid experimentation, when he was paged to the com room.
Upon entering, Thor said to Orion, "sir, Francis is waiting to speak to you."
Moving to the com screen, Orion greeted him by saying, "Hello Francis, what can I do for you on this fine day?"
"I'm glad your are cheery," replied Francis. "We've been monitoring some large alien crafts move from the asteroid field towards Jupiter and behind then return to the asteroid field. We are assuming the alien ship is parked on the other side out of view. We are hoping your teams could shed some light on this."
"I think we could very likely help you out in this task," replied Orion. "We have already completed all repairs to the base, with full research resumed."
"Good to hear," said Francis showing a sign of relief. "Hopefully they won't target you again."
"If they do we will be well prepared," said Orion in confidence.
"You sound very sure of yourself," remarked Francis. "Did you build more phase two heavy transports?"
"Better than that," began Orion. "We now have a protective energy shield barrier."
Surprised, Francis said, "how did you manage that? I didn't think we were any where near that type of research."
"We weren't until we salvaged an enemy craft that was still intact," explained Orion.
"A craft?" wondered Francis.
"Yes. The cockpit got hit, the pilot dying instantly. The craft continued on until it skidded to a stop on the surface of the moon," replied Orion.
"Well that was a stroke of luck," commented Francis. "So they utilize shields do they?"
"More like they use anti gravity devices. The shield technology was actually part of their propulsion system. It was too weak to protect the ship itself. But we backward engineered the device then experimented with a lot of refining and built a well working and powerful shield generator from the technology. It took a lot of man hours, but the first shield generator was just built and now being installed as we speak with another being assembled," said Orion.
"So we now have anti gravity and shield technology available to us?" queried Francis.
"Well I would say more to just us here on the moon. If it got into the wrong hands, it could mean a catastrophe for everyone. But the anti grav technology is still in experimental stages. I expect it could be a few more weeks before we get finished results," said Orion.
"Quite right, it would," agreed Francis, nodding his head. "So you will soon have the entire base protected by the shield technology?
"Yes, it will soon be fully protected, but we don't expect to be done for at least a few more weeks. Integration of the systems is proving to be more complex," said Orion.
"That's quite understandable. But my bigger question now is, will all these new developments speed up phase three?" asked Francis.
"Just a little. The anti-gravity generators will help speed things up a little. But the shield generators are an extra bonus, but will slow things down a bit in the process, by having to make design modifications for their integration. We still have to test the base shield as to how effective it is, once we have all the generators built and in place. After that is done, the data will be used to design newer and better shield generators meant just for Phase three," said Orion.
"So in essence, it won't make a difference," said Francis.
"Actually on the contrary. These new developments will be pushing up stage two of phase three into further completion," said Orion
"Now that is very unexpected news. How long before designs are complete so that you can begin assembly to stage three?" asked Francis.
"Undetermined at this time, but I am hoping for good improvements," said Orion.
"Well, in the meantime, we need to find out what the enemy is up to. A peek at what they look like would also be good. The entire counsel has been curious to know," said Francis.
"Indeed they would be," Orion said, as he pulled out a data chip. "Hopefully this data will satisfy their curiosity."
"Data of what?" asked Francis.
"Biopsy of the aliens," replied Orion.
"How did you get that?" asked Francis.
"We are holding a number of live ones and have collected a large number of other bodies as well," said Orion.
"You always surprise me with different information," noted Francis accepting the data download. "I'll be sure to pass on the information. Let me know what you discover in the belt."
"I will as soon as we have any information," Orion said as he ended communication. Turning on the intercom he said, "will Sam Lounder, Lynn Harrison and Christopher Shmidth please report to the briefing room."
In a short time, Orion made his way to the conference room, meeting up with the trio.
"Sir reporting as ordered," greeted Sam as Orion entered.
"Good that you are all here," began Orion sitting down, displaying the data he got from Francis on the large screen. "I have an important mission for the three of you. Earth command has asked that we investigate what the alien ship is doing in the asteroid belt. Your mission is to take the HAAT, with its new shielding generators, go out there and investigate. Be warned, the shields have limited power and operate mainly on energy cells for full operation."
"Yes, sir, I am aware of the HAAT's lack of power to maintain the shields," said Sam.
Orion went on, "good. Now you will move into the area, seek out what their smaller ships are doing and once you have investigated it all, return back to base. You are not to engage the enemy unless you have no other choice. I want you all back safe."
"Understood sir," said all 3 in unison.
"Good. Now you will all report to the supply depot and pack what food you will require for your trip, then visit the storage locker for any additional supplies you require. The HAAT will be standing ready for departure when you are ready," said Orion.
"Very well sir," each one said, then got up to leave the room.
Orion looking down at his data pad he was carrying, looked at his agenda of things requiring to do. The top of the list was to visit with Tom Edison, the head researcher of all communications systems. Upon entering the lab, all six of Tom's assistants looked up at Orion.
"Sir," greeted Chantal Lacelle, with her french accent.
Orion looked around the room then asked, "where is Tom?"
"He should be back anytime sir," replied Chantal.
"Well then, who can tell me how the research is coming along?" asked Orion.
Another tall thin engineer named Mia Larionova stepped up speaking with a Russian accent replied, "We have completed B project and are now on C project, sir."
"It's finished already," Orion replied back surprised.
"Yes sir," replied Mia, picking up a small device and bringing it to Orion.
"It's certainly small," commented Orion taking it from her.
"Yes sir, it is," replied Mia.
"Is it operational?" asked Orion.
"Fully sir," replied Mia picking up another behind her, placing it on her wrist while walking to the back. Once there she tapped it and said, "Mia to Orion."
Orion listened to her voice come through on the one in his hand, tapped it and replied,"this is Orion, test complete." He looked at the device and then asked, as Mia approached back,"how do you put it on?"
"There are sensors above and below the screen. When you place fingers there simultaneously, it opens up, allowing you to don it. Once on, however, it cannot be removed except by placing the same two fingers used before. If you don't, the system locks down for an hour, before you can try to do it again," explained Mia.
Orion donned his, then felt it grip his wrist, as well as tiny spikes going into his skin. "Now that is a curious sensation. I assume those are the bio re-generators?"
"Indeed sir," replied Mia. "As you know it will draw your bio energy to maintain its functioning."
Orion looked at the unit, then asked, "and it can change frequency by voice command?"
"Aye sir," she replied. "All known frequencies and can transmit on all frequencies if required."
"Excellent work," Orion said as he tapped it and said, "frequency three three seven." Pausing a moment then he said, "This is Orion to base command, come in Thor."
After a few moments, "this is Thor. What can I do for you sir?"
"Just testing the new personal communicators," replied Orion.
"I didn't know we had such a thing," said Thor.
"Now you do. But we only have a limited few for now. More to come, Zeenner out," he said.
"Yes sir, Thor out."
Looking at Mia Orion said, "they seem to work perfect so far. How many have you managed to manufacture so far?"
"Only about a dozen sir," replied Mia.
Bringing his data pad close to the one on the table, Orion transmitted data to it and said, "there is the list of priorities, of who should receive them as they are made. But first, equip all of yourselves, then go down the list, having them all report here, to receive theirs and teach them how to use them."
"Aye sir, it will be done," said Mia.
Orion looked at the rest saying, "carry on with your excellent work," then left.
Sometime later, the HAAT was approaching the region of the asteroid belt where the alien cruiser was stationed. They had approached the asteroid belt from almost a quarter way around the system, creeping up unnoticed, traveling close and parallel to it.
"Sam, we are coming up on the ship. I haven't scanned any movement from them from our presence yet," said Lynn.
"I'll move into the belt carefully. Keep an eye on the movement of all meteors, in case I don't see one we could hit," said Sam.
"Lets hope they don't scan us," commented Chris.
"With our lead lined hull, I doubt they can," said Lynn.
"Lets hope," said Sam. "We can't maneuver as well with the added weight we now have on the ship, with the extra lead lined hull and shield generators."
"It is a lot of extra weight. But I would rather have that, than not have it at all," said Lynn.
"I think we all have to agree to that," said Sam.
As the HAAT moved in closer, Lynn caught some movement close by. "Stop the ship now," she called out fast.
In moments, Sam engaged reverse thrusters, bringing it to a complete stop then asked, "why did we have to suddenly stop?"
"I'm picking up some EM readings metres away," she replied. Within moments she attained a visual, placing it on the main screen. "Look, they are mining the asteroids."
"They are collecting resources," said Chris.
"But what for," wondered Sam.
"Is it possible they are trying to rebuild their fleet of lost fighters?" said Lynn.
"It's possible, but we can't know for sure," said Chris.
"Whatever it is, we can't remain here," said Sam. "We also need to find out what they are doing near Jupiter. I am going to try and back us out of here and go around this area towards Jupiter. Watch our path carefully."
Sam navigated the HAAT through to the other side of the asteroid field, as Lynn scanned carefully. After almost an hour, they finally reached the other side, then travelled along the edge of the belt till they neared Jupiter. Traveling unseen they approached the planet, watching as several ships dipped into the atmosphere, gathering the planetary gases.
"They are gathering fuel it seems," said Lynn, scanning intensely. "They are collecting the stratosphere gases."
"Well at least we now know what they are doing," added Chris.
"The only thing left to do now is get close to the ship and find out what they are using all the minerals for they are mining," said Sam, as he turned the ship around, heading back the same way they arrived.
When they finally returned and with Lynn's scanning help, they approached the ship as closely as they dared, hiding on top of one of the meteors. They watched for half a day as ton after ton of ore was brought into the ship.
"Seems like a lot of ore," remarked Chris.
"They're manufacturing something," said Sam.
"Sam, we better get out of here . I am detecting their mining crafts approaching this way," said Lynn, beginning to panic.
Sam attempted to maintain the cover of the asteroids, but one of the units, scanning the meteor suddenly scanned the energy output of the engines. An alert was sounded off. Nearly fifty fighters emerged out of the ship into their direction.
"We've been spotted," said Lynn frantically. "Enemy fighters have been launched and are on an intercept course with us. Get us out of here fast."
Sam engaged the ship to full power, beginning to fly through the belt as fast as he could. But their bulkiness kept them from maneuvering fast enough, to escape them. The enemy caught up with them and began firing.
"Raising shields," said Chris.
"We can't escape them," said Sam. "Chris, activate the aft guns and open fire."
The enemy fire stuck the shields numerous times, the shield strength beginning to diminish greatly with each hit.
"Shield reserves now down to forty percent," said Lynn. "Diverting all unnecessary system power to the shields."
"Time till we exit the belt?" asked Sam.
"Shields will be offline before we exit," replied Lynn. "I estimate almost six minutes before we clear the edge."
"Can we shut down the forward shields and use that power to extend the aft shields?" asked Sam.
"I think I can independently shut them down," replied Chris. "Stand by." Moments later after he succeeded, he said, "I've shut them down."
"Power estimation for the aft shields now at about eight minutes," said Lynn.
Sam piloted the ship out of the belt and after clearing the edge, engaged maximum thrust, which allowed them to escape the enemies firing range. Unable to keep up, the enemy fighters turned back returning to the mother ship. Seventeen hours later, the HAAT finally returned back to base. As it landed, Orion made his way down to the hanger bay, to greet them.
"Report," said Orion, as they disembarked.
Lynn spoke up saying, "the enemy is gathering resources sir."
"For repairs?" asked Orion.
"Unknown sir. But they were gathering many tons of ore, more than enough for repairs. As well, they are gathering gases in Jupiter's stratosphere," said Lynn.
Orion pondered for a moment then said, "they are gathering resources to rebuild, for striking back. We can't attack them while they are in the asteroid field. So we had better be fully ready when they emerge."
"Sir if we had a dozen assault crafts as an escort, we should be able to destroy all their fighters in a frontal attack," said Sam.
"Negative. You would never be able to engage the mother ship while in the belt. Their main guns would surely hit you while on approach, with no maneuverability," said Orion.
"I hadn't thought of that sir," said Sam.
"Right now, we need to wait till they move out of the belt. Once they move out we will attempt to intercept them before they reach here. In the meantime I want the three of you to pack up as many supplies as you require, to return to the edge of the belt near where they are and monitor the situation closely.
"Sir, that could be weeks before they come out, perhaps even month's to years," said Sam.
"Perhaps, but if they are making repairs and rebuilding their fleet of fighters, we need to keep an eye on them," said Orion.
"Well sir, we will do our best, but I don't think three of us is enough for this mission," said Sam.
"You will be fine for the week," said Orion. "But I will send Karen Saunders with you, so we can determine the viability of the belt for mineral extraction."
"That would mean constant scanning of the belt at all times," said Sam.
"Yes it would and at the same time, we can keep an eye on the enemy," explained Orion.
"Very well Sir, we will depart as soon as we can," said Sam, motioning the rest to follow, proceeding out of the hanger bay.
Orion, left as well, went beneath the base into the lunar mines, where a large cavern had already been carved out, dome shaped, with many arched beam joining in the centre. The rock, it supported, had also been super heated, in order to give it a shell with super strength. In the centre, the construction of a new facility could be seen, growing in size. Traveling even further down into the mines, he finally came into a section bustling with activity, sporting another large ore processor. Hundreds of miners were there as well working away laboriously. Over at the entrance to another deeper cavern, he approached a group of engineers and mineralogists.
"Karen," Orion called.
"Sir, how may I help you," replied Karen.
"Well, I have a change of scenery for you for possibly the next few weeks to month's," he said.
"Scenery change?" Karen pondered.
"Yes. I have an exploration mission for you," said Orion.
Her eyes lit up and she said, "and where am I going exploring?"
"I need you to go assess the asteroid belt for mining viability," said Orion.
"But that would require a ship to go over there," she began. "Are you saying I am to lead a scientific group out there?"
Orion shook his head and said, "not exactly. You will be joining the team aboard the HAAT who are going there to monitor the enemy. The requirement for them to be there gives you the chance to proceed with scientific research of the belt."
"I assume that it will also be a dangerous mission?" asked Karen.
"Yes. But you will have three very well trained officers with you," replied Orion
"Then what am I waiting for? When do we depart?" asked Karen
"They are gathering supplies now, so you will be leaving soon. Gather what you require, then meet up with them in the hanger bay," said Orion.
"Very well sir. And thank you for assigning me to this mission. I will have to wrap up things here, before I can depart though," said Karen.
"Understood," said Orion turning away returning back to the main part of the base.
Within a few hours, the HAAT departed. Once away, Orion began hauling equipment and other heavy devices to his secluded project in the hanger bay. Over the next few weeks, he would be barely seen, except for in there.
On one occasion, as he was making his way into it, Caroline happen to catch him and asked, "what are you doing in there? What's with all the secrecy?"
"I'm working on a private project," said Orion.
"Can I see what you are working on?" asked Caroline.
"If you enter here, I will put you to work daily on it," said Orion.
"You're kidding me, aren't you?" asked Caroline.
"I'm not. If you step in here, you will be required to help like all the rest, in secrecy," replied Orion, sliding his card key at the door. "Now what will it be? Get your hands dirty or stay out?"
"Well I am dying of curiosity, so I guess I'll be helping. But what about my evening news story? I'll need to prepare for that," replied Caroline.
"I can give you updates as to what you can say, while you help and allow you to leave an hour before hand," said Orion.
"Very well," said Caroline entering into the primary security chamber. "Why is it so dark in here? Do you not have any lights?"
"None out here. But there are some down below," replied Orion as he stepped down on a step very dimly lit, so they could see what they were stepping on.
"How far down are we going?" asked Caroline.
"To this door," replied Orion.
"Door? I can't see anything," said Caroline.
As Orion opened the door, they entered into a very dimly lit small room. Closing the door, he reached to the side opening up yet another, which was very well lit.
"We're here," said Orion.
"Here? And just where is here?" asked Caroline observing a strange new opening with a ramp extending down from it. To the left was also a passage leading underground into the depth's of the lunar mines.
"This is the secret project. No one knows what it is. Most who have worked on it have only seen the interior," said Orion.
"So I only get to see the interior as well?" asked Caroline.
"Affirmative to that," replied Orion, climbing up the ramp into another larger room.
"Well at least there is more lighting in here. Is this some kind of storage room?" said Caroline.
"Something on those lines," said Orion, leading her up a set of stairs to another level, that was completely open, with nothing else in it.
"There's nothing up here except these stacks of materials," said Caroline.
"And that is what you are going to help me with," said Orion, picking up an a large beam.
Looking around she suddenly noticed something odd and asked, "Why is there a hole on either side of this room?"
"Crawlspace access," replied Orion.
"Access to what?" asked Caroline.
"Just an access hole for use later on," replied Orion.
"So what are we going to be building here?" asked Caroline.
"Walls and rooms in this entire space. Then we will add a staircase, put a floor above us and do more till we reach the top," said Orion.
"So what is this place going to be used for?" asked Caroline.
"This is an experimental project, which if successful, will later add to the phase three project. But for now it's identity remains hidden to all," replied Orion.
"So you really aren't going to say what it is, are you?" said Caroline.
"I'm not, as this is also a backup contingency. I want it to remain hidden from all prying eyes, as it will be the most important thing we do here on the base," said Orion.
"So if I make guesses, you won't tell me if I am right or wrong?" asked Caroline.
"You are correct. But when it is finished and fully operational, you will have your exclusive on it. But until then, it remains a mystery to all," replied Orion.
"Well I want to be the first to see it when it comes online, after all the work I do to help you with it, or I'll get very cross with you," said Caroline.
"I give you my word that you will be," said Orion, setting up the aluminum wall studs, then sliding the two layered wall paneling into it.
The two worked away at it till lunch time, at which point they proceeded to the dining lounge to eat. Once done they returned, bringing back with them a large trolley full of various equipment and strange parts that Caroline could not identify. They pushed it into the first dark room then one piece after another carried it down and into the large storage area for later use.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now