Chapter 6 The Acquisition

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Nearly two months passed since the fusion generator at Altera Labs exploded. On this particular day, a man arrived at Zee Corp looking for the CEO. He drove up to the front of the building, parked, then entered into the main lobby.
"Can I help you?" asked Phil, watching him closely.
"Yes, I'm here looking for the CEO of the company. Would he be around?" said the man.
"He is somewhere in the building. I couldn't say where though," replied Phil.
"Could you please find out. It's urgent that I see him," said the man.
"I can try," replied Phil picking up the phone, calling the office floor. "Hi Linda. Phil here. I have someone down here looking for Mr Zeenner. Could you find out his whereabouts and send him down?"
"I can try. It may take a bit of time to find him," replied Linda.
"Thanks Linda," said Phil hanging up. "We are now trying to locate him. It could be a while."
"I have plenty of time to wait," said the man.
It was almost forty five minutes later when Orion finally arrived, a gadget in his hands he was still trying to calibrate. The man seeing him come down asked Phil, "is that him?"
"It most certainly is," replied Phil, having turned around. "Sir, this man wishes to speak to you."
"So I have been told," said Orion, stepping up to him, placing the device down on Phil's desk freeing his hands. "What can I do for you?"
"I'm a courier for Reichman Law firm. I have a letter to deliver to you," said the man.
"A letter you say? Is it good news of some sorts?" asked Orion anxiously.
"Doubtful. They represent Altera Labs CEO Mitch Armstrong," said the man.
"Ah then it is good news," said Orion opening the letter and reading it. "Ah this is the good news I have been waiting for."
"How do you find that good news, when they are suing you for millions?" he asked.
"Just because it says they are suing me, doesn't mean they will be getting it," said Orion. "But I am surprised it says I need to be in court, day after tomorrow. That doesn't give me much time to prepare now does it."
"I couldn't say. I just know they are suing you and that I had to deliver this letter to you as soon as possible without delay," said the man.
"Well thank you for the letter," said Orion. "Could you first sign this before you leave with a printing of your name above your signature, as well as mark the date."
"Uh, what's this for?" he asked.
"Just a record to state when you delivered these documents to me. It is very last minute you know," said Orion.
Signing it, the man then left.
"Sir, two days? Isn't that a bit ridiculous?" asked Phil.
"Oh it is. I half expected this, after hearing a lot about them. But no need to worry yourself Phil. I'll be heading there this afternoon to speak with the District Attorney about a defense," said Orion.
"District Attorney about a defense? Don't they usually take people to court?" asked Phil.
"Oh yes. But this is a special case. I had already spoken to them about this possible outcome. They said that when I received something of this sort to come see them right away. They had been gathering info for a law suit against Altera Labs. They already have all the evidence I gave them, as well as a deposition from an officer," said Orion.
"So the DA was going to sue them, but they are suing you? That sounds a bit complex,"said Phil.
"It is. They were scheduled to send Altera labs a summons to court next month. But seems we and the DA will deal with them in two days. We have an agreement that if they tried suing me, I would have the DA come up for defense," said Orion.
Later that day after packing some bags for some overnight stays, Orion departed arriving on State news studio Building, which he was now the major shareholder of. Having called ahead of time, Caroline was waiting for him.
"You made good time as usual," said Caroline.
"Yes, I always do. Are you ready for this story?" asked Orion.
"You know I am. But I am surprised they notified you only two days before hand. Usually it's weeks before that you get notified," said Caroline.
"Keep in mind, we are dealing with crooked people. They likely expected to take me off guard and not be well prepared," said Orion.
"Well they are in for a shock. You have been preparing ever since it happened," said Caroline.
"You know this, I know this, the DA knows this. Mitch Armstrong and his people just don't know. They think they are catching me off guard, when it is I that will catch him off guard," said Orion.
"I heard rumors that he invited reporters to attend," said Caroline.
"All the better. But you're the only one that has been properly briefed on the matter. You can really make him look very poorly on camera," said Orion.
"You do realize that this will make me a very famous reporter. I may get other job offers, from other news networks," said Caroline.
"Yes. I would love to be around when you turn them down," said Orion.
"I do expect you to be around to see me win a Pulitzer," said Caroline.
"I wouldn't miss it at all," said Orion.
Having driven Orion to the court house, she went in with him, to the District Attorney's office whom Orion had been speaking to.
"Mr Zeenner, how nice for you to drop in to see me," said Irving the District Attorney.
"Irving my friend, nice to see you as well. But this isn't just a social visit. Altera Labs CEO pulled a fast one. Reichman Law firm's courier handed this to me this morning," said Orion handing him the envelope.
Reading it over quickly, Irving then said, "they really are trying to put the screws to you. Two days notice is unheard of, but is still legal. Good thing you are already prepared,"
"That's what I was telling miss Holt here," said Orion.
"Miss Holt? As in Caroline Holt of State News," said Irving looking at her.
"The one and only," replied Caroline.
"You brought her here with you?" said Irving surprised.
"Caroline has been doing a lot of investigative reporting for me these last two months trying to dig up dirt on Mitch Armstrong and Altera Labs," said Orion.
"And how has that been going?" asked Irving.
"Quite interesting, especially when I followed him on numerous occasions with my camera man. He seems to have a few smaller companies that is owned by Altera Labs, that he solely runs. It took some digging but I found the paperwork," said Caroline, placing the finding on his desk
"Then you are saying Altera labs has some subsidiaries," said Irving.
"Seems so," said Caroline.
"Which means Altera labs is actually worth more than we expected," said Orion.
"Why would they be hiding this fact?" asked Irving.
"Think of what a crooked man would do," said Orion.
"Ah yes, it does make a bit more sense thinking that way," said Irving.
"Anyway, I do plan to make a defense mostly by myself, but if you want to join me as a defense lawyer as well as a District Attorney, we could wrap this up quickly without having to tie up state resources for a second trial, saving the system money and time," said Orion.
"It would be more prudent if I just sit on the sidelines watching, then jump in afterwards. This way we aren't showing preference, even tho the evidence against Altera Labs and it's CEO shows that they have plenty of wrong doings in this case," said Irving.
"Either way, it matters not to me. But in the end they will be made to pay," said Orion.
"I assume you plan to have miss Holt sitting in on the proceedings at all times?" asked Irving.
"Yes that is my plan. Should there be a press conference before the trial, I do intend to have her raise some very interesting questions, making him look bad in front of the rest of the press," said Orion.
"You're really trying to play hard ball with them aren't you?" said Irving.
"Quite a bit," said Orion.
"Miss Holt, your boss is allowing you to proceed to go along with this?" asked Irving.
"Well, he did just tell you that he plans to have me there, didn't he," replied Caroline.
"What?" said Irving surprised turning to Orion. "You're her boss?"
"In a way I am. My holding company bought majority shares over the last two month's. So I do have control over what goes on," said Orion.
"How did you raise that much capital in such a short time?" asked Irving.
"We do have billions coming in every month. It's not hard to transfer those funds to my holding company," said Orion.
"Billions you say? I wasn't aware Zee Corp had such high monthly revenue. But what about the employees? Don't you need to worry about paying them first?" said Irving.
"More than half of our revenue comes directly from city transfer payments for the direct sale of power to them. Very few employees to have to worry about," said Orion.
"I wasn't aware of that," said Irving.
"It's a method far more economical for us, since the city already has everyone in their system. They roughly pay us fifty dollars a month per household. What they bill everyone else is up to them as we give them a flat rate," said Orion.
"Then you are profiting greatly from it," said Irving.
"Not entirely. Each city is equipped with four generators interlinked through the grid. If one fails, the rest compensate till ti is back online. They are the biggest generators we build, which are worth millions each. We still have to maintain them, filling them with prepared fuel made at a number of different sites around the globe, to keep them operational. As you also know, each are monitored by a very sophisticated system," said Orion.
"So you are saying that you have the sole responsibility of maintaining each of the generators, or replacing at your own cost," said Irving.
"That is exactly what I am saying. Plus do not forget, we also monitor every single one at all times," said Orion.
"That's what your report indicated," said Irving. "So I guess, you are going to make sure State News remains honest."
"People like to hear worthy news stories. I intend to keep all the journalists honest with their stories. Nothing embellished or created just to fill the news, as many have done in the past. It will become the network with integrity, which will also have exclusive access to all Zee Corp properties, as well as any company we have invested interest into," said Orion.
"You really plan to do that?" asked Caroline.
"Zee Corp has nothing to hide. We are an honest company, even if we are a bit secretive about our new technology before it emerges," said Orion.
"Yes, you do seem to be hiding a lot of tech from what I have seen," said Caroline.
"It's more of a safety measure for ourselves, till we can release the new equipment and market it. We don't need competitors finding out about our new products, until they are mass produced already." said Orion.
"That's the same with any major corporation," said Irving.
"We have plenty of new tech, which will be made available soon. But it's mostly for hospitals right now," said Orion.
"You're researching tech for hospitals?" questioned Irving.
"Yes, new equipment for doing various surgeries, designed by engineers and doctors together. We have already tested one such piece, repairing a man's broken nose. From what I currently know, he still knows nothing of it having been broken," said Orion.
"How can he not know he had a broken nose?" asked Caroline.
"He was fleeing custody of some police officers. I intervened fired on him with pulse stun riffle, knocking him right out. But he fell flat on his face breaking his nose. An hour later it was repaired, while he was still unconscious. He was returned to the scene, then they took him to the police station to file charges. He woke up in the jail cell, feeling sore, with discomfort to his nose a little. They merely told him he got stunned and fell on his nose," said Orion.
"That already sounds like a very good piece of surgical equipment," said Irving.
"If you possess that type of technology, you could make a great difference in the world to people who get severe injuries, such as broken bones," said Caroline.
"Once we equip and train our own hospitals with them, I plan to bring some here as well, so that you can get an exclusive on the new tech, Caroline," said Orion.
"You're really going to spoil me, aren't you," said Caroline, showing a little passion.
"For my favorite reporter, yes," said Orion tapping the back of her hand with his.
"You seem to have taken quite a liking to her," said Irving.
"Good people like her always warm my heart. I felt the same towards my grade school teacher who helped me get started. Today she works for me, traveling all over, teaching the new hirees on the proper fashions of installing, maintaining and servicing the fusion generators. When she isn't doing that, she works in one of our development labs. She helped change my life at the age of ten, but in return it helped her as well, as I gave her the third fusion generator I made," said Orion.
"You gave a fusion generator away?" questioned Irving.
"Without her help, I would never have gotten it done. It was the right thing to do. With the free power, it changed her life for the better. Now working for me, she enjoys an even better and exciting life," said Orion.
"I assume you are talking about Miss Enright," said Caroline.
"Yes I am," replied Orion.
"She did seem quite happy with where she is these days, also speaking highly of you when I interviewed her," said Caroline.
"She is one of a few people that I hold very dear to myself. Any request she ever makes, I usually grant her," said Orion.
"Sounds like you should have married her," said Irving.
"She's nearly twice my age and has had her own family all this time," said Orion. "Besides, I haven't time for any relationships, nor will I for another twenty years."
"That long? You'll be getting old by then," said Caroline.
"So this affection you seem to have for Caroline won't be flourishing then," said Irving.
"He's my boss, I would never," said Caroline in protest.
"She's not the one for me," began Orion turning to look at Caroline for a moment. "She a very nice woman and all but not the one for me. When I find the right one, I will know it, but that also won't be for years to come."
"Well good luck on that," said Irving, looking at the time. " I have to pick up one of my children soon. So We'll talk again in two mornings before the court hearing."
"No worries. I have a lot of preparations to do as it is," said Orion getting up.
Leaving the two returned to Caroline's car. As she began to drive, she looked over to Orion saying, "you really wouldn't want to have a relationship with me?"
Taken by surprise by her question, Orion looked her in the eyes and said, "I really don't have the time for any sorts of relationships. There is far more for me to do, before I can even think of starting a family, which may be on that long voyage to an alien world," said Orion.
"A voyage to another world?" wondered Caroline.
"Yes. I know we leave for somewhere, but that is it. I have no other visions past our departure. I may get more at that time, but for now that is the limit to what I know," said Orion.
"I see," said Caroline continuing to drive, contemplating. "Have you decided where you are going to stay tonight?"
"I have a cot to sleep on in my transport," replied Orion.
"A cot? You can't be serious. The weather has gotten cooler at night. Up there it would even be cooler with the winds blowing," stated Caroline.
"The transport is equipped with a heating system. I will be warm," said Orion.
"Non sense. Where will you wash up?" said Caroline.
"The studio has bathrooms," replied Orion.
"Perhaps you should stay with me at my apartment. It is very large and has two bedrooms," said Caroline.
"It's a nice offer but...." began Orion.
"I'll have no argument from you. You allowed Barry and I to stay at your farm house. The least I can do is put you up for a few nights," said Caroline.
Knowing he couldn't win the argument Orion replied, "Very well, if you are going to be that insistent. I'll have to fetch my overnight bag though."
Later that evening, having decided to go to the best restaurant in the city, Orion invited Barry to join him and Caroline. They walked to it, it being several blocks over, from the studio building. Arriving at the entrance, a bouncer stood blocking the way.
"This is a classy restaurant for upscale clientele. You aren't permitted to enter," he said.
"Really, now. And what determines an upscale clientele?" asked Orion.
"Plenty of wealth, which by the way you dress, you lack," he said.
"I'm probably the richest man on the planet, so that should allow me entry," said Orion.
"I've heard that too many times before. Move along," he said.
"Then perhaps I should cut the power to this whole sector of the city if you don't let me in. Then you will be closed and no one will dine any further," said Orion.
Laughing the man said, "That's highly impossible, from what I have heard."
Turning away, Orion pressed his wrist com and said, "Deardra patch me thought to Zee Corp monitoring room."
"Connecting. Stand by...." said the voice.
Moments later, "Danny here."
"Danny, Orion here. Could you bring up the four generators powering up Mallordtown city."
"Uh, yes sir I can. Just a moment," replied Danny. Moments later, "I have them here sir."
"You also see the city chart of their locations?" asked Orion.
"Yes sir, I do," said Danny.
"Great. Could you prepare to initiate a reboot sequence on the one on the West side and south side of the city, to last about ten minutes," said Orion.
"A reboot sequence for both at the same time? But won't that leave a portion of the city without power till it's complete?" asked Danny.
"Indeed it will. Now when You are ready let me know and stand by," said Orion.
After a few moments Danny said, "Ready sir."
"Ok. Wait for me to tell you," said Orion walking back to the bouncer. "Now is your last chance. You going to allow us entry or do I shut the power off?"
"Move along. Your threats are empty." he said.
Speaking into his wrist com Orion said, "Danny, proceed."
As the two generators powered down, power to the area they were in went out. Inside the restaurant people began to panic in the dark, the general manager stepping outside to see what was going on.
"What the hell? How did the power go out?" said the manager looking all around.
Stepping up, Orion said, "I turned it out."
"What? How? Why?" asked the manager.
"Who would you be?" asked Orion.
"Marcel. I'm the manager here."
"Marcel, I'm Mr Zeenner from Zee Corp. Your bouncer here has refused my entry with my guests? My retaliation, I turned off the fusion generators powering this area of the city. Now, will you allow me to dine or should I keep the power off the rest of the evening?"
"What?" said Marcel looking at him closer. "Good lord, it is you. It would be an honor and privilege to have one of the wealthiest dine here tonight."
"Why thank you. To reassure you, the power will be back up in a few minutes once the system cycles and reboots," said Orion.
Looking towards the bouncer now, Marcel said, "Do you not know who this man is, you fool?"
"But his attire is not proper," said the bouncer.
"He's worth more than you can imagine. Likely one of the top ten wealthiest people on the planet. Do you not watch the news, you imbecile," said Marcel.
"But,..." said the bouncer.
"But nothing," said Marcel turning back to Orion. "Sir, accept my apologies relating to this fool. Please follow me, once the lights are back on."
Speaking back into his wrist com Orion said, "thanks Danny. Resume normal watch."
"Uh, were you talking to me?" asked Marcel.
"No. I was just telling my employee to resume normal operation," replied Orion.
"You still have communications even with the blackout?" asked Marcel.
"This has a direct link to my transport, which also has a satellite transmitter and receiver. I can communicate to my headquarters at any time I wish," said Orion.
Just then, the lights everywhere came back on. Although a little surprised of the momentary blackout, that portion of the city resume as normal.
"Much better," said Marcel leading them to a table looking at Caroline. "Aren't you the news reporter from State News?"
"I am," replied Caroline.
"Not exactly what we would call our clientele but any guest of Mr Zeenner is welcome with him," said Marcel.
"Marcel, should Miss Holt wish to dine here without me in the future, I would expect you to allow her entry on my behalf," said Orion.
"Of course, sir. We cater to all our high profile diners," said Marcel.
"Very good. Now could we have some menus, please," said Orion.
"Of course sir, right away," said Marcel leaving, returning moments later with them.
"Please return in five minutes to take our order," said Orion.
As Marcel left, Caroline said, "I can't believe you cut power to the city just to get their attention."
"I didn't cut power to the whole city. The two generators that feed this portion were turned off. The way they are set up with the grid, left just a quarter of the city unpowered. Normally if one goes down the ones next to it can compensate and supply power. But turning two off leaves what's in between the two unpowered," said Orion.
"Won't you get into some trouble over this?" asked Caroline.
"Not at all. Technically they weren't shut off, but merely went through a system reboot phase. From time to time, we initiate this to clear up the old memory data. When this occurs, it powers down the generator, briefly cycles, then powers back up. Normally we only do one at a time, but as you witnessed with our situation, we needed drastic measures. If anyone makes a complaint and the city asks what happened, the logs will show a system cycle rebooting occurred for the few minutes," said Orion.
"You really seem to know the entire power system well," said Caroline.
"I should. I designed it this way. It took the city month's to change the grid to accommodate this type of system," said Orion.
So what you are saying, is, each generator is capable of powering a third of the grid, but not half," said Caroline.
"Well it's a little more than a third, but in this case, the system only allows up to a third. Power in the section between the generators, must be given by one or the other. If two generators tried to power up the whole city, it would cause too much of a drain and likely burn them out," said Orion.
"So basically some where in the city, one side of the street had power while the other side didn't?" said Caroline.
"That sums it up well," said Orion just as Marcel returned.
Once they were done eating, They returned to the studio building, Barry parting ways, Orion leaving with Caroline, after retrieving his bag. He observed all the buildings as they went by commenting about each one's design, until they arrived.
"Here we are. This is my neighborhood," said Caroline.
"You live in row housing apartments?" said Orion.
"I do. Is that a problem?"asked Caroline.
"No, not at all. But I pictured more a very tall building when you said apartment," said Orion.
"Oh, I didn't even think of that," said Caroline coming up to her parking space.
"It is a quaint old neighborhood," said Orion.
"I get the feeling you like it," said Caroline.
"I do in a way, but this is not where I would want to live all the time," said Orion.
"Yes, I know. You like your farm better," said Caroline.
"No it's not that," said Orion getting out of the car.
Once in the apartment, Orion looked around then said, "It's only got one bedroom."
"Technically this is a second bedroom, if you sleep on the couch," said Caroline.
"I don't sleep well on couch," said Orion.
"But you were going to sleep on a cot," said Caroline.
"It's actually an extra large cot," said Orion.
"Well, I do have a very large bed, if you don't mind sharing," said Caroline.
He looked in at the bed, then said, "I guess it's big enough to share."
"Oh good. I was dreading having to sleep on the couch myself," said Caroline.
As they both got ready for the night, Caroline put on a long pink nighty. Orion had slipped into his pajamas.
Entering the room, looking at her, he said, "you're sleeping in that?"
"I always do. It's very comfortable," said Caroline.
Looking more he said, "you're not even wearing a brazier or panties."
"I never do to bed," said Caroline slipping under the covers.
"I see," said Orion, getting in from the opposite side, keeping to the one half. "Goodnight."
In the middle of the night Orion awoke to find Caroline spooning, with her arm also around him. He didn't know what to think at that point, but tried moving away. His attempt was futile, trying not to wake her, as she began to stir.
"Mmmm don't go. You're so nice and warm to cuddle up to," she groggily said, having forgotten it was Orion with her, tucking herself even tighter to him.
Orion turned and looked at her in the almost dark, light shining in through the windows from the street lamps, her eyes still closed. He looked at her for a few moments then said, "Caroline."
Hearing his voice she suddenly opened her eyes, looked at him, then jumped back away, saying, "oh my god. I'm sorry."
Orion looked at her for a moment then said, "you appeared to think that I was someone else. Is my assumption correct?"
"Uh yes," replied Caroline looking at him.
"Someone you were romantically involved with I assume?" asked Orion.
"I was," replied Caroline. "It almost felt like he was here with me again. I completely forgot while I slept that it was you."
"No harm done," said Orion looking at her, her face still covered in shock. He turned over onto his back, reached over with his hand, gently pulling her back closer. "Let your shock go. It's alright you know."
"But, it's just that..." began Caroline.
"You had an instinct somehow to be cozied up. Now come back here and tell me about this person you once shared a bed with," said Orion.
She lay there on her side, her arm drawn across Orion's chest, by his hand and said, "I thought I was in love with him. For the first while he was nice and sweet, then he turned out to be a real jerk. We lived together for almost four month's before I finally had enough and told him to get out. That was five years ago now. I think having you here, so nice and quiet made me think it was him here again. He was so warm as well."
"You sound like you miss the first days with him," said Orion.
"I do. I miss having the company in bed with me. But to be honest, I was hoping that something might happen between us tonight," said Caroline.
"You know that I can't have a relationship right now. But I suppose after everything, It wouldn't hurt to let you snuggle up to me. It did have a rather pleasant feeling to it, if you so wish to do that," said Orion.
"Do you really mean that?" questioned Caroline.
"I do. Now make yourself comfortable in whatever manner you wish," said Orion.
As he lay on his back she place her left leg over his, snuggled up closer, putting her head on his chest. "This really feels nice now."
"Are you happy then?" asked Orion.
"Only if you are," replied Caroline.
He placed his hand on her head, running his fingers through her hair and said, "I think this is cozy enough for now."
They both fell back asleep again, holding each other, sharing their warmth. By morning, Caroline woke up first. She lifted her head, looking at Orion sleeping soundly, daring not to move in case she woke him. He slept like a baby, not even uttering a sound. She had never seen anyone sleep like this, that was not a baby. Finally shifting ever so slightly she moved up and kissed him gently on the lips.
Feeling the kiss, Orion opened his eyes and looked at her saying," what was that for?"
Caught off guard, unable to move as he held a grip holding her, she said, "to thank you."
"Is that all?" Orion asked, looking her in the eye. "Tell me what are you thinking right now?"
"That I wish you would make love to me right now," Caroline blurted out without thinking.
"You really want me to?" said Orion looking her deep in the eyes.
"I wish I hadn't said that," said Caroline looking back at him.
"What would you really like me to do?" asked Orion.
"Kiss me back and show me you really care for me," replied Caroline.
He looked at her for another moment, not knowing what to do. He had never been in a bed with woman before nor in this situation. He began feeling funny emotions as well, which he could not understand very well. He let his grip go on her, allowing her to move backwards onto her side. He then lay on his side looking at her, trying to understand her more. He looked her up and down wearing her nighty.
Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she turned onto her back and lay there, staring at the ceiling, not knowing what else to say. Orion, watched then finally leaned over top of her, looking down into her eyes and said, "this is very new to me. You've made me feel strange for some reason and I don't know why." Hovering above, his two arms either side of her, supporting him up, he finally leaned in to give her a kiss.
Feeling the kiss, she quickly put her arms around him, then pulled him tightly to her, kissing him back. Finally after a few more moments, she said, "make love to me, please."
He looked at her and replied, "I wouldn't know how to, even if I tried."
"I can teach you if you wish," said Caroline gazing deep into his eyes.
He looked into her sweet loving eyes then said, "teach me."
"Take your pajamas off. Everything off," she said.
He did as she requested, while she herself took her nighty off, exposing herself fully to him. For almost an hour she guided him into love making, climaxing over and over till he finally did as well, then stopping.
"You were wonderful for your first time," said Caroline.
"I never knew this could be, between two people," said Orion.
"You spent most of your life building up Zee Corp. It doesn't surprise me that you wouldn't," said Caroline reaching down between her legs. "I hope I didn't get pregnant though. We didn't use protection, nor am I ready to be a mother just yet."
"Pregnant? What do you mean?" asked Orion.
She looked at him, smiled then said, "it's so adorably cute how innocent you are. You released a lot of your seed into me."
"My seed?" wondered Orion.
"Did you not feel the sensation of urinating in a pulse?" asked Caroline.
Thinking about it for a moment he then said, "now that you mention it, there was something like that. But I didn't think much as it was a very interesting feeling."
"That was the feeling of procreation, you know," said Caroline smiling happily at him. "I'm kinda happy that I was your first."
"Suffice to say it was a very enjoyable experience," said Orion giving her another kiss.
"If you ever wish to do it again, my door will always be open to you," said Caroline.
"I will keep that in mind," said Orion, laying down next to her. "This was a rather exhausting experience as well."
"Did you want to rest some more together?" asked Caroline.
"Yes perhaps for another little bit," said Orion.
Snuggling up to him, she pulled the blankets back over them, the two falling asleep shortly after.
It was nearly mid morning when the two were up again. They showered together, then went off back to the studio building. From there, Orion went off in his transport, making preparations for court the next day.
That evening when he returned to Caroline's apartment with her, she asked, "Are you interested in doing some more love making?"
"Yes, perhaps one more time," replied Orion.
They both prepared for bed, got into it, making love for some time, exhausting them both to fall asleep more quickly. When morning arrived, they had almost slept too long. Rushing, they got showered, then went to the studio. From there they went to the courthouse with Barry in the studio truck. Quickly they found Mitch talking to the press, Caroline taking her moment.
"Mr Armstrong, you talk about suing Zee Corp for damages, but inside sources tell me that you blatantly ignored the warning labels clearly posted on the generator, moving it from the sub basement to the upper level labs where it finally exploded. Would you care to comment on this?" said Caroline.
"It was never installed in the sub basement," said Mitch.
"I have a photograph here of the day it was installed. Is this not it in the sub basement, firmly installed? This is also another photograph taken the next day after the explosion. There is no generator present," said Caroline.
"What is this? Where did you get this? This isn't the sub basement of Altera Labs. I don't even know where this is. What kind of a hoax are you trying to pull?" said Mitch.
"This is another picture, with one of the officers that was present and confirmed it was your sub basement. He said there is no denying, that the previous picture was taken in the exact same location," said Caroline.
"This is a fabrication. What are you trying to pull, miss Holt?" said Mitch.
"Isn't it true that your company has been known to reverse engineer technology and that this was the reason it exploded. You tampered with it while active, causing the explosion. That you tried to disassemble it so that you could sell the technology," said Caroline.
"Where are you getting all this fabrication from?" asked Mitch.
"The information was shared to me by one of the shareholders who clearly had something to say about the incident," said Caroline.
"What shareholder? None would ever say anything like this," said Mitch as he got tapped on the shoulder by his attorney telling him it was time to go.
As they left, the whole mob of reporters looked towards Caroline, one of them saying, "where did you get all this information from?"
"I have great sources," said Caroline, Barry still recording. "The DA has plans to lay charges against Mr Armstrong sometime during this hearing. The DA also has all this evidence."
Leaving Barry outside the courtroom with Camera, Caroline went in, along with many of the other reporters and sat down.
As the Judge entered into the room, he happen to notice Irving sitting close by with the reporters, wondering why. As the session began, the court clerk read the entire accusation against Zee Corp, then looked at Orion with dismay.
"So how do you plead about the charges Altera Labs is giving you?" asked the Judge.
"Your honor, none of these charges are true. I aim to prove them false as well," said Orion.
"Well Mr Zeenner, this should prove very interesting. But, did you not secure counsel? Are you planning to fight this by yourself?" asked the Judge.
"I have a sort of counsel ready, should I need one, but for now he is just going to watch, till he is needed," replied Orion.
"Very well then, you may proceed," said the judge.
"First your honor, I would like to say that the location of the fusion generator we installed, was not on the lab floor as Mr Armstrong said it was, but in the sub basement of the building. To prove this, I would like to call in as witness the two installers," said Orion.
Having called in the two men, one was sworn in and took the stand.
"Now in this photo I am about to show, is this the generator you installed at Altera Labs." asked Orion.
"Yes it is sir," came the reply.
"Where was this picture taken?" asked Orion.
"The sub basement of the building," he replied.
"And you're sure this is the picture of it?" asked Orion.
"I took that picture myself, after it was installed and up and running as we do with all installations of commercial sized generators," he said.
"Thank," said Orion, turning to the judge. "That's all my questions for him."
"Does the plaintiff wish to cross examine?" asked the judge.
"No your honor, but we reserve the right to call him back at a later time," said the attorney.
"You're dismissed for now," said the Judge.
"Do you have any more witnesses?" asked the Judge.
"Yes your honor,I would like to call in officer Gord Layman to the stand," said Orion.
Having been called in, Gord was sworn in then took the seat.
"Officer Layman, do you recognize this photo?" asked Orion, showing him, then handing a copy to the judge and plaintiff.
"Ya, that's me," replied Gord.
"Where was this picture taken?" asked Orion.
"That would have been in the sub basement of Altera Labs when I escorted the shareholders down to investigate the generator that was supposed to be down there," said Gord.
"Did you find the generator?" asked Orion.
"No sir. It was not present," replied Gord.
"This picture here, with the generator, would you say this was the exact same place where the other picture was taken?" asked Orion.
"Not a doubt in my mind that is was." replied Gord. "The cables that show in this picture were left on the floor. It looked like someone recently removed it."
"Thank you," said Orion, turning to the judge. "That's all I have for this witness your honor."
"Plaintiffs, do you have any questions to ask?" asked the Judge.
"Not at this time, but we reserve the right to call him back later, your honor," said the attorney.
"Officer Layman, you are dismissed for now," said the judge turning to Orion. "do you have any more witnesses you wish to call in?"
"Not at this time your honor. But I would like to proceed with more evidence," said Orion.
"You may proceed," said the judge.
"I would like to inform the court, that every fusion generator that Zee Corp produces, has labels on them not to move or touch in the languages locally spoken to the area they are installed, as was this one in the picture at Altera Labs. The warning labels are very important, to prevent such an occurrence that happened at Altera Labs. Further I would like to state that all our generators are monitored at all times. Within their system is a GPS system that carefully transmits the location of every single generator we have ever installed. I would also like to say, that every single one, also has a WiFi or telecom system that connects them to our main headquarters, where we have two people at all times monitoring the complex system keeping an eye out for malfunctions. On the previous day in question. My men observed the loss of signal of this generator. They assumed at the time that it was yet another of the generators taken off line for servicing, as many have been in the past. They didn't second guess as there was no warnings," said Orion handing a sheet of the printed log to the judge and plaintiffs.
"How do we know that this is how this system works?" asked the judge.
"Very good question, your honor. I will prove it to you," said Orion signalling his men, then setting up a remote monitoring system for the judge to see. "This here is mobile version that is directly linked to our system at our headquarters. It's split into regional subcategories, for easier monitoring. If every generator is operating normally, every hour we get normal confirmation as you can see. Now you are aware that there is a fusion generator in the basement of the courthouse are you not?"
"I'm aware we have one," said the judge.
"Now since this is a remote monitoring unit, it doesn't rely on WiFi nor tele com system. It's linked to our mobile truck that has satellite access, therefore even if power goes out in an area, it still remains linked. With permission of the court, I would like to show you how well it picks up anything going on with a generator, by first causing an instability to occur in the basement generator, then shutting it down," said Orion.
"You can't be shutting power to the courthouse," said the judge.
Standing up, coming forward, Irving said, "If I may, your honor."
The judge looking up at the district attorney in surprise said, "you have something to say?"
"Yes your honor. We have fully prepared the entire courthouse for this. All staff have been alerted ahead of time. They should also have been just given a notice again to state it will be going on at your word," said Irving.
The judge looked at Irving, whom he knew very well, then back to Orion and said, "you may proceed with this demonstration."
Waving his hand to one of his men at the door, he went out the courtroom, notified the officer waiting outside the courtroom to signal another in the basement with Orion's men. In moments the remote monitoring unit began to send critical messages of failure, then suddenly the power went out, as they shut the unit down with the site remote.
"System offline, no signal," said the judge as he read the screen while emergency lighting was turned on, previously brought in earlier.
"Now your honor, we can also look up further details of this by opening up the the event," said Orion doing so. "Here you can see all data related to the generator, including the location where its installed, what its exact GPS location is and so forth, with a more detailed list of what's going on with it," said Orion.
"This only proves to show you can properly monitor the system," said the judge.
"The system also has a permanent log as well. Going back to the day before in question of the explosion, you can see here where a generator suddenly went offline. Looking at further details, it shows minimal seismic tremors, along with that it's moving according to the GPS system," said Orion.
"Moving? Moving to where?" asked the judge.
"According to the GPS locator, first moving sideways then it's elevated up then sideways once more, until it loses signal. After that we have no more information about it. The next day it exploded. Had the link been maintained, my people would have shut it down remotely before it went critical," said Orion.
"So you are saying it was put somewhere where it could no longer send or receive a signal?" asked the judge.
"That's what I am saying, your honor. Also according to contractor documents, this area was covered with signal blocking materials.," said Orion.
"Objection your honor. This has no relevance to this case," said the plaintiff's attorney.
"Over ruled. This has plenty of relevance," said the judge.
"At this point your honor, I would like to turn the rest of the defense to the District Attorney who is present," said Orion.
"Objection your honor. This is a civil case," said the plaintiff's attorney.
"Over ruled," said the judge turning to Irving. "I was wondering why you were in this court room all this time."
"Your honor, the people decided to play it prudent and allow Mr Zeenner to present his defense, before we laid out our charges which we were about to do, before we found out about this hearing. The people decided since all parties are still present and to save further time, that we would proceed, as both cases would require the same witnesses," said Irving.
"I will grant this under those terms, seeing how the time of this court has already been wasted by the plaintiffs," said the judge.
"Your honor, the people charge Altera Labs, with willful tampering, moving and attempting to disassemble an active fusion generator, which they knew nothing about, disregarding the warning label, and causing the deaths of many and destruction of not only their property, but the neighboring properties as well, from the blast explosion. Said explosion tore a path of destruction almost three miles in radius, causing even more fatalities. We have also gathered many complaints from others about the reverse engineering of other devices, which have been sold to third parties," said Irving.
"Objection your honor, this has no relevance at all," said the plaintiff's attorney.
"Over ruled. It has plenty of relevance," began the judge. "I am quite aware of the history of Altera Labs in reverse engineering other peoples patented inventions, which have come through my court at least once and that of some of my associates as well. The fact of the matter is. Mr Zeenner has has given us plenty of evidence and witnesses to the fact that the generator they installed was moved without his companies supervision, disregarding all the warning labels," said the judge.
"Your honor, there were no warning labels. There never has been on any of their generators till now," said the plaintiff's attorney.
"Now that's a crock of bull if I ever heard any. When they installed the one here in the court house three years ago, I was one of the first few to go look at it. It was pasted with warning labels, including the fact not to tamper with or risk explosion. Altera Labs has been a disreputable company for many years. The two of your are even more disreputable," said the judge as the power came back online. Stopping to look at the remote monitoring system, he saw it register the 'now online' message. Pressing the info, it showed the courthouse generator. "Your system really responds well to your generators," commented the judge to Orion.
"Thank you your honor," replied Orion.
"Now, Mr Zeenner has proven without a doubt that what went on with the explosion, was out of his hands. You also continue to deny the facts that are. I was also present at the time when you made your speech out front, till miss Holt came along citing information that's in this case, which you denied out front of the building. Due to your recklessness, many people lost their lives, which could be considered murder. But it was an accident caused due to negligence. The damages are also in the millions. You were suing Zee Corp unjustly, trying to get money to repair your facility I assume, for almost ten million. What I would like to know is, what is the amount for reparation owed to everyone else?" said the judge.
"Your honor, considering the damage involved The People request Altera Labs to pay no less than twenty million for all involved damages, which also includes salaries to the officers and firemen. There is also the matter of Mr Zeenner's time wasted here as well and all the men put in place for his demonstration," said Irving.
"That is a hefty sum indeed," said the judge pondering his decision for several minutes. "The plaintiffs, Altera Labs are ordered to pay twenty five million total. Two million to Zee Corp, and the other twenty three to the people. Now how will you be paying?"
Mitch speaking up said, " Altera Labs can't pay that kind of money. Even what's left is not worth that much."
"Then the court will have no choice but to seize all and auction it off. What balance remains you will still have to pay," said the judge.
Stepping up, Orion said, "your honor, Zee Corp is willing to pay the twenty three million, if Mitch Armstrong signs over all the rights and assets to Zee Corp."
"Mr Zeenner, he just finished saying it wasn't worth all that," said the judge.
"I am quite aware of that, your honor. But there has to be some research that they were doing that has some value. I would hate to see it go to waste. Zee Corp can also restore the building and jobs that it once had as well," said Orion.
"Point taken. What do you have to say in regards to this, Mr Armstrong?" asked the judge.
Thinking about his options, not wanting to lose any more, Mitch said, "We will agree to this, if it absolves us from having to pay anything further."
"Your honor, could we have your court recorder prepare such an agreement to be signed here and now?" asked Orion.
"Considering the special request and to close this case up, I will grant it," said the judge motioning the court recorder to proceed with it.
At that moment Orion gave a signal to one of his men in the room to proceed and get into position for getting law enforcement to help secure all the assets, including the ones Mitch thought no one knew about. Men at the police stations waited for the documents to be signed, and transferred electronically to them.
After a short while the document was ready, the judge looked it over, authorized its authenticity with his signature, then Mitch signed it followed by Orion and Irving.
"Well, this is a momentous occasion don't you think Mitch?" said Orion.
"If you say so," said Mitch.
"Don't look so glum. Everyone that isn't dead will have their jobs back soon enough. You should be happy about this," said Orion.
"You have a strange idea of happiness," said Mitch.
"Well perhaps it might be one sided only. But I plan to do great research there, with all my new employees," said Orion.
"Best of luck to you then," said Mitch, turning and leaving.
"Well Mr Zeenner, you now just have to pay the sum amount and Altera Labs and assets will be yours," said the judge.
"Where do I pay?" asked Orion.
"You're going to pay now?" questioned the judge.
"Nothing like the present as you said earlier," replied Orion.
"I figured you would need a few days to come up with the funds," said the judge.
"Oh no. Twenty three million is just pocket change to me," said Orion, packing up his equipment.
"That was an unexpected turn of events, you buying it out like that," said Irving.
"To tell you the truth, I was gambling that the fines and all would be greater than they could afford. The damage to the building I assumed would bankrupt them if they tried to do repairs. The best solution was to buy what was left out.
"That was a slick deal then, considering the holdings Altera labs has," said Irving.
"They own more property? How do you know this?" asked the judge.
"As a shareholder, I am privy to this," said Orion.
"You had shares?" said the judge surprised.
"Five percent of the company," replied Orion.
"If you had shares could you not have tried to block him from starting these court proceedings?" asked the judge.
"Unfortunately, Mitch has always maintained fifty one percent of Altera Labs. No one could say anything. But his other investors will be mighty angry that he lost their investment," said Orion.
"What's your plans for Altera Labs now?" asked the judge.
"Rebuild it from the damage, add a number of extra floors and resume the research they were doing plus more," said Orion.
"That should be good for the local economy, adding so many extra jobs," said the judge.
"I will however compensate the other investors for their loss, depending on the entire value of its subsidiaries, that we need to get to, before Mitch attempts to raid them for what they are worth," said Orion.
"Then we shouldn't keep you any longer," said the judge, handing Irving the documents to hold till Orion transfers the money to the court.
Finishing the transaction, Orion photographed the documents, sending them electronically to his men waiting at various police precincts near the subsidiaries. Once the documents were shown, a squad of ten police cars from each joined Orion's men to secure each facility.
Having put a micro tracking device on Mitch's shoulder, Orion hurried back to the State News building to fetch his transport. With Caroline and Barry at his side they took off, tracking Mitch's location, determining he was headed directly to one of the subsidiaries. Arriving before him, he set down in the parking. Caroline and Barry set up as well to be ready to catch him on the news.
When Mitch arrived, he attempted to get on the grounds but was refused. "What do you mean I can't enter? I own this place," said Mitch.
"According to this court document, you signed over all legal rights to it, to Zee Corp. You don't own it any further," said the officer.
"What? How the hell did they know of this place," said Mitch looking at the files on the tablet the officer showed him.
Then appearing out of no where, Orion said, "I make it my business to know everything."
Turning around, seeing Orion, Mitch said, "how did you get here so fast?"
"My transport is very fast, Mitch," replied Orion,looking at the tablet. "Did you forget your signed over Altera Labs and all it's assets to me?"
"How did you know about this place?" asked Mitch.
"As an investor, I had all my people go over all the books, some time back. I know about them all," replied Orion.
"You're an investor? I never seen your name nor Zee Corp's name on the list," said Mitch.
"Does the name Lucon Holdings ring a bell?" asked Orion.
"Lucon Holdings? But that's owned by Kate Madeline," said Mitch.
"And I own Kate Madeline. She works directly for me. We have a thirty year contract signed together. She does as I tell her, living well at the same time," said Orion.
"You're a really devious man," said Mitch.
"No. I like to consider myself smart. You made the biggest error by first trying to reverse engineer my technology, which plainly stipulated not to tamper with. The moment you try to open it, you destabilize it. The outer casing is vital for it to function properly. The second mistake, was trying to lay blame on Zee Corp, which didn't go well for you," said Orion.
"You plotted against me," said Mitch.
"I merely took advantage of a situation you created. You are a very greedy man. Now you are left with nothing, including your house which shows it is owned by Altera Labs," said Orion.
"My house? You're going to take that as well?" said Mitch.
"Another part of your greed Mitch. You kept it's ownership under Altera Labs just so you could write it off, which now I own," said Orion.
"How do you know all this?" asked Mitch.
"As I said, I had my people go over all the documents. Kate secured copies of everything then transferred them to me, from which I put al my accountants to work on," said Orion.
"You have more than one accountant?" asked Mitch.
"Have you any idea what my net worth is?" asked Orion.
"A few billion?"answered Mitch.
"Try trillion," said Orion.
"What? How can you be worth that much?" asked Mitch.
"My monthly revenue is very high, thanks to the fusion generator, which is patented by me, and only I truly know how it works," said Orion.
"Only you?" questioned Mitch.
"There are a few others who work for me that know a fair bit. But they are the most loyal employees I have," said Orion, thinking. "In fact, just about all of them are very loyal. I treat them well. In return they are very dedicated to Zee Corp."
"I find that hard to believe," said Mitch.
"That's because you didn't treat your employees very well. Many, I heard, are disgruntled," said Orion. "When I reopen Altera Labs, on Monday, everyone will find a big change to have occurred, and will be much happier working under new management."
"You're reopening it this soon? But the building is still a mess." said Mitch.
"Only what is currently the top floor. the rest is still fairly intact. I had it assessed the day after the explosion. With the cleanup my people will do between now and Monday, it will be ready to resume whatever was being worked on. Even as we speak, a new fusion generator is being installed to restore power, which is what you lacked to get things going again, considering the blast took out the entire power grid that once lead to Altera Labs," said Orion.
"If we could have afforded a new fusion generator, we would have gotten a new one," said Mitch looking up at the subsidiary building once more.
"You seem very upset not to be able to get into this building. Shall I escort you in so that you can retrieve your personal effects?" asked Orion.
"No that's alright, I didn't really have any," said Mitch.
"Oh, but I insist you come in, so that we can go over your office you have in here, including your safe," said Orion.
Suddenly worry crossed Mitch's face, as the officer escorted them into the building, while Barry continued taking video of the whole conversation. Caroline joining behind followed until an officer stopped her.
"This is for Zee Corp personnel only miss. The media has to stay out," said the officer.
Hearing this from the short distance Orion stopped, turned around and said, "officer you will not prevent miss Holt from entering the building. Is that clear?"
Looking at Orion, the new owner of the property, he let her pass with Barry, saying, "apologies, miss Holt."
Proceeding into the building, Orion found Mitch's office and entered, everyone following. He looked all around it. A few filling cabinets were in the room with a desk.
"Well Mitch, where did you hide the safe?" asked Orion.
"I don't know what you're talking about," replied Mitch.
"A place like this always has a secret safe," said Orion, pulling out his scanner.
"What is that?" asked Mitch.
"One of my best inventions, that I built while building the first fusion generator. I modified over the years making it better, but it's mostly still the same," replied Orion, scanning the room. "Ah, here we are. Right behind this poster." Pulling it down, he revealed the face of a safe built into the wall. With the scanner's help, he then unlocked the safe, revealing it's contents.
Caroline, standing next to him, looked in and said, "books and a sizeable amount of money."
"Books, yes," said Orion opening one to read. "Seems this is your list of contacts and potential buyers for tech you reverse engineer. Quite a lot of names in it also. Some very familiar ones I might add. Investors to whom you sell some of the tech to as well."
"What? Are you serious?" asked Caroline.
"Here, look for yourself, miss Holt," said Orion.
Taking the book, Caroline looked at many of the names saying, "Some of these names are very familiar. If I recall correctly, the original tech inventors tried to sue them, with Altera Labs, but never had the evidence to properly prove it."
"Seems we will have to hand this over to the DA, so that those people can finally get their just due, along with this one, specifying what tech and who he sold it to," said Orion.
"Oh? Let me see," said Caroline taking the book. "This is an actual list of profits he made from all the tech sales."
"Well Mitch, seems you really did have an expression of worry outside. All this is going to put you in court once again," said Orion.
"And do what? You've taken everything I had. I have nothing left to lose," said Mitch.
"It would seem that way. Had you been a more honest man, you could have likely had a better business. Each time you went to court, it cost you money you know," said Orion.
"Money that you could say might have been better spent doing more investment, but it's likely the amount you made from the sales of the tech," said Caroline.
"How is it that you are here, miss Holt, with State News?" asked Mitch.
"Oh, miss Holt is my personal reporter," said Orion.
"You make it sound like she is your employee," said Mitch.
"In fact I am. Zee Corp owns the controlling shares in State News," said Caroline.
"What? That would make you biased in this whole news reporting," said Mitch.
"Oh no. Mr Zeenner expects me to report only the truth, no matter what it is," said Caroline.
"I think I will also contact all those from whom you stole their inventions, to share this money with, you placed in here,"said Orion.
"You're not serious, are you?" asked Mitch.
"When he sets his mind to something, he aims to do it," said Caroline.
"Zee Corp is about allowing inventors of all kinds, the opportunity to make their ideas come true. I already employ a large number of such people, who just wanted the chance to make their inventions. They are given everything they need, including permanent employment, but what they develop becomes Zee Corp property," said Orion.
"You Mr Armstrong, took away their life works without compensating them, forcing them to struggle to makes ends meat," said Caroline.
"He's going to find out soon enough what it is like to struggle to live, after having had so much wealth," said Orion.
"You're leaving me as a poor pauper," said Mitch.
"Tell you what, I'll let you stay in the house and use the car for the next month, in order to help you get back up off your feet. Then after that, it will be fifteen hundred a month. If you can't come up with that, then we will toss you out," said Orion.
"Fifteen hundred? That's being a bit too generous, isn't it?" asked Caroline.
"I am trying to help him out, after all, even if it's worth over three thousand a month. I'm not that cruel as to just toss him in the street," said Orion.
"If it were me, I would," said Caroline.
"I would as well," said the officer.
"That's where I differ from you both. I have plenty of compassion. Besides, I took everything away from him, that he had, at a good deal," said Orion.
"Yes you did. Now look who is the crook," said Mitch.
"I'm not a crook at all. You were just greedy, taking the deal, expecting I would not know about this place and the others you have," said Orion.
"The only question I have, is, how long did they give you to pay the twenty three million? I'm sure if you don't pay it soon enough, they will repossess all this from you," said Mitch, smiling.
"It's been paid already. Had I not, I wouldn't have the paperwork to say this is mine now," replied Orion.
"You actually paid it already? But how? It usually took me days to gather just a few million. I find it hard to believe," said Mitch.
"Mostly petty cash, you could say," replied Orion.
"Mostly?" said Mitch, his eyes opening wider. "If you have that much, why didn't you just build a research facility instead of taking this one?"
"It would have been sold off at auction sometime in the near future. The remaining portion of the building it still very good. I would rather see the researchers back to work, than unemployed, waiting to find something new," said Orion.
"They have been unemployed for two month's now. What would a few more month's change?" asked Mitch.
"Unemployed, yes, waiting to return to work. Zee Corp has been giving them half their paycheck these last two month's to help them out, repayable when they return to work, which they are all being notified will be on Monday," said Orion.
"Why would you even bother?" asked Mitch.
"Because I took responsibility over what happened with my technology even tho it wasn't our fault," said Orion.
"You besmirched the Zee Corp name, Mitch. To undo that damage, this was his only choice. Plus all of them were guaranteed their jobs back as soon as Altera Labs would be open again, which you have failed to do in two month's time," said Caroline.
"As an investor, I could," replied Orion, taking the last few items out of the safe. "A passport, with your picture and an unknown name. You are very crooked aren't you?"
"That's my cousin's passport," said Mitch.
"Seriously Mitch, you are telling us that," said Caroline.
"It doesn't matter. We will be handing it over to the DA soon enough," said Orion closing the safe door then looking around. "Have you any personal effect you wish to take home with you, before you leave?"
Going to the desk Mitch grabbed a few items off it, including some pictures. The officer then escorted him out of the building. A group of Orion's men then came in, picked up the filling cabinets, taking them out to his transport.
Soon after Orion, Caroline and Barry boarded the transport, heading off to the other locations, to see what they could find. By late afternoon, they finally arrived at Altera Labs, where Paul was busily supervising the first stage of repairing the building, by first removing the damaged portion, before restoration could begin.
"Paul, is everything proceeding as planned?" asked Orion.
"Yes sir, it is," replied Paul.
"That's good news indeed. How long do you estimate till you can begin erecting the new walls?" asked Orion.
"Two more days I would estimate at the present progress, unless I find more men. I put out a request for workers, locally," replied Paul.
"Good work. I'd like to have the former levels basic structure restored by month's end, with the new levels well underway," said Orion.
"I'll do my best, sir," said Paul.
"We may be able to send out a request for help on the news," said Caroline.
"That would be most helpful," said Orion. "Paul, has the new generator been installed yet?"
"Ive been expecting power to come on anytime now. We could really use it about now to power our many tools," replied Paul.
"I see you have already had the temporary junction box installed on this level," noted Orion.
Just then one of the local workers, coming up to see Paul saw Caroline and said, "aren't you Caroline Holt from the State News channel?"
"I am," replied Caroline.
"Are we all going to be on the news?" he asked.
"Did you want to be?" asked Orion.
"Uh, I wouldn't mind being on the news briefly. Who are you?" he said.
"I'm Paul's boss, which makes me your boss. I'm also miss Holt's boss as well. You all work for me," replied Orion, turning to Caroline. "What do you think, a nice little piece with all the men, working tirelessly, to restore the building to what it was?"
"I think I can do something about that, while also adding the portion where you require more workers," said Caroline.
"Great," said Orion, turning back to the man. "What's your name?"
"Juan, sir," he replied.
"Well, Juan. This whole project requires more men. I want you to work with miss Holt, for a news piece, where you say, something about how there is so much work to be done and not enough men. That you wish more men were here working," said Orion.
"I can do that, sir," said Juan.
"Great. Make me proud and I'll guarantee you work for the rest of your life," said Orion.
"The rest of my life, sir?" questioned Juan.
"You're not interested in having secure work?" asked Orion.
"It's not that, sir. I'm only here with a temporary work Visa," replied Juan.
"Where you from?" asked Orion.
"Honduras," replied Juan.
"Well perhaps we need to open some kind of research facility, or production plant out where you live," said Orion.
"No one has ever done this for us before. But you should know, there is a high percentage of crime in our country," said Juan.
"I can ensure the safety for anyone working for me. But we will consider all this when the time comes. For now, lets get this building done," said Orion.
Having done the news clip, Orion departed with Caroline and Barry, back to State News studio. where the video footage was taken for editing, then Caroline did a portion of her own news story live with all the footage. When complete, it was getting late. Orion returned one last time to Caroline's apartment, to spend one last night with her before heading home.

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