Chapter 9 Development

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Several years after work on the lunar base began, it had become a mostly self sufficient and thriving place. Nearly eight thousand people now lived there, most of the base buried under the surface to hide how big it really was and also for keeping much of the solar radiation out. After it's first initial stage, the surface was dug out, the structure put in place, then dust and rock super heated to form a solid protective rock layer above it.
As it was with most days, the scheduled night had but one watchman that remained up, manning the communications systems, along with keeping watch on all camera's for any signs of any approaching threats. When the morning hour began, the watchman would activate all lighting in the base, to announce morning then wait for his relief to arrive so that he himself could get some sleep.
Most mornings were always the same. Base staff would get up and after visiting the lavatory, head to the dining lounge, where a prominent chef always kept good food cooking.
"Good morning sir," greeted Jessica Day, a design technician, with long auburn hair and average build, as they met in the corridor in front of the lounge.
"Good morning Jessica," Orion courteously replied. "Did you sleep well?"
"Aye sir," Jessica confirmed as they entered the room. "Seeing as we are first here this morning, might I have the pleasure of your company for breakfast?"
"Of course, most certainly," Orion accepted. "It is always a pleasure to have ones company."
As they approached the serving counter, the French chef Michel Dupuis, stood waiting, to serve them. With a very heavy French accent, he said, "good morning sir. What may I have the pleasure of serving you this day? I have prepared some very delectable French toast with fruit to begin with, some eggs and......"
"French toast with fruit, sounds absolutely tasty this morning, Michel," interrupted Orion. "Is there by chance any bacon?"
"Absolutely sir," he cheerfully answered. "As well, I have also set aside an extra portion of syrup just for you. This morning we also have some freshly squeezed orange juice."
As Orion poured himself some or the fresh juice, he turned to Jessica and said, "would you care for some as well?"
She looked over at him and said, "Yes sir, I would. Not often we get that here."
"Indeed," Orion confirmed, pouring her a glass full. "I doubt we will see any more for a week or so."
"Not at all," said Michel interjecting. "We had a very large shipment of oranges this last time. I had requested more be sent if they needed to add anything to the shipments we get three times a week."
"Ah, Michel, you really know how to keep us happy, don't you," remarked Jessica.
"Yes Madam," replied Michel dishing out the food. "If I desire it, so then should you all. For this evening, I also have a very special meal planned for us all."
Orion looked at him in wonderment. "I look forward to seeing what it is."
As the two went off to eat, more personnel arrived, the place soon becoming bustling with more and more activity.
As they ate, Orion began to discuss the day's work plan with her. "Our shipment of TK seven components also arrived yesterday. I'm hoping that you will be able to incorporate them into the sophisticated computer system aboard the crafts."
"TK seven sir?" she wondered? "I'm not familiar with it"
"It's the new chip system that just got developed," Orion replied, taking a mouth full. "It should work fairly well with the new monitor chip sets. Assuming the design qualities and the slight modification I have made to the boards, we should have some great results with the software Walter is overseeing."
"Let's hope so sir, otherwise we'll be delayed a few weeks to solve any problems arising from it."
As they finished up, they both parted in different directions. Soon Orion entered the hanger bay inspecting the fleet of crafts. Once done he proceeded to all the research labs, one by one, where teams worked on and developed various different technologies or designs.
Luke Toder, head of one of the lab teams, expecting Orion, said as he entered, "Sir, we're not quite finished with phase two design, but here is what we have."
Luke handed him a large printout, Orion looking at it saying, "It looks like you have all the ratios worked out. How long till the rest is finished?"
"Should be another week or so," Luke replied.
"Good. I'll have the base structure set up, then later we can proceed with the rest," said Orion looking at the structural drawings.
Exiting the room with the printouts, Orion went over to the next one, where stage three plans were in development. This one had almost thirty people working at it all the time, with more being brought in at times for technical specifications problems on other devices and equipment.
He peered in asking, "how goes the drawing battles?"
A bright young engineer named Jennifer Duplo answered back, "same as always sir. It is a big project after all."
Orion smiled at all of them saying, "just remember, the outer shell is most important. Internal mechanics can always be designed later, so long as the main components are in place."
Another engineer named Greg Newhart replied, "The shell isn't the problem, it's trying to get everything else to fit inside efficiently."
"I'm confident you will get it all soon. But I'd like to get it started by month's end at the latest," said Orion.
Leaving, Orion went back to the hanger bay. Over to the left of it a section was closed off for Phase two assembly, three people were waiting for him, Jessica Day, Marie Dalton, and Jason Fairfield.
"Are we ready to begin sir?" asked Jason.
"Yes we are," replied Orion. "All we need now is the extra man power to get it going. But the bigger question is, do you have the basic systems ready for it?"
"I believe we do sir," Marie began. "all tests show great results."
"That's good news to hear," said Orion, opening up the plans.
As Jessica looked at them she remarked, "Isn't it a bit on the big side sir?"
"For its main two purposes, not at all," Orion replied. "My fear, is more that it could be too small."
"Two purposes?" queried Jessica.
"Yes. Basically it is meant as a heavily armed transport and fighter," replied Orion.
"Seems kinda bulky for that," said Jessica.
"Not for transporting troops and supplies into hot zones, It's got a good sized cargo bay, heavy armor and will have enough firepower to match more than five attack crafts," explained Orion.
"Understood sir," said Jason, as he looked more intently at the plans. "When should we expect additional people to help in its general body construction?"
"I'll have a few sent to you later today. Study the plans for now, so you are fully ready to begin when they get here," replied Orion.
Later that day, Orion reassigned several new people to the phase two project from other areas of the base. He then followed up with the designs, making a few changes to be added in.
Before morning was fully set in, Orion proceeded to the main communications room in order to talk to his Earth side liaison, Francis. He arrived just before Moy Malcolm finished his shift for the night.
"Sir," began Moy seeing him enter. "I wasn't expecting you up here."
"You're quite right," Orion replied walking to him. "But I have to contact headquarters, to get special orders in before it's too late. Can you ready communications?"
"Aye sir, not a problem," Moy replied, beginning to call down to base headquarters on Earth.
It took a while but finally Francis was on the line with him, with two way visual communications.
"Evening General, or is it morning there?" said Francis before anything else.
"Mid morning actually. I'm glad you recall our days are not the same as on Earth," replied Orion.
"Yes very true," confirmed Francis. "In any event, what can I do for you today?"
Orion looked at him on the viewer saying, "I was wondering if you managed to secure element ninety two for me yet."
"I had a feeling that was what you were going to ask. To answer you, yes. The council has agreed to release what you asked for, plus more," replied Francis.
"More? Why did they decide that?" questioned Orion.
"Yes, After much discussion they decided letting you have the entire stock pile for safe keeping which is better than keeping it here. With rising fears of terrorism, leaving it with you would make it harder to access," replied Francis.
"I would have to agree with that," said Orion.
"But there is one catch though," stated Francis, pausing for a moment. "We will require an armed escort team from you, to ensure air security while it is all brought to the surface. We already have many reports of terrorist movements in the area plotting to intercept the cargo before it reaches the transport, or destroy the transport to prevent it's departure."
Agreeing, Orion said, "yes, those have been my fears as well. I have enough assault crafts ready for the job, but I'll require an itinerary before we can launch and an additional shipment of solid fuels  in advance."
Francis looked at him through the viewer with slight dismay on his face. "I was afraid you would ask that. Although not as critical as element ninety two, it will also need a small escort."
"We have sufficient fuel for three crafts at the moment. I'll send them with the transport for the supply run," said Orion.
"Affirmative on that. Can I expect to see you there with it," asked Francis?
"Yes, I'll personally be there to ensure all progresses smoothly," confirmed Orion.
Relieved, Francis said, " then I will see you on the supply run, then give you the itinerary for element ninety two when I see you in person."
With that Orion ended communications. Then on the base's com system he announced, "attention all personnel. Upon departure of the transport, we will be launching three assault crafts as escort, to pick up urgently needed solid fuel supplies. I require volunteers trained for the mission. As well, I require our best personnel trained in solid fuel handling aboard the transport. We will be headed into a hot zone, to secure a large shipment, required for our entire fleet of assault crafts, in order to secure a more valuable and needed supply. All needed personnel are to meet me in the conference room in two hours for a briefing and schedule. That is all."
As he left, Moy asked, "I assume you will want me here at my post during the entire mission sir?
Orion stopped to think a moment and said, "yes we may require you both. Try and get some sleep before that."
"Yes sir," said Moy.
At launch time, Orion manned one of the assault crafts himself, with his co-pilot, with two other crafts manned and ready as well. Each had sufficient fuel to make it to the Earth;s atmosphere where their turbines would then take over in the air, until one was refueled on the surface. As they launched, Orion led the way, followed by the transport, then a second behind right behind it. The third stayed well out of sight, in case of emergency, as communications had been known to be bugged. Orion set down with the transport, having it fueled immediately, while he met briefly with Francis.
"Good to see you in person Orion," greeted Francis.
"Yes, it has been a while," replied Orion, shaking his hand. "Any signs of trouble yet?"
"We have some onlookers investigating what is going on, but nothing really," replied Francis, handing him an envelope. "Here is the itinerary for element ninety two. I assume you will keep to the exact schedule. We need to do this quickly. We already have numerous reports of hostile movement in the area."
Orion opened the envelope beginning to read them right away. "Yes, this is a tight schedule. My people will be ready. After this is over, any terrorists will think twice about things."
Francis looked up at the other assault craft asking, " I assume he is not alone up there?"
Nodding, Orion confirmed, "yes, another is sitting higher up above, receiving data from that one's scans and ready for any action."
"I'm glad to hear it, not that I think they will be necessary," said Francis.
Just then, one of Orion's men shouted to him. "Sir, your craft is ready for launch."
"Affirmative, stand by, ready to launch," said Orion turning back to Francis. "I'll be leading the mission myself as well. I have twenty three assault crafts being readied as we speak. All personnel are at rest and will be ready at a moment's notice."
"That's good to hear," began Francis. "Planetary troops have already been moved to the region, to help in the protection, but we haven't deployed many yet. We are hoping that the terrorists will deploy in full force, so that we will be able to squash them once and for all with your superior weaponry and tactical help."
"I hope so as well," said Orion. "This hindrance has been delaying our project a little."
Agreeing, Francis said, "good luck to you and your team. I'll see you near Washington next."
Within a few minutes, Orion's craft rose up while the other landed for fueling. Before it was fully refueled, the transport launched with its precious cargo. Orion stayed behind, carefully monitoring, waiting for the second craft to refuel. As the transport reached the third, it was well away and safe.
Within twelve hours, the entire assault fleet and transport were on their way back. As they approached, element ninety two was already on the move to Langley for pickup. Miles before arrival, terrorists moved in on the transports quickly. Armed defense trucks held them off, but more waited at Langley. There, thousands emerged from all over, hundreds of fighter planes beginning their assault. Francis, stationed in the main tower, listened to all reports of battle. Death and destruction could be heard outside for miles.
Above, Orion leading his assault craft group. listened to reports, he as opened a com frequency designated to talk to Francis. "Langley, this is general Zeenner."
"Langley here," replied Francis. "We are under heavy attack. Ground forces are taking casualties. Cargo is safe so far. We require immediate air support. All Friendly air is on standby. All current air traffic is hostile. All friendly ground troop beacons are active."
"Roger that, Zeenner out," replied Orion. "then on his own secure hyper frequencies, he transmitted, "all units, take out all air traffic within the airfield."
Within moments, dozens of powerful energy beams began falling out of the sky, tracking and striking their aerial targets with precision. In a few minutes none of the hundreds of hostile fighter planes remained flying, each having crashed to the ground. Following that the ground assault became just as fierce. Machine guns attempted to target the crafts, in some cases striking, but unable to penetrate the advanced armor shell of the crafts.
Pass after pass, Orion's group took out thousands of single targets scattered on the base. Eventually, just secluded pockets remained, trapped all around. Military personnel attempted to take them out, with some success. As the surface transport trucks reached their destination with the transport they began to quickly transfer their cargo. As the first shipment left, Orion kept his assault crafts around the airfield, protecting the remaining transport trucks from further attack. They hovered all around until the last transports landed and left.
As they waited, the last of the opposition was rounded up and for miles around, scans were made to root out any kind of weapons, each location attacked, if not friendly. By the end of the day a few had escaped to tell the tale, but victory was at hand. Orion's supreme forces laid waste to the hostiles with no casualties.
As the last transport left, Orion landed then met up with the Chief Generals and Francis, as the rest of his crafts departed back to the moon.
"General Zeenner," greeted chief US General Morton. "It is an honor to finally meet you."
"And the pleasure is also mine to return," replied Orion.
"My staff and I thank you for the help in rooting out these terrorists that have been in our midst and great nuisance to us," said Morton.
"It was the cost of getting our needed resources, to further our work, to help protect this planet," said Orion.
"Modest to the end, aren't you," stated Morton.
"He's a man not requiring many thanks, General Morton," added Francis.
"Indeed, no thanks is required. This attack, was more of an attack on us than yourselves," said Orion. "We'll do anything to protect everyone in need. I'm just thankful this will be the end for a long time here."
Another man, a senator, added, "hopefully this is the end of it all. Anyone who has survived will likely report, that they can no longer be a threat with you around."
"Many thanks, but soon enough they will learn they have been looking at the wrong threat," said Orion, thinking of his main mission. "In a few years time, all will change again."
Laughing a bit at his statement Morton turned away the attention and said, "in any event, we have some festivities planned, if you are able to participate."
Orion looked at Francis, then at Morton and replied, "I'm afraid I cannot. I have to oversee much in the next day."
The senator looked at him and urged, "One evening won't hurt at all. No one will miss you."
"I'm afraid time is of the essence," said Orion. "I can't afford to jeopardize the future for a party."
"Nonsense," began the Senator looking at him sternly. "I am making it a demand that you be there."
Orion looked again at Francis saying, "I really can't."
Looking at him again the Senator said, "the people demand to see their hero and cameras are already waiting to see you. You will be the guest of honor, among many international representatives or we will shut down all funding."
"You wouldn't dare," said Orion surprised.
Morton added, "The Senator always keeps to his word. As far as he can see, the world is now a safe place and you aren't really needed anymore."
"It would be a grave mistake if you did," said Orion, directing his look at the Senator.
"Mr. Zeenner, as far as I can see, you are a bit delusional. I can't see any reason to believe your so called vision of invasion from outer space. You have seen too many old Hollywood movies."
Orion pondered a few moments, looked around at everyone. "To jeopardize the future this will end up being. But if it means continuing what we are doing, then I will accept the invitation."
"A fine decision that is," added Morton, patting him on the back. "For the rest of the day we celebrate our victory. Tomorrow, you can resume your fantastic research and development to ensure our safety."
With that Orion walked over to his craft, communicated his plans, then told his co-pilot to remain on stand by, hovering in the air till he signaled him back to retrieve him.
Arriving at the party, many cameras and news reporters were present. They each had questions for Orion on the recent events. Among them all, he looked for a familiar face which was not present, but realized that the person was quite far away.
Entering the hall where the party was being held, the senator lead Orion to a number of high ranking officials from different countries.
"Well Mr Zeenner. Seems you handled all those terrorist quite well," said an ambassador.
"Yes. There were thousands of them, but we managed to take them all out," said Orion.
"The world is just a little bit safer now," said the ambassador.
"What I would like to know, is where they all come from?" asked Orion.
"We believe they are remnants from the last war, that survived and spread out, building up different pocket groups all over. They have been trying to get their hands on those shipments for quite sometime. Now that it is off planet, the worry of it being stolen and turned into weapons of mass destruction is over," said the senator.
"What do you plan to do with it all?" asked the ambassador.
"As you know, we are developing weaponry of all kinds. Among them are rail guns, which require high density materials such as this. Their impact can tear into any armor we currently have," replied Orion.
"So the intent, is to have numerous types of weaponry aboard the ship?" questioned the ambassador.
"It is the idea. The hyper missiles will also have launch tubes aboard the ship. But mostly, it will be an initial experiment. Once we determine what works best, we will build the remaining ships with the best option,"said Orion.
"Sounds very intriguing. I should like to come up there and visit the moon base at some point," said the senator.
"If you wish to, speak to ambassador Hollinger to set up a time. He coordinates with the transports most times," said Orion.
"Tell me general, how much is Zee Corp actually putting into this venture," asked the ambassador.
"Zee Corp is financing half of the costs, if not more," replied Orion.
"That seems like a lot," said the ambassador.
"It is. But for the moment, it is viable," replied Orion.
"Have you begun phase two yet?" asked the senator.
"We have and it's well under way. Phase three is still in design, but we should be able to begin some assembly in the next few month's," said Orion.
"That soon? You must really be pushing everyone," said the senator.
"Not at all. Everything is somewhat lax. Everyone proceeds at their own pace," said Orion.
"That's surprising to hear. I would have thought you would be pushing everyone to get on with your agenda," said the ambassador.
"I learned a long time ago, to never put pressure on people. That's when they begin to make mistakes and slow down from stress. The way the work environment is, everyone remains quite happy and productive," said Orion.
"Well if it works, we won't dispute it," said the senator.
"So tell me, have you got someone up there?" asked the ambassador.
"Got someone? What do you mean?" asked Orion.
"You know, a woman, for nightly pleasures," said the ambassador.
"That would be a no. I haven't the time to pursue a relationship," replied Orion.
"Are there any couples at all up there?" asked the ambassador.
"There are a few families up there. It was the only way to get some of the ones I needed. The spouses, are also put to work. But so far we have no children on the moon," said Orion.
"You would have to build a school of sorts if you did," said the senator.
"Thankfully so far, none are pregnant. But most are single people not really looking for relationships at the moment," said Orion.
"Kinda like yourself," said the senator.
"Have you ever been with a woman?" asked the ambassador.
"I have with one. But she knew I was not interested in pursuing a relationship. However we still are very good friends you could say," replied Orion.
"Anyone we might know?" asked the senator.
"That would be restricted information, senator. I am not going to divulge any past brief relationships with anyone," replied Orion.
"I guess if you did, the media might be all over her in no time," said the senator.
"Quite possibly," said Orion.
Just then, more reporters came up to them asking all sorts of questions and looking for an interview. Orion spent the next hour discussing the recent events, answering questions about other things, before heading off to the air field where his craft waited for him.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now