Chapter 15 Faster Than Light

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For twenty seven days, all had been quiet until Karen noticed inactivity in the belt. "Sam come here," she said a bit worried.
"What's wrong?" asked Sam.
"Look at the screen," she replied.
"And what am I supposed to be looking at?" asked Sam.
"That's just it, I can't find anything," replied Karen frantically scanning more. "Just the asteroids out there, nothing else."
Sam looked intently then said, "you're right. Where did they go?"
"I can't seem to locate the mother ship either," stated Karen.
"Are you sure?" asked Sam.
"I checked three times over. There is no sign of it nearby," replied Karen.
Sam quickly went to the flight controls. In moments he engaged the engines moving them into the last location that the enemy mother ship was in. But it was not there. An open trail leading out of the belt was evident and they began to follow. Before they cleared the belt, they found the ship, a trail of fighters following it.
"Sam, stop the ship. I have them on scan," yelled out Karen. "They are located outside the belt."
Before Sam could stop in time, the enemy fighters spotted and engaged them. Sam turned the ship around fast, a few hits striking the aft shields before they out ran them. But, they caught up again, as they tried maneuvering through asteroid field, which was still tightly closed up. Numerous hits struck, draining the shields heavily, but they sustained strength till they cleared the belt.
"We're about to clear the belt," Sam said looking ahead.
"It's not over," said Karen. "The mother ship has already reached this side and deployed all her fighters. They are approaching from top side two o'clock."
Just then, Lynn and Chris finally joined them.
"Status?" asked Lynn.
"We have incoming from all except Port side," replied Karen.
Chris took his position saying, "readying all guns. Preparing to fire."
"Negative. Power all guns down. We require the additional power to maintain shields," said Sam as he flew evasive. "We have to try to out run them."
Over on the communications terminal, Lynn attempted to contact the base. "This is HAAT to base, come in please. I repeat, this is HAAT to base, come in please." She repeated over and over but there was no reply.
"I have engines at full now," notified Sam. "We are gaining distance."
"Sam, enemy fighters are returning to the mother ship," said Karen.
"We still have to report back to base at all costs," said Sam.
"Sam, I still can't get a reply back," said Lynn.
"They must be jamming the frequency again," added Chris.
"The mother ship has begun to accelerate," said Karen, still monitoring the situation. "They are approaching our own speed."
"We can't go much faster," said Sam. "But we are still more maneuverable."
Back at base, Lynn's signal had been received, but their signal was jammed from the HAAT receiving it. After numerous attempts, Thor Contacted Orion.
"Orion here, go ahead Thor."
"Sir, the HAAT has attempted to contact us, but they aren't getting our reply," explained Thor.
"The enemy must be on the move," said Orion pondering the possible situation. "Sound all battle stations."
In moments the base was put under alert. All defense personnel left whatever duties they were performing, proceeding to the weapons locker rooms, or to the Assault crafts.
"What's going on?" Zoi asked Orion, finding him after hearing the muffled klaxons ringing.
"I had Thor sound general battle stations. I think the enemy is on the move," replied Orion, as he wondered how she made out. "What systems are still not operative?"
"All the main systems are operational," confirmed Zoi. "We're merely installing all the luxury systems that you have in the plans."
Having heard that, Orion pressed his wrist com button and said, "engage base intercom system."
After moments a reply came saying, "ready."
This is Zeenner to all personnel. All those not part of the assault craft teams, continue all your work non interrupted, but stand ready. Cliff Rogers, report to the upper deck section 0."
Zoi looked at him and asked," what do you plan on doing?"
"This ship is ready for launch. We are taking her out," replied Orion. "Man your station." In moments he activated a pre-launch sequence, that opened up the whole security structure.
Everyone that was in the hanger bay watched it open. It would be their first glimpse of what was in that area. Most stopping what they were doing to watch.
Orion began the initialization of the main reactor. In moments the base's power dimmed. Within another few moments, the reactor came to full life, generating more power than Orion has anticipated.
"Sir, reactor power generation at, 120%," Zoi said.
"That much?" he said a bit startled. "That's indeed a plus. Stand ready for engine activation."
Just then Cliff arrived. He looked at the three and asked, " what are we doing, sir?"
"Preparing for lift off," replied Orion heading down the steps. Come give me a hand to disconnect the base's main power. Caroline, this is where you disembark."
"Lift off?" said Cliff surprised. "What is going to lift off?"
"Can't I stay?" begged Caroline.
"You're standing in it," replied Zoi to Cliff.
"Caroline, we're going into possible battle. This isn't the place for you," said Orion.
Following Orion and Cliff to the cargo bay, Caroline said, "but I want to stay. I want to experience it. I want to see first hand what they look like close up with you three."
Having pulled out his cable, tossing it outside the ship, with the one Cliff threw out, Orion turned looking at Caroline and said, "Alright, but you're going to have to stay quiet."
Thankful she gave a hug to Orion, then followed him and Cliff back up to the command deck, where she sat in a fourth chair.
"Zoi, prepare launch procedures," said Orion.
"Yes sir. Closing bay doors, and initializing the hanger bay count down," said Zoi.
As the count down went off, pilots of all kinds quickly got into their crafts, not taking the time to finish securing their suits. In the Command centre, panic suddenly ensued as the hanger bay doors procedure controls were over ridden from them.
In moments Orion had a signal come in on his wrist com and replied, "yes what is it?"
"Sir, Hanger bay launch procedure has commenced. I didn't authorize it," said Thor.
"We have control, Thor. We are preparing to launch. Have all Assault crafts stand by in orbit till we return?" replied Orion.
"Launch? We? Are you taking one of the crafts out yourself?" asked Thor.
"Negative, I'm taking the phase two point five ship out on her maiden run," replied Orion.
"Uh sir? I didn't know we had that," said Thor.
"Nor did anyone else except for Zoi and miss Holt," replied Orion.
As the ship lifted out of it's cradle, everyone watched in awe. The ship, far bigger than the HAAT. With it's anti-gravity systems it rose and hovered in almost silence.
"We are at T minus twenty before atmosphere is cleared," said Zoi linking to the hanger bay's monitor systems. "All pilots appear to be secured in their crafts."
As the pumps began to suck all the air out of the bay, Orion positioned the ship in readiness to exit quickly. As the bay doors opened up, Orion transmitted to the assault crafts saying, "this is general Zeenner. All crafts take defensive positions and stand by." That said, he proceeded out of the hanger, into the clear. "System status?" he asked of both.
"All systems show ready, sir," replied Zoi.
"Shields and weapons show ready as well," Cliff also replied.
Pointing the ship in the right position, Orion said, "Stand by. Engaging engines in three, two, one...."
In moments the ship disappeared from everyone's sight at the base. Aboard the ship, everyone felt the sudden odd acceleration.
"Sir instrumentation is malfunctioning. Readings are flying off the screen. Did you engage the FTL drives?" said Zoi.
"Yes. You are going to have to compensate and calibrate all the systems for it," replied Orion.
"I'm not even sure how to do that?" said Zoi.
"FTL drives?" questioned Cliff. "I thought FTL meant faster than light."
"Quite right," replied Orion. "Now stand by for deceleration." In moments the ship came close to a standstill. "Report positioning."
"Ummm scan shows we are close to Mars' orbit," replied Zoi.
"Is the HAAT visible?" asked Orion.
"Uh, yes I think. Stand by," she said as she attempted to lock onto its location. " Location is at thirteen point two degrees to Starboard, elevation positive three point seven degrees, sir."
Orion set course and with a quick engine burst, arrived close by the HAAT.
"This is General Zeenner to HAAT, do you copy?" radioed Orion.
Aboard the HAAT, Lynn finally received the signal replying, "This is the HAAT. Lynn here."
"Status report on your situation?" asked Orion.
"Attempting to outrun the Mother ship. It's closing in," replied Lynn.
"Come about and stand ready to engage the ship, with full forward shields," said Orion.
"Sam," began Karen. "I'm picking up another target. It wasn't there a moment ago."
"Sir, we're picking up a new hostile on the Starboard side. We need to keep going," said Lynn.
"You're picking us up Lynn. We are on an intercept course," said Orion.
"Sam, it's General Zeenner on approach. He wants us to come about and engage the mother ship with him," said Lynn.
Astounded Karen said, "general Zeenner? But that ship is much larger than ours. How could they have built it?"
As the ship came into view, Sam said, "that is one large mean looking ship," as he brought the HAAT around for attack."
"Lynn, if you can't hold out, notify Sam to withdraw," radioed Orion again.
"Aye sir, we will," replied Lynn.
"Cliff, stand ready to fire all batteries," said Orion.
As the mother ship approached, over a thousand enemy fighters launched, to lead the attack. The mother ship itself, also began firing it's main guns at Orion's ship, striking heavy blows.
"Sir, shield strength diminishing heavily,"said Cliff.
"Open fire, all batteries," said Orion, taking evasive maneuvers with the ship.
As the fighters engaged, the battle scene became fierce. The HAAT unable to maintain enough power for battle left, leaving Orion's ship behind. With many evasive maneuvers, Orion's ship took out many of the fighters, but they kept at his ship, attempting to push her into the mother ship's line of fire.
"Watch the ships main guns," said Zoi.
"Already on it," replied Orion maneuvering. "What's the status of the shields?"
"Shields are fluctuating in strength. Every hit drains them, but they come back up to full strength fast. We can't sustain a hit from the mother ship again tho," said Zoi.
"Affirmative to that," said Orion. "What's the distance of the HAAT?"
"She is well out of range now," replied Zoi.
"I'm going to bring the ship around to the aft section. Take out the engines if you can, Cliff," said Orion, briefly engaging light speed then coming about, flying back to the enemy ship.
Cliff opened fire, crippling one of the engines, but at the same time, fire from the mother ship's aft canons, struck them near close blank range.
"Sir, port side shields have failed, we need to....." was all Zoi could say before another hit struck, causing heavy damage, sending surges through the ship.
Within seconds, Orion engaged full light speed and in moments they were nowhere to be seen by the enemy. The ship, traveled far in just seconds, then the drives suffered severe burn out, from the surges. The ship, had exceeded it's speed capacity by nearly 10 times in that short burst of time with the surging power, coming to a slow drift near the edge of the system past Pluto's orbit.
"Report status," said Orion, but got no reply. Looking back, he saw Zoi laying on the floor. He rushed over to her, picking her up.
Cliff looked back and asked, "She alright ?"
"Her whole console had a massive surge go through it striking her," said Caroline.
"She has severe burns," Orion replied picking her up. "Caroline, you just became our medic," taking her down to one of the sleeping rooms.
Following Caroline said, "I don't know much about medicine."
"You're here, we need someone to tend to her, thus you are it. Cliff and I need to get the ship going again. We've lost main power and are running on reserves currently. But we still have the auxiliary forward generator, that isn't active. yet. It's not powerful enough to run the main drives, so were going to have to make repairs as best we can," said Orion.
As Orion returned, Cliff said, "sir, looks like her entire station suffered serious damage."
Going back to his navigation station, Orion said, "system analysis shows we have many critical system failures, including the main drives."
"Are we at a safe distance from the enemy?" asked Cliff.
"No clue. Most systems are down," replied Orion. "The main drive reactor is also offline. We were headed out of the system, so that jump should have got us well clear."
Just then, a technician that had been working installing conveniences on the ship arrived on the command deck asking, "Sir, what is going on?"
"Half the systems are out, Roy," replied Orion.
"Sir I meant, what has been going on? I've been hearing what sounded like weapons fire. Is the base under attack?" Roy asked.
"We aren't on the base at the moment," replied Orion. "You're aboard the first faster than light prototype ship."
"A ship? But I thought we were in the base's lower structures," Roy said.
"Negative. I've kept this project secret till now. Now you know what you have been working on," explained Orion. "Since you are here, you can help get some of our damaged systems repaired. Begin with the main scanning array."
"Yes sir I shall make the attempt," Roy replied looking around. "But I have no clue what is what. Are there some kind of blueprints or something?"
Using the navigation console, Orion brought up the schematics of the ship he had put in, for Roy to see and said, "this should help you both. Get what you can done. There's plenty of spare parts in the cargo bay. I'm going to get the auxiliary generator operational, then go do repairs to the engines and main core."
Hours later, the main scanner was repaired, then shortly after an assessment of their position was made. Knowing they were out of harms way, further repairs were made before they done all they could then went to help Orion.
Meanwhile back at the lunar base, the entire fleet of assault crafts on standby waited for further orders. The HAAT had transmitted numerous messages, but with the jamming signal, could not receive any. Back on Earth, the entire planetary garrison was already on standby, waiting for further orders.
When the HAAT finally arrived after close to 11 hours, it took a defensive position in orbit above the base. The base's own defense and offensive systems were also on standby. Nearly forty heavy turret guns were now mounted all around the base, controlled by ten different operation stations within the operations centre, which had been expanded greatly to accommodate it's newer function. It also sported triple energy shielding,
"Status report," Bro asked Thor, as he entered into the operations centre.
"All crafts holding position, the HAAT just joining them," replied Thor.
"Any news on the general Zeenner and his new ship?" asked Bro.
"Negative. Sam said that they were ordered to withdraw, if they couldn't sustain battle for very long. Last they scanned, the General's ship was fully engaged with all enemy fighter's and the mother ship," said Thor.
"His ship looked state of the art from the reports I heard," pondered Bro out loud.
"According to the HAAT's scan, they said it had more defense power than anything else we have, safe for the base, along with with very powerful canons."
"That would not surprise me coming from the general," said Bro.
"Whatever has happened, sir, we have no idea where his ship is now," said Thor.
"For now we will have to do without them," said Bro. "How long till the enemy arrives?"
"Less than an hour sir," replied Thor. "Planetary defenses are also on standby."
Looking around he asked, "all guns stations ready?"
Everyone in the room nodded yes.
When the enemy ship finally arrived, it launched all fighters, itself coming to a close orbit to the moon. As it took up stationary orbit above the base, it began to fire a full barrage of fire at the base, but the base's shields maintained full protection. The fleet of enemy fighters, engaged the assault craft fleet, along with the HAAT.
The battle raged on for hours, the enemy mother ship, continuously opening fire on the base, in attempts to breach the shields. The base main guns, also returned fire continuously and after many hours, had burned off much of the meteoric shell of the mother ship, having also punched a few holes into the hull.
"Sir," called Jason Fairfield. "Base auxiliary power is down to 20% capacity."
"Do we have any other power generators available?"asked Bro.
"We have already routed all available power to the shields and weapons. We have no more available," replied Jason.
Thor interrupted just then and said, "We have a barrage of missiles incoming from Earth directed at the enemy ship. Looks like many thousands of all kinds, ready to hit."
Bro looked up at the screen and said in relief, "that's a good sign to see. How long till they impact?"
"Under 3 minutes," replied Thor.
Just then, the enemy mother ship stopped firing, beginning to turn towards the missiles. it's guns targeting and firing at the incoming missiles, having destroyed hundreds, but the rest impacted, causing serious damage. Once the last hit, the mother ship turned back to fire it's guns on the base again. This time however, without one of it's main cannons.
"Can we focus all gun power to one area of the mother ship?" asked Bro.
"All stations would have to target the same area individually," replied Thor.
"Then all stations, target their main gun, and fire," said Bro to them all.
As all the guns merged their fire, they finally caused enough damage to cripple the second main gun. With that, the mother ship backed off, escaping firing range. All remaining fighters that were not already engaged, with the assault crafts or HAAT, proceeded to continue to attack the base shields.
"They aren't giving up very easily, sir," said Jason. "Reserve power is however now holding stable."
"If we can take out the rest of those fighters, we stand a chance," added Bro.
"Detecting incoming missiles sir," called out Thor.
"How many have they sent this time?" asked Bro.
"They aren't friendly," replied Thor. "The enemy just fired them at us."
"How many?" asked Bro.
"Nearly thirty incoming," replied Thor.
"All batteries, take out those missiles," ordered Bro.
Within minutes, half the missiles were destroyed, but the remaining ones impacted the shields, briefly crippling them, with one turret getting destroyed.
"Shields have collapsed sir, but they are regaining their strength," said Jason monitoring all. "Reserve power is now gone and we have also lost one turret."
Just then a new target appeared on the scanners, with numerous enemy fighters being destroyed in moments.
"Sir picking up General Zeenner's ship. They have engaged the remaining fighters," said Thor.
Just then a transmission came in. "Base this is Zoi, what is your status?"
"This is base. Thor here. Shield reserve power is out. We have also lost one turret."
"Base, we will attempt to force the enemy to withdraw. Notify all remaining crafts to hold steady by the base and to stay clear of the mother ship," said Zoi.
"Affirmative," said Thor.
Aboard the ship as he piloted, Orion said to Cliff, "I'm going to bring her around, for one last swoop, target as many enemy fighters as possible, then focus on taking out the mother ship's weapon's."
"Will do sir," replied Cliff, firing round after round.
With the help of the base's main canon's, they forced out all the enemy fighters. Soon many of the mother ships own weapons were crippled, forcing them to withdraw as fast as they could, but not before firing a crippling blow at Orion's ship.
"Report," called out Orion as he lost control of the ship.
"Port side shields down, hull's been breached with damage to the engines," replied Zoi, watching the diagnostic screen.
"I've got no control," remarked Orion. "Initiating emergency shutdown."
In moments the entire ship went dark. Moments after emergency lighting came on. In the dark the few aboard made their way to the flight deck. They entered one by one, panicked about what was going on.
"Rebooting all systems," said Zoi, in answer to their questions.
"Main controls back online, initiating full power core restart," added Orion.
"Diagnostics report engines still partially responsive," noted Zoi.
"What do scan's show?" asked Orion.
"Unable to scan properly," replied Cliff.
Just then, the main viewer came online. As Orion and the rest looked at it, they could see their trajectory. They were on a sideways collision with the moon.
"Orion!" shouted Zoi, in panic. "We're going down too quickly."
"Everyone, brace yourselves along the wall for impact. It's not going to be a nice one," said Orion, as he engaged thrusters to minimize the impact.
Meanwhile in the command centre, Yuergen having been monitoring saw the hit and switched to visual. "Sir, the General's ship has been hit. They look like they have lost control. The ship is coming down sideways."
"Put it on the main Screen," said Bro.
As they all looked Thor said, "they're coming in too fast."
Getting on the intercom, Bro said, "attention all salvage crews and medical personnel. The General's ship has been hit and appears to be out of control. It's trajectory will have it hit the lunar surface sideways. I want all salvage crews ready as fast as you can to collect the ship. All Medical personnel are also to stand by and be ready to give full medical assistance as soon as we have the ship in the hanger bay. Bro out."
"Sir, detecting thrusters that have been engaged on his ship," said Yuergen.
"They aren't decelerating fast enough," said Thor.
"Reports indicated that the ship had anti-gravity systems. If they are out, the thrusters will merely slow them marginally," said Bro.
"The nose is coming up a bit," said Yuergen.
"That may keep them from flipping over," began Bro looking more intensely at the screen. "They will still have a severe crash. Thor, patch me into the HAAT."
"Yes sir," said Thor proceeding. "I have them for you now."
"Sam, is there any way you can deflect the General's ship's decent?" asked Bro.
"Negative sir. We are too far out. But we will stand by to assist after they impact. We can help lift them up marginally if they need to be loaded on the salvage trailers," replied Sam.
"Very well, stay to help the salvage crews. We will need to get the ship back in the hanger bay quickly so that we can get inside and tend to any wounded. Hopefully the hull won't be breached," said Bro.
"If the ship is built similar to this one, as it looks to be, the flight deck can be sealed off if the hull ruptures," said Sam.
"Yes, that's true. I didn't think of that," said Bro.
"Impact in about thirty more seconds sir," called out Yuergen.
"What's the status of the salvage crews?" asked Bro.
"Salvage crews are showing ready to leave," replied John.
"Tell them to proceed out and towards the estimated impact area," said Bro.
"Yes sir, right away," said John.
"Impact in ten, nine, eight, seven,..." said Yuergen.
Meanwhile back on Orion's ship.
"Sir, what happens if the hull ruptures?" asked Cliff.
"The command deck is sealed off from the rest of the ship. Atmosphere will remain if we lose it elsewhere," replied Orion.
"That's why you put all that goop on everything?" pondered Caroline out loud.
"Yes. This is one of the safer parts of the ship," replied Orion, watching the surface come closer. "Alright, time to hold yourselves against the wall."
Just then, the ship struck the ground flipping over once then going end over end landing upside down. Caroline having braced herself in the doorway, remained fairly safe till they ended up upside down at which point broke an arm. Cliff having turned the back of his chair against the console, remained strapped in. Orion's, chair broke off from the floor sending him sailing all around. Zoi and Roy having rested against the wall on the impact side also were tossed around but not as severely.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now