Chapter 12 Salvage

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As cleanup and repairs to the base began, everyone talked about the events that had occurred. Among them were Tyrone Milton and Marvin Atkins. They were general cleaning personnel for the base, always hauling off equipment for others. This time they felt more at ease, with everyone doing the same jobs.
Down in the hanger bay, cleaning up the wreckage, in space suits, they looked up, Tyrone remarking, "that was sure one grand crash and explosion. It's going to take a long time to clean the marks off the walls."
Marvin looked at him and said, "that's if they can even be cleaned. Some of it has been charred really badly."
"Yeah, we may have to replace the panels eventually," said Tyrone.
"I think they plan to replace large portions of the dome, before they make repairs to it," said Marvin looking at it steadily. "I heard someone say they might have to."
"That'll be a lot of work," commented Tyrone. "I know they want to get it sealed fairly soon."
"We'll all be working really long hours till it is done," said Marvin.
"Yeah no doubt. General Zeenner will be working everyone hard till we are back to full operational status," said Tyrone, dragging debris to a bin.
"They say we lost a few good pilots as well," added Alvin Sullivan, one of the general construction overseers.
Looking over at Alvin, Marvin asked, "How many did we lose?"
"Uncertain at the moment," replied Alvin. "Search crews are still out looking for the rest of our crafts, or debris of them. So far, seventeen have perished."
"So you are saying that they have found some alive?" asked Tyrone.
"A few were found on the moon's surface, walking back," replied Alvin. "We even captured a few of the aliens alive."
"Really?" pondered Marvin. "Any idea what they look like?"
"No clue what so ever," replied Alvin. "Only those that found them and the senior staff know."
"Where were they taken?" asked Marvin.
"No clue. We may find out at a later date about them though. But for now, we have a lot of work to do," said Alvin watching them carry the sharp debris. "Both of you be careful not to puncture your suits on the shrapnel."
"We're more careful than that. Not to mention we are used to this kind of stuff," said Tyrone.
"Indeed," said Alvin, dumping debris in the bin and moving away to the other side of the hanger to collect more.
Meanwhile, deep under the complex, in an excavated caverns that sported the mining facilities of the moon with a small factory that produced much of the building materials that had been used for expanding the base over the last year, Orion was in conference with his senior staff, attempting to interrogate the prisoners. The latter were bipedal, with very peculiar features.
"They don't seem to understand what we say, sir," said Bro.
"And we don't understand what they say," said Orion, thinking about options. "Jenny, do you know any good linguist we could probably use?"
"It never occurred to me that we would need one," replied Jenny.
"Nor to me," said Orion, turning to Moy. "Go contact Francis. See if he can procure a few good linguists that might be able to decipher their language."
"A few sir?" asked Moy.
"Yes. More than one will help speed up the process," replied Orion.
"Quite right sir," said Moy leaving the room.
"Bro, I am going to leave the security of these prisoners in your care. Watch them closely and don't let them out of your sight for a minute," ordered Orion.
"Is that really necessary sir?" asked Bro.
Orion looked at him with a very serious face and said, "We don't know what they are capable of. I would rather know they were intently watched than to have something happen. We may just transfer them over to General."
"Understood sir," said Bro. "I'll ensure we have at least 2 people watching them at all times."
On the surface of the moon, crews worked tirelessly gathering debris all over the place, with surface vehicles each equipped with a boom claw with a large container to put debris in. They traveled from area to area, already mapped out by the HAAT.
"Check this out," remarked Stanley Russell coming across a crashed enemy fighter. "Looks still fairly intact."
"Yeah, safe for the cockpit," observed Peter Vernon.
"Looks like our guys got a direct hit that killed that alien scum on impact," commented Stan.
"The craft must have just kept going till it impacted the surface. Skid marks start a long way back," said Peter.
"At least now we will have something for our people to reverse engineer," said Stan.
"Yeah, no kidding," said Peter, taking a look inside. "Huh, it's still powered up."
"You're kidding," said Stan as he hurried up to look in. "Well I'll be damned. This is a sure find after all. Better call it in to base, to find out what they want to do."
As Peter radioed in, Stan looked around it even more. Within a minute Peter was told to stand by for further orders. As they did, they looked at the craft more intensely.
Back at the base, Orion, was once again called up to the comm room, was starting to feel a little agitated from all the interruptions. Upon arrival, he asked, "what is it now?"
"Sir, one of our teams just found an intact enemy fighter. They say the cockpit received a direct hit killing the pilot and that it is still operating at this very moment," replied Thor.
"Intact?" pondered Orion. "That's surely a stroke of luck for us." He immediately turned the internal comm on saying, "Attention, this is General Zeenner here. All cleanup crews, prepare for a possible large salvage operation. We may require all your vehicles for this operation. I would also like Zoi Jalmer, Harry Meuller, Bro Macgyver, Jenny Polsom, Todd Yale and Jennifer Duplo to report to the hanger bay as well with suits on, for this salvage operation." Looking over at Thor after, he said to him, "You will not breathe a word of this discovery to anyone. I want this kept quiet for now."
"Sir?" he began, then finished off after a moment's thought, "Yes sir."
Orion left and immediately fetched a pressure suit for himself, then met the rest in the hanger bay. There everyone was already waiting for him, safe for Harry. "Where is Harry?" he asked looking around.
"We haven't seen him at all sir," replied Bro.
Pressing his wrist comm he called up to Thor. "Can you patch me through into the base's intercom system."
"One moment sir," he said setting it up. "Ready now sir."
Speaking through the system he said, "This is General Zeenner. Harry Meuller, you are to report to the hanger bay now. If anyone has seen him, please bring him to the hanger bay, or notify him to report here. Zeenner out." Closing the channel, he looked at everyone around him saying, "You're all likely wondering why I called you here."
"Yes sir," replied Zoi, her curiosity rising faster. "Some of us were discussing it a few minutes ago."
"Just minutes before I called you down here, I was notified that one of our cleanup teams discovered an intact and still functional enemy craft. It landed on the surface, sliding almost 500 meters before it came to a stop," explained Orion.
"Wait, I remember that craft," began Zoi. "We assumed it was wrecked."
"It held up well according to our team. By the sounds of report, the pilot was killed when the cockpit was hit. Other than the cockpit area, nothing else is presumed damaged," said Orion.
"That is indeed a find," commented Jenny.
"What's the plan for it?" asked Todd.
"That's what I need all of you for," replied Orion. "We are going to assess its current state and see if we can fly it back to base. I don't want the boom claw doing any potential damage to it, so that we can learn everything there is about it while it is still operational."
"What if Harry doesn't show up?" asked Bro.
"He'll be put on report and we will have to get Art to take his place," replied Orion, handing a tablet to Zoi. "In the meantime, while we wait, can you bring up the visual log of when you discovered the craft on this pad?"
"Umm yes sir I can," she replied, attempting to access the data. Within a minute she had the log up. "Here it is sir."
"Looks bad from this view," commented Jenny.
"If all it is, is the cockpit that is damaged, I would say it's in great shape," said Bro.
"Glad you think so Bro, cause you're the one that is going to fly it back here," said Orion looking directly at him.
"Well sir, it could be a little breezy flying it," joked Bro.
Everyone let out a little laugh at it knowing there is no air on the moon, then Jennifer added, "I would worry more about not falling out if I were you."
After another little laugh, they looked more at the image of the craft, prestudying it, while waiting for Harry another fifteen minutes.
Getting back on his wrist comm once more speaking to Thor, to have him patched through to the internal comm system of the base, Orion gave the order, "This is general Zeenner. All personnel are to stop what work on what you are doing and begin a full search of the entire base for Harry. The first person to find him and bring him to the hanger bay will have the opportunity to relax and accompany me for the next few hours on an important mission, as well as have the rest of the day to themselves. Zeenner out."
With that everyone returned inside the pressurized portion of the base sitting down waiting. Finally after about 20 minutes, Norman Reed showed up with Harry.
"Sir, reporting as ordered with Harry," said Norman.
"Where did you find him?" asked Orion.
"His quarters sleeping, sir," replied Norman.
Orion looked at Harry and said, "this isn't a scheduled time of day for rest. Explain yourself."
"I got tired sir and needed some rest," explained Harry.
"There are protocols for this Harry. You should have let someone know," Orion said sternly. "We have been waiting on you for over half an hour."
Surprised, Harry responded, "Sorry sir, it won't happen again."
"You're on report as of this time mister. Now get your suit on to follow the rest of us," said Orion, pressing his wrist comm once more. "Thor, patch me through one last time."
"Yes sir," replied Thor doing so. "You're in."
"This is General Zeenner once again. Harry has been found, having been sleeping in his quarters. For future reference, if any other personnel deems the need to have any sleep during the day, you are to report this in so that if you are required urgently we know where you are. Harry Meuller has wasted my time and that of others with his actions. Any further action such as this with any others, will be met with severe disciplinary action. Zeenner out."
Proceeded into the hanger bay and into the salvage vehicles that awaited them with the cleanup crews. they proceeded across the landscape, one behind the other. Upon approach, they could see the cleanup crew standing waiting, the craft as it still lay. Orion pulled up next to them, the rest stopping behind.
"General," greeted Peter as he approached. "I didn't expect to see you come out in person."
"An occasion like this requires my presence," replied Orion as he looked over the craft with the rest of his team. "Have you inspected the whole thing?"
"Yes sir. It seems to have only suffered some sliding damage across the surface. It's power systems are still active, if you go up into the cockpit to see," replied Peter.
As everyone looked around, Harry proceeded into the cockpit. He looked over all the systems still functioning, watching every one of them intently to diagnose what they could be for.
"It doesn't look like it suffered much damage in the impact," confirmed Jennifer.
"In our inspection we didn't really see anything wrong, safe for this," said Peter pointing to a spot underneath.
"Not looking too bad," Todd commented. "Think you could get the boom claw to lift it up a little?"
"Certainly can try," replied Peter, motioning to Stan.
In less than a minute the claw was underneath. As it levered it up, they found some minor weapons fire damage that was not critical. While they had it lifted they looked over the rest, determining that nothing else was wrong with the underside, safe for a lot of scrapes and dents.
"So what do you think Harry," asked Bro, wondering if he could solve the craft's control systems.
"Well, I'll have to test things out a bit," he replied pulling the remains of the pilot out. "Everyone will have to stand back."
Within moments, the main thrusters gave a quick pulse. Following that, the craft's weapons fired. Then directional thrusters engaged all around.
"Well? You done yet?" asked Bro impatiently.
"Hold on a moment," he replied, switching on and off system after system till he tried the last ones. "Alright, as done as can be."
Bro went over and Harry explained all that was necessary to know for the moment and what controls not to touch as of yet. Then Bro got into the seat attempting to fly the craft. As he lifted off, it took him a few minutes to get accustomed to the alien flight controls, but he managed to control it very well. He waited around for the rest to get back in the surface vehicles to lead the way back.
Stan and Peter resumed their work, after a great thanks from Orion for not having touched the craft at all and notifying them. He said, "good job you two. You were indeed good candidates, well chosen for this job. I'll keep both of you in mind when we get phase three off the ground."
"Thank you sir," they both replied.
"Oh and before I forget, you're invited this evening to dine at my table for your good work. I expect to see both of you at nineteen hundred hours, no delays," said Orion. With that he turned got on the vehicle and drove off with the others.
As they approached the hanger bay, the many still there working, watching as they entered, the alien craft following behind them. Bro landed the alien craft close to the air lock for quicker access. A number of workers saw it but did not know what it was. Once he disembarked, they began to work on it, disassembling what they could, taking each portion to different labs for analysis.
Within 3 days, a basic understanding of all its components was learned, including what was some kind of low shield emitter. It was one of a few components, of great value. A powerful energy cannon along with a sort of anti gravity device both made top priority also.
As the shield emitter was carefully disassembled, Orion watched, helped Zoi, Todd, Jenny and Oliver Marten. They examined every component, carefully bringing new levels to their scientific knowledge on field generators. Within days, a prototype shield generator was created based on the same principles but with slight modifications.
"Alright everyone, stand back while I switch it on," said Zoi.
As it turned on, a field of energy began to form, expanding all around it. It was far more powerful than the one produced by the alien device. It began to push any objects in its way, until it snapped the main power line apart, which had been feeding it power.
"Well that was exciting," said Jenny, looking at the power cable.
"By the looks of the field, as it grows in strength, it pushes anything out of its way," said Orion, pondering on it.
"Looks like its power source should remain inside with it," said Todd.
"Or we should find a way to manipulate the field in one direction, making a half bubble," added Jenny.
"Interesting thoughts, but maybe we should go and see how they are doing with the anti-gravity device. Perhaps that would give us more insight on what to do," said Orion.
They all looked at each other. With a general agreement, they all left to see how Laura Milton and Richard Hart's team were progressing with the anti gravity device.
As they walked in, Laura and Richard looked up and over at them.
"Your prognosis on the device," asked Orion.
"Still examining the components, sir," replied Laura.
"We would like to examine all the components if that is ok," said Orion.
"Very well," agreed Richard. "But don't move them around too much. We haven't fully mapped their locations."
"If you don't mind, we will help you map out everything," said Orion.
Then Jenny added, "we are hoping that the examination of this will help us with our solution to the shield generator problem we are experiencing."
"Shield generator?" queried Laura.
"Yes, we totally deconstructed a shield generator we found aboard the craft," replied Orion. "We have built a prototype based on it, but we have a few technical problems we hope this device may help us with."
"On the craft, sir? What craft?" asked Laura.
"The intact alien craft we salvaged, that lightly crashed on the surface of the moon," replied Orion. "We haven't told anyone about it. Only a handful of people are aware."
"In any event, we need to decipher this device and learn how it functions," interjected Jenny.
"Well, any help would speed things up," added Richard.
"Very good then, but first, brings us up to speed on all your finding," said Orion.
Over the next hour, all current knowledge was shared among them. Following that, in-depth research into every component of the device was done over the next day. Afterward, having a better understanding of the technology, a new prototype was created using their own technology.
"Shall we power up what we have and see what happens?" Oliver asked.
"We should start with a brief pulse of power first to see what happens," added Jenny.
"Whatever we do, everyone needs to be cautious," warned Orion standing back. "Zoi, flip the switch a moment to see what will come of it."
"Aye," she responded, turning the power on for a moment then off.
The prototype powered up doing nothing. Everyone watched as it powered down, becoming fully inactive.
"Well that was exciting," said Laura in disappointment.
"Try it again Zoi. This time leave the power on unless something happens," said Orion.
As it powered up fully, it hummed, but nothing came of it either. It just lay there on the table doing nothing.
"Shouldn't it levitate or something?" asked Todd.
"Good question," replied Orion, walking towards it. He pressed a finger against it and as he did the unit shot away, hitting the wall.
Lab sirens suddenly went off from the collision, activating a lock down in that area. Panic ensued in the whole area.
"Now you've gone and done it sir," said Jenny.
Orion turned around looked at them all, turned back at the prototype in the damaged wall and just started to laugh. He then said, "can you imagine the panic we just created just from this?"
Everyone pondered a moment, then also started to laugh about it.
Orion went over to the prototype, pulled it out of the wall gently then placed it back over the table. Afterwards, he motioned to Zoi to cut the power. Walking back to the wall, he could see a little into the adjoining lab. Finally he went over to the main security console, entering his code to cancel the lock down.
"So how should we proceed with this now, sir?" asked Richard.
Replying before Orion, Jenny said, "I would say we need to get something heavy to put on top of it, to see if it can remain floating."
"Indeed," confirmed Orion. "But, we will leave the experimenting for Laura and Richard to continue. You both know how the entire system works. Make modifications as required to get us a fully functional and usable unit."
"Uh, yes sir, we'll do what we can," said Laura with uncertainty.
"Alright, the rest of you, back to lab twelve," ordered Orion. "Finish up there, then let me know when you have usable results."
"You're not coming with us sir?" asked Todd.
"Negative," he replied. "I need to tend to some other matters that are falling behind right now. You will all have to do without me. I expect some kind of results in the next 48 hours."
"We'll get you your shield generator by then, even if we don't sleep," said Jenny.
Orion proceeded to the hanger bay to inspect how repairs were proceeding. Looking up, he could see a lot of progress being made. With no energy absorption panels available, sheets of aluminum were put in it's place.
As evening came around, Orion found Caroline as per the usual doing her broadcast in the dining lounge, always doing an extra little piece on what the chef prepared for dinner.
"Well, you seem to be happy," said Caroline.
"I am very much so," began Orion, looking at the food. "We are on the verge of having an operational shield generator."
"A shield generator? Are you serious?" asked Caroline.
"I am. But we still need to figure out how to aim the field. So far it just expands all around then cuts the power line to it. They are trying to figured out how to make it do like an umbrella. We were hoping the anti gravity unit could shed some light on it, but that didn't seem to help at all expect break the wall down," said Orion letting out a little laugh thinking of it.
"Antigrav? Break the wall down? Am I missing something?"asked Caroline.
"You had to be there. It was really funny," replied Orion.
"So now you are saying we have anti gravity technology, with soon to be shields? I wasn't aware anyone was researching that," said Caroline.
"We weren't. It's tech we salvaged from the intact alien craft we found over a week ago," said Orion moving along looking at all the trays of food.
"You're serious about this," said Caroline following.
"Very," said Orion, smelling the fresh baked apple pie that Michel's team made. "That just smell's delicious," cutting a piece, putting it on his platter.
"What do you plan to do with this anti gravity technology?" asked Caroline.
"When we fully understand it, we will refine the technology making it more useful. Same with the shield generator," replied Orion proceeding to his table.
"Does this mean you plan to install them around the base to protect it once you can?" asked Caroline as they sat down.
"If we get to that stage. Right now, I have a design team trying to finish up plans for turrets. I don't like the idea of having people outside the base exposed trying to shoot any more aliens down, especially after your close encounter with a crashing craft," replied Orion.
"Why did you send them out like you did?" asked Caroline.
"We really had no choice at the time. Plus the energy weapon we salvaged, also has far greater potential. Our team has completely disassembled them, examined how they work then fused our energy weapon technology with that of the aliens, creating an even more powerful version," said Orion.
"How much more powerful?" asked Caroline.
"I would likely say close to tripled it's destructive strength," said Orion.
"That sounds like a serious upgrade," said Caroline.
"It is. The original weapon we had was effective, but this one has proven to be far more destructive. The only thing though, is it requires a lot more power," said Orion.
"Are you going to be able to fit it in your fighter crafts?" asked Caroline.
"That will require a complete refit for them, along with some large capacitors to build up energy for firing. The generators on the crafts are large enough to produce the full requirements," replied Orion.
"Sounds to me like you have to do a complete redesign," said Caroline.
"In fact, we will be. With the anti gravity technology, it's going to allow us build a whole second generation of crafts, that would use far less solid fuels to propel them, as well, make them far more capable of traveling in an atmosphere without having to use the turbine thrusters we currently have. But it will still requires a lot more power generation, which again, calls for a new design. But until we have that, the first model will require just a weapon refit," said Orion.
"Everything is sounding more and more complex," said Caroline.
"I guess it does. With so much redesigning going on, it's already confusing our assembly teams," said Orion.
"If you get this shield thing working properly, will you be installing it on the fighter crafts?" asked Caroline.
"That I can't say right now. But it's a strong possibility. But first we have to get it working so that it is usable. Right now it isn't," replied Orion.
"What's the status of the alien ship now?" asked Caroline.
"The last Hubble seen of it, it had moved behind the asteroid field. They haven't been able to spot it since, with all the asteroids in the way. They think that it has left our system. But I know better. They will be back," said Orion.
"So you think they are hiding on the other side of it?" asked Caroline.
"I know they are. There are more battles yet to come," replied Orion.
"So the phase three. When do you expect to get it built?" asked Caroline.
"We're still designing it. The super structure itself is ready to begin, along with much of the forward portion, leaving space for future weapons. But if we are going to have shield generators aboard it, we will have to make slight modifications to the plans," replied Orion.
"Sounds to me like it will be a while before you get it off the ground," said Caroline.
"In fact, no. We have already begun building the forward portion of the hull and super structure," said Orion.
"How can you begin, when you have no finished design?" asked Caroline.
"By simply starting with what we know won't change and go from there. I expect to soon get one of the lift systems in as well, to facilitate moving the men up and down." said Orion.
"Can I see what has been done so far?" asked Caroline.
"That's a very restricted area of the base. Only those working on the assembly have access. None of the rest of the personnel are allowed near it," said Orion.
"Can't you make an exception just for me?" asked Caroline.
"That would be breaking my own rules. Those on the base not working on the current assembly, don't even know it has begun. Nor have I even told the counsel," replied Orion.
"Why would you not tell anyone?" asked Caroline.
"Security reasons. This is a larger project than the rest. On the chance we could have a saboteur among us, I don't want to let them know," replied Orion.
"You really think there could be one?" asked Caroline.
"Highly doubtful, but why take the chance," replied Orion.
Later that night, as per her usual routine, Caroline arrived at Orion's quarters in her pink nighty ready to spend the night. This time however, as she stepped in, the door closing behind her, she looked at Orion saying, "did I come a little too early? You don't look as if you are ready for bed."
"I'm not, nor will I be for many hours. Return to your quarters and get dressed," replied Orion.
"What? Why? Where are we going?" asked Caroline.
"You'll know soon enough," replied Orion.
A Short while later she arrived back fully dressed. Orion took her down to lowest portions of the complex past the manufacturing facility and ore processing plant. Soon they arrived at a very large door, with two levels of security to it.
"What is this place?" asked Caroline.
"It's where you wanted to go," replied Orion as the large heavy door lifted up.
Peering inside, Caroline looked around. She saw a large construction in progress, supported by various cables, with other bracing materials. The height went all the way up to the ceiling which to her looked like thirty to forty stories high.
"Oh my god. This place is like a huge cavern," said Caroline.
"It took a lot of doing to get the rock stable. But we managed to get it done. Even the top doors which are very thick, took a lot of effort to make, considering their size," said Orion.
"Do you plan to build the whole thing in here?" asked Caroline.
"Not at all. There wouldn't be enough space nor is the door opening big enough. The plan is to build most of the forward section, then lift it up into orbit. But if we get the anti gravity system working, then we will merely just lift it out and beyond the base, allowing it to hover a short distance from the surface of the moon," replied Orion.
"But it's still huge. How did you manage to carve this all out without anyone seeing? There must have been a huge hole at one time," wondered Caroline.
"We actually built the heavy doors at an earlier date, installing them into the ground surface first. Once sealed, by melting rock around the frame's edge, we began putting a lot of our waste materials over top of it to conceal the existence of the doors. On the surface you would never know it was there except for loose rock, dust and waste materials. Then we proceeded to dig beneath then upwards to the doors. Once the doors were revealed from below, we carefully excavated all around below them to the frame. Then carefully on each side, heated the rock making it melt some then cool back down into a more hardened state, strengthening the cavern side walls doing the same as we moved further and further downwards till we reached this lower level when we stopped," said Orion.
"So no one really knows this is here, other than those working down here?" asked Caroline.
"Precisely. Those working in here, including the excavators, have been sworn to complete secrecy. Divulging any of this would mean immediate expulsion from the moon, as well as being banned from ever working with Zee Corp or any of it's affiliates. That alone keeps people from talking, as their income is quite high and none wish to risk not having employment ever again," said Orion.
"You're really harsh in regulations," said Caroline.
"I have to be, in order to keep secrecy. Most of the staff already know not to discuss their projects with others, unless I bring them together in cooperation," said Orion.
"I assume everyone that comes down here has special security passes like you have? I noticed you needed two card keys to enter in here," said Caroline.
"Yes, two card keys that have security access to this level. Everyone must enter or leave in pairs. If a card is swiped to exit that hasn't been swiped to enter, it gets registered in the system, I get notified. After a full review of the video logs are done, severe disciplinary action occurs," said Orion.
"Has anyone protested against these rules?" asked Caroline.
"Some have had some say about them, but they were told if they don't like them, they could return to the Earth to find other employment. None wished to do so, therefore obey the rules and regulations set out for them for this base," replied Orion.
"I would do the same, if it meant keeping my good job or not having it at all," said Caroline.
"As you can also see, work never stops here," said Orion pointing out to all that were working. "There are three overlapping shifts. Two always here, while the third is at rest."
"So mostly the same amount of people always here round the clock," said Caroline.
"Yes. Most of those that work in here, have been the ones responsible for building the entire base. They think that this is just another portion of it, although weird in the primary designs. But eventually they will find out what it actually is, when more of the plans are revealed. For now it's just a structural wall they think they are building that will be lifted above the surface at a later date," said Orion.
Just then one of the men came up saying, "sir, I didn't expect to see you down here at this time of the day. Isn't it the regular scheduled night time?"
"It is, Tim," replied Orion.
Looking at Caroline he said, "isn't this miss Holt from the news?"
"It is," replied Orion.
"But I thought this was a high security area," said Tim.
"It is. Miss Holt has very high security clearance compared to you all down here. I am giving her a private tour, so that when things are revealed at a later date, she can properly do her news reporting on everything. But until that time comes, she is also sworn to all secrets involving everything she sees," replied Orion.
"I see sir. Well I look forward to her reporting on whatever this is when it is done," said Tim.
"Tell me, what's the current status of construction materials?" asked Orion.
"We still have a huge stockpile, but it is decreasing little by little. At the current rate of use, we will run out in a month's time," said Tim.
"That's still plenty of materials. You could easily double what is currently done," said Orion.
"If I might ask sir. How exactly do you plan to lift this to the surface when the time comes? It already is very heavy, even if the lunar gravity is far less than the Earth's," said Tim.
"We are currently working on anti gravity systems. If we are successful, lifting it should not be a problem," replied Orion.
"Anti gravity? You think they will succeed?" asked Tim.
"That has yet to been seen. But it is looking promising," replied Orion.
"Then you aren't sure at all?" questioned Tim.
"I just hope it is, otherwise, we will have a problem for sure," said Orion.
"That it would, sir. We would likely have to fasten rockets to lift it up," said Tim.
"Lets hope it doesn't come to that. Rockets aren't always accurate," said Orion.
"Is it even strong enough to withstand the pull of a rocket?" asked Caroline.
"Far stronger than you can imagine, miss Holt. This is state of the art construction we are doing. The outer walls themselves will be able to withstand an enemy craft impacting on it, unlike what happened to the dome," replied Tim.
"That strong? That's unbelievable," said Caroline.
"Yes, we don't need a repeat of what happened to the dome," said Orion.
"Is that why we are building this below ground, to avoid the enemy from attacking it, before it is complete?" asked Tim.
"It's something like that," replied Orion.
"Cryptic as ever sir," said Tim.
"Always. Now if you will excuse us, we need to go elsewhere," said Orion.
Leaving they returned to their quarters, Caroline forgoing getting changed and joining Orion right away, as it was already late, the night time sequence having already been enacted.
"I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the lights always going out with only minimum lighting available throughout the entire base," said Caroline getting into bed with him.
"It's how it will always be for now to simulate the days," said Orion, cuddling up to her.
"Is this how it will be aboard the ship as well?" asked Caroline.
"It will be far different, as at least two thirds of the crew will be up at all times," replied Orion.
"I didn't consider that," said Caroline laying her head on his chest.
"There is plenty to be considered. But for now, lets get some sleep. It's been a rather long day," said Orion.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now