Chapter 20 Triumph

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Numerous weeks passed since the ship found safety in the unknown area of space through the spacial anomaly. A small mining operations had been setup on the local planet, extracting much needed ore then processed aboard the ship for use. Over half the ship's personnel were involved in this, while the remaining ones continued on with getting ships battle systems completed.
"Sir, all systems show fully operational," reported Harry, as he looked over diagnostics and test information on the ships systems.
"Do you think we are ready for battle now?" asked Orion, looking around the whole bridge, as the crew operated their stations, still undergoing many system tests.
"Sir, battle ready, we are now," replied Harry. "But I can't speak about the rest of the ship's operational fitness."
"Internal structure is not as much important right now. Most of that is not even ready to be utilized for it's designed purpose," said Orion.
"Then sir, I would say that we are as ready as we can be," replied Harry.
Orion turned over to Maura, at the communications systems and said, "Maura, organize a recall of all our people on the surface with the last of the ore they have and all equipment."
"Yes sir," acknowledged Maura, proceeding to contact the surface crew.
Turning over to Jennifer, he asked, "what's your opinion of the ships main structural integrity as it currently stands?"
"I have run over all simulations on how we currently stand. The forward armor will withstand a lot of heavy weapon fire , but we will need to be careful with impacts hitting the midsections of the port and starboard hull. Without all the decking in place for structural reinforcement, there is a strong possibility of collapse until they are completed," explained Jennifer.
"My thoughts exactly," said Orion turning about. "Zoi, have you got bearings on the anomaly still?"
"Affirmative, sir. I have plotted the course destination from here and relayed it to the helm station," replied Zoi.
"Very well. I expect you to maintain that course ready till we depart," said Orion pondering their galactic location. "As well, have you completed charting this entire region of space, with it's numerous galactic star positions?"
"I have sir and have yet to determine where exactly we are. We are definitely not anywhere near our own solar system's galactic coordinates," replied Zoi.
"I was afraid you would tell me something like this. Let's just hope this rift stays open till we get back through," said Orion.
"Aye, sir," acknowledged Zoi. "I have also examined all the data from the rift and if we require to, we can push through it, if we maintain a specific frequency to our shields."
"I was thinking much the same thing," added Orion. "Ensure it is ready as such, when we need to."
"Affirmative sir," acknowledged Zoi.
Leaving the bridge again, Orion went down to the manufacturing facility. A lot of raw materials lay all around freshly fabricated. There wasn't enough crew members onboard to keep up with the production.
"Gord, how goes the fabrications?" asked Orion.
"Well sir, we could actually complete a deck floor or two with what we have stockpiled here. But it's rather hard to tell with it all just pilled up like this," replied Gord.
"I have just recalled all our personnel from the planet surface. What ore they have on hand will be the last to be brought up. Once the last of it is refined, we will be shutting down the ore processing plant. When you run out of raw material to use, then you will proceed with the rest to complete the midway deck," said Orion.
"Am I to assume that all ship systems are now battle ready?" asked Gord.
"Mostly. They are still running battle drills on the bridge, along with doing some shield and weaponry testing, to ensure everything will function properly. But in the meantime, we need to get that deck complete, to give the ship more structural stability," said Orion.
"I was wondering if we were going to complete it," said Gord.
"We have to, otherwise we run the risk of structural collapse in battle. We will also have to run decking walls from the bottom all the way to the top," said Orion.
"Aye sir. That would be very recommended to do," said Gord.
"In two days time, we depart this area of space back for home. Hopefully all of this will be put in place by then," said Orion.
"Yes sir," said Gord returning to his work.
Over the next half day, recall of all personnel and equipment from the planet below were completed. All the equipment was stored in the port side hanger bay, with Orion's transport stored in the starboard bay. Work on the interior structure progressed fast with most working on it. By the end of the second day, working almost non stop, the last of the newly fabricated materials were used up.
On the bridge preparations to depart were nearing completion. The entire bridge crew had finalized all system checks, then gave the word.
"Sir, the ship is now ready to depart," informed Harry.
"Good news to hear," replied Orion, taking his place at the helm, as no other on the ship was qualified enough to take it. "Shield status?"
"Shields at operational and holding at twenty percent power for flight," replied Jason moving to the next station. "Main propulsion systems fully ready, power also at your discretion sir."
"Engaging drive power to fifty percent and a micro second thruster burst," said Orion. The ship moved off from where it was and then Orion engaged the thruster power at a constant low level.
"Sir, the ship is now approaching one quarter light speed," said Zoi.
Disengaging the thrusters, Orion let the ship proceed on it's current momentum, until they reached the region of the rift. Upon arrival, the ship was brought up close to the rift. The beacon was also retrieved to prevent anyone else from coming close to the region from picking up the signal and detecting the rift.
"Sir, the team reports they have successfully retrieved the beacon and are back aboard," said Maura, having received the info.
"Sir, the proximity of the ship shields are affecting the rift," said Zoi. "It seems to be opening wider, as the seconds pass."
"Understood," replied Orion. "how long till it opens wide enough?"
"It's almost there now sir, but the rift seems to be draining a lot of power from our shields to open up wider," said Zoi.
"Sir, Power levels for the shields are stable, but at a constant drain," said Jason.
"Engaging thrusters," said Orion as the ship began to move.
As they began to move through, the stresses on the ship's hull could be felt, but the shields countered most of the forces. After another minute they had moved all the way through, the shields almost collapsing in the process, the energy pull from the ship, collapsing the rift making it no longer exist.
"Sir, collapsed as we cleared it," said Zoi.
"Collapsed? Are you sure?" asked Orion.
"I can no longer detect it at all. It looked like as we passed through, the energy from our shields pulled on it, forcing it closed." explained Zoi.
"I wasn't expecting that at all," said Orion.
"Sir, scan info has been received from our system. Enemy ships are still currently engaged with our forces, from what I can tell," said Zoi.
"Sir, we have a problem," said Jason.
"What problem?" asked Orion.
"Calibration to for the main reactor is off. We need to shut it down before anything happens to it," replied Jason.
"What happened to it?" asked Orion.
"Unknown sir. But it began as soon as we started pushing through the rift. When it collapsed, the imbalance increased," said Jason.
"Auxiliary generators?" asked Orion.
"They all seems to be fine. I'm also registering drive field instability as well. You can't engage them at this time anyway," said Jason.
"Get your teams on them right away. We will hold this position till either we are noticed, or the problems are fixed," said Orion.
"Sir, I'm picking up a lot of chatter on the hyper-com frequencies," said Maura.
"Give us audio," said Orion.
As the transmissions were heard, everyone could hear the intense battle orders given out, the pilots relaying their situations, with also the last half words of some pilots transmissions going silent after suffering severe damage to their crafts.
"Sir, they need us out there badly," said Zoi.
"Without main power, we can't really help them," said Orion.
"Do we not have enough auxiliary generators to power the ship?" asked Zoi.
"We need the main core power to fully power the shields," replied Jenny.
"Sir?" said Zoi.
"Jenny knows full well. The auxiliary generators are to help maintain power to the shields especially in flight. We would be sitting ducks as soon as we arrive with insufficient power. We would have to choose between weapons or shields," said Orion.
"But they're dying out there," said Zoi.
"Sir, theoretically, how long do one of those thermo fusion explosives last once activated for power?" asked Jenny.
"No more than a minute or two. They would not be enough anyway," replied Orion.
"I wasn't sure, if it would help," said Jenny.
"For now we will just have to wait till we hear from Jason," said Orion.
For nearly an hour they waited, listening to the hyper-com chatter, when Jason finally called up from engineering.
"What news have you got for me?" asked Orion.
"Sir, we corrected the imbalances. We have the main reactor back online, bringing up power gently, just to be cautious. The drives seems to have been put out of balance by the core itself. They were registering fine after it was shut down. So far all readings look good," said Jason.
"Are you saying we will have full power shortly?" asked Orion.
"If all readings check out, we should in a few minutes," replied Jason.
"That's indeed good news," said Orion beginning to wait once again. "Everyone, ready yourselves for battle. Maura, stand by to transmit on all frequencies my orders to the rest."
"Yes sir," acknowledged Maura.
Moments later.
"Sir, all systems show green. You can proceed," said Jason.
"Sound general alert red," said Orion pressing the com button on his panel. "Attention, all personnel to battle stations. I repeat, all personnel to battle stations."
"Scanning systems fully ready once again, sir," said Zoi.
"Give me a course setting," ordered Orion, as he begun to power up the engines.
In moments, the info was sent to the helm, Orion engaging the course, at a rapid pace, maxing out the ships speed. After a few minutes, the ship entered into firing range. As they did, John Jakupsson opened fire with the entire complement of the ship's arsenal.
"Maura, attempt to make contact with our crafts and notify them to clear the area." ordered Orion, as he continued to pilot the ship, into a strategic position.
In several moments the ships massive cannons holed right through the mother ship's shields and armor, causing significant damage. The second ship caught off guard as well came about and fired a heavy barrage from it's main guns, causing the forward port shields to strain under the impact.
"Sir, the second ship, It's causing a lot of stress to our shields," said Zoi.
"I'm bringing the ship about. John, focus on the second ship. Try and take out it's main guns,"said Orion.
As the second ship came into firing sight, John opened up with the main guns hard, the third salvo crashing through it's defenses, crippling it's port main cannon, causing irreparable damage to it's systems.
"Sir enemy fighters are targeting us, attempting to breach the shields," said Zoi.
"Sir, all our assault crafts have regrouped behind us and readying to engage all enemy fighters," added Maura, relaying Sam's intentions.
"Notify them to outflank the enemy fighters. We will deal with the 2 capital ships as best we can," said Orion exposing the ships entire starboard side, while maneuvering.
The second enemy ship, suffering many power surges within it's main gun power systems, began to rely on all it's turrets. The turret fire power showed itself inadequate to their shields, and as Orion brought it about again, John fired another large salvo into the second ship, resulting in massive forward internal explosions.
"Sir, scan indicates the second ship has been heavily damaged and showing possible signs of being crippled," said Zoi.
"Good news indeed," said Orion, attempting to line up the ship with the original enemy mother ship. "John, finish off the other ship if you can."
"Yes sir," replied John.
"Sir, it's confirmed. The warship is drifting," said Zoi.
In another few volleys from their main guns, the enemy mother ship was also crippled. Both were now adrift. The last of the enemy fighters, unable to land on their ships, fought to their death, as the automated turrets tracked and destroyed them.
"Sir, looks like we won the battle now," said Zoi.
"Indeed we have," replied Orion. "Maura, get me Francis."
"Sir, he is already standing by," said Maura, switching the main viewer to visual communications.
"Orion, what's the status of the battle?" asked Francis.
"It's over," replied Orion. "Both ships have been crippled."
"Really," said Francis in surprise. "But you said early yesterday you wouldn't be ready for battle for sometime."
"Yesterday?" repeated Orion, turning to look at Zoi.
"Have you already forgotten that?" asked Francis.
"For us, it's been nearly a month," replied Orion.
"A month? No that was yesterday," said Francis.
"This ship is now fully operational, Francis," said Orion.
"Fully. But you said yesterday you needed a lot of time to finish it," said Francis.
"For us a whole month passed by since we last talked," said Orion.
"What do you mean a whole month?" questioned Francis.
"We passed through a spacial rift. It took us into another system. I think there was a bit of time speed up on the other side. We spent what was to us, a month getting the ship ready for battle. We even mined some large ore deposits on the nearby planet to compensate for the lack of materials we had," said Orion.
"A month? You're serious about this?" said Francis.
"I am. The whole crew can also verify this along with most of the lunar base personnel. They know what stage the ship was at when we departed," said Orion.
"I don't think it matters much at this time. The bigger issue, is that you have finally stopped the aliens from attacking us. But tell me, how well did the ship perform?" said Francis.
"This ship has proven itself to be a really good asset," replied Orion. "The main guns performed more than expected. They punched right through their defenses."
"That is truly a good thing to hear, that they are far more powerful than expected. So what is your next move?" asked Francis.
"As soon as we gather enough people, we will board each ship," replied Orion.
"I'll see what I can arrange for additional boarding personnel. The other generals will be very interested in capturing all these aliens," said Francis.
"I'm sure they will be," said Orion nodding in agreement.
"Well at least for now you can breathe easy knowing that our system is secure with our first and only interstellar ship," said Francis.
"Yes, but I doubt this is the last ship we will see coming here," said Orion.
"I have to agree with you on that. Which brings to mind, how long till you can build a new ship like this one?" asked Francis.
"First we have to complete this one, then get a full crew for her," stated Orion. "We made her battle ready but not fully functional ready yet. Once we are, then we can talk about starting a new ship. But at the current time, I will require far more additional personnel."
"Yes Indeed. We will also need a carrier ship for all the assault crafts as well, for future planetary invasions," said Francis.
"I am not going to lead a fleet to conquer other worlds, Francis. We would be no better than these aliens who tried to conquer us," stated Orion diligently.
"Well the counsel of generals feels that, that is our next step," said Francis.
"Francis, the economic funding to build a conquering fleet is not in our sights right now. Plus the overhead of keeping such planets, as we don't know what we would get ourselves into at this time, could end up being a disaster. I also don't agree on enslaving others," said Orion.
"Hmmmm I never thought of it as enslaving, till now. Perhaps I can dissuade them from this. But in the meantime, we will need to build other ships for defense, including a carrier so that we can take the assault crafts into battle, such as times when our enemies flee into such places like the asteroid belt, where we can't risk taking our large ships into," said Francis.
"I understand this point of view. I will proceed with such. But a new factory ship won't be completed for some time," said Orion.
"Yes it will take time, but we need more if we are to defend our world properly if more of them come," said Francis.
"We will have more in due time. But for now, how about providing me with more people to get this one completed," said Orion.
"How many will you require?" asked Francis.
"I'd like to set up mining operations in the belt where they were collecting ore. There is an abundance of ore there that we can collect," said Orion.
"I can tell you right now, the counsel isn't going to approve any funding for a new mining operation. They just want ships, nothing else," said Francis.
"Then it seems like I will have to fund this operation myself," said Orion.
"The counsel is only approving the funds for the assault crafts and capital ships from this point. We aren't going to help fund any more bases like the lunar one," said Francis.
"I'm going to have to remind you that, all the assault crafts built in Kincardine, were not paid for by the Counsel. I technically still own them all as I own over half this capital ship and lunar base. That said, if you want to keep the assault crafts, they need to be paid for," said Orion.
Francis looked at him for a moment, then finally said, "I'm going to have to discuss this with the others. I'll contact you later."
Turning to Maura, Orion said, "get me Bro."
"Yes sir," acknowledged Maura doing so.
Moments later on the main screen.
"General, this is a surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you back this soon. I thought the ship was weeks away from being battle ready," said Bro.
"It wasn't. We passed through a rift, where time seemed to flow differently. For us it's been a month since we left. We have the ship fully battle ready," said Orion.
"Fully battle ready? You got everything done?" said Bro surprised.
"Everything. required. Now we just have to finish the rest of it," said Orion.
"This is indeed a miracle. When we heard you had engaged the enemy ships, we didn't think you would survive the attack. Their new warship we found was far stronger," said Bro.
"Yes we took note of that. But this ship's weaponry is far superior. But that's irrelevant right now. What I need is boarding parties, so we can board the enemy ships," said Orion.
"You want me to gather as many personnel as I can to board the ships?" asked Bro.
"I only want the military trained personnel on this one. All others are to continue their work. Francis is also rounding up a lot of soldiers planet side to help,"said Orion.
"Very well I'll get those that we have here and take them on the HAAT with me," said Bro.
"I'll be bringing my transport down there as well to collect more. The crew here, are already preparing to board as it is, once we dock with the warship," said Orion.
"If you dock with it, does than mean we should come aboard first then proceed through where you are docked with them?" asked Bro.
"Negative. We will secure their hanger bay, so that you can board there," said Orion.
"Very well sir. We will wait for further instructions on that," said Bro.
Within the hour, using the limited arsenal on the ship, as well as what Orion had on his transport, Orion lead the soldiers into the ship, securing a large portion of it, including the docking bay. Once secured and it's operation discovered, Orion returned to his ship. He then proceeded to the hanger bay where his transport was and departed for the lunar base.
Upon arrival, Caroline and Barry stood by waiting to see Orion. they watched as the soldiers boarded, then finally saw Orion come out of the ship,
"General," shouted Caroline.
Hearing her, he turned around and said, "Caroline, it's good that you are here. It saves me the trouble of having to go looking for you," said Orion.
"What? Why?" asked Caroline curiously.
"For your in depth exclusive when we board the alien ships," replied Orion.
"Boarding the ships? How do you plan to do that?" asked Caroline watching more soldiers load into his ship. "I wasn't expecting to see you back for some time. I thought you were taking the ship out of the system."
"Technically we did and spent a month getting her battle ready," replied Orion.
"But you just left yesterday," said Caroline.
From your perspective maybe, but from mine, we have been gone for a month," said Orion.
"I'm confused now," said Caroline.
"You have no need to be,"said Orion turning to Barry. "Have you got all your camera equipment with you?"
"Yes I do, general," replied Barry.
"Great. Now both of you get aboard," said Orion boarding.
Following him to the command deck, Caroline said, "are we really boarding the ship?"
"Wait and see,"said Orion.
In a short time they approached the ships sitting in orbit. It had been some time since both had seen the ship and they gazed at it in awe, as they flew past and landed in the enemy ship hanger bay.
"You weren't kidding when you said we were going to board their ship," said Caroline.
"I don't get it. Yesterday we were told the ship wasn't battle ready. I just saw it, it looked very battle ready," said Barry.
"It is very much so," said Orion, proceeding out into the hanger bay to meet up with the rest. "However you wish to do this, it's up to you. But do keep yourself safe behind the soldiers."
"Yes sir we will," said Caroline turning to Barry. "Start the camera."
"Before you do, take this headset Caroline. Barry plug this into your camera,"said Orion handing them both the tech pieces. Then on his wrist com he said, "Maura, are you receiving both?"
"Yes sir and patching it through," replied Maura.
"Alright you are both live with the State news studio," said Orion.
"What, really?"said Caroline, suddenly hearing the news desk person on the other end.
"Barry get your camera rolling," said Orion.
"Ok, hold on," said Barry getting it ready. "Alright, go ahead."
"Today is a very special day. I am standing in the hanger bay of one of the alien ship's. Troops are currently moving in to secure and capture it. I have no idea what lies ahead, but general Zeenner has given me and my camera man access to show all our viewers what will be found as we go. I've been told that this broadcast is also live, so for all you viewers out there, you're getting to see what I see at the same time," said Caroline.
Just then Barry turned the camera onto Orion who began to say, "alright men. This is a seize and incapacitate operation. Any aliens we come across, you will stun them as a group, then carry them back here. Once we have enough of them, we will load them up into the cargo hold of my transport and ferry them down to Area Fifty Seven. Do not try to secure the whole ship at once. Take prisoners and bring them back. The more we get off the ship, the easier it will be to secure it in the end. Now proceed through."
"Well you heard what the general said. Now lets follow safely behind and see what we can," said Caroline into the camera.
For hours they watched broadcasting the live events, as well as getting to see the aliens first hand. Every time they captured many, Caroline and Barry were forced to return to the hanger bay ahead of them. This went on for many hours, Orion's transport leaving and returning many times, always bringing back more soldiers with him.
After nearly four hours, Caroline finally ended her broadcast by saying, "this has been quite the day so far. But as it has been many hours now and you have seen first count the aliens, with large portions of their ship, I don't think it worthwhile continuing. I have also become tired. With that I will sign off to all our viewers and say, that my next broadcast shall be a tour of our own interstellar ship. This is Caroline Holt signing off for now."
"The camera is now off," said Barry.
"Thank god. This has been way too tiring. I'm going to sleep well tonight," said Caroline.
"Sleep, yes, but when? We are stuck on this ship right now," said Barry.
"We can get some rest in the generals transport. It has a dormitory two levels up," said Caroline.
"But it's constantly leaving and returning with the prisoners," said Barry.
"No one will notice," said Caroline boarding it and proceeding to find herself a bed.
Barry followed her and soon the two were asleep, no one knowing where they had gone to. Nearly six hours later, Caroline woke up and ventured back out of the ship. As she got down to the cargo bay, she could hear Orion talking on his wrist com.
"They got to be somewhere. They can't have just disappeared with no one noticing. Are you sure every part of the ship has been checked?" said Orion, his back turned, facing away from his transport.
Caroline listening, walked up behind and asked, "who are you looking for?"
Startled, he jumped slightly, turning around to face her and said, "Caroline! Where did you come out from?"
Pointing to the transport, she said, "I was in the dormitory sleeping with Barry. It was exhausting that whole broadcast we did earlier on."
Pressing his wrist com once again he said, "never mind. I've found them. Everyone can return to their former tasks."
"Found them?" pondered Caroline. "Are you referring to me and Barry?"
"I was. We thought something happened to you both. I've had everyone looking all over in this alien ship looking for you both," replied Orion.
"I guess we should have told you what we planned to do," said Caroline.
"Well, it's comforting to know, you were so close all this time and safe," said Orion looking in for Barry. "Is he not coming out?"
"He's still fast asleep," replied Caroline.
"How long did you sleep for?" asked Orion.
"Close to six hours I think," replied Caroline.
"That doesn't seem long enough,"said Orion.
"I don't sleep very well unless I have good comfort. Lately I have not had it," said Caroline.
"What's wrong with your comfort?" asked Orion.
Looking around to see if anyone was around, she then got close and said with a more silent voice, "my comfort lacks you."
"You don't sleep well without..." began Orion.
"I don't. I never have without someone," said Caroline.
"I'm sorry to hear that," said Orion.
"Now you know my secret," said Caroline.
"You should have said something long before now," said Orion.
"I've never told anyone this. You're the first," said Caroline.
Orion put an arm around her, pulling her tightly against his side and said, "you still surprise me sometimes."
Looking around she asked, "what is everyone doing?"
"We have cleared the ship of all the aliens and have brought them down to area fifty seven where they will be examined and their language learned, or they learn ours," replied Orion.
"Sounds like some people are going to have their hands full," said Caroline.
"I'm sure they will. But now, how about we get you to The Triumph?" said Orion.
"The Triumph?" wondered Caroline.
"Yes, the Earth's very own first interstellar ship," said Orion.
"You mean I'm going to get to do my final exclusive?" asked Caroline.
"Yes. With the war won, you can report on everything. Then sometime in the next few days you will be returned home, as there won't be anything left to report on out here," said Orion.
"But why have you named the ship 'The Triumph'," asked Caroline.
"Because it was triumphant even tho it isn't finished," replied Orion.

End of Book One...

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now