Chapter 5 The Incident

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Since her first visit to Zee Corp, Japhia began to regularly visit the headquarters every Friday afternoon when she was done her classes. With the promise, Orion had her badge made with picture, with vice CEO marked on it for all to see. Cindy, regularly joining her as well was also issued a badge, hers marked executive staff assistant. She also regularly visited, learning what they could each time from each research lab.
With both girls regularly there, each Friday evening Orion made it a point to take both, along with Mike, to Moldunes for a late dinner, as well, to talk to them about recent happening. The transport became a regular sight in the parking lot, no one daring to say anything after hearing about the charges laid against Morty, who also still didn't know he once had a broken nose nor had quick surgery to repair it.
Over her first year, Japhia, helped by Cindy, learned plenty of the corporate operations. She was also given a desk of solid red oak, custom made just for her by a description she had given Orion of how she wanted it.
Her desk, kept locked unless she was there, was filled with files of all their current holding companies, as well a list of what investments each holding company made into other firms, ventures, businesses and corporations. She learned what each one produced or researched, surprised at how many Zee Corp owned around the world.
Sitting down for dinner one of the evenings at Moldunes, Japhia said, "I noticed you quickly reinvest all extra money we make."
"Yes, if we wait too long, we risk losing out on a lot of extra earnings, as well, potential tech we might need," said Orion.
"I also noticed that you have multiple of our holding companies each investing into the same places. Why not just invest fully with the one?" asked Japhia.
"I do that, so that none can truly easily know what Zee Corp is really worth. It also helps to take over those companies, by not letting them know we are accumulating majority shares. I have a different person running each holding company, keeping track of what is there, what is being produced and what net profits we are gaining. Each of those people are also unaware of the other holding companies we have. Their main task is to keep tabs on the competition who also have shares, thus technically watching over each other," said Orion.
"So you are kinda like keeping a hidden agenda from them all?" said Japhia.
"Isn't that being a little dishonest?" asked Cindy.
"Not at all. Many other corporations do similar things. My goal is to take majority shares in them all, tell each person who runs the holding companies how to vote, then eventually make each become non profitable for a few quarters, suggesting to the other shareholders to sell their shares when they think they will lose money. We buy up what we can, eventually getting up to eighty percent or more of the company, giving us full control over it. Once we have all the shares, we take said company off the trading market, making it fully private and non publicly owned," said Orion.
"But won't investors start to wonder what is going on?" asked Japhia.
"Not at all. Each holding company is sworn to secrecy, the names of them put under those I have running them. They have a strict contract with with Zee Corp, stating that the holding company is under their name, but that Zee Corp ultimately owns them and the holding company. They are to maintain confidentiality to this. They are also very well paid with a high salary. Should they break the agreement in any way, all their personal property is to be seized, transferred to Zee Corp," said Orion.
"That's a bit harsh, isn't it?" asked Cindy.
"Not at all. It's incentives to make sure they don't betray us. Each contract ends after thirty years. Should they wish to renew at that time, they can for what ever number of years they wish. What it amounts to, is, they live a very good life, so long as they don't break the contract," said Orion.
"Could I become one of these holding company people you have?" asked Cindy.
"I like your enthusiasm, but no. It must be someone who knows none of us. Someone who doesn't know any of us. When I meet these people, they don't know who I am either. They just sign the contract with their real name. I merely put an alternate name on the contract, and speak to them while all is being recorded. They don't even know that Zee Corp owns them. I merely act as if I am a mysterious third party," said Orion.
"You're taking risks, by doing that," said Mike.
"So long as I hold the video footage and the signed contract, I am very safe," replied Orion.
"You have really thought this all through, haven't you brother," said Japhia.
"I have. My ultimate goal is to own all the high tech firms, or be able to control them with majority shares," said Orion.
"Why?" asked Japhia.
"Their development, research and profit margins," replied Orion.
"Oh, that makes sense now," said Japhia, noticing a broadcast on the news playing over by the bar. "That looks like some kind of explosion."
"What?" asked Orion.
"Look on the news," said Japhia pointing to the monitor.
Turning around to look Orion saw what seemed to be the top of a large building blown off. Quickly going over to it, he raised the volume.
"Sources say the blast that destroyed the upper levels of Altera labs, was as strong as a small nuclear explosion. Surviving personnel in the lower levels of the building say, that it was a fusion generator that exploded. We are trying to confirm this from Altera labs CEO, Mitch Armstrong. Our law sources say that if it was indeed a fusion generator, Zee Corp could be in some serious hot water. Pending fines could also rise to many millions of dollars. Back to you Max," said the reporter on the broadcast.
"Oh my god. Do you think it was one of your generators that exploded?" asked Japhia.
"I find it hard to believe. There are too many safety measures installed in them. There is also a monitoring system that would have notified us back at Zee Corp if it was about to go critical. I don't see how this could have been our fault," replied Orion.
"But the building, the top looked all burned up," said Japhia.
"Yes. There are five levels to that building gone," said Orion.
"Altera labs. Don't we have shares in that?" asked Japhia.
"We do. About five percent we own," replied Orion, looking back at their meals on the table. "We need to finish up eating and get back to Zee Corp fast."
"What's that going to mean?" asked Cindy.
"First we have to find the installation documents regarding anything with Altera Labs. I have a funny suspicion it was our fusion generator, but that it was moved. I think they may have tried to open it up," said Orion.
"Isn't opening one up dangerous while it is in operation?" asked Japhia.
"That's why we have trained personnel who install them, as well as do maintenance. But Altera Labs is known for trying to reverse engineer anything for huge profit," replied Orion.
"So you think they were trying to strip it down?" asked Japhia.
"That would be my guess. Unfortunately once you open one of the panels while it is operating, it destabilizes the the fusion field and well, that happens," replied Orion.
"But that would make it dangerous if someone tried to open it," said Mike.
"That's why we paste labels all around it, to prevent anyone from trying. Each warning notice is in every language most speak in a country," said Orion.
"Then you are saying they put lives at risk just to discover it's secrets?" asked Mike.
"They would have, if greedy enough. But the question is, how many lives were lost? What kind of social damage has it created? I expect Altera labs may try to sue Zee Corp over this, for being unsafe,"said Orion
"Can they do that?" asked Japhia.
"They can easily do so. But they won't be successful if our information proves it was not installed at that upper level," said Orion.
It was near an hour later when they arrive back at Zee Corp. Orion leading, they all proceeded into the monitoring room on the office level. There, two men sat talking passing the boring time, while they monitored the systems.
"Sir, what a pleasant surprise to see you at this late hour," said Danny.
"Danny, do you have anything to report to me?" asked Orion.
"To report? No, all is quiet as usual, sir," replied Danny.
"You nave no info on our fusion generator that may have exploded?" asked Orion.
"Exploded? I don't know anything about a generator exploding," said Danny.
Turning on a monitor in the room, Orion brought up the live news still broadcasting, making headlines in the neighboring country, for everyone to watch.
"The claim is, it was a Zee Corp fusion generator that exploded,"said Orion.
"The top of that building, it's like gone, sir," said Bernard.
"Yes. It happened earlier in the evening," said Orion.
"Well we have had nothing to report about any of our generators having problems today. All systems show normal operation," said Danny.
"We did have one go offline earlier yesterday tho," said Bernard.
"We did? Bring up the logs," said Orion.
Proceeding, Bernard brought the logs up, showing him. "There it is, sir."
"Yes offline. Now open up the hourly status," said Orion.
"The hourly status? What is that?" asked Bernard.
"Were you not showed?" said Orion selecting the offline log, then pressing an icon in the lower right corner. Instantly much more info came up. "So beginning an hour before it went offline it shows having tremors."
"Tremors? What does that mean?" asked Bernard.
"Likely vibrations, but nothing severe," replied Orion looking more. "It registered tremors every minute. Likely due to being moved."
"Moved sir?" asked Bernard.
"Yes. that's my presumption. It continues with the mild tremors till the signal is lost. They likely moved it into a shielded room with no WiFi," said Orion, tapping for more information. "GPS log shows it was moved sideways, then rose a fair height, then sideways again. The ownership data also confirms it's the one from Altera Labs."
"The generators have GPS's in them?" asked Japhia.
"Yes they do. They were installed for this very reason," said Orion.
"You think of everything, don't you?" said Japhia.
"But where did you get all the GPS devices?" asked Mike.
"We own the manufacturer now. A special design was made to integrate into the generators, being able to hook up to the main system and give us accurate data at all times," said Orion.
"I recall reading over about the company, but didn't understand why you would want something like that at this time," said Japhia.
"Well it is now paying off, isn't it," said Orion.
"It would seem so," said Japhia.
"Well we have all the information we need for now. Tomorrow I will go Mallordtown and find out what is going on," said Orion.
"Are you going by yourself?" asked Japhia.
"I planned to," replied Orion.
"Could I go as well?" asked Japhia.
"If she goes, I want to go as well," said Cindy.
"Well It's Saturday, meaning the weekend. So I have no problem with you both coming along," said Orion turning to Mike. "What about you Mike? You want to tag along as well?"
"Uh, I wouldn't mind going as well, sir. A trip there could be fun," replied Mike.
"Great. I'll contact our install teams out there and have them meet us at the factory," said Orion.
The next day late morning, having had an extra team gathered for investigation into the explosion, they set out, stopping at the plant to pick up the extra few men then proceeded out to the Altera Labs location.
News reporters of all kinds were set up all around the site. Picking an empty spot Orion landed the transport and his team set out to do a radioactive survey. News reporters seeing him land went right to work.
"This is Caroline Holt from State News reporting." began the reporter closest to them. "I'm live here outside the grounds of Altera Labs, which is still under quarantine. Just moments ago, a large aircraft, looking similar to a drone, landed. We are seeing teams of men coming out of it with equipment. We aren't sure what they are doing nor who they are. Two teenage girls just exited the craft as well, with another unknown man all wearing sunglasses of sorts. We are hurrying over to find out who exactly they are." Finally arriving she asked Orion, "Excuse me sir, but could you tell me who you are and what these men are doing?"
Replying Orion said, "these men are attempting to determine if there was any radiation caused by the explosion. We know very little of exploding fusion reactors, making this is a perfect time to find out."
"Then you confirm that it was a Zee Corp fusion generator that exploded?" asked Caroline.
"From the amount of damage from the explosion, I can't deny that it was. As to the reason why, that is still being determined," said Orion.
"Are you part of some government agency to do a report on the situation?" asked Caroline.
"No, we are a private company interested in the research we are doing here," replied Orion.
Just then one of his team came up saying, "sir, preliminary readings show that there isn't any kind of radiation present at this distance. Shall we move in closer for examination?'
"Proceed," replied Orion.
"The man called you sir. Does that mean he works for you?" asked Caroline.
"In fact he does," said Orion.
"What company is it you are with?" asked Caroline.
"We are here on behalf of Lucon holdings, that owns five percent of Altera Labs. We are here to assess the full extent of damage as well as environmental damage done, if any. We also plan to investigate ground zero, to find out further what happened here," replied Orion.
"Do you plan to gather evidence that puts Zee Corp at fault here?" asked Caroline.
"From what we know, Zee Corp did have a fusion generator on the premises, but it was installed in the sub basement of the building," said Orion.
"But you already said it was a fusion reactor explosion, suggesting the generator was above. Was there two at this facility?" asked Caroline.
"Right now we aren't sure of that. We are sure that whatever happened here it's not Zee Corp's direct fault," said Orion.
"Then there is some blame to put on them?" asked Caroline.
"I would not say that. It was their equipment that exploded, or seems to be. But there is no record of one being up there," said Orion.
"Then you are saying you checked with Zee Corp already?" asked Caroline.
"We do have the Zee Corp data," said Orion.
"Would you care to share that we our viewers at this time?" asked Caroline.
"For now, no. But possibly later we will," said Orion stepping away.
"Well you heard it here first, folks. Zee Corp may not be fully to blame. So what exactly did happen here at Altera Labs?" said Caroline, getting some inside news from her mic. "According the intel I just received, rumor has it that Altera Labs in the past has practiced in reverse engineering. The new question, for us all, did they try to dismantle a Zee Corp Generator? That will we soon find out. Also just coming in, Lucon Holdings is owned by a Kate Madeline. Our researchers are looking into more information on her, but are coming up blank so far. This is Caroline Holt, for State News. Stayed tuned for more information as it comes in. Back to you in our studio Jim."
"And we are off," said Barry the cameraman.
"So who do you think that guy was, Barry? I feel like I should know who he is," said Caroline.
"Whoever he is, he seems to be well connected. Especially to have a craft like this one. I've never seen anything like it before," said Barry.
"I wish none of them were wearing hats and shades. Maybe we could have identified them. But the girls seem too young to be identified tho," said Caroline.
"They look like high school age," said Barry.
"The guy's daughter's perhaps?" wondered Caroline.
"This craft though, looks military. But Ive never seen anything like it before. Or move as fast as it does. Did you notice how fast the rotors shut down?" said Barry.
"I did. It's nothing like a helicopter. Also very silent as well," said Caroline, moving closer to it. "Well this is interesting. It's not even painted. Bare, I think, Aluminum."
"Bare aluminum?" repeated Barry rushing over to it, to examine. "No, it's not aluminum at all. It is some sort of allow resembling it. An allow that doesn't rust also."
"Have you noticed that it doesn't have any kind of markings on it," said Caroline.
"Now that you mention it, it doesn't," said Barry.
"If I recall correctly, all aircraft are supposed to be marked, unless they belong to a secret government organization," said Caroline.
"He was secretive, revealing only the facts and nothing about them, other than that holding company," said Barry.
As the group crossed the cordoned off line, with equipment in hand and all, two police officers saw them, and intercepted before they got far.
"Hold it. This whole place is sealed off. No one is allowed to enter," said the officer.
"We have been asked to survey the property to see if there is any possible radiation, by some of the shareholders," said Orion.
"Shareholders? You have to be kidding me. And radiation? You think there's radiation?" said the officer eying them inquisitively.
"There has never been a fusion reactor explosion before. We need to find out if there will be any radiation or not. Which also means we need to get to the initial explosion area. Now are you going to let me and my men through, or do I need to make some calls to have you back down?" said Orion.
Looking at them all, the officer gazed at the two girls and said, "Why do you have teenage girls with you?"
"Co-op students working with us. This is a great opportunity for them to be here on site," said Orion, pulling out his scanner and taking his own readings.
"What's that thing?" asked the officer.
"A highly sophisticated hand scanner. Top of the line technology. Experimental version we are testing out here as well," replied Orion.
"Uh never heard of such a thing. Is it like those scanners on Space Trek?" asked the officer.
"Something like that," replied Orion. "Now are you letting us through or not?"
"What do you think Harry? Do we let them through or not?" said the officer.
"Well if they are here to examine stuff, I don't see why not, Gord," replied Harry.
"Alright, you can pass," said Gord.
"Actually, would you mind coming with us? We need a witness to come to the basement with us to check on the fusion generator that is there," said Orion.
"What? There's another fusion generator in the building?" said Gord surprised.
"Well there is supposed to be. We are here to also determine that fact as well," said Orion.
"I ain't going near one of those," said Gord.
"They're plenty safe. Why there was one in the upper floor lab is still a mystery to us. We just need to check on the operation of the one in the sub basement. There is no threat of harm in going in there," said Orion.
"Go on Gord, don't be a chicken,"said Harry.
"I'm not a chicken," defended Gord.
"It sounds like you are to me," said Japhia smiling. "Ive been around many of them. We have one by our house back home."
Gord looked at them all for a moment, then reluctantly went along just to prove he wasn't scared. After entering the building, Orion with the girls and two installers went to the sub basement with the officer following, while the rest proceeded up to the remaining top floor.
"It's supposed to be right here, sir," said one of the installers.
"Pass me the tablet," said Orion to Japhia. Taking it he brought up the still picture taken of the generator installed. "According to the picture, it should be right here. What do you think Gord?"
Looking at the picture Gord replied, "well, all the background looks right, including those heavy cables that are lying there, but there is no generator as you say."
"So in your opinion, there is no doubt that it is missing?" asked Orion, also recording the events, with a hidden camera that Cindy possessed.
"I would say that someone has removed it, especially considering the markings on the floor here. But why does it have all those warning labels on it?" said Gord.
"That's to keep people from moving or tampering with it, who are not qualified. I'm also sure by now you know what results if you do," said Orion.
"So you saying they took the generator up to upper floors and it exploded there?" said Gord.
"Would appear so, now doesn't it,"said Orion.
Zooming in to read the writing on the tablet Gord then said, "according to what I read on here, it clearly states not to move or tamper with or there can be a risk of explosion."
"That's what I'm thinking. Now who do you suppose is responsible for this mess, considering the evidence?" asked Orion.
"Well, it's highly doubtful that Zee Corp is, according to this evidence," said Gord.
"Well I guess someone that worked in this building must have been curious about how it worked, if it was in one of the labs," said Orion.
"What kind of fools would take that risk?" asked Gord.
"Greedy fools that wanted to reverse engineer it, is my guess," said Orion.
"I had heard rumors that they do reverse engineering here," said Gord.
"Well it will be up to the District Attorney to decide on the matter. I assume there is a case already started on it?" asked Orion.
"No, not as yet. But I did hear that the CEO of Altera has filled a law suit against Zee Corp, blaming them for the responsibility," said Gord.
"Highly doubtful that he will win, considering this evidence," said Orion.
"You would think that the CEO would know what's going on in his own company," said Gord.
"Well often when they are to blame, they quickly turn blame to another, then try to hide their tracks," said Orion.
"There's a lot of truth in what you just said," said Gord.
"Well anyway, nothing more for us to do down here. Care to join us on the top floor?" asked Orion, leading the way back up.
"I can follow you all. I'm now getting interested in knowing what you find out," replied Gord.
Arriving on what remained of the current top floor, they watched as the men continued doing their probing. They had not yet found any signs of radiation present, but the new equipment was coming up with many interesting energy signatures.
"It's just amazing what this equipment can see. From all the energy patterns, I would have to say the explosion took place two floors higher, sir," said one of the men.
"Roughly where do you think?" asked Orion.
"We've patched in the projectors with the scanning equipment. You will see in a few minutes exactly where it was," he said.
A short time later the projectors came online, projecting the findings, as well as the residual walls that used to be. From down below around the perimeter, once the first reporters noticed it, they attracted the attention of the rest who began filming.
"This is Caroline Holt reporting once again from Altera Labs. Just moments ago some kind of projection was started and is now showing what I assume was the building before the explosion. There seems to be some kind of a replay going on showing what we believe might have been the actual explosion. It's seems to be on a loop, showing exactly where in the building the explosion occurred. We are attempting to find the blue prints of the building now to verify this. But this is one of the most awesome shows I have ever seen."
They continued to film until the light show was over then went back dark. News agencies everywhere, picked up the feeds, re-transmitting across the planet. A frenzy grew among people wondering how such a show could have been done. It was not long after till Altera Labs CEO saw it, then came out fast wondering what was going on.
"Well Gord, we seem to know more of where this all took place now. According to the residual energy traces, we have a clearer picture of it all. I'd like to thank you and later have you present as you might be needed to testify," said Orion.
"Testify? You think I will need to?" asked Gord.
"I didn't ask for you to be a witness for nothing, now did I?" asked Orion.
"When you put it that way, no," replied Gord.
"Great. I'll be in touch with the District Attorney soon enough. Once we need your testimony, we will fetch you wherever you are," said Orion.
"Alright," said Gord, walking with them all back outside the building.
As they reached the transport, Caroline asked, " what was going on up there a short time ago?"
"A visual reconstruction of the explosion with the building as it was," said Orion.
"But how? How do you know where it was?" asked Caroline.
"Residual energy traces that we picked up. It painted a very interesting story. The shareholder will be quite happy to see this," said Orion.
"Was there any radiation present?" asked Caroline.
"There was no actual radiation present. It was a very clean but powerful explosion," replied Orion, thinking some. "This should also be a lesson for anyone else trying to tamper with something very destructive they know nothing about."
"I'm sure after this, that no one would ever want to mess with a fusion generator, unless they are trained to do so," said Caroline.
"Oh Caroline, just a tid bit of information for you, the generator that was supposed to be in the sub basement is missing," said Orion.
"You're actually sharing this info with me?" asked Caroline surprised.
"You've been quite kind, so why not. You may also want to ask the CEO when he arrives, about the missing generator," said Orion.
"You think the CEO will be coming by?" asked Caroline.
"I assume you and the rest were broadcasting the whole light display," said Orion.
"We were," said Caroline.
"Then the CEO is bound to be here soon enough, wondering what's going on," said Orion.
"I assume he wasn't aware of you coming here," said Caroline.
"Correct again," said Orion stepping into the transport.
"Wait, you still didn't tell me who you are," said Caroline.
"You will find out soon enough," said Orion closing the cargo bay door as he took off his shades. allowing her a fraction of a second peek at his face.
"Huh," began Caroline, stepping back over to where Barry was. "He actually showed me his face, even if it was a fraction of a second."
"So who is he?" asked Barry.
"I'm not sure. I didn't get to look long enough," replied Caroline pondering. "He did say I would know soon enough."
As the rotors were engaged quickly, the transport lifted off and was gone very quickly. Every reporter that was there, watching in amazement it's incredible speed.
"That thing really moves fast," said Barry.
"I didn't even hear it start up," said Caroline.
"You're right, nor did I. How does it work?" wondered Barry.
"You know, my brother when he was younger used to have one of those drones to play with. It used to take off the same way," said Caroline.
"You think the props are all electric motor driven? That would take an awful lot of power, to keep them running," said Barry.
"Not if it was equipped with a fusion generator," said Caroline.
"But they are sensitive to movement. It's highly doubtful one is onboard," said Barry.
"Not unless there is a new design," said Caroline thinking some more. "Perhaps we should get permission to fly out to Zee Corp headquarters to speak to them, if the boss gives us permission that is. It would make a great exclusive story to add to this."
"You really think so?" asked Barry.
"I do. But the boss still has to give us the go ahead," said Caroline.
With most reporters having packed up ready to leave now, Caroline and Barry waited longer to see if the CEO actually would come out. Their wait proved successful, as he pulled up.
"Mitch Armstrong, would you like to comment on the recent allegations that a fusion generator installed in the basement of the building was taken up to one of your labs for dissecting, resulting in the explosion," said Caroline.
"What? We don't have a generator in the basement. We had one installed on the second last floor, to give us more direct power to our experiments," replied Mitch.
"Sources say that it was installed in the sub basement and is no longer there," said Caroline.
"What sources was that? We never had one in the basement. We had it center of the second floor from the top. It malfunctioned and exploded killing many of my researchers," said Mitch.
"Sources say that that is incorrect?" said Caroline.
"What sources? Give me names," said Mitch.
"I actually don't have the names. I was merely given a tip," said Caroline.
"A disgruntled employee, it must have been," said Mitch.
"No it was the.... Actually I don't know who they were. Said they were here on behalf of a shareholder to find out if there was radiation present or not," said Caroline.
"Someone working for a shareholder told you this? Highly doubtful," said Mitch.
"It's what he said when he and his team went in," said Caroline.
"Sounds more like a trespassers," said Mitch getting nervous. "I'll get to the bottom of these accusations that are being made."
It was over an hour later when Barry and Caroline arrived in the studio. As they set down their gear, their boss came in looking for them as soon as he heard they were back.
"Finally, it's about time you got back," he said.
"Is there something wrong?" asked Caroline.
"There would have been had you not gotten here in time. I need you both to pack up your gear and head up to the helicopter pad on the roof," he said.
"What for? We just got back," said Caroline.
"An exclusive. The CEO of Zee Corp has been watching you. He's arranged for transport for you both, to go to Zee Corp headquarters. It's the interview of a lifetime for you both and he specifically asked for you," he said.
"Really? I find this hard to believe. Very few ever get to see him. Rarer for reporters to even talk to him," said Caroline.
"I got the call shortly after the whole light display thing at Altera Labs that you broadcasted. He said he only wanted you both. No others, else there wouldn't be an interview. He said for you both to be on the roof by seven and to pack for a few nights," he said.
"That only gives us less than a couple of hours," said Caroline.
"Yes it does. Now go home and pack. Then get back fast. I'll have all the equipment you need packed as well in luggage crates," he said.
Leaving they returned in plenty of time. They proceeded to the roof to wait. To their surprise, a similar aircraft to the one they seen at Altera Labs, waited for them on the roof. A man they had never seen before, stood outside waiting.
"Caroline Holt I assume?" he asked.
"Yes," replied Caroline.
"I assume this is your camera man?" he asked.
"Yes," replied Caroline looking at him further. "You are?"
"Not important. The pilot is waiting to take off. Are these all your bags?" he asked.
"They are," replied Caroline.
Helping them they placed and secured them in the cargo hold, then they were both brought up to the flight deck to sit.
"Miss Holt, we were instructed that you may want to sit in the co pilot seat just for the view. That you likely never seen one of these crafts before," he said.
"Uh, actually I saw one similar to this earlier today," said Caroline.
"Well you have never flown in one, which is the bigger treat," he said.
"Are you taking us to the airport to board a plane?" asked Caroline.
"No need for that. But fasten your seat belt. This craft has a lot of G force," he said.
"G force. I can imagine that. I seen the other one take off pretty quick," said Caroline fastening her seat belt.
As soon as they were all buckled in, the pilot activated the rotors and they were off the roof very quickly. As they proceeded she could not believe the speed at which they flew.
"How fast does this craft go?" asked Barry.
"We can exceed the speed of a jumbo jet if we push it to the limits," he said.
"Oh my god. How? What makes it go?" asked Caroline.
"Four space age electric motors powered by a fusion generator," he replied.
"You were right Caroline," said Barry.
"Who built this craft?" asked Caroline.
"Zee Corp did," he replied.
"Are they on the market for sale?" asked Caroline.
"Not yet. They are experimental. We only currently loan them out," he said.
"I see, but why are we flying so low to the ground?" asked Caroline.
"We have to avoid commercial traffic lanes, thus have to remain below a thousand feet. Other wise we have to register our flight plans and everything." he said.
"Well you certainly get to see the landscape," said Caroline.
"Yes we do. But at the same time we need to avoid colliding with towers, which is why we are travelling above the interstate as we are," he said.
"I was wondering about that. How long till we get to Zee Corp?" asked Caroline.
"I would estimate under two hours. But you won't be going there first, but rather going to dine first," he said.
"That's a relief, cause I'm starving right now," said Caroline.
The rest of the trip was in silence, Caroline watching the dark landscape go by fast. They arrived at Moldunes by nearly half past eight. They all exited the craft, the pilot securing it while taking his head gear off, leaving it behind.
Unable to enter the restaurant the pilot arrived, Caroline not having noticed his face. He stepped up to Garry and said, "they're with me."
"Very good sir," said Garry.
Entering Hannah saw him and said, "Your usual seat is ready for you sir."
At this point Caroline asked the other, "that is the pilot isn't it?"
"It is," he replied.
"Why do they keep calling him sir?" asked Caroline.
"He owns the place," he replied.
As Caroline sat down, across the table she looked up at the pilot and said, "it's you, from earlier today."
"I told you, you would find out soon enough who I am," said Orion.
"But, I thought we were going to meet the CEO of Zee Corp," said Caroline.
"You are. I'm sitting right in front of you," said Orion.
"What?" said Caroline in disbelief. "You're Mr Zeenner?"
"In the flesh," said Orion.
"But you were flying that craft," said Caroline.
"Oh yes, there is a lot of joy in doing that," said Orion.
"But why so secretive," asked Caroline.
"Can you keep a secret?" asked Orion.
"Well it depends on what," said Caroline.
"It doesn't work that way. You either do or you don't," said Orion.
"If I don't?" replied Caroline.
"Then I can't tell you," said Orion.
"Alright I can," said Caroline.
"What about Barry?" asked Orion.
"He'll do what I tell him to,"said Caroline.
"Well I plan to take over Altera Labs in a hostile move," said Orion.
"A hostile takeover? But why?" asked Caroline.
"To teach Mitch Armstrong a lesson, not only for trying to reverse engineer my generator, but also causing the unnecessary death's of so many, while blaming Zee Corp for it. I needed to get on the property to verify that the generator was no longer in the sub basement where my installation team had put," said Orion.
"You sound like you already knew it wasn't there," said Caroline.
"We did know. But we also needed a man of the law to verify it was missing, while also looking at the record of pictures we had from when it was installed," said Orion.
"But how did you know they had moved it?" asked Caroline.
"GPS tracking log from the night before. We had to verify that last night after we first heard the news. Our system records also show that we lost signal to it the day before. Had we still had a connection to it, we could have shut it down before the explosion occurred," said Orion.
"How could you shut it down?" asked Caroline.
"Every fusion generator we have ever built is being monitored but a vast computer system at headquarters. As long as it stays fully functional the way it's supposed to, it sends a signal every hour telling us it's operating fine. But if someone moves it or something, it lets us know right away. Same applies if it begins to malfunction or destabilize," said Orion.
"So had it still had a signal, your people would have shut it down?" said Caroline.
"Precisely," said Orion pointing to the menu, "You had better select something quick, she will be here in another minute to take your order."
When Hannah arrived they all ordered, then Caroline said, "so on the basis of what you tell me, you are punishing Mitch for what he is doing."
"I am. A crooked man like that who steals from others should be left with nothing. Most of his shareholders are not going to be happy with him," said Orion.
"Most? Why not all?" asked Caroline.
"That would be because I happen to also be a shareholder," said Orion smiling at her. "When I said I was there on behalf of a shareholder, It was actually myself I was talking about."
"But you gave me the name of that holding company," said Caroline.
"My holding company. I own the rights to it, even though another's name is on it. She works for me. Goes to all the board meetings that are necessary. Then she gives me a full report on what the going on's are. I also tell her how to vote," said Orion.
"Why not do it all yourself?" asked Caroline.
"I haven't the time to do so. Leaving her with the power to do so, by having her name as the holding companies owner is far easier. This way other shareholder board members can't second guess her. They think its her sole decision and won't always try to contact me to sway me over," said Orion.
"That actually makes a lot of sense. Clever planning," said Caroline.
"Everything I do has a very good reason to it," said Orion.
"That said, why is it you wanted this interview?" asked Caroline.
"Ah, straight to the chase, I see. The reason being, I want to help you so that you can help me. You're a very decent reporter. One of few that we have," replied Orion.
"You flatter me, but what could I possibly do to help you? You seem to have all the power and money," said Caroline.
"I want you to find out all you can about Mitch and expose his crookedness," replied Orion.
"But that could take a long time to do. I don't think my boss would go along with that for very long," said Caroline.
Looking at her and Barry , he took out his phone, dialed a number then said, "Kate, Mr X here. I want you to buy all the available shares of the State News Network."
"State News Network? What on earth for? I thought you mostly wanted tech companies, not media organizations," said Kate.
"This is for a special problem," said Orion.
"Our current account only has a million left in it," said Kate.
"Not to worry. Find out what the shares are worth, buy as much as you can for now, then let me know how much more you will need. I'd like as much as we can get right now," said Orion.
"Will do Mr X," said Kate hanging up.
Looking at Orion, Caroline said, "You're seriously going to buy up my Network?"
"Are you afraid of me becoming your boss?" asked Orion.
"No, it's not that. But that's a serious amount to invest," said Caroline.
"Are you afraid I won't be able to make the purchase?" asked Orion.
"Well that did occur to me," said Caroline.
"Tell me, what do you know of me and Zee Corp?" asked Orion.
"To be honest, not enough. Ive heard many try to get interviews with you, but none seemed successful. The only real info we have, is what we attained from your local media here," replied Caroline.
"By the time you leave the Algonquin region, you will know far more than even some of the local residents," said Orion.
"This really is the exclusive of a lifetime, isn't it?" said Caroline.
"You will be famous worldwide," said Orion.
"You really are trying to help me out, aren't you?" said Caroline.
"Very much so. I want to see you succeed as a good honest journalist," said Orion.
"That's what I am, good and honest," said Caroline.
"I could tell from the moment we met. Your best quality, your lack of greed," said Orion.
"I lack greed?" asked Caroline.
"Unlike most other reporters, who's greed to get a good story causes them to be pushy and disrespectful. When we met at Altera Labs, you displayed none of that," said Orion.
"I would have to say it was part of my upbringing," said Caroline.
"A truly good upbringing as well, I might say," said Orion looking at her expressions. "Those qualities are what I admire most in people. I have crossed paths with so many rude and disrespectful people, that it's mind boggling to me."
"Well there is a greater percentage of people like that, you know. But we can't change them, from what they are," said Caroline.
"Can't we?" said Orion turning towards Garry and pointing. "Look at him. What do you see?"
"He seems like a very happy and respectful person," replied Caroline.
"Would it surprise you if I said he was the opposite when I first met him?' asked Orion.
Looking at Garry again she said, "uh, yes it would. How is it that he is the opposite now?"
"Basically, I fired him the first time we met. When I did, it broke him severely. My sister took pity on him. I let her deal with giving him back his job, under strict rules of course. What drives him now, is fear of losing his job, along with gratefulness in having been given it back. So you see, people can change, if you break them first," said Orion.
"But that's just a fluke," said Caroline.
"Oh it isn't the first time I have broken an employee. The first one, was a gay interior designer. I was twelve at the time," said Orion.
"Twelve? How could you be twelve and have employees?" asked Caroline.
"I had just turned eleven when I built the first fusion generator. A year after that I was the sole provider of electricity in my county, the county having battled the electric company over several charges laid against them. They shut off power to the police station first, then the town hall. In both cases I restored the power with the fusion generators I was building. Then they decided to cut power to the entire county, hoping to get pressure from the people to get the town hall to back off on the charges. Once again I restored power, free of charge to everyone in the county, who had already pre-paid for their power," said Orion.
"That sounds like a serious battle you had with them. I am surprised they even fought the electric company. What were the charges?" said Caroline.
"First there was trespassing, then there was charges for calling out the authorities unnecessarily, which then went into environmental charges, to threatening officers of the law. Then as they started cutting pre-paid power off, charges for failing to deliver electricity began to be added. In the end, unable to get the electric company to pay the charges, the court seized all assets they had within the county, then handed them over to me, granting me exclusive rights to provide power for the county. Up till then, after many many month's everyone was paying the town hall for their power," said Orion.
"The town hall? Why weren't they paying you for it instead?" asked Caroline.
"I was not licensed to sell power. After this whole ordeal, the town hall pulled strings with the province, getting me a license to sell power throughout the province where anyone wished it," said Orion.
"So in a way, you're the new electric company?" said Caroline.
"I am. But, out of this, the town hall nor the police station in my county will ever have to pay another electric bill. They both have their own fusion generators," said Orion.
"It sounds like you must generate a lot of money from the sale of power," said Caroline.
"It is a very heavy money earner, especially when the maintenance on the generators is very low. Also in many cases, the cities or towns where I provide power, maintain their own power grid, also taking care to bill everyone for the power. They just transfer my share to whatever nearest location I have a plant or factory in," said Orion.
"So basically you provide a lot of power to a lot of people," said Caroline.
"I do, which is where a good portion of our revenue comes from. A large percentage of people now enjoy paying far less for power than they did fifteen years ago," said Orion.
"So the power business must be your number one source of revenue," said Caroline.
"It is. But most large factories or businesses buy their own fusion generators to cut costs. It also guarantees they won't have a power outage, should the grid go down somewhere. Long distance transmission lines are also disappearing fast as well. Most of those towers have been dismantled, recycled for scrap, by the former electric companies everywhere, giving their men jobs and attempting to generate some revenue from the recycling. Those that had giant concrete pads, still remain. In some cases, I heard the land owners have made good use out of them, by building small houses, sheds, or even bush camps on them," said Orion.
"I've heard that all the oil, gas and coal fired electrical generating plants have been shut down and salvaged for what they can. Hydro electric dams, wind mills and solar panels still provide much power in many places," said Caroline.
"Yes. But the demand for cheaper power is putting a heavy strain on the electric companies that still exist, to reduce their rates. Eventually they will have to comply, or be replaced by Zee Corp power," said Orion.
"You think you will be replacing them?" asked Caroline.
"I only deliver power to where I am asked to provide it. If the electric company in those places fails to be more competitive, I likely will be asked to replace them," said Orion.
"You're going to end up being the dominant power company," said Caroline.
"I already am. We provide power for over half the major cities on this continent," said Orion.
"But going back to the gay interior designer. What was that story?" asked Caroline.
"It's actually a bit of a funny one. Especially for me when I was twelve. When Zee Corp headquarters was being built, my manager had hired him to do front entry design. Not knowing who I was when I walked in, the designer, Reginald, tried to keep me from being on the site, stating a boy should not be there. He soon found out his mistake. But when I asked to see his design plans, he said he had none, that he always just says to do this and that on the go. I told him no. That I wanted to see actual drawings of what he planned to do. Unable to draw I forced him to have drawings for me in three days, or he had no job. He was quite full of himself when I first met him, but the need for the job, changed him. He became even more respectable, knowing it was pending on him having a job," said Orion.
"I don't see how that could have humor to it," said Caroline.
"Oh, you had to be there, especially when I asked if he was gay. The reaction was so precious, getting funnier by the minute," said Orion.
"What's become of this Reginald?" asked Orion.
"He works for Zee Corp part time doing what we need, the other half of the time, he still does interior design as a contractor. But he now has steady income working for us, which also keeps him much happier, unlike before when he would go weeks having no job at all," said Orion.
"So you kept him on," said Caroline.
"I did, only because he showed me he could do what I asked of him. When he receives his other design contracts, I allow him to pursue that," said Orion.
"Sounds to me like you have a big heart," said Caroline.
"I never thought of it, but I guess I do," said Orion.
"So all this revenue that Zee Corp makes, you reinvest it right away?" asked Caroline.
"All of it is. We either buy old commercial sites rehabilitating them for our own purposes, or invest in other companies," replied Orion.
"Out of curiosity, what is the net value of Zee Corp?" asked Caroline.
"That I couldn't tell you. I don't even know myself the true numbers. I just know we are worth quite a bit. I am likely the richest man on the planet now," said Orion.
"That must mean you must take some fancy vacations," said Caroline.
"Vacation is a foreign word to me. I work everyday non stop. Right now, here with you, is the closest to a vacation I get," said Orion.
"Are you really serious?" asked Caroline, looking at the other man sitting next to Orion.
"He is serious," he replied. "The weekends when everyone is home or with families, he spends working on writing up, or drawing up stuff he wants the researchers or engineers to work on. When Monday morning arrives, many have new items to go through."
"You're a workaholic," said Caroline. "When do you plan to take rest?"
"Likely after the first ship is built," said Orion.
"Uh, what? Did you say ship? Like a fancy ocean liner?" asked Caroline.
"No, a ship as in outer space," replied Orion.
"Then you plan to explore our solar system at some point?" asked Caroline.
"No, it's going to be a large warship, with facilities for research along with facilities for mining ore and making new parts for creating other ships," said Orion.
"A war ship? Are you planning to make war?" asked Caroline.
"No, but I do mean to defend this planet when needed to," replied Orion.
"You expecting an alien invasion," said Caroline laughing.
Remaining serious, Orion replied, "I just may be."
Stopping laughing, Caroline looked at Orion then said, "are you being serious again?"
"I'll let you be the judge of that in the future. But right now I'm focusing more on being ready for our next war here," said Orion.
"Next war? But most wars have been eradicated now. The cost to most countries governments very high in doing so. No country can really afford to be part of any war right now. Why would you think there would be a war anytime soon?" said Caroline.
"There are unseen forces amassing even as we speak. Our countries may not be able to afford new military hardware, but they are going to need it. I intend on making sure they have it one way or another, even if it means I have to stockpile a great arsenal," said Orion.
"Won't that cost trillions to do?" asked Caroline.
"Making the weapons is cheaper than buying them. But right now, it's all research we are doing for them. I don't expect to start rolling out weapons for five to ten years from now. They need to be designed for greatest effectiveness," said Orion.
Just then, Hannah arrived with his meal, followed by the the rest. They all ate quietly. Afterwards they left for Zee Corp headquarters, where Orion gave them a quick tour of the place, before adjourning for the day.
Giving them an invite to stay with him overnight, they accepted his generosity thinking he lived in a great big mansion or something of the likes. Arriving at the farm in the transport, they disembarked, taking their overnight bag with them.
"Where are we? There is a distinct smell of cattle somewhere in the air," said Caroline.
"That would be correct. The dairy barn is over in that direction," replied Orion.
"What? Dairy barn? You live next to a farm?" questioned Caroline.
"Oh no I don't live next to one, I live on one. This is our family farm," replied Orion.
"With the entire net worth you have, you live on a farm?" questioned Caroline.
"Where had you expected me to live?" asked Orion.
"How about a great big old mansion," replied Caroline.
"There's nothing I like more than to live here. I get to take a peak at all the animals everyday. It's quite nice returning here every night to sleep. Besides, what would I do with a mansion. It would remain empty most of the time," said Orion.
"You're really not the typical wealthy person that most are," said Caroline.
"No, I guess I'm not. But the best part of living here, is mother's home cooked meals every morning," said Orion.
"Home cooked, you say?" repeated Caroline thinking about it. "I haven't had a decent home cooked meal in a long time."
"Mother cooks one of the best breakfast's ever," said Orion, leading them into the house.
Inside Melissa sat in the living room watching the news. She looked over at them and said, "I was beginning to worry something had happened to all of you."
"What do you mean," asked Caroline.
"When Japhia got home, she said Orion would be bringing company in to stay the night. I figured you all would have been here hours ago," said Melissa.
"I didn't know we would be staying here till about half an hour ago," said Caroline, now looking at Orion in disbelief once more. "You only just asked us. How did you know we would have accepted?"
"You'll get used to that," said Melissa, as Orion took Caroline's bag and lead Barry up to show them their rooms.
"Huh what? How do you mean?" asked Caroline.
"Orion always knows what's going to happen before it does," said Melissa.
"He can tell the future?" questioned Caroline.
"Oh quite a bit of it. He even knew he was going to have a sister and what her name would be, before I knew I was pregnant," said Melissa.
Just then Japhia poked her head down the stairs saying, "ah you're finally here. It's good to see you again?"
"Uh, have we met?" asked Caroline.
"Yes, back at Altera Labs this morning," replied Japhia.
"You were one of the girls?" questioned Caroline.
"Oh yes. The other was my friend and assistant, Cindy, from school," replied Japhia.
"Assistant? School? Am I missing something?" asked Caroline.
"He hasn't told you yet, I gather. But I am the vice CEO of Zee Corp," said Japhia.
"Vice CEO?" repeated Caroline looking at Melissa. "She's kidding, right?"
"Oh no. She is. Although she is still in school, she is currently training and learning all she needs to, to run the company when Orion is away," said Melissa.
"Away? Like on business trips?" asked Caroline.
"Oh no. Not that. When he is off planet," replied Melissa.
"Off planet? Then you buy into his story of building spaceships?" asked Caroline.
"If Orion says if will happen, it will. We have learned that over the years, not to question what he says, as it always comes to be," said Melissa.
"So he can see the future?" said Caroline.
"Oh no not exactly. He has visions of what will be and how it will be about certain things. The rest he has to fill in himself," replied Melissa.
"Has he been like that all his life?" asked Caroline.
"Oh no. It started when he was ten, when he got hit by lightening from a freakish storm that came and went very quickly. Some say it was divine intervention," said Melissa.
"Lightening? Really? Most times I hear about lightening striking someone, it either kills them, or they are seriously injured from it," said Caroline.
"I saw it happen. I panicked when it happened but then he got up on his feet again saying it tingled. His mind also started swimming in all this knowledge at that point. That's how he knew how to build the fusion generators, which now helps to keep this house very warm in the winter month's," said Melissa.
"Uh yes, I can understand that. I think more people have been keeping warmer since they don't have to pay so much for electricity," said Caroline.
"It was a great burden for everyone here in the county till Orion made the first fusion generator," said Melissa.
"For an exclusive, I sure am getting more than I bargained for," said Caroline.
"In this family, there is always more," said Japhia.
Turning back to Japhia, Caroline asked, "so what's it like being the sister?"
"It's ok. But a lot of people treat me differently because of it. They either have a real distaste for me or they like me," replied Japhia as she sat on the staircase. "But Orion does spoil me a lot. I have my own car and chauffeur to take me to school and back, or other places if need be."
"Sounds like you have a cozy life," said Caroline.
"No not really. Orion expects me to do well in school, being the best I can be in return. The spoiling is to offset that," said Japhia.
"I would say you are getting a good deal," said Caroline.
"I know. He's always good to me. He also takes me places like you saw today," said Japhia.
"You and your friend are lucky to have gotten to go there. None of the media were allowed in the building at all," said Caroline.
"I know. But when I take over as CEO, I'll get to do even more of that by myself," said Japhia.
"You will be the youngest CEO ever," said Caroline.
"Umm no. He was CEO at my age. I won't be for a few years yet," said Japhia.
"Oh yes, I forgot that. But you're the youngest Vice CEO ever," said Caroline.
"I'm still in training, but yes I am," said Japhia, beginning to yawn. "I think it's time for me to go to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," returned Caroline, turning to Melissa. "I think she has a good idea."
The next day, with camera rolling, Orion with Japhia tagging along, gave a tour to Caroline and Barry showing them where everything took place. Old pictures and video footage was also shown to them and copied so they had them for their exclusive final story.
Having seen all that they could at the farm, Orion brought them back to Zee Corp, finishing the tour there, which took the entire day, to show and explain a lot of the new research and new tech they had going. By evening they returned to the farm, in time for diner, with more talk going on about Zee Corp and where it was going.
The next day, Orion introduced them to Daniella Enright and Clara Williams, the other two people highly responsible for helping him along with captain Shiftland. The two stayed a third night at the farm, then early the next morning, Orion flew them back to State News studios.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now