Chapter 16 The Recovery

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"Report," ordered Bro, to the salvage crew.
"The ship suffered minor damage in the impact, but is intact. We have 3 people already searching it for the General," replied Tyrone Milton.
"What's your estimation for repair time?" asked Bro.
"No clue sir. We don't know anything about it," replied Tyrone.
Just then Tammy arrived with a medical team and stretchers. "How many wounded?" she asked, looking past everyone and at the ship.
"Unknown at the moment, but we are about to find out," replied Tyrone, as one of his team exited the ship, carrying Cliff. "How many more we got in there Stan?"
"Four more. He was the only one I seen that didn't look too bad," replied Stan.
"Lay him here," ordered Tammy, beginning to examine him. "He'll be fine. Take us to the rest."
Stan led the way into the ship, up to the command deck. There the team examined everyone, and those that could be carried out safely, were. The rest were put on stretchers and brought to the medical bay.
It was several hours later, before Orion regained consciousness. He had numerous injuries, including a large gash on his face. He looked up, slightly confuse at his surroundings.
Annie Edison, Tammy's assistant, looked down at him and said, "Sir, just lay back. You are in no shape to move anywhere."
"Wh...." began Orion.
Interrupting Annie said, "you were in a bad crash with your ship sir. We have you on numerous pain killers. You have several cracked limbs and ribs. The rest that were with you are also being well taken care of."
Just then Cliff appeared over him and said, "I'm fine sir. I was one of the lucky ones."
"Zoi and Caroline?" asked Orion.
"They are both fine sir," replied Tammy, who appeared over him. "You were the one the most injured."
"We all braced well for the impact sir, as you attempted to decelerate the impact," said Cliff.
"What's the status of the ship?" asked Orion.
"She was definitely built well," replied Bro, who approached his side. "I have teams looking the ship over, to determine all the damage. But it would help to have some sort of blueprints on it."
"There are some in the ship's data storage. The rest is in my mind," replied Orion, groggy from all the drugs.
"Well just lay back sir and rest. I have our best people going over the ship, making repairs as they see fit," said Bro.
"I'll be heading down soon as well sir, once I get the ok from Tammy," said Cliff.
Orion layed his head back down, as the sleeping drugs Tammy injected into him minutes earlier took effect. Within a few minutes he was out cold.
"Tammy, it would likely be best to keep him sedated for the weeks considering his injuries," said Bro.
"I have to agree with you on that," acknowledged Tammy. "He would just try to get up again."
"How is Zoi doing?" he asked.
Tammy replied, "she has suffered a lot of injuries, but no broken bones. A few dislocated joints tho. I have a specialist arriving soon, to take care of that."
"How long after that, till she will be ready for duty?" asked Bro.
"Perhaps tomorrow. But she will have to remain in a wheelchair for a while, till she heals a bit more," replied Tammy, checking in on Zoi.
"Very well. See that she gets better and when she can, send her to the hanger bay to begin working on the general's ship," said Bro.
"Understood, sir," acknowledged Tammy.
"Now what of miss Holt? Is she going to be alright?" asked Bro.
"Other than a broken arm, she's just fine. But what was she doing on that ship anyway? She's a reporter not one of our personnel," said Tammy.
"She actually begged the General to allow her to stay on it," said Cliff.
"To stay on it? How did she get on it in the first place?" asked Tammy.
"Seems she also helped to build it, like some of the rest of us. When the general asked her to disembark just before launching she pleaded with him to let her stay after all the work she did on it," said Cliff.
"So tell me Cliff, how is it that you came out of this the least injured but you have this big welt on your head?" asked Tammy.
"I was in my chair still, which the back was braced against my console. I was strapped in good, but also had my arms out bracing for the impact. After we hit and what I assume was the ship rolling, I found myself upside down. I unfastened the restraints for my chair, but didn't get my hands out in time I guess. The next thing I knew I was waking up in the hanger bay, your assistants tending to me," replied Cliff.
"I see. And what of Miss Holt, Zoi and Roy? Where were they?" asked Tammy.
"Miss Holt braced herself in the doorway, her hands and feet stretched out to all corners. Zoi and Roy held themselves up against the wall as best they could. We didn't expect the ship to roll so much. I had figured we would strike and slide down the surface," replied Cliff.
"The general, it was apparent what happened to him. The bolts of his chair pulled right through the floor plating, sending him all over the place," said Tammy.
"He knew it may not hold, but he had to keep the thrusters going manually with the override switch on his panel," said Cliff.
"Well it was lucky for him he was well strapped into his chair. Had he not been, he could have been worse off," said Tammy, looking at her scans again. "We have glued all his fractures to make sure they don't move, but he has to remain put for a long time till they strengthen on their own."
"Glued?" asked Cliff.
"Oh yes. Zee Corp developed a new system for surgical equipment to inject a bio glue into fractures of broken bones to help secure them in place to heal naturally without requiring casts and such. It's almost like an instant repair. But it only holds the bones together till the body itself can properly fuse them, which can take a long time to do. Fifteen years ago, he would have had to remain in critical care for months," replied Tammy.
"I didn't know we had that technology," said Cliff.
"Zee Corp has revolutionized the medical world with the technology they developed. This is just one of many medical marvels they created," said Tammy.
"We learn something new each day, it seems," said Cliff.
"Yes," said Tammy now looking at his head once more, using the scanner. "Give it a few days, and that should shrink making your head normal again. I don't see any reason to keep you here further, unless you feel dizzy in any way."
"Other than it feeling sore, I'm fine," said Cliff.
"Then you can leave," said Tammy.
Back down in the hanger bay, many teams busily worked away, deciphering the ship, making repairs as best they could. When Zoi finally arrived on the scene the next day, she took charge, repairs progressing even faster.
For over a week, Orion was kept sedated and on IV lines, before Tammy allowed him to become conscious. His wounds had healed well enough in that time to allow him mobility, but only with caution.
As Orion opened his eyes, he looked up at Tammy saying, "you're a sight for sore eyes. How long have I been out?"
"About nine days now," replied Tammy.
"Nine days?!?" cried out Orion. "How did that happen?"
"Sorry sir, but we kept you sedated due to the severity of your injuries. I recommend you stay calm and be careful of your movements. Your bones have somewhat fused again, but are still weak. You still have a good month before you are back close to normal," stated Tammy.
"I need to get down to the... " began Orion when he was cut short.
"You need to stay put, till I discharge you," ordered Tammy sternly. "Otherwise, I will sedate you again."
Orion looked at her realizing that he could not win. Then he said, "well in that case you can at least let me know how things are progressing."
Tammy looked at him nodding, then sitting down next to him began, "well your ship has been mostly repaired. The few minor base repairs have also been complete. Most research projects have resumed. Phase three project, whatever that is, I have been told has progressed somewhat."
"And the enemy?" asked Orion.
"We have not seen them since your crash," replied Tammy.
"That's a positive sign I guess," Orion commented then asked, " how long do I have to stay here?"
"Another day or so. I need to run tests on you now that you are awake, to check what mobility you have," said Tammy.
"Very well," agreed Orion, lifting his arm looking for his wrist com. "Where did my wrist com go to?"
"I had technicians come to remove it, while you healed. It's sitting over there," said Tammy pointing to a bench.
"Then can you have Bro come down here and report to me?" asked Orion.
Tammy, using her wrist communicator, called Bro down. Then she began running all her tests on him. Within 20 minutes, Bro arrived .
"Well I see our patient is looking well," said Bro to Tammy, looking at Orion.
Orion looked over at him saying, "enjoy it for the moment. You won't get any other chance."
"Just too much to resist sir. But everyone has been grateful you sacrificed your own well being for them," said Bro.
"I'm sure they have. Now, what is the status of my ship, all our squadrons and that of the enemy?" asked Orion.
"We have managed to salvage most of our crafts and repair them. Your ship, is still under repair and close to complete. The enemy has returned to the belt once more," replied Bro.
"The stage three project?" asked Orion.
"I don't understand it very much, sir, but it's schedule is still on course according to what I have been notified," replied Bro
"Current supply status?" asked Orion.
"Deliveries from Earth have been regular, sir. Our current stockpile has grown 10%. Our current food supply will also last us about 3 month's, but we still have regular weekly shipments coming in all the time," said Bro.
"Have we got a team out monitoring the enemy?" asked Orion.
"No sir. They are being monitoring by Hubble. Francis decided it would be best to keep all our people here until repairs were done and all projects back on track. Hubble have been monitoring all this time anyway. They will let us know if there are any developments."
"Yes, I would have to agree with that reasoning," said Orion.
"Is there anything else you need to know sir?" asked Bro.
"Negative, but have Jenny Polsom report to me when she has the time," said Orion.
"Very well sir. If that's all, I will take my leave from here," said Bro.
"You may go," dismissed Orion.
It was several hours before Jenny showed up in the medical bay. She entered the room carrying a data tablet, entering data into it.
Jenny looked up at Orion and said, "sir, you wanted to see me?"
Looking up at her Orion replied, "yes, it's been a long time since we discussed your project."
"Yes, it has been a long time sir, but you do know that it doesn't really have a time stamp on it," replied Jenny bringing up sketches on her pad, and handing it to him. "Here sir, some of the latest work."
Orion looked it over commenting, "impressive. Your team will have to be recognized at a later date for their contributions."
"Thank you, sir. But right now, our more challenging puzzle is J Three," said Jenny.
"Yes indeed, I see that. I'm sure you will eventually solve it with your team," said Orion.
"Well sir, it would be good to get some fresh graduates on my team," said Jenny, looking at Orion for approval.
Orion looked at her intrigued, replying, "you think it will make a big difference?"
"It would help to have fresh minds on the project, who haven't been part of the thinking process so far, sir," replied Jenny.
"Yes, I would have to agree with you. But, only if you can promise more results at a faster pace," said Orion, returning the data pad.
"Yes sir, I am sure more results will be available. But I will still have to over see all of them as you know," replied Jenny.
Orion looked at her and said "understandable. I will see about your new recruits as soon as I am out of here."
"Thank you sir," said Jenny with gratitude. "Will there be anything else?"
"No that's all for now. You may go," replied Orion.
Relaxing again Orion patiently put up with more of Tammy's prodding tests for the next day, when she finally released him on certain conditions.
Orion's first task after leaving, was to finally get a decent meal, which he had not had since the accident. He visited the dining lounge, acquiring a number of his favorite foods. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that his stomach had shrunk in size over time and was full very quickly.
His next stop after was to check on the progress of his ship. When he arrived in the hanger bay, everyone stopped what they were doing looking at him, walking over slowly with some pain.
"Sir, nice to see you out and about," said Nathalie Sullivan, one of the repair crew assistants.
"Thank you. It is nice to finally get around, even if I was asleep the whole time," replied Orion.
"You're welcome sir," said Nathalie.
Looking around at the state of the ship, Orion asked, "how are repairs coming along?"
"Repairs are progressing better since Zoi was released," Nathalie began. "We have the entire hull fully repaired. I'm just inspecting the components that we repaired and replaced."
"Yes, all looks perfect from my perspective," said Orion.
"Right now the rest of my team is inspecting interior sections for any other damage. There was a lot caused from impact, as well as systems shorting and surging all over the place," she added.
"Indeed there must have been," said Orion, approaching the ramp. "I hope you don't mind me taking a look for myself."
"No sir, please go right ahead," replied Nathalie.
Orion entered the ship and after personally inspecting most systems himself, running diagnostics, he was quite happy with all the repairs. He finally came to sit in his chair. There he began to relax and shortly fell asleep from exhaustion, as his fitness had deteriorated some over the last ten days.
Three hours passed when Orion was woken up by Zoi shaking him and saying, "Sir, sir wake up. Sir!"
"" he said stirring.
"Sir, you fell asleep. It's not good for you to sleep here," said Zoi.
"I.... I..... ummm, didn't realize I did," Orion said rising, feeling some pain.
"Let me help you sir," said Zoi as she reached for his arm, to help him stand.
"Thank you," replied Orion, as they began walking out. "I think I need to get some rest, but I would like to inspect phase three first."
"I'll help you get there and back up to your quarters if you wish, sir," said Zoi.
"That would be helpful, Zoi, but I don't want the rest of the personnel to see me like this right now. They may lose confidence if they do," said Orion.
"Very well. I will help till we come across anyone, then I'll act like I am accompanying you, so in those instances you will have to keep a good appearance," said Zoi.
"Totally understood," acknowledged Orion, as they walked through the ship and out.
As they entered the hanger bay, Zoi walked next to him, engaging him in conversation, until they were out of eyesight, then resumed holding him up till they encountered another person. As they entered the phase three area, Zoi accompanied him up to the large door where a recently posted guard stood watching all the equipment and people going in and out.
"Maam, you don't have clearance to this section," said Burt Wyman.
Orion stopped looked at him and said, "you know who I am?"
"Yes sir, indeed I do," said Burt.
"Then, you should know that anyone with me has full clearance," said Orion.
"But sir, I am just following orders," explained Burt.
"Yes, orders than I have issued. My orders are the final ones for you to follow," said Orion.
Nodding his head in agreement and backing away, Burt said, "understood sir, it shall not happen again."
After using his two access cards they proceeded in. For the first time, Zoi got a glimpses of phase three, but yet didn't understand what exactly it was she was looking at. She observed familiar technology all around, large compartments and unfamiliar room settings.
As they passed through, Orion asked questions to all the various teams they came upon, as per his usual, but in ways not to let Zoi understand what was being talked about. After nearly two hours, they finally were finished the walk through, exiting the area.
As they cleared sight, Zoi resumed helping him walk asking, "sir, that whole phase three project, what exactly is it? I mean, I expected to see some kind of a ship. That just didn't look like I expected it to."
"Yes indeed. The whole cavern is mostly a staging area. Everything is being assembled in various locations, ready to be eventually used. I doubt you can make any sense of it. Most of the people working down there, don't know what they are actually working on, safe for what they are asked to put together," explained Orion.
"So even tho I was with you, you knew that nothing would be revealed?" asked Zoi.
"Precisely," confirmed Orion. "Eventually it will take shape, when the time is right, but for now, for conditions you might understand, the project must remain a mystery to all safe for a few."
"Sir, am I not worthy enough to know what it is?" asked Zoi.
"You are, but we cannot afford that you might accidentally reveal to others what it is," began Orion. "If word got out, certain factions back on Earth would be outraged, anew  planetary war could begin, before the project is finished. This would also allow our extraterrestrial enemy to succeed in conquering us."
"Factions sir?" asked Zoi. "Are you referring to the anti western rebels?"
"All I will say, is, yes and no for now," said Orion. "Speak no further of this."
"Very well sir, it is forgotten," said Zoi.
They made their way up to the com room and after about 10 minutes reached their destination. As he entered, Thor looked up from his monitoring screen, a bit startled to see them both.
"Thor," began Orion. "Can you get Francis for me?"
"Sorry sir, but it will be a few hours before I can. He's gone home for the night," explained Thor.
"Not what I expected to hear, but when you next reach him, let me know, I need to speak to him," said Orion, as he exited the room. "I guess it's time for rest now"
"Indeed sir. You look really exhausted now," remarked Zoi.
"You have no idea how tired I am right now," said Orion.
"I think I have an idea sir," replied Zoi.
After a few minutes they arrived at his quarters. Zoi helped him to lay down. Once he was resting comfortably as Zoi went to leave, Orion said, "don't leave yet."
"Sir?" questioned Zoi.
"I've been alone with Tammy for so long in the medical bay, I need someone else's company for a while," said Orion.
"Uh, so you want to talk or something?" wondered Zoi.
"Yes, that would be enjoyable," replied Orion.
"Alright, what do you want to talk about sir," asked Zoi.
"Well, why don't you tell me about yourself more and what got you in this field of work," suggested Orion.
Zoi talked away about herself. After a short while Orion passed out cold. She covered him up a little better, then left his quarters turning the lights out.
Many hours later, when the scheduled night time began, Caroline came knocking at his door. She had stopped in earlier on in the medical bay to look in on him when she found out he had been released. She knocked for a bit then finally went back to her own quarters having not gotten a reply.
In the middle of the night, Orion finally woke up. He was still feeling weak, but made his way to the com room. He found Moy siting watching a television broadcast he enjoyed quite well. Orion came up behind him, not having been noticed and watched for a bit. Finally when it came to a commercial break he said, "quite an interesting show that is."
Nearly jumping out of his chair, Moy turned around looking at him saying, "jeepers, sir, you scared me. How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to have enjoyed what you were watching," replied Orion.
"I didn't hear you come in at all," said Moy.
"Doubtful that you would have. You were completely taking that program in," said Orion.
"Sir, it's the middle of the night, what are you doing up?" asked Moy.
"I was feeling rather tired with my first day out of the medical bay and fell asleep rather early for the second time," replied Orion sitting down. "Can you get Francis for me?"
"Uh yes sir," replied Moy proceeding to do so.
When Francis finally appeared on the screen, he saw Orion and said, "so they finally released you from the med bay."
"Yes I have been. But I think as soon as my ship is ready, I'll be going home for a little bit of rest. I plan to leave Bro and Zoi in charge while I am away," said Orion.
"Rest? Are you feeling that poorly?" asked Francis.
"I've been down too long. I think the normal gravity will do me some good," said Orion.
"What about phase three? How will it get started without you. When will it get started is another question," said Francis.
"It's already begun. None really need me around right now. But I do need the normal gravity in order to recuperate better," said Orion.
"You've begun it already? How come you didn't tell me?" asked Francis.
"I just did," said Orion giving him a smile.
"At least you still have your sense of humor. But, if it's begun, how long till we get some significant progress?" asked Francis.
"That has yet to be determined. Right now I have a lot of people on it. We also recently opened a new processing plant as well to aid in more ore refining," said Orion.
"You got a second one in operation?" said Francis surprised.
"Yes. It was too far to travel all the time with just the one. Now we have doubled our production and mining in two different direction," said Orion.
"That must give you a lot of extra raw materials," said Francis.
"It's barely enough to keep up with the demand. We use it all fairly quickly," said Orion.
"You must be pushing construction quite a bit," said Francis.
"Not at all. Everyone still performs at the same pace they always have," replied Orion.
"Well, as long as things are getting done is all that matters. But now that it is started, how long till it's completed?" asked Francis.
"I couldn't say right now. We will see in time," replied Orion.
"I guess we will see in time. But for now, enjoy your little holiday," said Francis.
"I plan to," replied Orion ending the communication.
"Sir, you're going to leave us for a little while?" questioned Moy.
"Just for the week. I also want to see how things are proceeding at Zee Corp," replied Orion.
"I see, sir. But what if we require you?" asked Moy.
"My ship is equipped with a hyper com system with a relay to re-transmit to my wrist com. You can contact me at any time," replied Orion.
"Ah, very well, sir," said Moy.
Leaving, Orion went down to the hanger bay to inspect his ship some more. Deciding it was more than fit, he closed the entry, went up to the command deck then initiated pre-launch sequence. In a short time the hanger bay doors opened. He departed the base, heading for Zee Corp headquarters.
In a short time, after a quick burst from the FTL drive, he began to descend into the atmosphere, taking great care to ensure his path was safe from any aircraft that could be in the way. Finally arriving, he set down on the grass, which was the only place big enough to accommodate the ship, also maintaining the anti grav generators in operational mode to reduce the possibility of indenting the lawn too much.
Inside the building, many saw the ship land, including Japhia who now looked out the window intently wondering what was going on. None had ever seen the ship, nor anything of it's size land there before.
"Miss Zeenner, who do you suppose that is?" asked Phillis.
"I have no clue," replied Japhia.
"That almost looks like some sort of gun ship," said Cindy.
"I wonder what it's doing here," said Phillis.
As the ramp came down, Orion began to exit when a groundskeeper came up and said, "you can't park that thing there. You're going to damage the lawn."
"What's your name?" asked Orion.
"Tom Finnigan," he replied.
"Well Tom, if it does, you will just have to repair it, won't you," replied Orion.
"You'll have to pay for the repair," said Tom.
"I don't pay your salary for nothing," said Orion.
"You don't pay my..." Tom began looking at him a little more. "Mr Zeenner?"
"That would be me," said Orion.
"I'm so sorry sir. I wasn't told of your arrival," said Tom.
"No one did," said Orion leaning over pressing a button on the end of the ramp, to close it. "It's a surprise visit."
Looking at the ship's landing gear, Tom said, "that's going to leave some awful marks."
"Don't worry too much. I kept the anti grav generators operating. It's not sitting too heavily on the grass. Just enough so that the wind doesn't push it around too much," said Orion.
"Anti grav?" said Tom looking at him strangely.
"Do you know what an anti gravity generator is?" asked Orion.
"Isn't the theory about cancelling the mass of an object?" replied Tom.
"That would be correct," said Orion.
"Since when do we have that technology?" asked Tom.
"You need not worry about how long, but more that we have it," replied Orion, setting forth to the building entrance. "Now tell me, how long have you been working here?"
"Uh, two years now, sir," replied Tom.
"You seem to be doing an excellent job. The flowers look really nice along the building. Such great coloring," said Orion.
"Thank you sir. I do my best," said Tom.
As Orion entered the building the the security officer looked at him asking, "can I help you sir? Is there someone you need to speak to?"
"No I'm fine," said Orion, proceeding.
"Uh, sir, this is a secure facility," he said.
Pulling out his ID badge he placed it in front of the security officers face and said, "now, if you value your job, you will not get in my way."
Looking at the badge, he said, "thousand apologies sir."
Proceeding up, Orion got out of the elevator at the office level. He looked around seeing many changes. The floor now had many separate offices with many walls. He looked at the secretary in front of him and said, "where is my sister's office?"
The secretary looked up at him not knowing who he was and said, "your sister? Whom might that be?"
Seeing the name tags on the doors, he proceeded into the one marked CEO saying, "I think I know where now."
Looking at him, proceeding into the office, she said, "sir you can't just go in there."
Stopping and turning around to look at her, Orion said, "I own this building and will go anywhere I wish to go." Proceeding through the door, he was met with another room full of doors. Seeing Japhia's name, he entered into that door.
Hearing the door open suddenly, the three turned around from looking out the window, Japhia beginning to say, "Is there something I..." stopping short looking at Orion she went on, "Orion?"
"Japhia," said Orion.
"I didn't expect that to be you arriving," said Japhia.
"Surprise visits are always the best," replied Orion as Japhia came over to him about to give him a big hug. "No don't."
"What? Why?" asked Japhia.
"I'm still healing. I was just released out of the med bay yesterday," replied Orion.
"Med bay? What on earth happened to you?" asked Japhia.
"A crash involving that ship over a week ago. It's mostly repaired now tho," replied Orion.
"Mostly? Why mostly?" asked Japhia.
"They didn't get them fully finished and I took it before they could," replied Orion.
"You just took it?" said Japhia.
"It belongs to me, therefore who would argue?" said Orion.
"You do have a point there. But why are you here?" said Japhia.
"I needed some rest and real gravity. I also wanted to see how things down here were doing and visit the family," said Orion.
"How long are you staying for?" asked Japhia.
"About a week. I also wanted to discuss with you alone, a new project I want to begin. One that requires complete confidentiality,"said Orion.
"That much secrecy?" said Japhia.
"Yes, one of complete stealth. You and Cindy are to be the only ones to know of it," said Orion.
"Phillis, could you leave us," said Japhia.
"Uh, yes miss Zeenner," said Phillis leaving.
Over the rest of the day, the three remained in conference discussing the new secret project. When they were finally done, Japhia said, "that's going to initially cost quite a bit."
"Yes it will. But I'm sure you can squeeze enough funds out of every subsidiary to make it happen," said Orion.
"Well, we own all we need to do it, it's just the men we have to pay. But It's going to take a lot of people for this venture," said Japhia.
"Nevertheless, we are going to need this. I can sense it really bad," said Orion.
"We're still going to need someone there to over see everything," said Japhia.
"I think Mike would be a great candidate for this," said Orion.
"Uh, no he wouldn't," protested Japhia. "He can't go there."
"Why sure he can. He's a very trustworthy single man," said Orion.
"He's not single," said Japhia.
Orion looked her in the eyes then said, "so you two finally got together did you?"
"What? Why would you say something like that?" said Japhia.
"They did," said Cindy.
"It's about time," said Orion.
"What do you mean it's about time?" asked Japhia.
"I always knew the two of you would be together, even that day way back when, when I offered you to Mike," said Orion.
"You knew that long ago?" said Japhia.
"Does it surprise you?" asked Orion.
Japhia looked at him then said, "if you knew, why all the games?"
"That's what I do. I couldn't just tell you. Had to make you think about it first," said Orion.
"Well in any event, he can't do it," said Japhia.
"Of course he can. He can also be at your side most nights as well," said Orion.
Japhia looked at him, then thought of the whole project, what it required and would have. Finally she said, "I guess you're right. But this is going to be a big task for him to under take. He may need additional help."
"I'm sure Cindy can help him as well. Also you can get Daniella and Paul on this as also. Paul is rather experienced as you very well know," said Orion.
"But you currently have him on the moon with you," said Japhia.
"He has overseen everything there and trained many to take his place. A fresh assignment is what he can use now," said Orion.
"I guess something fresh would do him some good. But the preparation work itself will take a long time, including the fabrication of the stealth armor we will have to create," said Japhia.
"Yes. When the time comes when we need him, I'll have him transferred back here to you, so you can begin the project," said Orion.
"This will mean reviving all the sub level facilities here in this building," said Japhia.
"That's why I had them kept and never removed," said Orion.
"You knew this day was coming?" asked Cindy.
"No. But I know you should never get rid of something that can possibly be used later. That later is now here," said Orion.
"We'll get started tomorrow on it by beginning to hire all the appropriate people needed. Then we will begin acquiring all the necessary materials we need to proceed on it," said Japhia.
"Now that this is settled, how would you both like to travel home in my new ship?" asked Orion.
"Sweet," said Cindy getting excited.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now