In The beginning

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In an unknown time, in a star system, home to a race called the Anterillians, a heavy traffic of crafts, polluted its orbit. Capital ships, holding their positions further out, waited as the thousands of smaller crafts traveled back and forth from the planet's surface bringing supplies and passengers to them. One particular ship, the Celeste, the only one not being supplied nor receiving passengers.
The Celeste, newly built, was the sleekest, fastest and most powerful ship of the entire fleet of Capital ships. Her captain, Arterio, a tall blond man with bright blue eyes, watching out through the view screen as final tests of the ships systems are made and some additional equipment installed.
"Captain," began the helmsman, Corsel, a slightly shorter man with a slight shade difference of blond hair and also having the same bright blue eyes, as all the rest of the crew. "The Helm is now fully integrated and operational."
"Begin preliminary tests, gently backing us away from the other capital ships," said Arterio.
As the ship moved away, Arterio watched through the view screen, intently, at all the shuttles coming and going.
"Sir, the Starlight reports they are ready to leave," reported Jedwil, the communications officer.
"Provide me with visual communications," said Arterio.
In moments, the bridge of the Starlight could be seen, her Captain, a man with a slight darker shade of skin blonde hair having a tinge of orange in it, looked at him, saying "Sir, preparations for departure are all complete. Shall we proceed to our rendezvous point?"
"Yes, Oberon, you and your ship may depart," replied Arterio.
"Thank you my lord," said Oberon waving his hand to his helmsman. "I wish you well."
"Thank you Oberon. I do hope to be successful and that we can all return," said Arterio.
"We can only hope," said Oberon as communications were closed.
Turning to his communications officer, Arterio said, "Jedwil, see if you can get hold of the Rayven. They should have reported in long before now."
"Yes sir, on it now," said Jedwil pressing several buttons. "This is the Celeste calling the Rayven. Are you receiving? I repeat this is Celeste calling the Rayven. Please acknowledge."
There was no answer and Jedwil continued to attempt to make contact with the Rayven.
"Commander Lacowa, what was the last known position of the Rayven?" asked Arterio.
"She was in the Draxnar system watching the evacuation of the Gilgarian colony, three days ago," replied Lacowa. "Perhaps we should proceed there and see what is happening."
"Yes, I was thinking the same thing," said Arterio turning back to the communications officer. "Jedwil, open a visual channel to the Permiscus, and then resume contacting the Rayven."
In moments, visual communication was up on the screen and a most beautiful woman, with golden like hair, wearing an elegant uniform, could be seen. "My lord, my love," she said.
"Astoria, we are departing for Draxnar to attempt to find or communicate with the Rayven. Continue with the evacuation. We will return as soon as we can," said Arterio.
"We will continue with the evacuation. Be safe," said Astoria.
With communications closed, Arterio turned to Corsel and said, "prepare a course to Draxnar, then proceed best speed possible."
In a few moments, the ship turned, the FTL drives activated, speeding them out of the system, faster than any of their other ships had ever traveled before.
It took them almost two days to reach Draxnar. When they arrived, they found the colony destroyed, a large dust ball in its place. Close by there were remains of some ships, but nothing indicating the Rayven.
"I'm not picking anything up around the system," said Colonius, the science officer.
"Sir, I'm picking up a faint signal," said Jedwil.
"Location?" asked Arterio.
"Seems to be strongest on our port side receiver, sir." replied Jedwil.
"Corsel, take us out into that direction," ordered Arterio.
As they moved away, Colonius continued scanning until he said, "Sir, I have something up ahead. It might be the Rayven."
As the ship approached, they indeed found the Rayven. She was battered, and missing portions of her hull.
"She looks in bad shape," said Arterio standing at the front of the bridge looking at the main viewer. "Corsel, come up her good side. We will attempt to dock with her."
"Sir, I'm not detecting any kind of main power readings from the ship. She appears dead in space. I am picking up some faint life signs, mostly in the less damaged side of the ship," said Colonius.
"The Rayven was our fastest ship, capable of evading most anything," said Arterio then pressed the comm button. "Attention, this is the captain speaking. We are about to dock with the Rayven on our Starboard side. I want every available hand to board her and evacuate what remains of her crew."
"Sir I'm now getting a better signal from the Rayven," said Jedwil.
"Put it on main screen," said Arterio.
In moments, a crew member could be seen. He was heavily bloodied. Behind him many others could be seen in similar condition.
"Sir, thank the Makers. We didn't think anyone would come for us," said the crewman.
"The Rayven was well overdue to report in. We had to come find out what happened to you all," said Arterio.
"Is that the new ship?" asked the crewman, looking at the Celeste's bridge through his viewer screen.
"Yes, she's the finest in the fleet. Faster than even the Rayven was," said Arterio.
"She had better be, sir. We couldn't evade fast enough and got hit numerous times," said the crewman.
"Understood," said Arterio, as he could hear the ships dock together. "we are about to transfer emergency power to you. We are going to retrieve you all."
"Thank you sir, for coming for us," said the crewman, as he slumped from the screen exhausted.
"Sir, what will we be doing with the Rayven after we retrieve all the crew?" asked Lacowa.
"We will bring her home and make repairs that we can. She is still a worthy ship," said Arterio. "Get an engineering team together and see about beginning repairs. We will have about 6 days to get her functional again."
"Yes Sir," replied Lacowa leaving the bridge.
Just then, on the view screen, lighting came back to normal on the Rayven as power was transferred from the Celeste. System linkage was also attained and the diagnostic station, began to receive the Rayven's info.
"Sir, according to diagnostics, we could easily restore main power on the Rayven in a few hours. Her main drives can also be restored in a few days time," said Colonius.
"Sir, I have the Rayven's last battle visual log. Shall I play it?" asked Jedwil.
"Proceed," replied Arterio.
As the whole bridge crew watched, they could hear the Rayven's entire bridge crew dialog as well. The last recorded item was that of the bridge being breached, and all ordered out, as the ship began to drift off powerless.
"They tried their best," commented Corsel.
"Yes, but the Celeste is an even far better ship," said Arterio. "Jedwil, contact the Permiscus, and notify them of the situation. Also tell them we will be on our way with the Rayven in tow, as soon as we have her secured."
It was nearly half a day later before they were ready to leave. Once they did, they kept close watch for the doomsday ship that destroyed the Draxnar system. They eventually caught up to it, but proceeded past, on to home.
Upon arrival, many of the capital ships had already left. In Orbit, ready to leave at a moments notice the Permiscus kept over seeing preparations with the rest of the ships. As they entered into orbit, the Rayven was released under her own power, then maneuvered into the orbital platform for repairs.
"Sir, the Permiscus is hailing us," said Jedwil.
"Switch to visual communications on main screen," replied Arterio.
"My love" she began. "We are ready to depart as is most of the rest of the remaining fleet."
"Is the evacuation complete?" asked Arterio.
"Almost. We still have about a day left," said Astoria.
"We have the Rayven mostly operational now. We have about 4 days still before we need to leave. I'd like to get her hull repaired as best we can till then," said Arterio.
"I'll transfer all my available crew to the platform and notify the other ships, if they can spare their engineers, to do the same," said Astoria.
"Most of my engineering crew are also aboard as well, making repairs. I'd like for our remaining capital ships to tow the platform out to the edge of the system. It would be a shame to lose the construction platform," said Arterio.
"Very well, I will have it done. It would also help alleviate some of our space requirements as well, if we take it with us," said Astoria.
"I was thinking the same," said Arterio.
Nearly three days passed. With repairs to the Rayven almost complete, supplies were loaded aboard as was a new crew assigned to man her with additional passengers.
The Japertus, the largest ship still in the system, maneuvered below the platform. Large rigging cables were then connected to it, to secure the platform for tow, out of the system.
"Sir, we are being hailed by the Japertus," relayed Jedwil.
"On Screen," said Arterio.
In moments the captain was on screen and said, "Sir, we are ready to depart."
"It's good to hear that, my friend. You may depart at any time," said Arterio.
"Are you sure you don't want us to wait here outside our system?" asked Krimin.
"Negative," replied Arterio. "Dragging the platform with you, will take almost twice the time for you to reach your destination. We can always recall you if need be."
"Very well, sir. Good luck on your attempts to stop the doomsday ship," said Krimin.
"Thank you. We will need it for sure. Take care. We all hope to see you soon," said Arterio as communications were ended. "Jedwil, hail the Permiscus."
"Yes sir, stand by," said Jedwil, doing so.
A few moments later, Astoria appeared on the screen and said, "my love."
"Astoria, I assume you are ready to depart?" asked Arterio.
"We are ready to leave at any time," said Astoria.
"I am glad to hear that," replied Arterio. "I have transferred all but my bridge crew and a few engineers, over to your ship."
"To my ship? But won't you need them," she asked, with a bit of a worried look on her face.
"They are not needed here at this time. I plan on defeating the Gilgarian doomsday ship. But if we are not successful, I want the least casualties as possible," he replied. "It has already destroyed the Gilgarian home world, as well as all their colonies. We will try our best to destroy it before it destroys our world."
"But you could be killed," she urged. "How can I let that happen?"
"My love, you know that if I am, I will return as I did long ago," he answered back with confidence. "One way or another I will prevail."
"And what if you don't survive it at all?" she cried in a pleading tone, tears running down her face.
He looked at her, and said, "you know I have to do this. It is what this ship was built to do. We have an escape craft aboard. If need be, we will evacuate at the last possible moment. If we don't make it, join all our people at Mirs, then take them away to a system far from here. Perhaps even another Galaxy to be safe."
"Another Galaxy?!" she exclaimed in surprise.
"Yes, beyond the reach of the doomsday ship. We already know it can't go much farther than from 1 system to the next without refueling from a star," he said in earnest. "I will attempt to rejoin you when I can."
Just then, klaxon alarms went off on both ships.
"Sir, we're out of time, the doomsday ship is now here," reported Colonius. "Picking up a massive scanning beam."
After several moments, the doomsday ship's navigation and guidance systems locked onto their stellar position and proceeded on an interception course.
Arterio, looked at his beloved and said, "it's time to go. If you wish, you can send all the other remaining ships ahead and stay on the edge of our system and monitor our progress."
"Very well, we will do that. But please be careful."
He looked at his beloved and said, " you know me better than that."
As the screen turned back to visual, Astoria's ship broke orbit, leaving them behind. Far away, closing in, the doomsday ship approached the planet and their ship. It's purpose, to destroy life bearing worlds and ships, with an anti covalent atomic paralyzing beam that effectively breaks the bonds of atoms, turning all matter into particulate dust.
"Corsel, set an evasive course, with an elliptical trajectory, to the doomsday ship, but 50 million miles out from it. We will come in at it from the rear," ordered Arterio, to his navigator.
"Setting course and moving out sir," replied Corsel.
"This ship was solely built to fight the doomsday ship. Hopefully it's advanced speed, maneuverability and technology will suffice in our mission," said Arterio in great hopes.
As they passed their foe, the doomsday ship, programmed to attack the nearest target, switched it's attention to them, attempting to close in, but the Celeste was too fast. After several hours of evading it's main gun, always maneuvering towards the doomsday ship's back, the science officer who had been gathering data about the doomsday ship's capabilities finally spoke.
"Sir I think I have what you need."
"What have you got for me, Colonius?" asked Arterio.
"Well sir, by the firing pattern, we have at least 12.7 seconds from it's last shot until it can fire again," explained Colonius. "As well, by it's movement behavior, every time it fires, it appears that it loses it's maneuverability for a few seconds and briefly travels on it's own momentum."
"So we need to try and hit it while it is recharging," he thought out loudly to the others. "Though, to attempt such an evasive maneuver in front of it, is daring."
"Yes sir, very daring indeed," agreed Colonius. "It will require the best pilot we have."
"And the best pilot would be myself, now wouldn't it?" said Arterio, looking at everyone.
" Yes sir," replied his bridge crew all in unison.
"Then I will take over from you, Corsel. I also won't need the rest of you either," he said to them all.
"But Sir, you can't just do it alone, what if........" began his second in command, Lacowa.
Arterio cut him short saying to all, "this isn't for discussion. I can survive this, though none of you can. Corsel, take us out of range of the doomsday ship and all of you, get aboard the flyer."
"Yes sir," replied Corsel, a little depressed over his commanders decision.
As the ship reached a safe distance away, the doomsday ship locked onto their home world, and proceeded to approach it without them knowing. As Arterio watched them disembark in the flyer, his attention went to the doomsday ship.
"Oh no! Damn it." said Arterio to himself. He opened communications with the flyer, which was already headed away and said, "we may not have a home world much longer. It set it's sight on it while we moved away. I'm in intercept mode now."
Arterio piloted his warship quickly and directly. As he got close enough, he got the ship's attention again, just as it was about to reach firing distance. In several fast maneuvers, he went past the unmanned ship, its main weapon firing and through a relay being monitored by the flyer, had help from his navigator.
Before he could fully implement his plan, the doomsday ship fired at their world, as it came into view. The blast struck a huge portion of the planet. In moments, the atomic bonds holding that portion together disappeared  becoming a pure dust cloud.
Having fired moments ahead of time, Arterio set a direct course, fully firing all the weapon batteries of the ship, down into the main weapon of the doomsday ship. Plasma cannons, rail guns and particle cannons all fired simultaneously into it. As they struck, he monitored the impacts, saying over the com, " Ive got direct hits and impacts. Looks like it's the end of the beast."
As the impacts and secondary explosions began within, his 12.7 seconds were up.  The doomsday ship, attempting to fire, helped in it's own destruction, but at the same time, the explosion was way too close to Arterio's ship, it's weapon blast caught it, along with the simultaneous explosion. With masses of different kinds of energy emanation countering themselves, portions of the doomsday ship were left as wreckage, while others portions were turned into dust. The same came to be with Arterio's ship.
Out in the flyer, the blast was monitored, but contact with the Celeste's systems cut off. Outside the system, communications were being monitored, Astoria fearing the worst.
"Celeste, do you copy, this is the flyer, please respond," messaged the comm officer. "Celeste, we have lost all system link-ups, please respond.
Aboard the Permiscus, Astoria, standing next to the helm listened and then said to her navigation officer, "set course back into the system now, best speed."
"Yes sir," replied Malcowin. "Course layed in, engaging FTL drives for minimal jump into the system."
In seconds, the ship was close to the wreckage of the ships. A scan revealed some solid matter, but mostly atomic dust. As they approached closer, it suddenly became obvious why contact was lost.
"Captain, the Celeste, there isn't much left of her. She is mostly atomic dust now," said her science officer, Heilgem.
"What's your next order, sir?" asked Malcowin, but got no answer
The crew suddenly looked towards their captain. She had dropped to her knees, tears falling from her eyes, staring out the view screen. She had lost the only mate she had ever really cared about. What's more, she could not even feel the presence of his essence anywhere to console her, as legend spoke he could do.
"Captain," shouted Heilgem. "Your next orders?"
She looked up and around at them, and said, "lock ship into this position, and everyone get off the bridge, now. I need to be alone for 20 minutes."
As they all left she walked up to the screen, looked out at what was left of their world, mourning her loss and that of her children. She stood there for what seemed like minutes till a hand touched her on her shoulder, startling her.
"Captain," began her first officer, Gillesh. "Will you be alright?"
She turned and looked at him and said, " I thought I said out for 20 minutes."
"It's been almost 37 minutes now captain," replied Gillesh.
Her eyes suddenly opened, she turned and looked out again and said in a sobbing voice, "has it already?"
Gillesh looked at her and said consolingly, "it has."
"Seems like just moments to me," she said turning back to him, looking around. No one else was on the bridge. "Where are the rest?"
He looked out the screen view port and replied, "when we came back and saw you just staring out and not aware of us, I told them all I would call them back to the bridge when it would be ok with you. I've been watching you almost motionless all this time."
She looked back out with him, at the wreckage and said, "His last words he spoke, he sounded so happy to have bested the doomsday ship. But it took him with it, away from us. How can I lead our people like this?"
"The counsel of elders will help. At least everyone is safe now," he said.
"He was the best man we have ever known. There was no other like him. His ideas, his knowledge, his immortality. I do hope he will be back some day," she said giving a long sigh.
"Indeed he was. I don't sense his essence. If he truly is gone, he will be missed by all. But if not we will see him again soon enough," he reassured her.
"Tell the bridge crew to return to their positions," Astoria said, wiping the last tears away. "We will proceed to Mirs, pick up supplies then leave this portion of the galaxy behind starting anew."
"But sir, we don't need to anymore, now that the doomsday ship has been destroyed," said Gillesh.
"To remain would be a reminder of all that we have lost. A fresh start is what is best for our people," explained Astoria.
"Understood sir," acknowledged Gillesh as he proceeded to exit the bridge to round up the bridge crew.
As Astoria looked out one last time she turned around and said, "Gillesh..."
Gillesh stopped, turned around to face her saying, "yes?"
"Could you please refer to me using my proper title from now on? As well, I am transferring command of the ship to you till further notice," she said walking towards the exit. Stopping at the door she then said, "I will be mourning the loss of my beloved. Do not disturb me till we reach Mirs."
"Yes My Lady," acknowledged Gillesh.
As Astoria left the bridge, the crew watched her and took their positions once again.
Gillesh looked them all over, then got their attention and said, "Lady Astoria has transferred command of the ship to me. She is not to be disturbed by anyone about ship matters."
The whole crew then stood up and saluted their new captain, saying together,"Yes Sir"
"Your orders sir?" asked Malcowin before he sat down at the helm.
"Set an intercept course to pick up the Celeste's flyer. Then it's to Mirs we go," replied Gillesh.
"But sir, our world is still mostly intact," said Malcowin.
"It wouldn't be safe to return. The gravitational shift from the missing portion will cause earth quakes to be numerous for many years to come, till the planet shifts and molds itself in a new shape,"said Gillesh.
"Is that what the empress told you?" asked Malcowin.
"The empress did not need to tell him that. It's common knowledge among all the science personnel," said Tarklin the science officer.
"Then, when can we return?" asked Malcowin.
"Perhaps in fifty to a thousand cycles. We don't really know how long it would take for the planet to repair itself," said Tarklin.
"By the time it settles itself, everything will likely be in ruins. We are far better to begin anew elsewhere," said Gillesh.
"Then Mirs will be our new home?" asked Malcowin.
"No it won't. It still requires plenty of terraforming, before we can even think of colonizing it. We have scout information from many ships of possible worlds we can settle on. Empress Astoria will have to choose one for us to go to," said Gillesh.
It was many days later before they arrived at the Mirs outpost on a mostly baron world. Most of the ships had arrived settling many of the passengers, but the people were not happy. The counsel, for days could make no headway with the people, many demands being made, including by one of Astoria's elder son's named Crannus.
"If my father were still alive and here, he would allow us to settle on the water world. It has plenty of primitive live and vegetation, even if it is very volcanic," said Crannus.
"Your father left us strict guide lines not to interfere with primitive worlds already possessing life of any kinds," said Holtecleese, the senior counsel member.
"My father is not here nor did he expect the problems we have on Mirs," said Crannus.
"This is not up to debate,"said Holtecleese.
"My father may not be here but my mother is. She will side with me," said Crannus.
At that moment, having been in the room unseen, Astoria revealed herself saying, "Crannus your father has given strict orders on the matter. He has also told me if all goes wrong to find a world more suitable elsewhere."
"Mother?" said Crannus surprised to see her, after being secluded for so long.
"Empress Astoria. We are honored to have you join us," said Holtecleese.
"I have been hearing of the discussions and complaints. I thought it best to come out and make my presence among the people once more," said Astoria.
"Mother, how can you disagree? Father is no longer. He could not have foreseen the problems we have here already," said Crannus.
"But he did, which is why he discussed with me that once we arrived to look for another place to call home," said Astoria.
"But the water planet is very suitable. More so than he ever thought," said Crannus.
"The answer is no. We are not going to disgrace the memory of your father by going against his wishes," said Astoria angrily at her son. "That world has a beauty of its own and is still naturally developing. We will continue to allow it to do so."
"You talk about beauty. What about the mining operations we have had on it? We have already disturbed it, over the many hundreds of cycles," said Crannus.
"We only did, as we required the gold ore that it had in great quantities in several locations. Your father had already said, that we should never have stepped foot on the world as we did. What it could have been before we arrived we shall never know," said Astoria.
"The damage has already been done. We have several sites that can accommodate us as it is. It would not make any more difference," said Crannus.
"The answer is still no," said Astoria, now looking around at the rest of the people. "We will be departing from here by weeks end, for the Hebulon expanse, where we will settle on a new world that requires our intervention and help."
"I will not go, mother," said Crannus.
"Then you can remain here on Mirs with whomever else decides to stay," said Astoria leaving the room, going back to her transport to return to the Promiscus.
By the end of the week with many preparations made, word reached Astoria that Crannus and some others had defied her, proceeding onto the water world, establishing themselves in one of the old mining outposts at the top of a high mountain.
Arriving with several transports with loyal soldiers, Astoria lead the men in a confrontation. The doors were burst open, the men spanned out, armed to the teeth. Astoria walked in, in her full glory to find her child and friends.
"Crannus!" she yelled through the building. "Present yourself before me."
In a short time Crannus arrived saying, "We're not leaving mother."
"Your defiance is an insult to me, Crannus. I am not here to take you back," said Astoria.
"If you're not here to take us back, then why have you come?" asked Crannus.
"For two reasons. One to say good bye, the other to retrieve the technology you stole. You can remain here, but you will not have our technology. You and your friends will make do without it," stated Astoria.
"You can't leave us without the technology. We need it to survive and thrive," said Crannus.
"You defied me by coming here. I know I cannot win. Thus the punishment will be that you are left without the technology at your disposal," said Astoria.
"But you can't. What would father say if he were here?" asked Crannus.
"He would strike you first for your disobedience, then do the exact same thing," said Astoria.
"He would not abandon his own child like this." said Crannus.
"You don't know him like I do. Long ago he put one of our earlier children to death, for having pillaged and raped young girls from villages far from our own, in the tribal days. Days long past before he united our world to what it is today," said Astoria.
"You lie. Father isn't that old," said Crannus.
"He was reborn many times, each time living longer and longer, as did his children. He was always reborn from one of his grandchildren. The same as I was. But I had forgotten all this, until this past week when I remembered the beginnings," said Astoria.
"That's not true. Father would have told me of such things," said Crannus.
"The counsel members also know of this. They are in a way, his spiritual family, which is why they are the counsel, having been reborn with us so many times as well," said Astoria looking at her loyal men now. "Even my guards know this, as they have gone through the whole process as well. Everyone one of them was reborn, with your fathers help, making them dedicated to him and I."
Crannus looked at the nearest guard and asked, "is this true?"
"The empress has not spoken any lies," he replied.
"Now Crannus, I bid you farewell. My loyal men have already seized and loaded all. Good luck with you and your few friends," said Astoria.
As all the crafts left, Crannus and his eleven friends, watched as their greater means of survival was taken away, including the three crafts they had taken.
"Now what are we going to do?" they asked.
"We will survive and prosper," replied Crannus, looking down the mountain side. Even without the technology, we are still mightier than the primitives of this world."
When the fleet departed, their journey took them to another primitive world, where two species warred against each other. Applying the might of their technology, they forced peace between the two, then settled, building an empire separating the two. For nearly a thousand years, they kept the peace until, one day the aggressor Pintarian race, having mastered technology opened fire on the Anterillians.
"What happened?" asked Astoria as she entered into counsel chambers of the mighty city.
"Massive atomic detonations at the south walls. We lost the shield for a brief moment, but it's back up again," replied Ternoff, the counsel-man in charge of Anterillia city.
"The shield collapsed? How?" asked Astoria.
"There were multiple blasts. Each one strained the shield till the last one knocked it out," said Ternoff.
"Who did that?" asked Astoria.
"The Pintarians seem to be rivaling our technology. We have several drones heading to their cities to investigate what kinds of technology they have," said Ternoff escorting Astoria to the monitoring room.
"What have you found?" asked Astoria to the drone operators.
"We're unable to find out anything, Empress," replied one of the men.
"Why not?" asked Astoria.
"Seventeen drones were sent in, all were destroyed as they got near, verified by the drones behind them, which were also destroyed," he replied.
Just then another series of explosions struck, straining the shield once more, but this time remaining active, as it was at full power.
"That was on the eastern side this time," said Astoria.
"It's far worse than that. A series of explosions was registered in Tellarian territory just moments ago. I fear the Pintarians are trying to annihilate them as well now," said another.
"If this keeps up, we won't be able to maintain the shields for much longer," said Ternoff.
"Recommendations, Ternoff?" asked Astoria.
"We should evacuate the city. We still have our entire fleet of ships," said Ternoff.
"Yes I know. They have been used to mine ore in the rest of this system, stockpiling a lot of raw materials on the construction platform at the edge of the system," said Astoria.
"Shall I have them recalled?" asked Ternoff.
"Yes, but tell them to keep their distance, to only make orbit where the Pintarians cannot see them," said Astoria.
"You heard the Empress, relay the message," said Tarnoff to his subordinates.
"Sound the evacuation alert through the entire city as well. I want all supplies loaded as quickly as we can. Also, send some transports into the Tellarian territory. Find any survivors, and have them brought to the city for safety," ordered Astoria.
"What of our guards?" asked Tarnoff.
"Have them all equipped and armed. If the shield does fail, we aren't going to let the Pintarians take this city. Charge all perimeter weapons as well. Keep them on standby. If the shield goes down again, fire them at any Pintarian troops, installations, or cities that you can strike from them," said Astoria.
"Diverting power from the main grid to charge the perimeter weapons will weaken the shield strength. Are you sure you wish to do that?" asked Tarnoff.
"Monitor the Pintarian activity. If we are about to get hit again, maximize shield power. But in between, get the perimeter weapons charged," said Astoria.
"Your wish is our command," said Tarnoff, bowing then proceeding with his instructions.
Within hours the entire city was evacuating. Everyone packed their possessions, then proceeded into the city core to help with the packing of the city supplies. Transports searching the Tellarian territory found many survivors, but many had also been irradiated with high concentrations of radiation. Medical personnel treated them quickly. In all, nearly three thousand were found and rescued out of a population of hundreds of millions.
As the fleet settled into orbit, hidden from the Pintarians view, transports began traveling day and night, back and forth to the fleet, first with mostly supplies and a few people. When all supplies were loaded, people with their belongings were next. As each ship was fully loaded, they proceeded to the edge of the system, where the construction platform waited. In it's many years, it had also been fitted with FTL drives, making it mobile on it's own.
On the morning of the third day, Astoria, having remained behind as one of the last few to leave, arrived in the monitoring room to acquire a current report. "What's the status?"
"We're not sure. The Pintarians seem to have stopped their attacks during the night. We are trying to determine what they are up to," said Tarnoff.
"What about the people?" asked Astoria.
"We just have a few hundred of our own people. Most of the Tellarians have also been evacuated onto our ships. Some ships had to deposit people onto the the construction platform with supplies and return, as the fleet ran out of space," said Tarnoff.
"How long till the remainder of the people are evacuated?" asked Astoria.
"All the transports are back. We were waiting on you, to load up the last to finish the evacuation, Empress," said Tarnoff.
"Has my ship been linked to take control of all city systems?" asked Astoria.
"Yes. they are waiting for me to give the word," replied Tarnoff.
"Good, proceed with the final evacuation. Have our transport pick us up, from the tower platform up here," said Astoria.
"Very well," said Tarnoff, issuing the last orders to his men to relay.
As Astoria watched the monitors, she saw something on the visual screen she wasn't sure about. Touching it then zooming in she saw the unexpected. "Tarnoff, we have a problem."
"What is it?" asked Tarnoff.
"Look here," replied Astoria, pointing on the screen. "They seem to know we are evacuating."
Checking all around, the Pintarians had mobilized mobile missile launchers all around the city. They were waiting for something which was likely the transports coming and going.
"This doesn't look good at all. It looks as if they are ready to fire on our transports the moment we leave," said Tarnoff.
"How long has it been since the last strike?" asked Astoria.
"Just before the last transports returned," replied Tarnoff.
"They must have seen them take off and arrive. Now they are in position all around the city to take any out the moment they leave," said Astoria.
"Empress, what are we to do?" asked Tarnoff.
"We have only one solution. Drop the shield, fire all perimeter weapons at these targets in one volley, then raise the shield very fast diverting all power to it. The lower portion of the city will be protected. But depending on the blast speed, some of the upper portions may not get protected in time," said Astoria.
"That's taking a big risk, Empress," said Tarnoff.
"It's either that or waiting them out," said Astoria.
"If we wait and they launch a full simultaneous attack, they could cripple the shield," said Tarnoff, thinking of the possibilities.
"Then it's settled. Lock all Perimeter weapons onto the targets," ordered Astoria.
After several minutes, one of them men said, "all weapons have a separate target and waiting to be fired on your command, Empress."
"Prepare to drop the shield. As soon as it drops below the weapons firing sight, fire them all, then power up the shield at the same time," said Astoria.
After a moment he said, "we are ready and waiting your command, Empress."
"Proceed now," ordered Astoria.
As the shield dropped, all the Pintarians watched. But before they could do anything, the Anterillian energy based weapons, struck them, detonating their missiles, creating a simultaneous explosion all around, sending a shock wave in towards the city and outwards from their position. As it struck the city shields, they were heavily impacted, burning out many of the generators.
"Report?" asked Astoria.
"We have multiple shield generator failures," replied one man.
"The energy shock wave that struck us, bounced back as well and doubled the destructive force going away from the perimeter target areas. The blast proceeded nearly three hundred miles away. Everything has been destroyed in its path," said another.
"We have a new problem," began a third man. "One of our main core power generators suffered a feedback of power when some of the shield generators failed. It's currently over loading."
"Are all the transports ready to leave?" asked Astoria.
"They are Empress," replied a fourth man.
"Tell them to depart now in haste. Notify our transport to fetch us immediately and waste no time joining us on the platform," ordered Astoria.
Within a few moments, the transport arrived. Everyone boarded, waiting for the fourth man to show. As the building door opened, he ran quickly towards them, when the first of a series of explosions began. He quickly doubled his pace, launching himself into the transport as a second explosion even closer was heard.
"He's aboard, go fast," shouted Tarnoff to the pilot, as the hydrolickly powered door began closing.
As another explosion took place, a large towering building could now be seen falling over. Then, a central explosion took place, devastating what remained of the city. The blast, very powerful, struck the transport, pushing it further up, but at the same time knocking all its systems out.
Meanwhile aboard the Permiscus, Gillesh, having been monitoring with the crew watched as the shock wave hit them. "What's their status?" he asked frantically.
"The shock wave has increased their velocity, but its now starting to decrease. I don't detect any power emanating from the transport, any longer," came the reply.
"Helmsman, plot an intercept course with that transport and proceed at best safe speed," said Gillesh.
"But that will bring us into the atmosphere, captain. We could suffer damage," he said.
"Never mind what damage we could suffer. We need to save our Empress. Now do as you are told, and quickly," said Gillesh tuning to the communications officer. "Notify bay three to stand ready to receive a crashing transport and to have the bay cleared as fast as possible.
"Yes sir," came the reply.
"Helmsman, if there is ever a time you want to impress me with your skills, now you have the chance. Bring us so that the trajectory of that transport goes right into bay three," said Gillesh, standing closer to the main viewer. "All stations, I want full monitoring, and any assistance of information you can give the helmsman, do it."
Back aboard the transport, with all systems dead, the pilot said, "The blast increased our velocity, but we are slowly slowing down. It's only a matter of time before we begin to fall again."
Astoria looked at them all and said, "If it is our time finally, then so be it. I am grateful for you all and the effort you put in. Perhaps in death, I may find out what happened to our lord so many years ago. But, fear not, I will help you all to be reborn among our people as our lord showed and helped me so many times in the far past."
With her speech, everyone crowded around Astoria tightly keeping her at the center and saying, "Empress, if we are going to die, then we will all shield you from the impact."
Just then they felt the shuttle strike something hard, everyone being knocked about.
Laying down on many Astoria said, "There is no way we could have hit the ground already."
Just then they heard noises outside the transport and the door was suddenly tore off.
"Empress are you alright?" asked the man seeing her.
"I am, but I'm a bit confused. Where are we?" asked Astoria.
"Bay three of the Permiscus," he replied.
"Bay three? How?" asked Astoria.
"All I know, is we were told to evacuate the bay and prep for a crashing transport," he replied helping her out.
As Astoria stepped out, she watched as the bay doors finished closing, the wind moving within. "Are we in the planets atmosphere?"
"I would say we are," he replied. "The ships is likely suffering a lot of damage."
"Huh." said Astoria.
"We had better get you all secured out of the bay. We are expecting to receive other transports very soon," he said.
"Of course," said Astoria, looking at everyone else disembark. "All of you please accompany me to the bridge so we can thank the pilot for his excellent work."
Leaving the bay,  Astoria lead the way. As the lifts opened one by one on the bridge, they all exited. No one paid much attention, as everyone was very busy, especially the helmsman, trying to get the ship back in orbit with all the turbulence occurring.
"Captain, we're not getting enough vertical trust to get back into orbit, She just wasn't built for atmospheric travel," said the helmsman.
"Do your best, she may be old, be she was one of the last best ships ever built on the home world," said Gillesh.
As Astoria listened, she looked over the situation quickly then said, "helmsman, disengage all aft vertical thrusters and engage main drives one quarter power."
Not knowing who was speaking, the helmsman replied," that could work."
Gillesh turned around at that same moment, looked at Astoria and said,"Empress."
"Were coming out," began the helmsman, steadying the ship as it broke out of the atmosphere. "That was some good advice," turning to look to see who it was. "Empress?"
"Glad I could be of help, helmsman," said Astoria.
"Empress, how did you know what to do?" he asked.
"What's your name, helmsman?" asked Astoria.
"Thornar, Empress," he replied.
"Well Thornar, I am the second best pilot among all our people," replied Astoria.
"Empress? You were a pilot?" questioned Thornar.
"I was the second pilot ever," replied Astoria. "This is also my flag ship you are piloting."
"Yours? But I thought this was Gillesh's ship," said Thornar.
"Only when I leave him in command," said Astoria looking at Gillesh.
"Oh, then I'm sorry we damaged her," said Thornar.
"Don't worry, she won't be damaged. She is far more durable than most ships in the fleet. It's my flagship if you recall," said Astoria looking around at everyone watching her. "Now, I want a full status report. That includes one for the city as well."
The science officer speaking up first said, "Our city has basically self destroyed itself. If there is anything left, it's very small charred debris. A large portion of the Pintarian territory next to our city has also been utterly destroyed. The shock wave winds also moved past leveling everything in its path for nearly a million metres."
"Empress, a ship self scan indicates no damage sustained," said another.
"All bays are reporting that they are receiving some of the last transports. The Terrragon is receiving some as well, along with the Daemos," said a third.
"Main power is fully operational and waiting," said a fourth.
"Shields and weapons fully operational," said a fifth.
"The dining lounge informs it has pyam pie for dinner," added one last person.
"Pyam pie you say," repeated Astoria, looking at her with interest. "I will make sure I am the first to eat."
Finally speaking up once more Gillesh said, "what are you orders, sir?"
"Finish retrieving the last transports. Once they are secured, proceed to the construction platform," replied Astoria.
"You all heard your captain. Proceed with her orders," said Gillesh to the bridge crew.
"Thornar, one last thing," began Astoria, walking to him. "I and the others from the transport, we wish to praise you for your excellent piloting skills in saving us from certain doom."
Thornar looked up at Astoria and said, "thank you, but thanks should also go to everyone else. Especially captain Gillesh, he ordered me to do it. The rest carefully monitored, guiding me to your capture."
"Well then, we thank all of my bridge crew. We were certain we were going to perish, before we felt the sudden crash into bay three," said Astoria.
After a moment's pause, Thornar asked, "Empress, what will we do now? With such explosions on the planet surface resulting in heavy irradiation, we can't possibly return . Where will we go?"
"Where is a good question. Perhaps we shall return to the home world. By now, it should have healed itself, no longer having much seismic activity," said Astoria.
"We're going to return?" said Gillesh surprised.
"At the current time, I think it's our best option. We have, since we arrived here, gathered plenty of raw building materials, to take back with us. Not to mention, installed FTL drives on the construction platform. Our food supplies have also increased drastically. We have enough for our entire population for at least a year perhaps 2, if we begin growing some on our way. Replanting of our world will not take long," said Astoria.
"What of Mirs?" asked Gillesh.
"Yes, there may be a large population on Mirs by now. Perhaps even a small one on the water world if they succeeded. Either way, we will stop at Mirs on our way," said Astoria.
After joining up with the rest of the fleet, they soon proceeded on their journey back from which they came, over the span of a few month's. As they entered into the system, the science officer puzzled said, "Empress, We seem to have arrived in the wrong system."
"What do you mean?" asked Astoria.
"The third orbit has two planets in it, opposite each other. There is also an extra planet in an outer most orbit where there should be none," he said.
"How can this be. Did we not follow our exact same path we took?" asked Astoria.
"I was sure we did," he replied looking at the stellar data. "Everything seems to be the same except for the extra planets."
"Thornar, bring us closer to this planet which should not be," said Astoria.
As they proceeded closer to it, the rest of the fleet followed as well. They approached the planet, scanning it heavily. Then suddenly a small figure appeared at the front of the bridge.
"Well this is embarrassing. I wasn't prepared for such large bipeds as you are," said the strange figure, growing his size slightly bigger to match. "Now tell me, why have you come into this system with so many ships?"
"Who are you?" asked Astoria.
"The bigger question, is, who are you that you enter this protected system without an invitation?" he asked looking at them all and their facial and body characteristics. "Hmmm, you all seem to have characteristics belonging to an extinct race I know of called Anterellian."
"Extinct race? What do you mean by that? We are Anterellian," said Astoria.
"Indeed? And how is it you come to this system?" he asked.
We thought this was the system where we had left some of our people long ago. We seem to have made a navigational error somehow when we tried returning. We did not mean to trespass in your territory," said Astoria.
"You sound as if you lead these people. Am I correct in my assumption?" he asked.
"I am. I am Empress Astoria," she replied curiously. "How is it that you know of us."
"Ruins of a long dead planet," he replied, looking at her very curiously. "If you are Empress, where is your Emperor?"
She looked at him, thinking back, tears forming and falling. "He died long ago saving us all."
"He died?" he replied in surprise seeing her great sadness. Stepping forward to her, he placed his hand on her face to wipe away her tears. As he did, he suddenly cried out in great pain that he could not endure, falling to the floor. As he lay there, his figure began to morph between himself and another, rapidly switching back and forth between the two.
As Astoria watched, she looked at the second image, which kept looking like Arterio. She bent over even closer, looking intently, seeing flashes of her beloved in this stranger. Finally she put a hand on his forehead to feel if he was alright. In that instant, all time froze around her and she found herself in another place, with the stranger and her beloved.
"What? Where is this?" she asked.
The figure she had been speaking to spoke up saying, "you have entered into my mind."
"You have entered into our mind, spoke the one that looked like Arterio.
"What? Why do you look like my beloved?" asked Astoria.
"Your beloved?" he repeated.
"Does he look like your beloved?" asked the former.
"He does. Why is that?" asked Astoria.
"He is but a shadow of who I was long before I was," he replied.
Suddenly others began to emerge each in an order.
"I am a shadow of who I was before him and this one is a shadow of who was before me," said the one looking like Arterio.
"But I know all these other faces except the last two I have never seen," said Astoria.
"If you know them, then we are connected. But how is that? I have no memory of you. None have a memory before me, save that they know their order," he said walking closer, with the rest then touching her head. As they did, information flowed from her unlocking the secrets that had been locked for so long.
"What did you do?" asked Astoria.
"You! You were the key to my past, which has been locked since before creation." he said, remembering it all. Looking at her again he cupped her face like her beloved did so many other times. "My beloved Astoria. I remember you now."
"What?" she said shocked.
"The last time we spoke, I ordered you out of the system before the doomsday ship arrived. You cried in fear for me when I told you to do so," he said.
"Arterio?" she said confused.
"Yes my dear, that's who I once was. I did not recall, till I felt your touch. You have awakened the very old memories of all the past lives before this one. All except the first one, which is still unknown, with an unknown figure," he said.
"But what happened to you? How is it you can change your form, even your size at will?" Astoria asked, curiosity getting the better of her.
"That is a story too long to tell. But I do thank you for my awakening. I see things much more clearly, for the first time in a long time. How long has it been since we last met?" he said.
"It must be a thousand cycles now," replied Astoria.
"Only a thousand. How lucky you are," he said.
"Lucky? Why is that lucky?"she asked.
"For me it's been far longer my dear. Even though I just recalled you, I have missed you very much," he said, then kissed her in Arterio's form. "This is not the same in here."
In a thought, they returned back to where he lay on the floor on her bridge. As she looked at him laying there, he opened his eyes quickly smiling at her, the entire crew looking at them both.
"What just happened?" asked Astoria.
"You were linked to my mind and within it, my dear," he said getting up, looking around at the same time. Then he pulled Astoria to him kissing her again in the real world, his figure changing into that of Arterio and remaining so.
"Uh, how I have missed you," said Astoria.
Looking upon, Gillesh uttered, "what the?"
Looking up at him Arterio said, "Gillesh, my old friend. Good to see you as well."
"What? Lord Arterio?" questioned Gillesh.
"It is I," replied Arterio.
"But who was the other figure we saw before?" asked Gillesh.
"It was also myself, the form I lived with for such a long time. I did not recall any of you till my touch to Astoria woke the old memories," said Arterio.
"But what happened to you?" asked Gillesh.
"You could say the doomsday ship traumatized me," said Arterio.
"But what happened with it?" asked Gillesh.
"Do you wish to see?" asked Arterio.
"How can we?" asked Gillesh.
"So much has changed for me since we last met," began Arterio, raising his hands open, creating the images for them to see.
As they all watched he showed them the events that occurred till the time the ships were destroyed.
"Then what happened after that to you?" asked Gillesh.
"That is where my very long story begins," said Arterio. "But since you are here, with our people, still wandering I see looking for a home, you can all enjoy the hospitality of my world ship, and remain here with me," said Arterio.
"World ship?" asked Astoria.
"The planet you were scanning before i came aboard," replied Arterio.
"That's a ship?" asked Astoria.
"More than just that. It's also the most advanced technological achievement you can ever dream of. The Gilgarian doomsday ship is quite primitive compared to this. It could fire all that it had, and never breach the shield. I could also destroy it just as easily without effort. But I no longer need technology for that. I am a being of extreme power now," said Arterio.
"Then you could restore the home world to what it was," said Gillesh.
"I cannot change what has been, but, I can save it and replace it with a duplicate copy, before the doomsday ship strikes it," said Arterio.
"But why not go back and stop it altogether?" asked Astoria.
"I would create a paradox, which would unravel time itself. What has been must remain. To change it would cause chaos," said Arterio.
"I don't understand your meaning. but if it must be I will not say anything further,"said Astoria.
"Then prepare yourselves for your new life, which no longer requires the fleet, which will be stowed away till the cycle comes to conclusion," said Arterio.

The Supremum Factor: Book 1: Birth of the EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now