Chapter 1

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April 21st, 2018- 4 Months After Book 1 Ended-

Otabek's POV 1st Person

Yuri slumps against the wall and lets his head fall onto my shoulder. "They're fucking exhausting," I laugh,

"They're happy,"

"That doesn't make them any less annoying," He grumbles, "I'm happy, that doesn't mean I'm going to lose my mind with it,"

"Yes," I smile slightly, "But you're not getting married today," He agrees reluctantly, but still looks pissed off with the couple's antics.

"Remind me why I did this again?" As one, we slide down the wall and sit on the ground, Yuri's head still on my shoulder.

"Because they asked you," I tell him, "And because you love them, you agreed,"

"Fuck off," He mutters but doesn't make any move to leave my side, nor me to his. From this position, his blonde hair tickles my face slightly and I can't help rolling my eyes; of course. He was supposed to put it up for today, he was begged to put it up for today, but has yet to be done and I seriously doubt his motivation to.

"Yurio!" His head snaps up to the end of the hallway. Phichit stands there, in a manic frenzy. "Where have you been! I've been looking for you everywhere, come on we need you-" He stops, seeing the hair. "Why is it still down!" He practically shrieks and we both jump, his frazzled intensity frankly alarming. "Come with me," He says and taps his foot impatiently as Yuri gets up. I mimic his actions, standing lamely by the wall. Even though I'm not the one in trouble I can't help but feel like I ought to seem sufficiently repentant. 

Yuri sighs, knowing there's no point in arguing and follows Phichit down the hall and through the door. He reaches a hand dramatically out to me, "My feet hurt!" He whines and I raise an eyebrow.

"You're a figure skater!" I call back to him and he rolls his eyes,

"That is entirely irrelevant!" He reaches the doorway and gives me a formal salute and bow before disappearing from view, giving the impression of a soldier being drafted.


"Is everyone ready?" Phichit asks firmly as he stands before the closed doors. We all nod, knowing that 'no' isn't the right answer. Phichit types something quickly on his phone before giving us the thumbs up and a tentative smile, a glare in their place to Yuri. He just shrugs and turns to me, grinning. He's just won a fight with Phichit over walking down the aisle. He'd tried to force him to walk down with a bridesmaid, but Yuri point blank refused, saying there's only one person he would go with and it wasn't any of them. At that point, the ensuing argument had to be taken outside and it was decided that Yuri and I would walk down the aisle together, removing the bridesmaid from the equation. This had not been the plan but it's too late to go back on it now, so here I stand, a part of the wedding procession, and hoping I don't screw it up.

The music begins and the doors open, Chris and Phichit walking out arm in arm. The doors are closed after that and, every 30 seconds or so, reopened so the next pair can go through. Soon, it's just Yuri and I, the groom coming in later. I offer my arm to him awkwardly and he takes it, looking just as embarrassed as I feel. We walk into the hall together, smiling forcedly at the audience as Yuri guides me down the aisle. I make a concentrated effort not to trip, and find myself successfully reaching the front and detaching from my partner. I sit down in one of the front rows and watch as the double doors are opened once more, Yuuri stepping through.

He walks slowly down the aisle, eyes fixed upon Victor, both of them looking like they're about to cry, and, in the end, they do. Once Yuuri reaches the alter neither of them can hold out any longer and tears slide down their faces in harmony. At this point I find myself looking at Yuri, my Yuri, and watching the expression he wears. A smile adorns his features, a large genuine smile. Although as he'd never admit to it, I know he's happy the two have found each other and finally gotten married. He loves them and they all know it; as much as he protests, they are his family.

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