Chapter 7

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**Author's Note!**

Guess which dumbass had an idea for another story?

May 4th, 2018- The Next Day-

Otabek's POV

I leave for training late this morning, having lingered for far too long at the apartment, waiting for Yuri to make an appearance. He does not. It was a futile attempt really, I'd doubted very much that he'd go with me but still had to try. 

I haven't seen him since last night, since he walked away after I did the stupidest thing ever. I still can't believe I did, I mean what was I thinking! It's probably too early for all of that, we've only been together for a year and I've obviously freaked him out. Maybe even irretrievably so, I just hope it isn't that bad. That's why I need to see him though, to, I don't know, talk? That sounds stupid, but yeah, talk. I wish I could just take it back, stop myself from potentially screwing everything up. If I could just see him and tell him that, everything would blow over. He knows me well enough to get past something like this, after all, it's not like I proposed. But either way, the only chance I have at fixing all of this is to actually talk to him, and as he's been hiding from me since last night, that may prove to be difficult.

I arrive in the rink and head to the locker rooms, scanning its occupants. Just Yuuri and Victor, I assume everyone else is on the ice by now. As I turn to the lockers I'm surprised though, Yuri's is empty. His is located right beside mine and the vacancy of his skate bag is impossible to miss. This is strange, Yuri never misses practice. Okay, well, he does, but not for something this stupid and trivial. Plus, he uses skating as his outlet -we all do- and the sport helps him come to terms with things difficult for him to deal with. His absence is conspicuous and very worrying, to say the least.

Yuuri, seeming to notice my glance leaves his stretch and comes over, donning his skates next to me. "How is he?" He asks, adjusting the gel pack in the heel as he does, "Is there any news on his grandfather?"

"What do you mean?" I'm confused and look at him completely dumbfounded. Yuri's grandfather? Why would there be news on him? And, more importantly, why does Yuuri know this and I don't?

Yuuri watches my faces curiously, "He didn't tell you?" Caution comes from his every tone and is supplemented by the obvious surprise he wears, "Haven't you seen him? He was going to find you-" He stops as I shake my head.

"What's going on?" I ask him, my worry mounting, "Is everything okay? Where is he?" Yuuri bites his lip and looks unsure, but after seeing the apparent desperation in my face, relents.

"Moscow." He says firmly, "He flew out last night,"

"Moscow? Why's he in Moscow?" I ask him, uncomprehending, 

"Well, we ran into each other in a coffee shop last night," Yuuri begins, "And he got a call- his grandfather's in the hospital, apparently it's urgent. Yurio was told to come right away." 

"Oh no," I breathe, processing this information. That's why he's in Moscow, that's where his grandfather lives. Fuck this is bad. "Did he say anything else? Where to find him or-?" Yuuri shakes his head. He and Victor watch me, obviously wondering what I'm doing as I've gotten up and am stuck halfway between running to the airport to find him and leaving him be in case he needs space. I pick up my phone from my skate bag and dial his number- once, twice, three times the call times out. The pair continues their surveillance upon me as I send him numerous texts, and, finally, abandon my phone altogether and replace it in its pocket. I pick up the bag and look towards the door anxiously, worried that following him across the country may bridge on creepy obsessive boyfriend behavior. 

As if sensing my indecision, Yuuri gives me a small smile, "Go, he'll need you there," I nod and take a step towards the exit before turning around and facing them once more.

"Will you let Yakov know?" Victor smiles and gives me a small nod. With this assurance, I leave the rink, making only one stop on the way to the airport.


I arrive in Moscow four hours later, having had to wait two hours before a flight took off. I used the two hours to my advantage though, undergoing some serious detective work to figure out where exactly I'm headed. 

I knew that Yuri had grown up in a little neighborhood in the city's center called Patriarch Ponds, and, as he lived with his grandfather and never mentioned moving, I can assume he still lives there. After that, I googled the closest hospitals to the town, coming up with three options. One of these options was a pediatric center, which I crossed off the list, another, a glorified Urgent Care, to which I did likewise, and the final was a place called GEMC Hospital. After visiting their website, I deemed this the most likely option, and once I'd called pretending to be Yuri, it became clear that his grandfather was indeed a patient there. 

After all of this, I can't escape the feeling that I'm a stalker and Yuri would prefer to be left alone, but think it ill-advised to turn back now after having come so far, and make my decision in giving the taxi the hospital's address.

I find out Nikolai's room number fairly easily, and, deciding not to impersonate Yuri again as they've doubtlessly already seen him, go instead by Otabek Plisetsky, relation unspecified. I make my way to his room and find it to be located off a sort of park thing in the middle of the floor, its one wall entirely made of windows with a curtain drawn halfway across them. 

Through the un-curtained portion of the glass, I see Yuri, sitting at his grandfather's bedside with his head in his hands. His blonde hair falls forward and obscures his face but his shoulders shake gently and I imagine I can see the tear tracks down his cheeks. I hesitate across the clearing from them, torn between not wanting to intrude on whatever's happening but desiring to help in whatever limited way I can.

As I watch Yuri through the window, he turns, brushing his blonde hair back and wiping his red-rimmed eyes. His gaze moves from its previous object; the bed, and drifts outside the room, into the hallway beyond it. It falls upon me, and, in an instant, we're together.

We cross the distance between us and meet on either side of the door. It opens and Yuri all but falls into my arms, crying softly. I hug him close to me, stroking his hair and letting him cry, doing anything I can to comfort him.

We remain like this for a long time and I can tell how worried he is just by this omission of vulnerability. "Beka," He says very quietly, his voice small and fraught with tears, "Thank you for coming,"

I give him a soft kiss on the forehead, "Always,"

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 2Where stories live. Discover now