Chapter 9

111 2 42

May 8th, 2018- Three Days Later-

Yuri's POV

It's been two days since we were able to bring Grandpa home from the hospital and we've settled into a sort of rhythm now we're here. Otabek, for one, transitioned seamlessly into our dynamic and it now seems like he's always been here, which, as strange as it is, is kind of nice. The only thing that bothers me is how he and Grandpa are together. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're getting along so well, but they're almost too friendly. They make jokes together and exchange knowing glances whenever I do something they deem too 'Yuri-ish'. It's like they're plotting against me, I don't like it.

That's another thing, although Otabek and I never out and out told him we're together, he just seems to know. That sounds strange, but he'll watch us together and get this look in his eye, like he's waiting for one of us to propose or something. It's not that I mind he knows, Otabek and I are open about our relationship, and it's not like my grandfather would judge us or anything, it's just disconcerting how perceptive he is. It feels like he knows us almost better than I do, although I guess him knowing from the get-go alleviates the necessity of us telling him, killing the awkward scenario that had been playing in my mind.

"Yura?" I snap out of my thoughts to my grandfather's prompt, his eyes on me and inquisitive.

"Sorry, what?" He shakes his head slightly and smiles, giving me the distinct feeling he knows where my mind was.

"I was asking whether you were going skating today," I shake my head, glancing over my shoulder to the pair of skate bags sitting side by side on the coffee table in the other room.

"We've only been home two days, I don't think it's safe to leave you yet," My grandfather looks adamant,

"I'm fine, Yura. You need to go back eventually, I'll be fine on my own," He starts to stand up, leaving the kitchen table. He winces though, and I'm automatically by his side, slipping an arm around his shoulders to ease the transition to his feet, taking the pressure off his back. He resists for a second, knowing this is killing his argument, then, sighing, allows me to help. With my assistance, grudgingly accepted, he goes into the living room, taking my arm as he leans down to sit on the couch.

"This is why I want to wait," I say, crossing my arms in front of me as a response to the anticipated eye roll I receive from my counterpart. "You can't get around by yourself- what if you need help, or fall or something?" He huffs, and I nod my head to the kitchen table, mentally watching our arduous trek to the current position. 

"I'm not an invalid!" I groan: he's as stubborn as I am. "Otabek!" He calls and the requested figure emerges from the kitchen, having been doing dishes and staying determinedly out of our argument. "Tell him I'll be fine if he leaves for a few hours," Otabek looks between us, then, slowly, raises his hands and backs out of the room, surrendering.

"Beka!" I yell and drag him back. "I'm right, right? Help me out here,"

"Please don't make me get in the middle of this," He begs me, then, reading the room, sighs, knowing he won't get out of giving an opinion. My grandfather and I watch him intently, the same fire burning in our eyes, frustrated with the idiocy of the other. "Well," He says hesitantly, looking at me, pained. "I'd have to take your grandfather's side on this one," 

"What!" I exclaim, betrayed, even as my grandpa laughs victoriously,


"But-" Otabek intervenes quickly, seeing my mouth open and seeking a chance to defend his ground and redeem himself in my eyes. "Only because you do need to practice, and-"

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