Chapter 27

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For your viewing pleasure, and because I am incapable of not having at least one adorable Maria moment in each chapter, I give you: an on-time update for once!

December 31st, 2021-- 7 months later

Otabek's POV-- 3rd Person Omniscient

"How many times in the last year have they talked us into babysitting?"

"Not as many times as you've won gold."

"Exactly! Too fucking many times!"

Otabek doesn't even bother to respond, just chuckling at the accuracy of Yuri's comment. The pair walks the route they have so often in the last fourteen months, traveling up the road to Victor and Yuuri's house after once again being recruited to babysit.

"We spend too much time with them," Yuri grumbles, dragging his feet as they turn onto the path to the couple's front door.

"Victor and Yuuri won't even be there most of the time," Otabek reasons, "It'll just be Maria-- you can't say you don't love her,"

Yuri gives a noncommittal shrug in response, but Otabek can see and glories in the smile trying to make its presence known upon Yuri's face.

"Whatever, I still maintain that we're raising their kid for them," 


After kisses from the parents (Yuri barely manages to dodge Victor's attempt to kiss him) and excited squeals from Maria, Yuri and Otabek are left alone with their charge and are immediately challenged to participate in a Frozen Two singalong. Initially, neither Yuri nor Otabek is too keen on participating in the performance, but, after a surprisingly small amount of cajoling from Maria, Yuri gives in, snatching up a hairbrush to use as a microphone and proceeding to belt his heart out to "Into the Unknown." Otabek definitely doesn't sneak a recording of the performance.

Later, Yuri will insist that he was just doing what any good babysitter would do and that Maria challenged him to a singing competition so he couldn't say no. The fact that his hair was in an Elsa braid at the time of the recording is irrelevant. 

Sitting on the couch, Otabek is perfectly content watching the show unfold before him, manning the volume on the backing tracks while Yuri and Maria take turns singing the lyrics. All good things come to an end, though, and the second Otabek finds himself thanking the Frozen gods for not making him participate, he's being hauled up and pushed onto the stage (the living room carpet) by Maria with the hairbrush thrust into his hand.

"Your turn!" She sing-songs, and all of Otabek's protests go unheard as Maria takes it upon herself to pick out the song for him and put it and the lyrics up on the TV for him.

"I'm really not a singer--" Otabek tries again, but is silenced immediately by Yuri.

"Oh no, you're not a DJ or anything who writes music and scores like 24/7," Yuri replies, raising an eyebrow, "And you certainly don't sing the early versions of your compositions-- I've definitely never walked in on you recording them." Resignedly, Otabek picks up the hairbrush.

Things become drastically worse when the song begins to play, and one look at Maria shows an evil grin on her face. The little demon planned this.

So, trying his best to fight the blush steadily creeping up his face, Otabek sings "Lost in the Woods", and keeps his gaze determinedly on the floor the whole time. By the time the closing notes fade out, both Yuri and Otabek are glowing red and Maria's grin is so wide her face may split in half.

"You know," Maria's smile widens, "I think that song is too high for your voice; Yuri, how about you sing it and we compare?"

"How about lunch?" Otabek is quick to interrupt and Yuri springs to his feet,

"Sounds good-- I'm starving!" Leaving a pouting Maria in the living room, they flee to the kitchen, where they don't look at each other the entire time they're in there-- not even when they burn the chicken nuggets so badly they're rendered inedible or when the mac and cheese almost catches on fire. 

Maria likes pizza better anyway.

One large pizza, two medium fries with extra cheese, and a delivery guy later, the trio is fed, and lounging on the couch watching a movie.

"You know," Maria says contemplatively, staring at the Elsa on screen, because, of course, they're watching Frozen Two again. "You're a lot like Elsa,"

"Me?" Yuri looks over from the screen, eyebrows raised, "No I'm not,"

"Yes you are," Maria argues, "You sing the song like her-- and your hair's blonde!"

"I'm not Elsa," Yuri says firmly, before his Maria dubbed 'serious face' fades and he lets out a small laugh, "If anything, I think Beka's far more similar to her than I am"

Otabek chokes, "Me?"

"Yeah," Yuri shrugs, "You've got the whole stoic, broody thing down, and you're adventurous in a way-- you have your bike and you're the hero of like your entire country." 

Otabek just shakes his head, laughing, "Whatever you say,"


Half an hour later, movie over, finds them on the front lawn, in the middle of a vicious snowball fight-- their first this winter. 

"Get him!" Maria screams as she launches herself behind the snow fort she and Yuri have constructed, and Otabek looks up at the girl's partner. 

"No!" He cries, but it's too late and he's already flat on his back, snow being stuffed in his face.

Yuri cackles maniacally from where he kneels a few feet away, pelting snowballs toward his boyfriend at the speed of light. Recovering his wits, Otabek gets off his back, grabbing at his own pile of snowballs and launching himself at his aggressor. 

Yuri shrieks and tries to dive back behind the protective wall of his fort, but misses and is pinned to the ground by Otabek above him, grinning devilishly. A handful of snow in the face as payback, and Yuri's spluttering, flakes of white in his blonde hair that fans out around him. Otabek laughs,

"What?" Yuri asks, and Otabek grins,

"Maybe you are Elsa,"

"Fuck off!"


Yeah, I didn't intend for this to become a tribute to Frozen Two, but it kinda happened. Fun.

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