Chapter 3

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**Author's Note!**

I'm so sorry, it's been five days!! Ugh, where has the time gone? But, to be fair, you have no idea how much research and rereading of past chapters this one's production required. All I can say is a) OMG MY WRITING SUCKS, and b) THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG. I don't mind though, I spent so long on this (and the next) chapter because they're important pieces of the plot puzzle (hehe) and I wanted to get them as close to perfect for you guys as I could! I love you all so much (I say to the literal two of you reading this haha) and I hope this chapter isn't as chaotic for you as it feels for me. As hard as I tried to make it all work I'm honestly not sure how well I did. It was a cool idea but I'm not sure I did it justice. (Also, to those of you familiar with Tessa Netting, this is NOT that). I hope you guys like this! Enjoy!

May 3rd, 2017- Two Days Later-

Otabek's POV 

"Wake up!" I'm gracefully roused from sleep as a particular excited kitten jumps on me. I open my eyes to see said excited kitten sitting on my knees and staring at me intently, grinning. 

"Good morning," I say and sit up slightly, attempting to shield my eyes against the brightness of the open windows. Yuri hops off me so I can get up, looking way too eager to ever be considered normal. "What's going on?" I ask him warily, knowing how mischevious he can be, "You're never awake before me," I glance at the clock on my bedside table, 9 am. He must've turned off my alarm.

"Today I had good reason to be," He says brightly, barely containing his enthusiasm for the day to come. "Get up! We have a lot to do!" He starts to leave the room but I call him back,

"Hold on- what do you mean we have a lot to do today?" He grins and doesn't reply so I can assume it's a secret, "Are we not going to training?"

"Nope!" He throws a pillow he's grabbed off my bed at me from the doorway calling, "45 minutes!" It's just as well, if we were going to skating we'd have had to leave 3 hours ago.

I smile slightly as I catch the pillow and replace it where it belongs. What could he possibly be so excited about? Then I catch a glimpse of my phone, the date on the screen explaining everything. Of course.

I get out of bed quickly and before long I'm downstairs, meeting my boyfriend in the kitchen. I raise an eyebrow at the counter, entirely covered in a mess of ingredients and leaving little room for anything else. Yuri smiles and hands me a card, it reads;

Today we're going back in time. The highlights of our journey will be marked by memorable experiences together throughout the last year. Before we do this, however, breakfast is necessary, can you guess what we're making?

I laugh as I read it, surprised at how much trouble this must've been. Yuri watches me expectantly, waiting for a response. I hazard a guess before even examining the room's contents, "Piroshki," I tell him and he nods, handing me the bag of breadcrumbs I remember so well.

45 minutes later we've finished our task and a tray of steaming buns sits in front of us. As I reach for one, hungry after being awake for so long without food, I'm presented with another card. I cock an eyebrow as I take it, Yuri looking simultaneously embarrassed and pleased as I do.

Piroshki. It's been a while since we've made it together. Can you remember what we did the first time? If you need one, here's a hint; if you don't get this, I'll SCREAM at you. 

I laugh, shaking my head slightly. "We watched Scream afterward," He nods, "It was our first day as a couple," He takes my hand and leads me into the living room, bringing the tray of baked goods with us. We sit down on the couch and get comfortable, watching the horror movie at 11 am the way no normal people would. Then again- what about us is normal?


Almost two hours later, the movie is over and we're laughing, Potya having jumped about a foot into the air at the last scene. She mews at us reproachfully, stalking out of the room in a dignified way, tail held high in the air. It's a good few minutes before we calm down again, but eventually, a third card appears. It reads;

While that movie was fun, what else did we do that day? (Besides piroshki) Also- what do you think of this GAME? I think there are better ones. Ones I always win......

I laugh out loud, "Not this again," Yuri smiles, the sadistic little gleam coming to his eye. "A massacre?" He nods and hands me a controller

"Maybe you'll win this time," He says nonchalantly with a shrug, but we both know there's no chance of that. 


I come close though, or, closer than before anyway. I manage to knock half a heart off of Yuri's avatar's life but he exacts revenge quickly, taking three of mine. I'm almost winning when he pulls off some weird specialty move, beating the crap out of the guy onscreen and claiming a victory. We play seven rounds until the game takes pity on me, stopping the tournament and declaring that 'Player A wins!' I don't mind this though, seeing the delight on Yuri's face as the little pixelated crown gets placed on his player's head is equal to nothing. 

"It wasn't a surprise," I joke as he glories emphatically, "I suck at video games,"

"You do," He agrees and I laugh, "I think I know a game you'll have a chance at though," He cocks an eyebrow, unable to rid himself of the competitive spirit. "Want to?"

"Sure," We get up and turn off the TV, putting my poor character out of its misery. "Where is this game?" In response, Yuri just pulls out another card. "Wow, you really planned this didn't you?" I grin at him in endeared amazement.

"You have no idea," He replies, "So many damn notes," I smile and read the small paragraph in my hand.

You suck at video games.

I shake my head and laugh, only Yuri.

But you may have some redeemable qualities. Hand-eye coordination maybe? Either way, there's a place with many games, one of which you must be able to win. Can you guess where? 

"The arcade," I tell him and he smiles, confirming my question before grabbing his phone and heading out the door. I move to grab my bike, assuming we're going to the normal place but Yuri shakes his head.

"I found a shortcut," Taking a risk and trusting his directions, I abandon the thought of driving and grab his hand, walking together down the street. 

The arcade idea is truly inspired as it comes from so long ago and a different country altogether. It happened last year when I accidentally got onto the plane to Hasetsu and this whole thing started. We were both returning to Saint Petersburg and took the same flight, finding ourselves with a six-hour layover at Pohang Airport. By the time we got to the gate for the connecting flight, we had four hours left and were losing our minds with boredom. We were on the point of walking around, trying to find a decent restaurant when we encountered a crappy little arcade with flashing lights and old fashioned games. Of course, we had to go inside and ended up spending most of our time there, getting ridiculously enthusiastic over a particularly heated Pac-Man debate. By the time we had to go (we were about to miss our flight) we'd decided that Yuri holds supreme reign over the more recent games while I'm better at the ones that require more physical components, like air hockey for example. 

The fact that he's remembered this and actually written it into today's schedule so I have a chance at winning something is frankly astounding- I can't believe he cares so much. It's obvious how much work he's put into today and it's so amazing that he has, I'd never expect something like this and it's not fair to make him do it. But he's done it anyway and done it all on his own without me having any idea that it existed. As we walk along in the warm sunlight together I can't help but think about how amazing my boyfriend is.

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