Chapter 20

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Yuri's POV-- 3rd Person Omniscient

December 25th, 2018- Christmas Day-

"No!" Yuri screams, "Not again! I can't do two days in a row!" He burrows under the covers, hiding from the assault to his ears, "For god's sake let me sleep!" Just like yesterday, the attack on him pauses momentarily and dread fills the pit of his stomach.

"Maria," He can hear Victor's voice next to the bed and god help him he's killing them all. He hears indistinct whispers from just above his duvet cover and a sharp giggle before his safe haven is ripped away from him. "Go!" Victor cries and several pairs of hands, Katsuki must be here too, the traitor, attack him.

Yuri thrashes around, trying to rid himself of the relentless abuse, but, eyes still shut, not at all aware of his surroundings, he can't seem to escape them.

"Die, Yurio!" Maria's shriek of laughter is audible over all the bedlam, and he feels the barely-restrained bursts of his own bubble up through his chest. They're tickling him, the fiends.

Against his will, Yuri howls with laughter, facing attack from all sides and now laughing too hard to properly see anything in the blanket-covered world.

"Beka!" He gasps, "Help me!"

"Oh, but I am," Otabek's smooth voice comes from the wall of tickling fingers and Yuri rips his eyes open.

"You traitor!" He manages before dissolving into giggles, "I'll make you pay!"

"Terrifying," Otabek's flat voice returns, "Coming from the guy curled into a ball hiding from a tickle-war waged by a five-year-old-- whatever will I do?"

Yuri is powerless to respond as Otabek's point is valid and he is currently being tickled senseless. But, even as he lays prone and shaking with giggles under the torrent of tickles, he knows he will get revenge, and boy will it suck for Otabek.


After untangling himself from the ball of covers he'd formed during the attack (the attack which Yuri is convinced is the most traumatic event of his young life), Yuri makes his way downstairs, plopping down at the kitchen table and glaring at Otabek from behind his blonde fringe. Otabek just looks evenly back at him and continues working away at the stack of pancakes before him. He too, it seems, is glorying in the break from training diets.

From beside him, Maria bounces up and down in impatience, having devoured her breakfast at an alarming rate (they were all concerned that she would choke) and watches them eat theirs looking tortured. Yuri is tempted to slow down and take another hour to eat his as revenge for this morning's wake up call, but after looking at her wide eyes decides he isn't that cruel. Or, he thinks with a savage smile, all of his day's allotment of cruelty will shortly be focused on Victor, so he can't spare any for the man's daughter.

Victor, seeming to read his thoughts, sees the maniacal smile on his face and shudders slightly, looking concerned for his life and staring resolutely down into his pancakes, determinedly not engaging.

Yuri smirks slightly at the fear he's inspired and takes another bite of his pancakes.

Nearly fifteen minutes have elapsed when Maria decides she's had enough and stands up from the table, taking Yuri and Yuuri's hands and leading them pleadingly into the living room. They exchange exasperated yet amused glances (and in that moment Yuri feels so old) but allow her to drag them to a stop in front of the Christmas tree.

Otabek and Victor appear behind them and they settle down on either side of their prospective partners, Victor and Yuuri with their daughter in front of them.

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