Chapter 10

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**Author's Note!**

This is quick, but I just wanted to let you know that this story is NOT set in the same universe as the Unexpected. I decided this a while ago but forgot to tell you. I understand how similar these two stories may be (ie, the names and ages of secondary and background characters) but know that nothing carries over from one to the other. If you get confused it's totally understandable, it probably will be at least slightly confusing, so please comment and let me know. I can, and will, always answer your questions so feel free to ask! Sorry in advance, and, enjoy the story!

May 18th, 2018- Ten days Later-

Yuri's POV

After checking and double-checking with both my grandpa and his doctors that it's okay, we leave. I'm slightly nervous about this, but, after the assurances that he can get around by himself, Mrs. Chernov from next door will stop in on him, and that he won't need anything (we did the shopping) I can be sure that it's safe to.

We say goodbye to my grandpa in the front garden and then embark upon the short drive that will take us to the airport. In some ways, leaving is the same as it is every time I go, the routes and stops familiar. In other ways though, it's incredibly different. That main difference being, that I am no longer alone. 

Otabek exchanges a hug with my grandfather after a provocation from the old man, and goes only after being told to 'come back and visit soon.' I think them meeting went well, and, the fact that Otabek's so obviously in love with me (as phrased by my grandpa during an extremely uncomfortable conversation while he was out of the room) put my boyfriend in his good books. 

The drive to the airport with him is nice, I point out some of the scenery we missed on the way here, and we just generally enjoy each other's company. Once we arrive, we pass through customs easily, the lines being fairly short, and arrive barely half an hour later at the ticket barrier. 

We hand the woman our tickets and give her our flight number and gate as she checks them over. As she does so, a small crease appears between her eyebrows. Otabek and I glance at each other as she scans the tickets again, typing on her keyboard as she watches the computer screen intently. At last, she looks up at us and hands our tickets back, an apologetic look on her face,

"I am so sorry," She says, "I'm afraid we've accidentally double-booked your seats with another couple,"  She says this with a sympathetic but firm tone, 

"Is there anything else you can give us?" Otabek asks her, and she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, the entire flight is booked solid, there isn't any room left." I glance toward my boyfriend,

"Is there another flight we can get on?" He tries again, "Saint Petersburgh is only an hour and a half away, there must be something leaving from here," She shakes her head again,

"I'm afraid not, that would've been the last flight leaving for that destination in three days. I groan, 

"Is there seriously nothing you can do for us?" I ask her, beyond irritated.

"Well," She begins, "Your tickets will be refunded of course, and you have our sincerest apologies," She pauses, glancing once more at her screen. After reading something on it she perks up, "But, I have been authorized to give you two tickets of equal value to somewhere else," 

"What are the options?" I ask, wondering if it's possible to get a connecting flight from one of those places.

"Vienna, London, Florence, Tokyo," She lists off and Otabek and I glance at each other, both of us knowing the odds of that is slim.

"Shanghai, Fez, and Almaty." She finishes and I stop at the last one.


I glance at my boyfriend, who has also his interest piqued by the final name. The woman looks between us, "So," She says, "Are you two interested in any of those?"

"Yuri?" Otabek looks at me for confirmation, trying hard to seem indifferent although I can clearly see how eager he is.

"Yes," I say to the woman, "Almaty," She smiles,

"I'm so glad to hear that! Let me pull up the tickets," She clacks away at her keyboard and prints out two boarding passes, handing them to us, "There's about 45 minutes until the plane leaves, so you should have more than enough time. You're at gate 27A," She finishes and wishes us well.

"So," I say, my gaze flitting from my ticket to my boyfriend, "Almaty,"  He looks at me too,

"Is that okay?" I nod and continue walking, my eyes on the floor. "It just seemed like a good opportunity," He says after a while, his eyes on me, "You know, free tickets and no solid way of getting home. It's a good excuse to go,"

"Yeah, it is," I reply and he smiles,

"Plus, I'll get to introduce you to my family," He says lightly,

I nod in agreement but feel my mind wander away as we reach our gate. This time, we're able to board the plane with no trouble, and get two seats together, conveniently situated near the front of the plane. 

As we take off, I only half pay attention to the safety speech, having flown so many times I could recite it from memory, and having far more pressing matters to think about.

I'm meeting his family.

I don't know why, but the thought scares me, striking me as a big step although he's just met mine. Was this how he felt when he met Grandpa? I didn't really think about it, entirely focused on helping him get well again. This seems more formal though- instead of just coming to support me the way Otabek did, I'm going specifically to meet them. And while I know I was the one who confirmed that we were going, I can't help but find the task daunting. 

The size difference alone is worrying- he has a mother a father and a sister, I only have my grandpa and my cat, the latter of whom already knew and loved Otabek. With this though, there are three times as many humans to make a good impression on. Plus his sister- she's what? Ten? I know nothing about kids, what if I accidentally swear in front of her? From what I've heard, Allie (that's her name) is adorable and really nice, but  I can't help but worry. Even if she can find it in her not to vehemently despise me, which, as I know all too well, is quite an accomplishment, that's no accounting for her parents. 

I've never been a likable person, and especially not to adults. I'm brusque and rude and for the most part inconsiderate- everyone over the age of 30 (and pretty much everyone in general) hates me. And while I normally wouldn't care, these are Otabek's parents, and I know he's close with them. If they hate me I'll be royally screwed- not only damaging the chances for our relationship as *kind of* parents and son in law (can you say that when you're just dating?) in the long term, but fucking it up with Otabek as well. 

He's a nice person, a good son, and even though I have faith he wouldn't just end things with me because of their opinions, I know it won't exactly help us move forward.

I'm broken out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I jump slightly and find my boyfriend watching me, a sweetly concerned expression on his face. "Don't worry," He tells me firmly, no hint of doubt in his voice, "They'll love you," I nod,

"Thanks," And kiss him- "I hope so,"

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