Chapter 23

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I know this is a day late-- sorry!

About three months since the last chapter (around May) 2019

Yuri's POV-- 3rd Person Omniscient

"I can't believe I got roped into this," Yuri grumbles as the apartment door swings shut behind him, "Why did I agree to this again?"

"Because you love Maria," Otabek supplies-- unhelpfully, in Yuri's opinion.

"That doesn't mean I have to let myself be loaned out as a rent-a-sitter at a moment's notice. Besides," Yuri continues, "Why can't they do it? Why do they suddenly need a date night that starts at 3 pm?"

"Sometimes people need breaks," Otabek reasons and Yuri scoffs,

"A break from what? Maria's an angel, and even if she wasn't, they signed up for this when they had a kid— why should we have to raise her for them?"

"Okay, I think you're being a tad overdramatic," Otabek says, rolling his eyes fondly. "They just asked you to pick her up from school today and hang out for a while— you'll be home by nine,"

"I don't recall asking for your input," Yuri says snarkily,

"Yeah, yeah," Otabek replies, ruffling Yuri's hair and earning himself an indignant shriek, "next time you beg me to babysit with you, I'll say no," Yuri shrugs, unperturbed by the declaration,

"Whatever. But still, ugh! Training was killer today and I'm fucking exhausted."

"We were allowed to leave two hours early because of this," Otabek reminds him

"Which just goes to show that Victor doesn't care about our careers in relation to his childcare arrangements!"

"Okay, quiet now." Otabek says, tossing Yuri's hood over his face.

"Rude." Yuri remarks, throwing the hood back, but quiets nonetheless.

They make it about halfway down the street before Yuri speaks again. "You haven't seen Maria's school before, have you?" Otabek shakes his head, "You'll like it," Yuri says, "It's the kind of perfect, suburban school that everyone dreams of sending their kids to."

"Suburban?" Otabek asks, amused, "We're in the middle of Saint Petersburg," Yuri rolls his eyes,

"Believe me, it gives a great impression of Idaho or wherever,"

"Idaho?" Otabek grins, "Does it have potatoes everywhere?"

"Ha-ha, asshole," Yuri pushes Otabek lightly, "I don't know, wherever it is that you want to think of as a perfect little family haven,"

"... and you think of Idaho?"

"Oh fuck off!" Otabek laughs and deflects easily as Yuri's fists ineffectually pummel his arm. By the time they get to the school, they're both laughing and Yuri smiles at Maria's squeal upon seeing them.

"Yurio! Otabek!" Maria cries excitedly, running from her class line and launching herself at the pair. Yuri laughs and catches her, using the momentum to spin her around a little.

"Hey, you," He says, smiling,

"Are you guys picking me up?" She asks as Yuri sets her down, looking between him and Otabek.

"Yup," Otabek says, bending down at her insistence and giving her a hug. Yuri's heart melts on the spot. "We're going to be hanging out with you all night," Maria gives a kind of excited shimmy-squeal and neither Yuri nor Otabek can hold in their laughs.

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