Chapter 26

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Yes, that is the cake mentioned. ^^

April 21st, 2021-- 13 months later--

Otabek's POV-- 3rd Person Omniscient

"If they get too lovey-dovey I want you to clock me over the head with a wine bottle."

"Somehow I think that that behavior at an anniversary party might be frowned upon."

Yuri rolls his eyes, "Believe me, everyone will be jealous. If I know anything about those two idiots --and I know too fucking much-- I know that getting knocked out and hopefully concussed will be the best part of the next few hours."

At this Otabek just laughs, "Whatever you say," 

Yuri swats at his arm where it rests around his waist, but the carefully repressed smile slips out before he can stop it. "Are you seriously telling me that you want to go to this thing?"

Otabek shrugs, looking carefully away from the prying, incredulous eyes of his boyfriend, "I think it's a nice idea: it's sweet to want to show everyone that they love each other all over again."

"Only you would think that," Yuri snarks, "When they got married literally three years ago." 

"Okay, yeah," Otabek concedes, "It's a bit overzealous, but still: it's sweet."

Thankfully for Otabek, Yuri is robbed of the chance to respond, for at that moment they walk into the hotel and are assaulted by their conversation topic in all of its glittery glory.

"Yurio!" Yuri lets his head fall onto Otabek's shoulder, shutting his eyes for a few seconds, visibly resigned to his fate. His brief peace is ended though when Victor bounds up to them, grinning his heart-shaped smile from ear to ear. "I can't believe you came!"

"Me either," Yuri groans but Otabek elbows him and forces him to hold his head up on his own, 

"Thank you for inviting us," He replies instead and Victor gives a little nod,

"Of course-- it couldn't be a celebration without our son and his one true love!"

Yuri opens his mouth to retaliate-- doubtless with some variation of "I'm not your son!" and "shut the fuck up you goddamn creep!" but is cut off by a little black-haired blur who streaks past and catapults herself into the arms of the former.

"Uncle Yurio!"

Yuri laughs, trying to regain his balance with a wriggling Maria in his arms and to simultaneously hold her in a way that prevents the skirt of her little party dress from lifting and flashing everyone. Otabek puts a hand on the small of his back to help steady him. "Hey Maria," 

The little girl smiles and lets herself be put down, smoothing her red pleated dress primly as she lands on the floor. Her poise is enough to suggest that she hasn't just thrown herself for someone to catch without a care in the world. Otabek tries to restrain the endeared little smile that threatens to make an appearance on his face, knowing Maria wouldn't appreciate what she would see as being laughed at.

The eight-year-old in question smiles up at them, practically bouncing with excitement. "Uncle Yurio, Uncle Beka, come on! There's a huge cake!" She doesn't wait for a response and grabs Yuri's hand, dragging him through the throngs of people standing around the party.

With a glance over his shoulder, Yuri grins and grabs Otabek's hand too, pulling him along after himself and his captor so the three of them form some sort of snake as they twist and weave through the party-goers. Otabek turns to apologize to Victor for leaving so rudely, but the man just watches as he's dragged away and laughs, something in his face showing that he's not at all surprised by the turn of events.

They eventually stop at the table along one wall where the food is lined up, and, Otabek finds, Maria was right: the cake is rather large. Four tiers with white icing and pink frosting roses, it has the little girl practically salivating at the mouth as she leads Yuri closer to the cake, pointing out this and that with her eyes aglow. Yuri nods seriously in response to her observations, throwing in a few of his own, and smiling when Maria drapes herself into his arms dramatically, proclaiming that she must have that cake now or she will die! 

With the intention to keep her from her sudden and painful death, Yuri does what is necessary: he tickles her. Seizing the opportunity with her sprawled in his arms, Yuri sneakily begins to reason with her as an adult, before launching into a full-scale tickle attack.

Maria squeals and thrashes in Yuri's grip, all thoughts of her cake-dependency gone, giggling and laughing hysterically under the torrent of tickles. Watching them, completely wrapped up in each other and both laughing and smiling widely, Otabek thinks idly that Yuri is really great with Maria, a soft smile curling his lips as he envisions their future. 

All too soon he's torn from his thoughts, however, as Maria's desperate cries for aid reach his ears, and he jumps into the fray.


It isn't a surprise for anyone when Yuri rolls his eyes as Victor and Yuuri take their second first dance together, mumbling darkly that it's a fucking anniversary party, and that, it's only been three damn years; this is totally unnecessary.

Otabek rolls his eyes at Yuri's antics, and, once the song is over, shuts him up by way of dragging him onto the dance floor. "Wow, Beka," Yuri says with a light laugh as Otabek spins him, "I never thought that you would be the one to propose dancing tonight,"

Otabek wonders idly if Yuri would take him to be the one to propose, but doesn't comment on the thought, instead pulling Yuri back in after another tango-like spin. He shrugs, "I'm a man of mystery," 

Yuri laughs, "At least so the gossip magazines say. Did you see what GQ wrote about you: 'Otabek Altin; the dark horse of the figure skating world-- what would people say if they knew he was actually  5'2 and wears lifts?'"

"Damn, they've finally caught up to me,"

Yuri throws back his head and laughs at this; the warm fairy lights halo his golden hair and give his pale skin a soft glow, making his eyes sparkle and dance with mirth. Otabek thinks, as he watches him continue the story about how Otabek manages to fake his height in competitions, that he wouldn't mind watching Yuri for the rest of his life, and smiles at the thought.


Will I ever get my shit together and update on time? No.

Will you be free of it soon? Yes.

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