Chapter 11

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May 19th, 2018- The Next Day-

Otabek's POV- 1st Person

"Is this a good idea?" Yuri asks me anxiously, "We only gave them like 4 hours notice, they don't need to put us up," 

"Don't worry," I tell him, "I suggested that we book a hotel and my mom practically begged us to stay," He still doesn't look convinced, "If it makes you feel better," I add, "I've shown up with zero notice before, they're always fine with it,"

"Well yeah," Yuri replies, "You're their son, what would they do- kick you out? Me on the other hand..." He trails off and chews on his lip slightly, a habit he adopts when he's nervous.

"Don't worry," I reply reassuringly, "They'll love you," He nods but any fool can see how scared he is, and, as horrible as it is to say, it's kind of nice that he is. The fact he's so worried to meet them implies that he cares about their opinion on him, which means he wants them to like him, leading me to believe he values this relationship. While I hate that he's so worried and wish I could make him feel better, I am happy to know that this, and I, am important to him. Not that I doubted it before, but the evidence is nice to have all the same. "Come on," I say and take his hand, "We're here," 

Yuri's POV- 1st Person

The entire car ride to Otabek's parents' house my head whirls, god I hope they don't hate me. It's really out of character for me to be this worried, and worried in general, about external validation, I know, but I can't seem to help it. As nonchalant as I may seem about people's views on me, I, like everyone on the earth, don't want to be despised if at all possible.

We drive through the streets of a middle-class suburban neighborhood, the inhabitants of the area outside mowing their lawns or playing with their kids. As I watch the scenery pass by I can't help but think how nice it must've been to grow up here, friends, a backyard, maybe even a dog, almost too perfect to be real.

Eventually, we slow and turn down a lane in a residential area which seems like something right out of Pleasantville. The sides of the road are well-groomed and laden with foliage and flowering trees placed strategically around, the overall effect pleasing to the eye. We glide to a stop in front of a house that I can only assume is Otabek's, and I'm hit again by what a great childhood he must've had. The house is a fresh bright white with a red door and a beautiful flower garden out front, even complete with a tall Oak tree at its side, a swing hanging from one of its branches.

We make our way up the front walk and I take my boyfriend's hand, dropping it though once we reach the doorstep, not wanting to seem rude or anything. The door swings open the second we knock and I find myself being ushered inside by a friendly-looking woman with the same soft brown hair as Otabek. She engulfs him in a hug immediately and he laughs before gently disengaging himself, though letting her hold him longer than I thought he would.

"Hey, Mom," She beams at him, then turns to me, the smile holding strong. I try to smile back but the best I can do is a sort of nervous faltering grin. Otabek, seeing this, puts an arm around me, "This is Yuri,"

"I could assume," She says cheerfully, and, pushing Otabek's arm aside, pulls me into a matching hug. I tense at first, not used to physical contact, especially as a sign of affection, from adults, but force myself to hug her back. Seeming to sense my (painfully obvious) discomfort, she releases me and offers a warm smile, "I've heard so much about you, I'm so glad we could finally meet!" I nod and tuck my hair behind my ear nervously, giving a faltering smile in return.

"I am too," I reply, "Thank you so much for having us," She shakes her head and leads us through the house into the living room, 

"Of course," She says, "Otabek hasn't visited in so long and we were all eager to meet this boyfriend of his that we've heard so much about," 

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