Chapter 19

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December 24th, 2018- Christmas Eve-

Yuri's POV-- 3rd Person Omniscient

"Wake up!" Yuri does just that, grumbling blearily as something very small barges into the guestroom at Victor and Katsuki's house. "It's Christmas! Get up, get up!" Why had he agreed to this again?

Yuri groans as Maria jumps on his bed, scrambling up with apparent difficulty and pulling at the covers surrounding her to get the rest of the way on the mattress. "It's not Christmas yet," He moans, pulling the covers back over himself and stuffing a pillow over his head to block out the noise and excited tuggings of the little girl. "It's Christmas Eve-- for Christ's sake go back to sleep!" Maria falters for a minute, then flops resolutely on top of him, effectively smashing his head into the pillow and cutting off his air supply.

He lets out an indignant shriek, pushing her off and reaching fresh air, gulping it into his deprived lungs. "Come onnnn," Maria begs, dancing around him on the covers excitedly, "It's almost Christmas and Daddy says we're making Gingerbread houses!"

"What time is it?" Yuri mumbles, running a hand over his face. Maria frowns slightly,

"One," She reads carefully, enunciating precisely so as not to get it wrong, "Zero, dot dot one six."

"What?" Yuri asks her and turns to face the clock. 10:16. "Oh," He understands, "Have they taught you how to tell time in school yet?" She shakes her head,

"Right now we're counting pennies." She says matter-of-factly, obviously proud of herself.

What the fuck?

"Okay." Yuri suffices to reply and turns back to the clock; 10:17. "Maria," He smiles imploringly at her, "How about you let me sleep for now, and come back when it says elev- one" He adjusts hastily, "one dot dot zero zero, and then I'll make gingerbread houses with you." Maria shakes her head, grinning like a demon and says with her best convincing voice,

"Daddy made pancakes," Yuri doesn't know how he feels about her calling Katsuki 'Daddy' but the pancake thing is appealing to him and he's already too awake now to go back to sleep.

"With whipped cream?" He bargains,

"And sprinkles,"

"Deal." He replies, pulling himself out of bed with a long-suffering sigh. Normally, he'd feel bad for cheating so horrifically on his diet, but, even Lilia did concede the point that it's Christmas and he was allowed to splurge (within reason, she had stressed) over the holidays. Well, he thought pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles sounded perfectly reasonable. Plus, he figures, as this break is one of the handful of times he doesn't have to be up at 5 am every day and he's been woken up before 2 pm, he deserves this.

Giving Maria the evil-eye, to which she just giggles, he grudgingly lets her play on his phone while he showers, opening Angry Birds and instructing her to 'figure it out.'

By the time he's dressed and ready for breakfast she's dangerously close to his high score, the high score it took him months and years of practice to achieve. How is life fair?

Stuck on these thoughts, they walk past the door to Victor and Yuuri's room.

He stops. Backtracks.

Maria follows him with a questioning gaze, joining him at the door where soft sounds of breathing can be heard from the inside.

"Maria," He says slowly, an evil smile forming on his face, "Is Vic- um, your other dad up yet?" She shakes her head. "Well," He puts on his best convincing voice, one that Yakov had seen through in .02 seconds and had had Katsuki going for months, "I think he'd love some pancakes, don't you?"

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