Chapter 15

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**Author's Note!**

Just a quick one, I promise! (That's what she said) ugh, I hate myself lol.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to switch it up a bit with the POV's in this chapter and in the future. Previously in this book, I've only used 1st person alternating between the characters, now I'm including 3rd person limited and omniscient, again with limited switching between the main characters. That's it, sorry if this is confusing! Enjoy!

Yuri's POV- 3rd Person Limited

"Ready?" Yuri asks, looking over his shoulder.

"Yeah," Otabek responds, rising from the crouch he had previously occupied while tying his shoe. "Let's go,"

Yuri nods and leaves the apartment, shutting the door after his boyfriend follows. The second they're out of the building, entering the parking lot, Yuri begins to run, leading Otabek around the block to their usual jogging path. Or what would be their usual path, because today is far from usual.

Even as they run, the air around them is tense, the unspoken factor hanging between them in an unavoidable way. Tomorrow, Yuri leaves for Skate Canada, the second event in the Grand Prix Series and the first either of them are in.

Because of this, and though neither of them really know why, their relationship has been a bit... strained, this past week, and, while they'd never admit it, they're both quite nervous. Not because of the actual competition, mind- it's common knowledge that the only skater who can possibly challenge Yuri is JJ, and he won't be much of an issue. (His quads have been struggling recently and Yuri's are, as always, exemplary).

No, what's worrying the pair is that, while they have been before, they'll be apart for an extended period of time, and neither is too fond of skyping. The competition itself only lasts a week, but, even though Yuri'll come back before his next event, he won't see Otabek when he does as the latter will be flying off for the Cup of China on the same day. As if that isn't enough, he'll be going straight to the NHK Trophy afterward while Yuri has to wait until the Rostelecom Cup to travel- that is, if sitting on a train for an hour counts as traveling.

Even if all goes well, and in the best-case scenario, they essentially won't see each other for just over a month, and they're both disinclined toward the extended separation. Though, while normal couples would share their worries about this, maybe even going so far as to get closer before they're apart, they've taken the opposite tack. Well, Yuri has, and projected it onto his boyfriend. Distancing himself in the days leading up to his departure, determined not to admit what, in Yuri's mind, is nothing less than weakness, this approach is not going well.

Yuri's blonde hair blows in the wind, flying back at the force of his speed, the small tendrils snaking along his forehead, plastered in place by the sweat gathering there. Running their winding path through the streets of Saint Petersburgh, Yuri glides through the air, every step fast and every leap of his leg easy. He feels like he could run forever, his muscles extending and stretching. His body is powerful; strong and lithe, a force of nature. It's times like these when he really glories in being him, if nothing else, for the ability to just lose himself in the motion, in the momentum. Whether it be skating- his profession and passion, dance- his hobby, or running- another training exercise, it's an outlet for him, a vent in which he can throw himself entirely into. 

Which is what he's doing now. Though the fact that he's not exactly throwing him into it, rather his feelings, is another matter entirely.

Eventually, they come to a rest point, well, actually, they'd come to several rest points, but skipped them, only to all but collapse at this one.

"Well," Otabek pants, leaning his hands against his knees, "If you have this much stamina in Canada, Yakov has nothing to worry about with your jump layout." Yuri laughs, though not loudly, as he, like his counterpart, is completely winded.

"As if he needed to worry to begin with," It was true though, Yakov had been quite opposed to Yuri's (and Victor's, who he'd dragged into the argument to help him) ideas with putting two out of his four quads in the second half. Which, Yuri insisted, was fine- he'd done it at the Rostelecom Cup two years back and he'd won silver. Actually though, the part about silver had been added by Victor as Yuri was dead set against ever mentioning he'd received anything but gold.

"You have to tell me exactly how red his face is when you land them all," Otabek says, a grin appearing as both he and Yuri picture their coach's face in their mind, seeing all too clearly how it changes from alabaster to scarlet to magenta when he realizes he's been proved wrong. They both laugh,

"I'll see if I can get a picture, maybe the cameras will even catch it- you know how they like to do the comparisons between the skater performing and the coach watching." He pauses for a second, "It won't be on the playback versions though- only the live," The unspoken question hangs in the air, Yuri refusing to validate what his comment had meant and Otabek seeing through it in seconds- trying to find the right words to respond.

"I'll see it." He says decisively, "I've never missed one of your competitions." Yuri glances down, biting his lip- determinedly not smiling.

"And I, you." He says simply before standing up again, glancing at his resting counterpart, "Ready for the second half?" Otabek nods,

"Here come the quads," Yuri smirks slightly at the remark, taking off once more. 

"Eat it Yakov," He pants an hour and a half later, staggering through the door of the apartment before promptly collapsing on the couch. "That would've been ten quads in  program- back to back,"

"Well, his concerns regarding your stamina are definitely unfounded," Otabek murmurs, joining him on the sofa. At this, granted tiny, act of intimacy, Yuri clams up, scooting inconspicuously away from his boyfriend. As hard as he may try though, Yuri doesn't have an inconspicuous bone in his body, and the action is noticed immediately, Otabek frowning slightly as Yuri determinedly evades his gaze. "What is it?" He asks quietly, "You've been pushing me away all week- did I do something?"

Yuri's gaze remains downcast, studying his shoes, "Nothing, Beka. You're fine." 

"There's something though," He insists, "What's wrong- are you nervous about the competition? I know you'll be great." 

"No," Yuri says firmly, "Yes- I don't know." He bites his lip, embarrassed beyond belief by what he's about to say, "I just-" He mutters, then, all in one breath, "I'm going to miss you! You'll be gone when I get back and we won't see each other again for so long!" Otabek considers this,

"But we were apart last year,"

"Not for a month," Yuri insists, his face flaming, "We were in the NHK Trophy together, it wasn't as big a deal,"

"I know," Otabek replies quietly, "I'm going to miss you too," He wraps his arms around the smaller, "Would it help to say we'll skype every day?"

"Twice?" Yuri mumbles. Otabek laughs,


**Author's Note!**

Sorry, I kinda hit a brick wall with this chapter and wrote it (figuratively speaking) while braindead. I openly admit I'm disappointed in it- especially the last scene (can you say cliche? Ugh).  But after proofing 15 times I decided this was the best it was going to get, and, since it's already late, I thought you would prefer a *slightly* shitty update over none at all. I hope I was right.

See you next time!

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