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Leilani: Mommmyyy

She cried out from her crib at 12am waking Avery up from the first peaceful sleep she's gotten in weeks. She was standing on her crib bars looking at Avery. Leilani was in a bit of pain due to her two new teeth growing in and Avery understood that. She's been up every night screaming and crying because of the growing pains.

Avery: what's wrong mommy's baby? You're teeth?

She pushed herself out of bed and picking Lani up. She immediately laid down on Avery shoulder and cried. Avery felt so bad she could feel Leilani burning to the touch. She whined in Avery's ear and gripped her shirt.

Avery: Let me give you a bath baby

Lani understood that and lifts her head up looking at Avery with still watery eyes.

Leilani: Bath?

Avery: Yes bath

She smiled and pointed to the bathroom door.

Leilani: Bath bath bath mommy bath

Avery smiled and kissed Lani's nose.

Avery: Okay one seconds I gotta get your towel

Lani was a quick learner she would pick up small words like hot when Avery would blow on her food. She even learned mommy and dada. She started saying dada when she saw a picture of Larry around the house or when she heard his voice in videos. It was hard at time for Avery because Leilani would ask " where's dada" and when Avery told her he was at work she would scream and throw a fit. Avery ran the warm water and sat Lani in her bath chair. Lani enjoyed her baths a lot. They helped her sleep for some reason and she loved playing in the water.

Lani: bubby

She popped a bubble in her hand in smiled. Avery giggled lightly and smiled at Lani.

Avery: It's Bubble babygirl... bubble

She looked at her mother trying to mouth out the way she said it.

Avery: Bub-ble

Lani: "buh- bell"

She picked up another bubble and popped it in her hand.

Avery: that's right good job

Avery smiled and brought the shower head down rinsing the soap out of Lani's hair. She noticed already Leilani yawning and rubbing her eyes. Avery touched the top of her head to see if she still felt hot but her temperature was down which explained why Lani was so calm. Avery picked her up from the tub and wrapped her in a towel. She put her in a diaper and some new pjs. When Avery started to put Lani back in her crib she felt her tense. Instead she placed pillow before the edge of the bed and laid down with her baby. She looked over to already see Lani asleep and she was close to joining her until she heard her phone ring. She smiled regardless of her body internally screaming at her trying to force shutdown on itself. She picked up her phone and saw "my baby" pop up on her screen requesting a FaceTime call. She clicked answer and saw Larry what it looks to be standing in a bathroom.

Larry: Hey belle Im sorry... did I wake you?

Avery: Hey baby... no actually I just got done giving Lani a bath she's been on again off again fevers because of her teeth. But she's better now

Larry: My poor baby... can I see her?

Avery: She's knocked out but sure

Avery tilt the phone so he could see Lani laid out on her back all comfortably. He laughed and smiled brightly.

Larry: How have you been doing belle? You getting enough sleep??

Avery laughed tucked herself under the blanket

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